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Please fix the Rifter model

#1 - 2012-08-04 16:41:02 UTC
I don't know if this has been adressed already but the Rifter model is totally broken the way it is now.
It's oversized, almost the same size of a Thrasher, making it's guns look tiny. The launchers are mounted on top of the hull own launchers. This has been fixed on the new Drake model but no one want to mention it on the Rifter.
I know it's a classic and beautiful model with a lego version and all but it's broken and it needs a little redesign.
Kisogo Magellin
Kostura RnD
#2 - 2012-08-04 17:45:17 UTC
TheNotYou wrote:
The launchers are mounted on top of the hull own launchers

Those are launchers?


#3 - 2012-08-04 18:18:12 UTC
Kisogo Magellin wrote:
TheNotYou wrote:
The launchers are mounted on top of the hull own launchers

Those are launchers?

They look a lot like the stuff that launch missiles some people mount on top of them, so I believe they are.
In a world with no launcher models, like it was a few months ago, that would make sense. Now it just makes it look stupid.
The VC's
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2012-08-05 15:41:48 UTC  |  Edited by: The VC's

I think it looks silly now. I imagined the Rifter to be a small, agile, bootstrapped ship with a cockpit instead of a bridge, that escapes it's Amarran overlords by ducking under their guns and hiding in space debris. Then ambushes them with big machine guns bolted onto it's side.

I notice the Freki on SiSi is the original size. It wasn't broke, no fix needed.

Maybe this was some way of making Rifter pilots not feel gypped by the last ship rebalance.

Please change it back, it's meant to be small.
Shukuzen Kiraa
F4G Wild Weasel
#5 - 2012-08-05 19:49:23 UTC
Rifter isn't to large, Destroyers are too small.
Gabrielle Lamb
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#6 - 2012-08-05 19:54:32 UTC
Shukuzen Kiraa wrote:
Rifter isn't to large, Destroyers are too small.

This, I like the rifter. When ships get too small it's impractical to even see them on screen.
Alara IonStorm
#7 - 2012-08-05 23:09:06 UTC
I hope they upsize all Frigates into the 80-150m Range. Always thought they were a bit too small. I hope they downsize the Thrasher a little as well, it is as big as a Cruiser.

Minmatar Guns could stand to be a bit bigger in general but not that much. The are a touch to small compared to there RL barrel sizes.
Janet Patton
Brony Express
#8 - 2012-08-06 04:05:13 UTC
I mentioned this in several threads already that the Rifter and variants have grown from 56m to 139m. It is by far the largest frigate out there now. I think the reason they increased its size was to fit the new launcher models and fix some issues with the turrets clipping through the model, BUT I think they over did it and it needs to be scaled back down some.

A dev mentioned on another post that they are still tweaking and reworking a lot of the models. Eventually each ship class will be more uniform in size.

Why do I have this sig? I don't smoke.

Astald Ohtar
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#9 - 2012-08-06 12:00:27 UTC
EvE players whine about everything Roll
#10 - 2012-08-06 12:06:03 UTC
I can understand the Thrasher being as big as a Cruiser. It holds 8 weapon hardpoints after all. Now the Rifter, or any other frigate that mounts only 3 or 4 weapons and is twice as fast and maneuverable, having a model the same size does not make sense. I'm hoping for a small redesign.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#11 - 2012-08-06 12:59:05 UTC
The VC's wrote:
I think it looks silly now. I imagined the Rifter to be a small, agile, bootstrapped ship with a cockpit instead of a bridge, that escapes it's Amarran overlords by ducking under their guns and hiding in space debris. Then ambushes them with big machine guns bolted onto it's side.

So basically, you want the Millenium Falcon?
Sarik Olecar
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#12 - 2012-08-06 14:59:44 UTC
The old Rifters guns had massive clipping issues. The ones on the front stuck out through the vent thingys, and the ones on the side were hardly attached. I think the size increase was a decent compromise between leaving it broken and designing a new model with proper hardpoints...

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#13 - 2012-08-06 17:15:25 UTC
Sarik Olecar wrote:
The old Rifters guns had massive clipping issues. The ones on the front stuck out through the vent thingys, and the ones on the side were hardly attached. I think the size increase was a decent compromise between leaving it broken and designing a new model with proper hardpoints...

Changing hardpoints doesn't require a model change. Nonetheless I think it does deserve a small redesign, just like the one they did to the Drake, due to the missile launcher redundancy. A simple retexturing would do it but I'd love to see some creativity there. The ships design is one of the things I love the most about EvE Online. Resizing the model is a good workaround but it's far from being a decent compromise. Imagine if they do something similar on a cruiser class ship. A Vagabond the size of a Tempest doesn't appeal to me.
Aurelius Valentius
Valentius Corporation
Valentius Corporation Alliance
#14 - 2012-08-06 18:11:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Aurelius Valentius
I am going to chime in on this only because I have an alt that has a rifter, thrasher, and cane in the hangar - pre patch things ther rifter was a tad small to the guns... but not overly so... it did look alot like a very small ship with big guns on it... then the patch hit.

