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Rogue Drones / Bug Hunters Faction Ships

A Soporific
Caldari State
#1 - 2012-08-01 21:29:12 UTC
I don't now if there is already a plan for an Amarr/Gallente or Caldari/Minmatar ships, but here's my take:

(/Is Bad at names/)
Role bonus: 150% Energy Tranfer and Remote Armor Repair Range
Gallente Bonus: 10% drone hitpoints, damage, and repair effectiveness.
Amarr Bonus: 20% Energy Vampire, Energy Neurtalizer, and Energy Transfer amount per level

High: 4 (no hardpoints)
Med: 6
Low: 8

Drone bay as Dominix.

The idea is a frigate/cruiser/battleship that feature cap warfare AND logistics at the expense of all turrets. I don't think that it's done, or that it's particularly unbalanced. But, what the hell do I know, I was just imagining that I'd love to see this as an Alliance Tournament Flagship.

Because you cna't have an Amarr/Gallente without a Cladari/Minmatar

(/Is Still Bad at Names/)
Role Bonus: 50% Torp Damage, 100% Scram Range bonus
Caldari Bonus: 5% Shield Resist Per Level
Minmatar Bonus: 10% Web Strength per level

High: 6 (5 hardpoints)
Med: 8
Low: 5

Stupid Fast for a batlleship.

The idea with this one is to have a fast, shield tanked tackler at every size class. Maybe trade the Strength for Range on the Web/Scrams? I dunno what'd fit best with what I'd assume would be a one person gank ship.

If I'm being dumb let me know. But please don't tell me that I'm dumb, I already know that. Tell me WHY I am dumb, I don't know that... mostly because I'm dumb.
Griffin Omanid
Knights of the Zodiac
#2 - 2012-08-02 07:49:43 UTC
Hey a new i want more Pirate faction ships thread. You surely got a lot of postiv answers. At least you got mineLol

The Roque drone faction could be equall to guiristas ships, but with lasers and armor tanks, cause I think this support role may be too OP.

Your Caldari/Minmatar-Ship would fit for Mordus legion or Mercenaries.

Another good Faction would be EOM-ships. Amarr-ships with strong armor and high cap, but armed with Hybrid guns.
Phoenix Naval Operations
Phoenix Naval Systems
#3 - 2012-08-02 09:11:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Onslaughtor
Griffin Omanid wrote:
Hey a new i want more Pirate faction ships thread. You surely got a lot of postiv answers. At least you got mineLol

The Roque drone faction could be equall to guiristas ships, but with lasers and armor tanks, cause I think this support role may be too OP.

Your Caldari/Minmatar-Ship would fit for Mordus legion or Mercenaries.

Another good Faction would be EOM-ships. Amarr-ships with strong armor and high cap, but armed with Hybrid guns.

Eom ships are sheild tanked.

I like the idea for the drone logi battle ship thing (Dr.LoBaT)?. But I dont think it fits in to CCPs scheme things. Pirate ships should not be the only ship in its class to fill an singular role. Example, The balgorrn is the mother of all cap warfare ships. Because of this it is common to see it in anti capital parties.
This is mostly food for thought, as I dont think the Dr.LoBaT would make the pirate class any more unbalanced.

Also I think you should name the first one Dr.LoBaT untill a better name can be made.
Spugg Galdon
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2012-08-02 10:54:39 UTC
EOM ships should be something along the lines of:

25% bonus to warp scrambler/disruptor range per level

7.5% bonus to shield boost amount per level

Role Bonus:

150% bonus Hybrid Optimal
A Soporific
Caldari State
#5 - 2012-08-02 15:14:25 UTC
So, what makes the Logi-Drone line overpowered or especially unique? Are there any simple tweaks that would make it a little more mainstream?
Griffin Omanid
Knights of the Zodiac
#6 - 2012-08-03 10:17:35 UTC
A Soporific wrote:
So, what makes the Logi-Drone line overpowered or especially unique? Are there any simple tweaks that would make it a little more mainstream?

