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New Mining Barge stats completely eliminate PVP.

Pankas Carter
Amarr Empire
#101 - 2012-08-07 21:06:27 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Pankas Carter wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
It is.

Sorry, things don't become true just because you want them to be (or think they are).

In this case its true because its true.

We should just take your word for it? Give us some facts, references, numbers... something other than "I know EVERYTHING!"

Also, you've got a dang edit button. Use it. Double posts make you look addled.

Adama: Starbuck, what do you hear? Starbuck: Nothing but the rain. Adama: Then grab your gun and bring in the cat.

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#102 - 2012-08-07 21:08:34 UTC
Pankas Carter wrote:
We should just take your word for it? Give us some facts, references, numbers... something other than "I know EVERYTHING!"

Also, you've got a dang edit button. Use it. Double posts make you look addled.

pvp = player vs player. It doesnt matter how one sided it gets.
Praxis Ginimic
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#103 - 2012-08-07 21:12:03 UTC
dischordia wrote:
NickyYo wrote:
Tom Gerard wrote:
New Mining Barge stats completely eliminate PVP, With the exception of low-sec, null-sec, null-fleets, CTAs, Batphones, POS-shooting, Faction Warfare, Gate Gamping, WH raiding, Miner Raiding, Mission Busting, Plex Busting. War-Declarations, Can-Flipping, Piracy, small gang roaming, T3 Roams, Drunk Fleets, Ganked nights, destroyer roams, wolf packs... other than that there is no PVP for former gankers.

you could gank in a battleship no?

NickyYo posting in a Tom Gerard thread .... Did someone just google google?????? THE WORLD WILL END

Well played Mayans. Well played. Honestly thought it,would,be a meteor or super volcano but...EVE crashed by unstoppable
#104 - 2012-08-07 21:46:03 UTC
Tom Gerard wrote:
New Mining Barge stats completely eliminate PVP, With the exception of low-sec, null-sec, null-fleets, CTAs, Batphones, POS-shooting, Faction Warfare, Gate Gamping, WH raiding, Miner Raiding, Mission Busting, Plex Busting. War-Declarations, Can-Flipping, Piracy, small gang roaming, T3 Roams, Drunk Fleets, Ganked nights, destroyer roams, wolf packs... other than that there is no PVP for former gankers.

I 'liked' a TG post - just wow Shocked
Nimbus Cloud Liebrum
Gallente Federation
#105 - 2012-08-07 21:52:19 UTC
sorry for asking but what exaclty is changing on wednesday? i cant find anything explaining the changes to mining ships. Question
Simple Miner
Plaude Pollard
Gallente Federation
#106 - 2012-08-07 21:52:23 UTC
Tom Gerard wrote:
New Mining Barge stats completely eliminate PVP, With the exception of low-sec, null-sec, null-fleets, CTAs, Batphones, POS-shooting, Faction Warfare, Gate Gamping, WH raiding, Miner Raiding, Mission Busting, Plex Busting. War-Declarations, Can-Flipping, Piracy, small gang roaming, T3 Roams, Drunk Fleets, Ganked nights, destroyer roams, wolf packs... other than that there is no PVP for former gankers.

So... You're saying that the new Mining Barge-stats completely eliminate PvP except in every way possible? Or am I mistaken? Granted, they made it impossible to solo-gank a Procurer or Skiff, but really. Did anybody actually use those two ships until the changes?

New to EVE? Want to learn? The Crimson Cartel will train you in the fields of _**your **_choice. Mainly active in EU afternoons and evenings. Contact me for more info.

Valkyrie Consortium
No Visual.
#107 - 2012-08-07 22:00:09 UTC
SO because you cant gank mining barges it eliminates pvp? So because u can get a 5m ship and gank a 300m ship it counts as pvp. wow more tears mofos. These barge changes will make more isk to gank high value barges. I support it keep crying gankers it feels so good:)
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#108 - 2012-08-07 22:31:40 UTC
Nimbus Cloud Liebrum wrote:
sorry for asking but what exaclty is changing on wednesday? i cant find anything explaining the changes to mining ships. Question

king hulk is not going to be lord of the miners anymore, the mining frigates will no longer be mining frigates, their job is going to a mining frigate. The hulk and covetor will be the roid munchers, the retriver and mack will be the fatboys with big ore holds and the procurer and skiff will be the bricks of the mining world.

Miners are whining because we can still kill them and the bad gankers are whining because they are bad at ganking.
Frying Doom
#109 - 2012-08-07 22:49:14 UTC
Tom Gerard wrote:
New Mining Barge stats completely eliminate PVP, With the exception of low-sec, null-sec, null-fleets, CTAs, Batphones, POS-shooting, Faction Warfare, Gate Gamping, WH raiding, Miner Raiding, Mission Busting, Plex Busting. War-Declarations, Can-Flipping, Piracy, small gang roaming, T3 Roams, Drunk Fleets, Ganked nights, destroyer roams, wolf packs... other than that there is no PVP for former gankers.

