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what does people think of being able to reuse wasted SP

Overseer Aliena
Lord of Wars
#61 - 2012-07-31 22:17:35 UTC
Lord LazyGhost wrote:
Ziranda Hakuli wrote:

WTF op? you are the one that did the clicky clicky thing when setting up your training que and all. you chose them. CCP will not give them points back. live an learn kid

well as you probs did not read all the posts I my self and my 3 accounts multipul accounts are fine. but i jsut thought it would be a good thing to keep ore people playing makeing it easyer to change carrier paths with out the months of trainig needed.

The truth always eventually comes out in these threads. This isn't about the new players at all, it's the players who train FOTM. And when CCP makes changes that these players don't agree with, their skills become 'wasted' and they want them transferred over to the next FOTM skill set.

The point reduction is a masked piece offering as well. A player can easily train up several x2 skills in a fraction of the time it would take to train up and x8, and then convert them over essentially allowing them to train faster.

This would also break the character bazaar as well. People won't get as much for their specifically trained characters as players can just grab a cheaper character with other skills and retrain them in a matter of minutes.
Ron Maudieu
#62 - 2012-07-31 22:44:14 UTC
You guys don't train skills 99% to completion and pause them????? What?
Large Collidable Object
#63 - 2012-07-31 22:47:27 UTC
Overseer Aliena wrote:

The point reduction is a masked piece offering as well. A player can easily train up several x2 skills in a fraction of the time it would take to train up and x8, and then convert them over essentially allowing them to train faster.

Umm - you are aware that a x2 only takes 1/4 of the SP a x8 takes?

SP/hour are the same, so redistributing SP between them wouldn't change anything.

Anyway, reditributing skills is a terrible idea for many other reasons, but i don't feel urged to repeat them as most have been mentioned and I'm quite certain CCP wont allow it.
You know... [morons.](
Corus Aerospace
#64 - 2012-07-31 23:15:54 UTC
I wouldn't mind it if it was limited to one skill each month, and you would only get 25% of the sp back, also the skill would disappear completely so you have to buy the book again...

And maybe you wouldn't get new sp directly, but merely a bonus training speed for a small period based on the sp removed

Supercap nerf - change ewar immunity Module activation delay!

Large Collidable Object
#65 - 2012-07-31 23:24:33 UTC
Bubanni wrote:
I wouldn't mind it if it was limited to one skill each month, and you would only get 25% of the sp back, also the skill would disappear completely so you have to buy the book again...

And maybe you wouldn't get new sp directly, but merely a bonus training speed for a small period based on the sp removed

If anything, training skills backward without any benefit would be okay.

So basically, it takes the same time to untrain a skill level as it took to train it - no benefit or reimbursement.

I'd actually do that with some skills just for a cleaner skillsheet.
You know... [morons.](
Abel Merkabah
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#66 - 2012-07-31 23:31:38 UTC
Large Collidable Object wrote:
Bubanni wrote:
I wouldn't mind it if it was limited to one skill each month, and you would only get 25% of the sp back, also the skill would disappear completely so you have to buy the book again...

And maybe you wouldn't get new sp directly, but merely a bonus training speed for a small period based on the sp removed

If anything, training skills backward without any benefit would be okay.

So basically, it takes the same time to untrain a skill level as it took to train it - no benefit or reimbursement.

I'd actually do that with some skills just for a cleaner skillsheet.

That I'd like just to clean up. And older players could train down skills they don't need to keep clone cost down. As long as reverse training follows the prerequisite hierarchy, for example, you couldn't untrain weapon upgrades if you've got advanced weapon upgrades trained.

This way, players cannot get rid of "unnecessary" prerequisite skills with out removing the skill they need, thus keeping the skill tree intact.

James315 for CSM 8!

Pipa Porto
#67 - 2012-07-31 23:34:09 UTC
Dave stark wrote:
don't like the skills you trained? sell your character and buy another.

It's a pretty cheap way to remap skills. Much better than some 50% discount scheme.

EvE: Everyone vs Everyone


Corus Aerospace
#68 - 2012-07-31 23:55:21 UTC
Large Collidable Object wrote:
Bubanni wrote:
I wouldn't mind it if it was limited to one skill each month, and you would only get 25% of the sp back, also the skill would disappear completely so you have to buy the book again...

And maybe you wouldn't get new sp directly, but merely a bonus training speed for a small period based on the sp removed

If anything, training skills backward without any benefit would be okay.

So basically, it takes the same time to untrain a skill level as it took to train it - no benefit or reimbursement.