I think the problem in your idea is that, a neut and a logistict bonus on one ship is too strong.
I can understand that a logistic bonus can be really usefull for a drone carrier. But only the carriers have a logistic bonus, which they also loose when they go into triage.
The Amarr already have neut-bonis on there drone-cruisers/frigs, but these ship got no bonus to logistic. Therefore other ships are needed.

Onslaughtor wrote:
Eom ships are sheild tanked.

What Shocked? But they look too solid and good to be shield tankers.

Ok... give them a Hybrid Tracking Bonus from Amarr and Bonus for Propulsion Jamming (Web or WarpDisrupter as something special) from Gallente. And then also any Hybrid Weapon bonus as Role bonus
A Soporific
Caldari State
#7 - 2012-08-03 13:41:13 UTC
Well, I'm already doing tackle with the Caldari/Minmatar ship. I don't want both to wind up Tackle.

Would Ewar/Cap War hybrid work out better? A bonus to Sensor Damp strength or range?
Shukuzen Kiraa
F4G Wild Weasel
#8 - 2012-08-03 13:49:16 UTC
Griffin Omanid wrote:
[quote=A Soporific]

Ok... give them a Hybrid Tracking Bonus from Amarr and Bonus for Propulsion Jamming (Web or WarpDisrupter as something special) from Gallente. And then also any Hybrid Weapon bonus as Role bonus

Why would the Amarr bonus be for weapons they don't even use?
A Soporific
Caldari State
#9 - 2012-08-03 13:59:23 UTC
I was hoping to retain Energy Transfer and Neut/Nos for the Amarr bonus, switch the Gallente bonus to sensor damps, and provide a role bonus for primary weapon system with the high slot. I'm ambivalent as to whether this should still be drones, or if it should be Hybred turrets. Lasers have too many Factions already, don't they?
Griffin Omanid
Knights of the Zodiac
#10 - 2012-08-03 15:44:02 UTC
Shukuzen Kiraa wrote:

Why would the Amarr bonus be for weapons they don't even use?

It would be the same like with sanshas ships. The Caldari Skill also boosts laser turrets. I thought of tracking, cause i think that the EOM ships should get the maximum number of turrets, 4 on Frigs 6 on Cruisers and 8 on BS, but no Damage bonus. This way they have to use a lot of ammo, and the high Cap of Amarr ships will be needed, but they still got more Cap then other Hybrid ships.

@A Sophorific
I think you meant Gallente/Minmatar, didnĀ“t you? Sensor damp would be a nice idea, and it would be adverised a bit.
A Soporific
Caldari State
#11 - 2012-08-03 16:07:25 UTC
Angels are Gallente/Minmatar, there isn't already a Gallente/Amarr.

Ok, Here's a revamped idea:
Name: Bootes (Constellation "The Herdsman")
Faction: Rogue Drone

Role: 50% range/strength to sensor damps
Gallente: 10% Drone Hitpoint/Damage/Effectiveness per level (including a bonus for rep, jam strength, web)
Amarr: 15% reduction in energy Energy Tranfer per level, 10% bonus to remote sensor boost/ECCM per level?

High: 5 (no hardpoints)
Med: 5
Low: 8

Drone Bay as Dominix.

How about his one? A different kind of support, one primarily concerned with both offensive and defensive Ewar. Although, I don't know which race correlates most strongly with sensor boosting and ECCM. Maybe ECCM would fit better with Gallente than Amarr. I may have to drop rogue drone with the drone bonus and go with EoM.

I really think that the Mordus Legion works out remarkably well for the Caldari/Minmatar ship.
Griffin Omanid
Knights of the Zodiac
#12 - 2012-08-04 08:35:56 UTC
I would like both pirate factions, Roque drones and EOM, for the Gallente/Amarr combination. Mordus Legion would obviously be one good combination for Caldari/Minmatar.

Another advantage of roque drones faction could be that they drop something also faction stuff. For example Roque drone omnidiractional Tracking Link, as a meta 7-8 modul, as a better variant of the FedNavy drone moduls.