"The children, won't somebody think about the children"

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Irya Boone
The Scope
#110 - 2012-08-07 22:59:02 UTC
all of that is just myth , legend from the Jovian Empire ...
the only pvp In new eden is The AWESOMNESS GATECAMP PVp ... the true One , the beloved one , the cherished one , the Balls one...


CCP it's time to remove Off Grid Boost and Put Them on Killmail too, add Logi on killmails .... Open that damn door !!

you shall all bow and pray BoB

Frying Doom
#111 - 2012-08-07 23:02:30 UTC
Irya Boone wrote:
all of that is just myth , legend from the Jovian Empire ...
the only pvp In new eden is The AWESOMNESS GATECAMP PVp ... the true One , the beloved one , the cherished one , the Balls one...


Good to see someone was thinking about the childrenBig smile

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#112 - 2012-08-07 23:03:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Attica
Tom Gerard wrote:
New Mining Barge stats completely eliminate PVP, With the exception of low-sec, null-sec, null-fleets, CTAs, Batphones, POS-shooting, Faction Warfare, Gate Gamping, WH raiding, Miner Raiding, Mission Busting, Plex Busting. War-Declarations, Can-Flipping, Piracy, small gang roaming, T3 Roams, Drunk Fleets, Ganked nights, destroyer roams, wolf packs... other than that there is no PVP for former gankers.


Pirate tears are yummier than carebear tears for they come from the deeper well of anguish.

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#113 - 2012-08-07 23:04:53 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Nimbus Cloud Liebrum wrote:
sorry for asking but what exaclty is changing on wednesday? i cant find anything explaining the changes to mining ships. Question

king hulk is not going to be lord of the miners anymore, the mining frigates will no longer be mining frigates, their job is going to a mining frigate. The hulk and covetor will be the roid munchers, the retriver and mack will be the fatboys with big ore holds and the procurer and skiff will be the bricks of the mining world.

Miners are whining because we can still kill them and the bad gankers are whining because they are bad at ganking.

Well put sir, well put.

Pirate tears are yummier than carebear tears for they come from the deeper well of anguish.

Nimbus Cloud Liebrum
Gallente Federation
#114 - 2012-08-07 23:17:54 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Nimbus Cloud Liebrum wrote:
sorry for asking but what exaclty is changing on wednesday? i cant find anything explaining the changes to mining ships. Question

king hulk is not going to be lord of the miners anymore, the mining frigates will no longer be mining frigates, their job is going to a mining frigate. The hulk and covetor will be the roid munchers, the retriver and mack will be the fatboys with big ore holds and the procurer and skiff will be the bricks of the mining world.

Miners are whining because we can still kill them and the bad gankers are whining because they are bad at ganking.

so hulks will still be king yield, retr. will be fatter and all these barges will have better defenses?
Simple Miner
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#115 - 2012-08-07 23:22:22 UTC
Nimbus Cloud Liebrum wrote:

so hulks will still be king yield, retr. will be fatter and all these barges will have better defenses?

Skiff and procurer will be the tanky ones. The others will be slightly better to no change.
Nimbus Cloud Liebrum
Gallente Federation
#116 - 2012-08-07 23:23:27 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Nimbus Cloud Liebrum wrote:

so hulks will still be king yield, retr. will be fatter and all these barges will have better defenses?

Skiff and procurer will be the tanky ones. The others will be slightly better to no change.

very good thx
Simple Miner
Betrinna Cantis
#117 - 2012-08-07 23:49:30 UTC
Fiachra Shine wrote:
Kryss Darkdust wrote:

Judging someones morales on what they do in Eve is like judging an actors morales based on a role he played in a movie.

Ah, but actors are given/offered specific roles, and how they portray them is influenced to some extent by the director. An EVE player has complete creative freedom and as such you can tell a lot about their mentality by how they choose to play.

Don't spend all your time griefing people in RL? For some it is only RL consequences that stops them. Put them in New Eden and take away those consequences and they now have the freedom to be the annoying assholes that they always wished they could be.

Anyway, I'm a noob so what do I know?
<- First post, worst post.

The Asshat Evolvith In EvE.Shocked

Alts have been changed to protect the Innocent. You may have mistaken me for someone who cares.....

Betrinna Cantis
#118 - 2012-08-08 00:09:11 UTC
Nimbus Cloud Liebrum wrote:
sorry for asking but what exaclty is changing on wednesday? i cant find anything explaining the changes to mining ships. Question

You need to come in from the belts once in awhile bro....Shocked

Alts have been changed to protect the Innocent. You may have mistaken me for someone who cares.....

Nimbus Cloud Liebrum
Gallente Federation
#119 - 2012-08-08 00:21:59 UTC
Betrinna Cantis wrote:
Nimbus Cloud Liebrum wrote:
sorry for asking but what exaclty is changing on wednesday? i cant find anything explaining the changes to mining ships. Question

You need to come in from the belts once in awhile bro....Shocked

eh i hardly have time to keep up on this stuff anymore.
Simple Miner
Herping yourDerp
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#120 - 2012-08-08 01:00:34 UTC
Bootleg Jack wrote:
stoicfaux wrote:
Tom is mostly correct...