I'd actually do that with some skills just for a cleaner skillsheet.

I don't disagree, my char has like 111 mil sp, I can fly all races and sub cap to level 5 basicly... I would like to untrain some of my mining skills from way back when this char was made

Supercap nerf - change ewar immunity Module activation delay!

Large Collidable Object
#69 - 2012-08-01 00:09:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Large Collidable Object
Abel Merkabah wrote:

That I'd like just to clean up. And older players could train down skills they don't need to keep clone cost down. As long as reverse training follows the prerequisite hierarchy, for example, you couldn't untrain weapon upgrades if you've got advanced weapon upgrades trained.

This way, players cannot get rid of "unnecessary" prerequisite skills with out removing the skill they need, thus keeping the skill tree intact.

Of course the hierarchy should be maintained, but I'd definitely get rid of e.g. the annoying 250 SP in Industry just to get rid of that category.

On one character, I trained all kinds of skills to V during a period of decreased activity without spending much thought on it, so afterburners V got inthere, which is a disadvantage when e.g. flying dual prop ships - doesn't make the character useless, but I'd untrain it if given the possibility.

I was lazy, it was my own fault, so I deal with it, but spending a couple of days to just get rid of it would be nice.
You know... [morons.](
#70 - 2012-08-01 00:15:18 UTC
Lord LazyGhost wrote:
hi guys jsut a though what do you all think about being able to use wasted sp into somthig you use. say when u started game you stared mineing now you more into pvp and have x amount of SP into mineing ie crystals hulk or orca or what ever. would it not be good to be able to transfer them sp into somthig that is usfull to you today, insted of having to jsut train somthing else and have all them wasted sp jsut sitting there.

i suggest you sell your char and buy a pvp one... i will never support what you are asking for...

There are no stupid Questions... just stupid people... CCP Goliath wrote:

Ugh ti-di pooping makes me sad.

Spy 21
#71 - 2012-08-01 02:41:09 UTC
Charlie Jacobson wrote:
I'd rather have the ability to just unlearn a skill completely, without having any of the points refunded.

Much agreement... PVP toons have no need for Mining II in their skill sheet.

Obfuscation for the WIN on page 3...

#72 - 2012-08-01 04:49:39 UTC
Lord LazyGhost wrote:
hi guys jsut a though what do you all think about being able to use wasted sp into somthig you use. say when u started game you stared mineing now you more into pvp and have x amount of SP into mineing ie crystals hulk or orca or what ever. would it not be good to be able to transfer them sp into somthig that is usfull to you today, insted of having to jsut train somthing else and have all them wasted sp jsut sitting there.

No SP are ever wasted , you do not know when you will need those skills one day
besides if a new player trains what he thinks is a wasted skill the loss is only minimal, if a older player thinks he wasted time training a 'useless' skill his own fault , besides i have a feeling you looking for the instant ' I win ' button

I do not agree with what you are saying , but i will defend to the death your right to say it...... Voltaire

Lord LazyGhost
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#73 - 2012-08-01 16:30:40 UTC
MeBiatch wrote:
Lord LazyGhost wrote:
hi guys jsut a though what do you all think about being able to use wasted sp into somthig you use. say when u started game you stared mineing now you more into pvp and have x amount of SP into mineing ie crystals hulk or orca or what ever. would it not be good to be able to transfer them sp into somthig that is usfull to you today, insted of having to jsut train somthing else and have all them wasted sp jsut sitting there.

i suggest you sell your char and buy a pvp one... i will never support what you are asking for...

sell a pirate pvp char for a pvp char why would i do that? that statment above was as an example of common skills people train in the start of a char then never use again...

but like i have said 3 times now None of my chars have ay problems it was more a discustion of a way to help some players stay in game when they get bored off the way they have been playing. with out going aww ok i spent x amount of time being a Miner now i need to start fresh to move over into pvp to say fly a BS its going to take me 2-3month or what ever they could trasnfre said learned sp to that lie. but no mater

no more replys are needed the public have said its a bad idea and i accept that. :)

i jsut want this game to keep its numbers and mabe grow a little more then it is atm as its awsome played o my main account since 2006 and love it
wiggle Tech.
#74 - 2012-08-01 16:39:56 UTC  |  Edited by: minerdave
Lord LazyGhost wrote:
hi guys jsut a though what do you all think about being able to use wasted sp into somthig you use. say when u started game you stared mineing now you more into pvp and have x amount of SP into mineing ie crystals hulk or orca or what ever. would it not be good to be able to transfer them sp into somthig that is usfull to you today, insted of having to jsut train somthing else and have all them wasted sp jsut sitting there.

