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Planned lowsec sentry "fix" - you guys serious?

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#661 - 2012-08-06 11:47:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Doddy
Kryss Darkdust wrote:

The conversation in which we increase reward to suppliment the dynamically created risk that pirates infuse into low sec will have zero effect on people who are currently unwilling to enter. Even if missions paid twice as much and the asteroids available produced 10 times as much ISK per hour, as long as the risk of getting blown up is there, anyone wishing to avoid PvP will still not go there. The only people who stand to benefit from higher paying missions and more rewards in low sec are the people who are willing to PvP and live in low sec or already travel their for the better rewards. Hence carebears really stand to gain nothing from improved rewards in low sec. Only the people who are already going there like me, which again I point out, I do because the rewards are significantly better. But if you don't know how to avoid getting killed in low sec now, better rewards arent going to change that.


The thing is lo sec used to be much busier while having the same risk it has now, it has only become dead while the comparitive reward has decreased. It is not hi sec that has taking the former lo sec players though, it is null. With the proliferation of outposts and the ability to buff space there is far more room for players and corps in null than before. The old progression used to be corp forms in high sec, moves to lo sec, gets a shot at null sec. Now corps move directly to sov null to fill the ranks in the blobs or become renters. There is also the advent of wormholes which takes a bunch of those non risk averse players not in null that otherwise would likely be in lo sec. Similarly those looking for "end game" pve can now run incursions safe in hi sec rather than try to ninja lvl 5 missions in lo sec.
Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#662 - 2012-08-06 11:57:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Hans Jagerblitzen
Doddy wrote:
The thing is lo sec used to be much busier while having the same risk it has now, it has only become dead while the comparative reward has decreased. It is not hi sec that has taking the former lo sec players though, it is null. With the proliferation of outposts and the ability to buff space there is far more room for players and corps in null than before. The old progression used to be corp forms in high sec, moves to lo sec, gets a shot at null sec. Now corps move directly to sov null to fill the ranks in the blobs or become renters. There is also the advent of wormholes which takes a bunch of those non risk averse players not in null that otherwise would likely be in lo sec. Similarly those looking for "end game" pve can now run incursions safe in hi sec rather than try to ninja lvl 5 missions in lo sec.


The only "new shiney" low sec has going for it these days are the buffed Faction Warfare missions and plexing, which hardly counts as a low sec buff in general. Low sec needs other lucrative options for income besides simply funneling everyone into FW because they want to make the most isk / hr.

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Caldari State
#663 - 2012-08-06 11:57:33 UTC
This change is horrible......

Most fights in lowsec happen on gates/stations or POS's - Unless your searching for PVE'rs.

with this change no fight will escalate... it'll be gank or hide, no one will want to take gate gun aggro if it's going to end up wiping out all thier logistics ships.

No chance of escalation of fights.

Its a horribe proposal, and i really hope Greyscale was just making a flippent remark rather than an actual propsed idea for a game mecahnic.

For those of you that think this will stop gate camps...... it won't... it actually makes grabbing the small **** easier if the throwaway frigs can point and hold **** while the larger ships come in to gank.

Sunshine and Lollipops
#664 - 2012-08-06 12:10:21 UTC
…in particular, low needs unique options that are integrated into the overall game and made dynamically desirable and in demand to match the dynamics of player-created risk.

FW has become a first attempt at sloooowly edging towards that with the datacore change, but more sources of the kind — and more drastic ones — are needed. There needs to be numerous things that are in high demand all across EVE and which can only be had in lowsec, and which require “harvesting” of different kinds to answer to the demands of various professions. Unique exploration content; unique industry content; hell, why not unique trading content? We already have unique mission content (L5s), but they are strictly speaking not all that necessary for the rest of EVE and are woefully mismatched in terms of design vs. environment (they follow the standard progression of making things harder by adding more damage, requiring larger or tougher ships and adding time to completion, when the environment rather promotes employing equipment that's smaller and faster).

But the trick lies in that universal dependency: just adding more content doesn't do much if there is no particular reason to do it, and one of the best reason to do things in EVE has shown to be “because the market demands it”. Imagine if there were exactly zero sources of nocxium in all of null and highsec…
All Web Investigations
#665 - 2012-08-06 12:21:17 UTC
The lowsec "fix"
Docking-games for POS

How come every single announcement or "spitball idea" I see is god damn awful? A single one of these could totally ruin large portions of the game...
Destiny Corrupted
Deadly Viper Kitten Mitten Sewing Company
Senpai's Afterschool Anime and Gaming Club
#666 - 2012-08-06 12:49:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Destiny Corrupted
I said it before, and I'll say it again: make it so that security status can only be gained in low, and allow people to sell off security status in excess of a certain point (let's say +1). Bump up the belt rat bounties as well, maybe by allowing battleships up to 1.25m in value to spawn.

