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An amazing fix that ccp can do to scanning that'd save us 15% grief

First post
Acac Sunflyier
The Ascended Academy
#1 - 2012-08-03 12:58:30 UTC
So, I was scanning and after trying to move the probes along the x axis while looking at the probes from the side and then having to reposition my camera for the bazillionth time I figured ccp should fix this LITTLE but grief and frustration inducing issue.

Scanning involves 3 axises; x, y, and z.

If I am looking along the x axis and want to move the y axis arrows, I gotta reposition my camera in a way to grab something OTHER than this little itty bitty sliver of garbage arrows. So I was thinking, If I am looking at the x axis, why can't the arrows of y and z rotate to face me and my camera to be more easily grabbed? Why do the arrows have to be static?

I've got some pictures to illustrate what I am trying to say



PS: To the wormhole csm rep, I thought this kind of stuff is what you should be talking about. Little things to improve Eve. Living in a wh, I'd expect you to at least share some of the concerns of the WH and scanner community.
Shameless Avenger
Can Preachers of Kador
#2 - 2012-08-03 13:01:17 UTC
I thought you wanted to ad a 4th axis... like in parallel universe scanning, or maybe time shifting... I'm watching way too much sci-fy :(

"This is the Ninja. He will scan you down; he will salvage your wrecks and there shall be no aggro"

Virgil Travis
Non Constructive Self Management
#3 - 2012-08-03 13:01:35 UTC
That would be a useful change, those arrows can be tricky enough to grab at times.

Unified Church of the Unobligated - madness in the method Mamma didn't raise no victims.

Ekchuah's Shrine Comporium
#4 - 2012-08-03 13:03:41 UTC
Acac Sunflyier
The Ascended Academy
#5 - 2012-08-03 13:04:11 UTC
What I'm trying to say is they should at least be dynamic at 90 degree angles.
Jensen Kryplar
Ekchuah's Shrine Comporium
#6 - 2012-08-03 13:16:49 UTC
I don't know about anyone else, but when/if I run into this issue, which I have noticed, don't get me wrong, I just grab the side of one of the boxes facing me and drag it. Dragging a face of a box allows you to move in plane with the face, thus giving you x-y movement, even if your x arrows are thin. So it's not like this is an unavoidable issue, but I do agree it could use a slight change, because those thin arrows can be tricky.
Grand Violations
#7 - 2012-08-03 13:20:16 UTC
That is annoying... so many times I end up grabbing the globe part and trying to adjust the scan range of one probe. Would also like to see less things showing up as unknowns only to turn out to be another damned wormhole. Or rouge drone site.

"Please stop reopening silly rumor threads."  CCP Navigator.

Acac Sunflyier
The Ascended Academy
#8 - 2012-08-03 13:28:37 UTC
Jensen Kryplar wrote:
I don't know about anyone else, but when/if I run into this issue, which I have noticed, don't get me wrong, I just grab the side of one of the boxes facing me and drag it. Dragging a face of a box allows you to move in plane with the face, thus giving you x-y movement, even if your x arrows are thin. So it's not like this is an unavoidable issue, but I do agree it could use a slight change, because those thin arrows can be tricky.

The face bits are too unpredictable. What if you're trying to get a better x. When you shift click drag the arrows, it works. When you shift click the face it grabs the whole group. Also you literally may only want to to move in a straight line, which is what the arrows do.
St Mio
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#9 - 2012-08-03 13:48:03 UTC
So, make the arrows use cones instead of flat triangles?

Also, I was expecting you to suggest having 4 viewports (1 for each axis + an isometric view).

Left disappointed! (j/k)
#10 - 2012-08-03 13:51:59 UTC  |  Edited by: BoBoZoBo
Grab the face of the box itself (the side that is facing you).

This will allow you to move the group along the entire plance (2-axis), you can move it up/down (pic1) very easily.
Actually, i find grabbing the boxes easier than the arrows.

Switching them to cones is a good idea, but what annoys me more is all the damn little BMs and labels that get in the way. Have an option to turn that crap off.

Primary Test Subject • SmackTalker Elite

Andrasta Shor
Novus Ordo Seclorum.
#11 - 2012-08-03 13:54:03 UTC
omg stop dumbing eve down
#12 - 2012-08-03 13:55:07 UTC
Andrasta Shor wrote:
omg stop dumbing eve down

LOL - how the hell is a better UI dumbing down EVE.
The scanning window can definitely use some love.

Making things a pain in the ass does not mean it's smart.

Primary Test Subject • SmackTalker Elite

Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#13 - 2012-08-03 13:55:54 UTC
Thread moved from General Discussion to Features and Ideas Discussion. Happy posting - ISD Type40.

[b]ISD Type40 Lt. Commander Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs) Interstellar Services Department[/b]

Acac Sunflyier
The Ascended Academy
#14 - 2012-08-03 13:58:12 UTC
ISD TYPE40 wrote:
Thread moved from General Discussion to Features and Ideas Discussion. Happy posting - ISD Type40.

Moved to where Ideas go to die. Also, this is a request for a fix, not a new idea.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#15 - 2012-08-03 14:17:54 UTC
BoBoZoBo wrote:
Making things a pain in the ass does not mean it's smart.

Be careful with that revolutionary talk, you might cause the entire game to vanish in a puff of logic! :P
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#16 - 2012-08-03 15:50:34 UTC
Smapty wrote:
BoBoZoBo wrote:
Making things a pain in the ass does not mean it's smart.

Be careful with that revolutionary talk, you might cause the entire game to vanish in a puff of logic! :P

The Hitchhiker's Guide specifies that only deities and faith dependent entities are at such risk.

Of course, for those having faith in the act of having faith are equally at risk of creating a self perpetuating force. This could easily end up snowballing into a hyper probable entity.

As a hyper probable entity, or being who is more probable to exist than the rest of the universe itself, we instead run the risk that it loses faith in us.
At which point, we could become the victims of a faith based weapon of mass destruction.

Fortunately for many, hyper probabilities are highly improbable.
#17 - 2012-09-25 11:22:11 UTC
Interesting idea. Question is if there would be unintended consequences (ie when you want to see the unaltered view) or difficulties in implementation.

+1 for adding the pics to explain.
Adrian Dixon
Arbitrary Spaceship Destruction
#18 - 2012-09-29 17:45:56 UTC
Ah so the arrows would behave like sprites ie. always facing the players view head when the camera is rotated, great idea.

The scanning interface needs a lot of work too
Vapour Holdings
#19 - 2012-09-29 20:58:17 UTC
Furry Commander
Furry Armada
#20 - 2012-09-30 00:45:11 UTC
I like this idea a lot, while they are at it can they make it so i can center my view on one specific proboe more easily? i have yet to figure out how to do this
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