For those of you that can't understand a word of that.

"Hi guys just a thought, what do you all think about being able to use the wasted SP into somthing you use. Say when you started the game you started mining, now you more into pvp and have x amount of SP into mining ie crystals hulk or orca or whatever. Would it not be good to be able to transfer the SP into somthing that is useful to you today, instead of having to just train somthing else and have all them wasted SP just sitting there."

To answer your question, no. Because it is simply your own fault for training said skills in the first place.

PS: You're welcome.
Urgg Boolean
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#75 - 2012-08-01 17:04:44 UTC
As others have said, if it's not abused.

I really like the idea in general. Obvious constraints would be an ISK cost, and an appropriate cooldown.

But as you can see from some of the responses, this is a hot button item for a lot of players who think it will ruin the sandbox by providing a pathway to compensate for your undesireable choices.

I look at differently: it's all about flexibility. I made so many bad choice on my first toon. Over time, I've ironed them out. But what about intentional choices that were not simply errors? This is where the flexibility to change skill sets would be really cool. You could enjoy new aspects of the game that would be otherwise unattainable in any kind of a reasonable time frame. Of course, over time, you will train through so many different skills that you will be inherently flexible and baddazz.

And if I can expand this topic a little, I have always thought that we should be able to do neural remaps every month. Again, for the felxibility. RIght now, I have a training plan set up for Int/Mem on my main. It is over one year long. It would be much more useful and effcicient to train for SOME Int/Mem skills now, back to Perc/WIll in a month+, then Perc/Char for a month+ after that. If everyone can do remaps every month, then we have flexibility for all with nobody at an advantage.

Oh well. Fun to talk about, but none of this will ever happen.
#76 - 2012-08-01 17:06:24 UTC
If EVE is to reflect reality, the reality is much like this:

"Use it or lose it"

If you have trained up to fly a class of ships / skill reprocessing ore and haven't used it in 12months, that pool of knowledge is probably unlearned to a large degree. Not 100% gone, but your finesse is lost in that skill.

What was lost, is invested in what you currently do.

Of course, we end up with an artificial cap on knowledge where you can't be great at everything. Say for example, everyone has 100mill skill points. When you train your 100,000,001th one, you pull that from a pool of skills that have just not applied to your current role in the game.

Talk about tough to code (all that house keeping you would have to do) :-)

In real life, this is obviously true.

In an RPG, wow that's tough to challenge.

Expectations are that you learned it once, you can pull it out of your hat any time.

There are good ships,

And wood ships,

And ships that sail the sea

But the best ships are Spaceships

Built by CCP

Sid Hudgens
#77 - 2012-08-01 17:33:14 UTC
Hell No.
**** No.



" if 10,058 Goon voices cried out and were suddenly silenced."

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#78 - 2012-08-01 17:36:43 UTC
Lord LazyGhost wrote:
hi guys jsut a though what do you all think about being able to use wasted sp into somthig you use. say when u started game you stared mineing now you more into pvp and have x amount of SP into mineing ie crystals hulk or orca or what ever. would it not be good to be able to transfer them sp into somthig that is usfull to you today, insted of having to jsut train somthing else and have all them wasted sp jsut sitting there.

Nope the idea is that you choose skills carefully as you will have to live with the consequences, If your in the game long enough you tend to find that no skill is wasted as you may need it sometime.

Otherwise the SP system would be a bit of a Joke.


I Fought the Law, and the Law Won... Talon Silverhawk

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#79 - 2012-08-02 01:16:19 UTC
Reicheck wrote:

Have +5 implants.
Perfect attribute mapping. (getting around 2700sp/hr)

Are you sure of this number ?
Is 2700 sp/hour the maximum sp you can get per hour with +5 mplants and perfect attribute mapping?
Pipa Porto
#80 - 2012-08-02 01:27:50 UTC
Weiz'mir wrote:
Reicheck wrote:

Have +5 implants.
Perfect attribute mapping. (getting around 2700sp/hr)

Are you sure of this number ?
Is 2700 sp/hour the maximum sp you can get per hour with +5 mplants and perfect attribute mapping?

Yes. When Learning skills were available, it was 2770sp/hr because of the skill "Learning"

You get (Primary)+(Secondary)/2 SP per minute.

Your base is 17. You get 14 points to remap, with a max of 10 points in one stat. You can have +5s for implants.


EvE: Everyone vs Everyone