It would be a completely player-regulated market. Make NPC aggro cause the same 15-minute timer that player aggro does for an extra kick.

I wrote some true EVE stories! And no, they're not of the generic "my 0.0 alliance had lots of 0.0 fleets and took a lot of 0.0 space" sort. Check them out here:

All Web Investigations
#667 - 2012-08-06 13:00:15 UTC
Destiny Corrupted wrote:
I said it before, and I'll say it again: make it so that security status can only be gained in low, and allow people to sell off security status in excess of a certain point (let's say +1). Bump up the belt rat bounties as well, maybe by allowing battleships up to 1.25m in value to spawn.

It would be a completely player-regulated market. Make NPC aggro cause the same 15-minute timer that player aggro does for an extra kick.

Only gaining sec in low makes sense - how/why would concord know/care about npcs deep in nullsec, after all.
War Kitten
Panda McLegion
#668 - 2012-08-06 13:02:00 UTC
CCP Greyscale wrote:
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Sure, I'll make a note to have another look at this and get some more player feedback when we start finalizing the designs.

Quoting myself. This is a spitball idea that we shared with the CSM, not a final design.

I'm glad to hear this. It didn't read like a well-thought out design yet. The question of "when does the ramping up reset?" is a big one left unanswered.

Allowing small ships to survive long enough to tackle on gates will be a humongous game-changer in lowsec though. Alpha thrashers will rule and nothing small will get through without cloaks. And even then, it better be nano'd or the skilled decloakers will find them.

A determined camp will be able to catch about anything if you let frigates grab initial tackle without dying.

The ramping up damage thing will only make it harder to have long engagements on gates, or permatank them. That doesn't happen all that often anwyay, so meh - whatever. At least its not that common where I roam and camp.

Although, gate guns already have infinite tracking, immunity to ewar and quite long range. Do they also need ridiculous damage now too?

What exactly is this change supposed to fix? It seems to say "Yes, we want more risk on lowsec travel, and we need more people waiting out 15 minute timers."

I don't judge people by their race, religion, color, size, age, gender, or ethnicity. I judge them by their grammar, spelling, syntax, punctuation, clarity of expression, and logical consistency.

Integrated Insterstellar Holdings
#669 - 2012-08-06 13:19:51 UTC
Alara IonStorm wrote:
I would just prefer it if they made 0.4 to High Sec Gates WTFBBQ and lowered them in increments so the farther down in Sec you get the less dangerous they are. Then actively display the Sec where the gate you are jumping through to leads on the overview.

Perhaps increase the number of 0.3 - 0.2 systems as well.

Yup, that does seem to make sense, if they make the changes they want to make to low sec gates its gonig to be damn hard to get fights.

The thing is we need low sec, its a good bridge between high and null and the way its set up means you dont have massive power blocks taking over control of it which means people in small groups and corps like myself can go out into low sec to try and get fights.

Remove that and allot of people have no reason to play the game all of a sudden, you remove the chance for them to fight. Its hard to get fights in belts ect becasue people rarely go there.

Also who the hell sees triage carriers getting aggro on a gate.
Urgg Boolean
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#670 - 2012-08-06 14:44:52 UTC
Tippia wrote:
- snip - If you want a sense of what a PvE EVE would be like, go play exclusively on sisi for a month or two and see how exciting it is when nothing you do matter any more. - snip -

I'm a devout PvEer (only in EvE) and I can't agree with the proposed gate changes.

Hiya Tippia! I understand where you are coming from. And yes, I have been playing on SiSi for the last month or more. I like it better than TQ exactly because I can enjoy the PvE content without constantly looking over my shoulder. I pilot my Orca semi-afk in my corp mining ops on TQ while I run my Thanatos on SiSi and do whatever L5s (or pieces of L5s) that allow me in. I scan down sites and run those. I'm about to start toying with Wspace. That same "learning curve" on TQ could be very expensive, and I'm not interested in the potential pain. I started this pattern of play when I was testing the new UI on SiSI and I realized how much fun I was having playing the game without the threat of gankage..

You are correct in that playing on SiSi loses meaning (at least for me) because upon the next mirror, all my "accomplishments" will be blown away, reset, wiped, kaput, and synced with TQ. But it's still a lot more fun to conduct PvE without being under the cloud of potential gankage.

More on topic : the gate guns don't need fixing. Gate camps are not the reason that Low Sec is empty. Gate camps are actually few and far between, and I've never seen a [-gasp-] carrier on a gate in my travels.

To "fix" the problem of an empty low sec, the psychology of PvEers must be addressed. More rewards won't fix the problem. The PITA factor of conducting PvE in a purely PvP environment is the problem.

