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[MLIBA] Declaration of Intent

Aethion Mirra
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#61 - 2012-08-05 14:38:39 UTC
Mardon Hashur wrote:
Hopefully this terrorist can be dealt with quickly and with a minimum lost of life.

Except her own.

Retired Captain, PIE Inc.

#62 - 2012-08-05 19:45:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Fantesca
It is my pleasure to pass on this message:

Greetings Capsuleers, Water Brothers and Sisters,

The Office of the Overseer will not allow this tragedy to interrupt or overshadow the planned celebration of our successful interdiction and suppression of blood raider attacks in Aridia. Nor will we reconsider the honor we do the brave men and women who informally make up the Mayonhen merchant navy. We would like to remind the community that we are equipped and ready to respond to any and all unprovoked attack against any persons on Mishi with the minimum of inconvenience to those that have chosen to make our beautiful and friendly planet their home.

We are delighted to announce the inauguration of the Mishi Festival for Interplanetary Understanding. The Festival is instituted by the Adjunct to the Overseers Office for Entertainment and Economic Development, official sponsors, and partners. We are formulating a programme of celebration, to foster mutual understanding between ourselves and other peoples to promote respect and cultural exchange.

The Mishi Festival for Interplanetary Understanding is a tribute to lessons learned in the cause of peace. It will also be the setting for an award ceremony in honor of outstanding contributions to the promotion of understanding and goodwill among all the different peoples of the Empire.*

Mishi is a planet rich in history inseparable from its art and literature for which the Ni-Kunni are so famed. These come to life in our villages. We invite all to come and travel through our towns and reach the vast urban centers and share water with us. This Festival draws on an awe-inspiring legacy of tradition, vivacity and synthesis as the spontaneous expressions of joy, growth and success. Each of the myriad art forms that will be on show was born and nurtured in its local context. Each, however, has its own story to tell of how it travelled down the ages, always seeking to dialogue with cultures beyond its own.

Our performing and fine arts, our literature and sculpture, whether tribal, folk or classical, evolved as subtle representations of a greater quest, through a great desire to absorb and integrate talents and expressions outside its own realm. Naturally, transformations have emerged in their rendition and depiction. Our inherent openness has enriched them, kept them alive. While tradition has allowed the precision and purity of the classical Amarrian forms to flourish, it has also encouraged an interaction among different art forms thus creating novel idioms of expression.

The OEED has nominated Fantesca CEO of the Commedia Network to make this announcement.

Thank you all, we look forward to seeing you soon. Changes to dates are to allow for the sufficiency of security arrangement.
(Visiting military personnel will be offered complimentary seats.)

*the Award is only open to those who are Mishi born of Ni-Kunni ethnicity,
Mardon Hashur
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#63 - 2012-08-05 21:15:23 UTC
Aethion Mirra wrote:
Mardon Hashur wrote:
Hopefully this terrorist can be dealt with quickly and with a minimum lost of life.

Except her own.

I would agree with you fully Aethion. Some folks just shouldn't be alive.

Sincerly Mardon Hashur

Tasha Ayanara
#64 - 2012-08-06 19:53:07 UTC
Emile Belfleur wrote:

Out in Solitude, we have long experience with these Ni-Kunni border runners, as they are popularly called. We know exactly what they're like.

This entire entire post is nothing more than a racist diatribe against the Ni-Kunni people. Secondly it is simply wrong. Regimental Commander Laytak and fifteen of his men fought to the last against the oppressors of our people and occupiers of our world. That is the kind of dedication of the MLA.
Mardon Hashur
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#65 - 2012-08-06 20:32:42 UTC
Realy? Racisim? This man is telling the truth. Sure other people are border runners but you and your MLA have put the Ni-Kunni people on the radar as trouble makers and treasonist beacuse of your actions. Your people are not opressed and Mishi is not occupied. It is simply a planet which is rightly controled by the Holy Amarr empire and not you Ms.Ayanara.

Sincerly Mardon Hashur

Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#66 - 2012-08-06 22:06:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Tamiroth
Tasha Ayanara wrote:
a racist diatribe
Those are words coming from a Gallente mouth, not yours. Now at least I know who's paying you.

There are no such things as "racism", "sexism" or other Luminaire-politically-correct-speak like that in the Empire, ms. Ayanara. Everything here serves its purpose which is predefined by God. Sure, people are imperfect, and there are prejudices. Racial prejudices, too.

But, if there are perceived racial prejudices against your people (note that i have none), why are you doing your best to create more of those?
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#67 - 2012-08-06 23:01:49 UTC
The Amarr are so quick to label people.