Now this how I see it in the hangar with these three ships as you change between them:

Cane to Thrasher... The Trasher is HUGE... it's actually massing (though shorter than, but bulkier) than the Cane... that means the Destroyer is almost as big as a battlecruiser... and the guns on it looks tiny... and then you compare the Thrasher to the rifter and the Rifter is huge also and compare it to the cane and it's gigantic to a BC hull.. and the guns look tiny...

Here would be my solution:

Make both the thrasher and the rifter at the mid-point between the old (very small) and new (huge) point... this would put the cane as the default size for BC hull for minnies - then the thrasher would be about 1/2 the length of a BC and 2/3rds of a Cruiser... but massing enough to fill the role and the guns (small) would look right on the hull... then the same with the Rifter making it 2/3rds the size of a Destroyer hull and 1/3rd the length of a BC... which would make it look proportionals and the small turrets would also not look to big (old version) or too tiny (new version) but as they probably should have looked in the first place.
#15 - 2012-08-08 11:17:39 UTC
I understand game balance is a priority over graphics but come on... they scaled the model up to fix graphics issues. The Drake was remodeled 2 weeks after people noticed the launcher redundancy, but the Drake is popular. If you take into account the post-Inferno Rifter popularity it will never get a redesign.
Old school Rifter lovers won't want it to change and new players will probably be flying something else to notice it. I can already see it falling in the limbo as a broken design barely flown ship.
Maybe that's karma from all years of popularity.
Dread Pirate Pete
#16 - 2012-08-08 11:39:18 UTC
Still, you'd expect the classes to be noticeably different in size. Right now there to much of a discrepancy between sig size and actual size, a frig should feel tiny compared to a BC.
Alara IonStorm
#17 - 2012-08-08 12:08:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Alara IonStorm
TheNotYou wrote:

Changing hardpoints doesn't require a model change. Nonetheless I think it does deserve a small redesign, just like the one they did to the Drake, due to the missile launcher redundancy. A simple retexturing would do it but I'd love to see some creativity there. The ships design is one of the things I love the most about EvE Online. Resizing the model is a good workaround but it's far from being a decent compromise. Imagine if they do something similar on a cruiser class ship. A Vagabond the size of a Tempest doesn't appeal to me.

I like that they are upsizing Frigates into the 100m range. I hope they do it to every single one of them.

The Vagabond is fine in size but the Rupture could stand to be a bit bigger. It has about 60% less volume compared to Gal Cruisers and the Thrasher is bigger then it.

Dread Pirate Pete wrote:
Right now there to much of a discrepancy between sig size and actual size, a frig should feel tiny compared to a BC.

Signature is the ships size picked up by sensors only and has little to do with actual size. Even with the new size a Rifter does feel tiny compared to a Battlecruiser. They're like 1/10th the volume.

At least now it feels like a Frigate and not a big Fighter Jet.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#18 - 2012-08-08 13:53:07 UTC
The hilarious part about rifter size is that the signature is only 35 points. The only t1 matari frig with smaller sig is slasher with 30 points.

Life is short and dinner time is chancy

Eat dessert first!

#19 - 2012-08-08 13:55:16 UTC
I don't know why it shouldn't look as a Fighter Jet. The Rifter design is inspired by the X-Wing and supposedly all frigate class ships should fly with a one man crew. If you mean the real sea frigates then it's completly wrong on the way it should look. But the analogy EvE Online makes with sea ship classes its on it's combat role, not the size.

If they increase the size from all frigates they must increase gun size too because they look ridiculously tiny on this inflated Rifter.
Alara IonStorm
#20 - 2012-08-08 14:03:26 UTC
TheNotYou wrote:
I don't know why it shouldn't look as a Fighter Jet. The Rifter design is inspired by the X-Wing and supposedly all frigate class ships should fly with a one man crew. If you mean the real sea frigates then it's completly wrong on the way it should look. But the analogy EvE Online makes with sea ship classes its on it's combat role, not the size.

If they increase the size from all frigates they must increase gun size too because they look ridiculously tiny on this inflated Rifter.

Because this isn't a fighter jet game. I know my personal preference is to bigger ships and Frigates have always been too small. Fighter jets belong in games like X-Wing.

Gun Sizes should be based on the gun size. Right now those turrets are too small for a cannon that rapidly fires 125-200mm Shells and is way to small for Artillery. What is more Frigates that hold Drones are too small to hold them.

Basing a ship size directly on the sea role isn't something that should happen because Cruisers have 3-4 times the volume of RL Battleships. Doesn't mean they have to be tiny though.
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