Unfortunately, making TQ like SiSi (consensual PvP only) such that PvEers will frequently visit low/null secs, means breaking the core principles of EvE. This is because you would have to do things like lock mission/complex gates such that the PvEers are safe once inside. Things like that would fix the problem, and would also result in massive protests and multiple emoragequit threadzillas...
Smohq Anmirorz
State War Academy
Caldari State
#671 - 2012-08-06 15:15:56 UTC
Destiny Corrupted wrote:
I never told him to "gtfo." I told him that his attitude is so contrary to the spirit of this game, that there's no way he's going to enjoy it. You might think that we should change the game to suit the lowest common denominator, but I don't.

Whether or not a person plays the game for its combat pvp or industrial aspects makes no difference as long as that person accepts the fact that non-consensual pvp will always be a part of EVE. That is the true issue that lies at the heart of all these recent game changes and threads.

"it simply doesn't need players like yourself". mmm hmmm, sounds like 'gtfo' to me.

He said he's new, he told you his experience with lo sec, he's wondering why people are being such jerks to each sounds like he needs information, not an exit pass.

Here, let me do it for you.

Pip, people don't help you because there is no incentive to help you and lots of incentive to shoot you, i.e. they have the fun of 'pvp' (kinda') and loot your wreck and see if there's anything good.

Don't go to low security space with 'protection', your methods of survival are D-scan and staying aligned to something you can warp to.

Keep at it, this game can be lots of fun despite your negative experiences.
Alavaria Fera
#672 - 2012-08-06 15:49:49 UTC
War Kitten wrote:
What exactly is this change supposed to fix? It seems to say "Yes, we want more risk on lowsec travel, and we need more people waiting out 15 minute timers."

I don't know if it hurts travellers since damage ramps up ... unless maybe the sentries get infinite range scram and webs.

Waiting out timers or sitting off-grid does sound likely though.

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Issler Dainze
Tadakastu-Obata Corporation
The Honda Accord
#673 - 2012-08-06 19:24:36 UTC
ANGRY23 wrote:
Issler Dainze wrote:
I've been asking for progressively stronger gate guns in low sec for years. This is a great change that is long overdue!

I also agree with the person that suggested that the gun progression is slower as you go into lower sec.

Can't wait to see it CCP!


Have u ever sat solo on a gate or station in a bc or recon? I challenge every one of the csm and CCP Greyscale to go get in a bc or recon and go take global and tell me sentrys are underpowered and also fly to the Crielere solar system where 2 stations are 40km apart and when u get global u get double sentry damage from both stations but i guess this is working as intended. There are more pressing issues in the game atm without breaking more content that isnt broken to start with.

You and your fellow CSM 7 friends are an embarrasment to the eve community. If u spent as much time grasping basic game mechanics and a feel for what the players want instead of writing blogs, appearing on radio shows, making indirect snide remarks on twitter and feathering your own nests with free trips to iceland and free gametime the CSM might actually fill the role its supposed to. You all need to grow a pair instead of sitting at these summits nodding like churchill dogs (Churchill Dog at stupid moronic ideas tabled by ccp.

Grow some bawls, stop flaming ppl with valid points and do the job the community voted u on to do. Oh and you can log in and undock if u like too.

I live in low sec and undock all the time, in fact I spent about 3 hours last night moving all manner of stuff through multiple low sec systems avoiding nasty pirate types (camping gates by the way). So I know how they work today and how they used to work when I first started playing Eve. I've watched low sec devolve to the wasteland it is today and I support anything that could restore interest in a broader set of players spending time there.

As for the "flaming", I don't see that any of us are doing that. I offered my opinion (one I have shared repeatedly for years well before this change was mentioned by CCP) that gate guns need to be changed and they don't work the way they did when I started playing Eve years ago.

That I feel from direct experience a change back to what they did before would be good for Eve is why I support this suggested change. And many in Eve agree with my opinion.

You can also see that at least one CSM doesn't agree with me, which is a good thing in that we are different in our views of Eve and should have diverse opinions. That is how the CSM 7 is serving the folks that elected us. By presenting a range of views representing all of Eve to the community and to CCP.


Garreth Vlox
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#674 - 2012-08-06 19:55:08 UTC
Nyla Skin wrote:
ANGRY23 wrote:

What triage carriers? PPL dont gatecamp in triage archons, never have, never will and this just proves that in using the triage carrier in his example that mr greyfail has no clue about the game mechanics he is hell bent on breaking.

Did I mention gatecamps?
No, they break gatecamps in triage carriers while bridging in a blob at the same time.

So the changes he says are being made to break up gate camps are really to kill the carriers trying to break the camps? So you're still helping the pirates and making the situation worse, there really is no way to defend this patch the way it has been presented. Lowsec needs love, this isn't love, its a beating with a pipe in a back alley, not quite the same thing.