Vide longe er eros di Luminaire VII, uni canse pra krage e determiniex! Sange por Sange! Descanse bravex eros, mie freires. Mortir por vostre Liberete, farmilie, ide e amis. lons Proviste sen mort! Luminaire liber mas! 

Emile Belfleur
Solar Zouaves
#68 - 2012-08-06 23:04:07 UTC
Tasha Ayanara wrote:
This entire entire post is nothing more than a racist diatribe against the Ni-Kunni people. Secondly it is simply wrong. Regimental Commander Laytak and fifteen of his men fought to the last against the oppressors of our people and occupiers of our world. That is the kind of dedication of the MLA.

Were you an exchange student, perhaps? Your attitude and accusations are the sort I'd expect out of a typical UoC student hooligan with a bachelor's degree in some kind of social science and delusions of politics.

Whatever that case may be...

If I'm wrong, then prove me wrong. Fight your little war with your own damn money, and show the universe that you can build something useful in the process, rather than just tearing down the fruits of other people's labors. And if you fail, don't come running across the border and cry. The Federation is full up with beggars, drifters and crooks already.

I'm not holding my breath.
Diana Kim
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#69 - 2012-08-06 23:15:42 UTC
Tamiroth wrote:
Tasha Ayanara wrote:
a racist diatribe
Those are words coming from a Gallente mouth, not yours. Now at least I know who's paying you.

There are no such things as "racism", "sexism" or other Luminaire-politically-correct-speak like that in the Empire, ms. Ayanara. Everything here serves its purpose which is predefined by God. Sure, people are imperfect, and there are prejudices. Racial prejudices, too.

But, if there are perceived racial prejudices against your people (note that i have none), why are you doing your best to create more of those?

Meanwhile in Gallente Federation, voice of fool has the same weight as voice of wise man, voice of half-educated person have the same weight as voice of scientist, and voice of prostitute has the same weight as voice of priest.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

#70 - 2012-08-07 01:13:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Scaramooche
Forgive me, beautiful Fantesca, for the abrupt manner of my entrance. Thank you for your directions to this forum.

Name of a name, is it not strange that this canker has asked nothing of us?

Cowardice under the pretext of a comunika, but were are the preponderant demands?

Is it a secret, the families of those you murdered would like, if it's not too much trouble, to know what they might have done to assuage the massacre. Are we all to return to the steam age, or wear skins perhaps? Is she a princess travelling incognito, or is it all revenge for an unhappy childhood?

Hush my dear, is it perhaps it's too painful, or too scandalous to talk about, will it make us blush?

Perhaps her blood lust overcame her, perhaps all justification for this deed which is apparent to her simply slipped her slippery mind.

In her readiness to assume responsibility she has forgotten this detail, has she not. Might she not tell us before she is dispatched?

It is the coward's part to kill the thing you fear, and doubly a coward's part to kill in this manner, crushing the innocent engaged in the service of their community, vileness disguised as politics. But she fears the consequences and so she shelters beneath this cowardly pretext.

If it is not so then let her meet one of us in combat.

Mardon Hashur
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#71 - 2012-08-07 10:45:41 UTC
It is clear to see know that almost no support for your "liberation" of Mishi. You are a idealistic fool Ms.Ayanara.

Sincerly Mardon Hashur

Heathen Legion
Iron Men of the Hood
#72 - 2012-08-07 12:29:33 UTC
Mardon Hashur wrote:
It is clear to see know that almost no support for your "liberation" of Mishi. You are a idealistic fool Ms.Ayanara.

Billions of non-capsuleers read these transmissions everyday. I'm sure quite a few of them are, as you say, idealistic fools
Mardon Hashur
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#73 - 2012-08-07 20:33:21 UTC
Kazzi......................Ms.Ayanara is a idealistic fool because she thinks that she and her small group of supports on Mishi can fight off the might of the Holy empire and as for the non capsuleers are not my concern in saying this but if anyone thinks that they and a small group of people can resist any of the sovereign states with no support that could do a lick of good is a fool. The idea may be nice and sentimental but I prefer to think in pratlic thoughts.

Sincerly Mardon Hashur

Full Broadside
Deepwater Hooligans
#74 - 2012-08-07 21:19:44 UTC
Mardon Hashur wrote:
Kazzi......................Ms.Ayanara is a idealistic fool because she thinks that she and her small group of supports on Mishi can fight off the might of the Holy empire and as for the non capsuleers are not my concern in saying this but if anyone thinks that they and a small group of people can resist any of the sovereign states with no support that could do a lick of good is a fool. The idea may be nice and sentimental but I prefer to think in pratlic thoughts.

Do they not teach punctuation in Amarrain schools any more? That a one of the longest unbroken stream of consciousness I think I've seen in a while.

She's mad but she's magic, there's no lie in her fire.

This is possibly one of the worst threads in the history of these forums.  - CCP Falcon

I don't remember when last time you said something that wasn't either dumb or absurd. - Diana Kim

Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#75 - 2012-08-07 22:11:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Tamiroth
Kazzzi wrote:
Mardon Hashur wrote:
It is clear to see know that almost no support for your "liberation" of Mishi. You are a idealistic fool Ms.Ayanara.

Billions of non-capsuleers read these transmissions everyday. I'm sure quite a few of them are, as you say, idealistic fools
Well, perhaps the fact that even this forum of insane demigods bathing in money killing people left and right with their thoughts is reluctant to support this pointless terrorist nonsense, would tell something to even the most thick baseliner, mr. Kazzi?
Heathen Legion
Iron Men of the Hood
#76 - 2012-08-08 02:11:51 UTC
Tamiroth wrote:
]Well, perhaps the fact that even this forum of insane demigods bathing in money killing people left and right with their thoughts is reluctant to support this pointless terrorist nonsense, would tell something to even the most thick baseliner, mr. Kazzi?

Doubt it. Non-capsuleers figured out long ago that 99.99% of capsuleers couldn't care less about worthy causes.
Mardon Hashur
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#77 - 2012-08-08 21:00:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Mardon Hashur
Kalaratiri wrote:
Mardon Hashur wrote:
Kazzi......................Ms.Ayanara is a idealistic fool because she thinks that she and her small group of supports on Mishi can fight off the might of the Holy empire and as for the non capsuleers are not my concern in saying this but if anyone thinks that they and a small group of people can resist any of the sovereign states with no support that could do a lick of good is a fool. The idea may be nice and sentimental but I prefer to think in pratlic thoughts.

Do they not teach punctuation in Amarrain schools any more? That a one of the longest unbroken stream of consciousness I think I've seen in a while.

Looks like they don't teach grammar in your school. I mean who says "That a one"?

Sincerly Mardon Hashur

Full Broadside
Deepwater Hooligans
#78 - 2012-08-09 03:12:52 UTC
Mardon Hashur wrote:
Kalaratiri wrote:
Mardon Hashur wrote:
Kazzi......................Ms.Ayanara is a idealistic fool because she thinks that she and her small group of supports on Mishi can fight off the might of the Holy empire and as for the non capsuleers are not my concern in saying this but if anyone thinks that they and a small group of people can resist any of the sovereign states with no support that could do a lick of good is a fool. The idea may be nice and sentimental but I prefer to think in pratlic thoughts.

Do they not teach punctuation in Amarrain schools any more? That a one of the longest unbroken stream of consciousness I think I've seen in a while.

Looks like they don't teach grammar in your school. I mean who says "That a one"?

Well, looks like I fell on my own sword there. Simple spelling mistake though, instead of writing 'that's', I must have written 'that'a', which was then automatically corrected to 'that a'. Mine did at least have a few commas though Blink

Anyway, that's enough derailing from me. To the OP; I know of no cases of the Ni-Kunni being unduly oppressed by the True Amarr.. No more than the True Amarr oppress any of their 'enlightened' subjects anyway. While I'm sure you feel truly hard done by with whatever petty grievances you bring against the Empire, get a little perspective. Your people hold slaves of your own. I'm sure they have rather more right to complain than you do.

She's mad but she's magic, there's no lie in her fire.

This is possibly one of the worst threads in the history of these forums.  - CCP Falcon

I don't remember when last time you said something that wasn't either dumb or absurd. - Diana Kim

Heathen Legion
Iron Men of the Hood
#79 - 2012-08-11 11:49:07 UTC
Mardon Hashur wrote:
I mean who says "That a one"?

Would be grammatically correct in the Ealurian dialect.

Kalaratiri wrote:
Your people hold slaves of your own.

Sure, because an overwhelming majority of Ni-Kunni are holders, right?

Kalaratiri wrote:
To the OP; I know of no cases of the Ni-Kunni being unduly oppressed by the True Amarr.. No more than the True Amarr oppress any of their 'enlightened' subjects anyway.

I couldn't fathom a better paradox.

Mardon Hashur
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#80 - 2012-08-11 13:37:19 UTC
I have no knowledge of the Ealurian dialect and please don't try to tell me about a dialect that no one besides the speakers of and a professor would be interested in.

Sincerly Mardon Hashur