The LULZ Boat.

#675 - 2012-08-06 21:52:18 UTC
Garreth Vlox wrote:
Nyla Skin wrote:
ANGRY23 wrote:

What triage carriers? PPL dont gatecamp in triage archons, never have, never will and this just proves that in using the triage carrier in his example that mr greyfail has no clue about the game mechanics he is hell bent on breaking.

Did I mention gatecamps?
No, they break gatecamps in triage carriers while bridging in a blob at the same time.

So the changes he says are being made to break up gate camps are really to kill the carriers trying to break the camps? So you're still helping the pirates and making the situation worse, there really is no way to defend this patch the way it has been presented. Lowsec needs love, this isn't love, its a beating with a pipe in a back alley, not quite the same thing.

Triage being dropped on pirates obviously aren't going to go gcc are they, a moot point.

I think the triage was just used because it is the highest repping thing in game.
Johan Civire
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#676 - 2012-08-06 22:48:32 UTC
The answer about your question is yes the are serious about it and the gonne do that without or with your support. This change some things here in eve but its not game breaking for me for pirats QQ carebear docking/dock play game it is..... To bad for those guys but he guys what there is always a way around it. You need to find it first offcourse.
Homo Jesus
The LGBT Last Supper
#677 - 2012-08-06 23:19:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Minmatar Citizen160812
Issler Dainze wrote:
I've watched low sec devolve to the wasteland it is today and I support anything that could restore interest in a broader set of players spending time there.

Would you mind giving a few examples of how any change to sentries would restore interest in low sec other than people "who may go there if this happens"? Go there and do what?

Sentries getting stronger as you go further up in security rating? OK, sure but that really wouldn't achieve a system that can't be perma-tanked by a fleet now would it? The most you're talking about changing there is fleet make up not a situation where it's impossible to tank the sentries for long periods of time. Not enough bang for the revitalize low sec buck in my opinion. Kinda a waste of time really when many other areas of the overall game could use improvements or new features.

Maybe it looked like low hanging fruit but I have a feeling there is a future reason they want the low sec gates cleared by npc orbit bombardment going to take place in low sec? does that work exactly?
Alavaria Fera
#678 - 2012-08-06 23:28:45 UTC
Homo Jesus wrote:
Issler Dainze wrote:
I've watched low sec devolve to the wasteland it is today and I support anything that could restore interest in a broader set of players spending time there.

Would you mind giving a few examples of how any change to sentries would restore interest in low sec other than people "who may go there if this happens"? Go there and do what?

Sit on the gate maybe. Play games on the station undock, since stations have guns as well.

I mean if they go elsewhere, they'll be caught and killed away from the guns. How scary ~

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Homo Jesus
The LGBT Last Supper
#679 - 2012-08-06 23:40:05 UTC
Alavaria Fera wrote:
Homo Jesus wrote:
Issler Dainze wrote:
I've watched low sec devolve to the wasteland it is today and I support anything that could restore interest in a broader set of players spending time there.

Would you mind giving a few examples of how any change to sentries would restore interest in low sec other than people "who may go there if this happens"? Go there and do what?

Sit on the gate maybe. Play games on the station undock, since stations have guns as well.

I mean if they go elsewhere, they'll be caught and killed away from the guns. How scary ~

Maybe go from the gate to the station in their Navy Mega to buy a new pair of pants then go back?

Indigo Corp
#680 - 2012-08-07 03:45:00 UTC
Isalone wrote:
CCP Greyscale moves on to explain his work on sentry guns. Sentry guns will now shoot anyone with a criminal flag, suspect or otherwise. Sentry guns will also start with smaller amounts of damage, and ramp up with time. Ideal tuning will be to where triage carriers will die at around 4 1/2 minutes. This way, if you want to use triage carriers in lowsec on gates you can, but you must commit to the cycle for a length of time before starting your reps, if you want to deactivate triage before the sentry guns kill you and jump out. CCP Greyscale also points out that another goal is to make it so that the first couple of hits won't kill an interceptor immediately, enabling a quick tackle, and then a warp out.

I've lived in lowsec for quite a while now and gotta tell you - this is probably gonna cause as much "whine 'n' unsub" threads as nex store/greed is good did. For those who don't go to low often - most of fleet/gang fights in low take place at gates. If gateguns are gonna pop carriers 4.5mins into the fight, cruiser/bc fleets going gcc on a gate aren't gonna happen at all. When was the last time you have seen a carrier at a gate? I don't think I've ever seen one.

Gatecamps - those aren't the problem, people who won't learn/adapt are. You can easily get through all of them, just do a little research.

discuss, lol

You said it yourself lad, learn/adapt. Which is what we all must do when the game evolves, as it must in order to thrive.

Pirate tears are yummier than carebear tears for they come from the deeper well of anguish.