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A second tier destroyer?

Reign of Steel
Brave Collective
#1 - 2012-07-30 18:44:43 UTC
Since the ships are moving to add destroyers into the main progression of ship sizes, shouldn't there be a second destroyer? It just seems silly to being required to train destroyers now with only one ship you can fly. Especially since with how it's set up now you need to get a skill to 4 to get to the next level.

Does anyone else feel this way?
A Soporific
Caldari State
#2 - 2012-07-30 18:56:23 UTC
I've always hated destroyers, period. They're far too vulnerable to cruisers and without missiles I've never been able to use them properly until recently. And even now I only use them for salvage. I don't feel that they should be on the main progression of ships at all.
Hiyora Akachi
Blood Alcohol Content
Top Shelf
#3 - 2012-07-30 19:13:56 UTC
I think they mentioned some more destroyer hulls in the Winter expansion?
Griffin Omanid
Knights of the Zodiac
#4 - 2012-07-30 20:13:54 UTC
Hiyora Akachi wrote:
I think they mentioned some more destroyer hulls in the Winter expansion?

Yeah, for Amarr and Gallente, primary armed with drones, and for Caldari and Minmatar primary armed with missiles.
See dev Blog -Winter Balance. The destroyers are mentioned in the second last passage, although I´m not sure if its meant to be already included in the expension.
Eagle's Talon's
#5 - 2012-07-30 21:47:30 UTC  |  Edited by: DrysonBennington
Having a Heavy Destroyer is a must.

The Heavy Destroyer would be similar to the Talos and other T3 BattleCruisers.

The T2 Dessie would be able to fit Cruiser size turrets or launchers.

Each race would have a weapon specific module.

Gallente - Blasters / +10% damage to medium blasters

Minmatar - Autocannons /+10% damage to medium Autocannons

Caldari - Missiles / +10% damage to medium missile launchers

Amarr - Lasers / +10% damage to medium laser turrets

Each ship would be able to fit 8 T2 cruiser sized versions of the weapon systems listed above where a 50% reduction in fitting cost would be present.

Each ship would have four medium slots and five low slots.

Each vessel would have a base velocity of 450 m/s (because of reduced armor plating)

Each vessel would have a beginning HP value (depending upon race) of 5,000 hp divided up betwen shield, armor and hull values.

An emphasis on rig use with a 10% reduction in drawback in the following areas for each race.

Gallente - Armor, Velocity and Optimal Range

Minmatar - Armor, Velocity and Damage

Caldari - Shields, Velocity and Rate of Fire

Amarr - Shields, Velocity and Drone Range.

Each T2 Dessie would have a drone bay of 25 m3 and a cargo bay of 200 m3.

The goal of the T2 Dessie would be to provide a ship that is able to effectively take on T1 and T2 Frigates while being able to engage Cruiser sized vessels effectively.

The T2 Destroyers like the T3 BattleCruisers would have awesome firepower but would have what is considered a Paper Tank.

Another role of the T2 Destroyer would be that it could lay mines.

I got this idea the other day whenever I launched a set of Drones and then abandoned them and then launched and abandoned another set of five.

The T2 Dessie would employ mines (10 micro drones) that would be launched like normal drones. Once launched and abandoned they would become active.

If any ship came within ten kilometers of the mine drone it would explode causing damage similar to that of a smart bomb that would deliver 300 damage to any ship within the ten kilometer zone in EMP, Kinetic, Thermal or Explosive damage.

The Mine Drone would last for ten minutes before harmlessly disappearing needed to be seeded again.

What a good way to clean Jita up Eh?
Griffin Omanid
Knights of the Zodiac
#6 - 2012-07-30 22:07:02 UTC
DrysonBennington wrote:
Having a Heavy Destroyer is a must.


What a good way to clean Jita up Eh?

ShockedYou seem to be just another troll.

But if you are not, try to think about balancing. This thing would have more dps then any cruiser, but it would be nearly as fast as an interceptor. For comparison the tier 3 BC also don´t have much more dps then a BS can have, and are still good gank mobils

And please don´t mix tier and tech level.
Verity Sovereign
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#7 - 2012-07-31 17:10:10 UTC
DrysonBennington wrote:
Having a Heavy Destroyer is a must.

The Heavy Destroyer would be similar to the Talos and other T3 BattleCruisers.

The T2 Dessie would be able to fit Cruiser size turrets or launchers.

Each race would have a weapon specific module.

What we have now is better than medium gunned destroyers.

Think about it... how many turret slots do cruisers have... 4-5.
Destroyers have about double that... but their ammo base damage is half... so they already basically pack cruiser level firepower, with better sig resolution and tracking. Then they have a range bonus that makes their turrets just as long ranged as medium turrets.
An 8 medium turret dessy would be OPd.

I could see a dessy with a tanking bonus, cruiser level HP but low on firepower?
Ginger Barbarella
#8 - 2012-07-31 17:11:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Ginger Barbarella
A Soporific wrote:
I've always hated destroyers, period. They're far too vulnerable to cruisers and without missiles I've never been able to use them properly until recently. And even now I only use them for salvage. I don't feel that they should be on the main progression of ships at all.

I used to think the same way... Then I learned how to fly and fit them. ;-) Dessies rock. Period.

Edit: Cruiser-sized weapons on a dessie (or even a T2 variant) would be great.

"Blow it all on Quafe and strippers." --- Sorlac

Eagle's Talon's
#9 - 2012-07-31 23:51:30 UTC
The new weapon would be called the Flak Cannon.

The Flak Cannon is a very fast tracking module that can lay down alot of fire in a short amount of time but only does moderate damage with each impact.

The Flak Cannon would be available to all races and would take special ammunition. The advantage of the Flak Cannon is that when it impacts its target it sends schrapnel in all directions thus causing ships in close proximity to receive damage.
(Basically the effect would be the same as firing a Smart Bomb off)

Gallente - Modal Flak Cannon (small and large)

Minni - Automatic Flak Cannon ( small and large)

Caldari - Modal Flak Cannon ( small and large)

Amarr - Mauser Flak Cannon ( small and large)

10 impact dmg per round / 50 dmg per round from schrapnel ,dist 10km, 5 rounds per shot, cycle time 8 secs - Small
20 impact dmg per round / 35 dmag per round from schrapnel, dist 15km, 3 rounds per shot - cycle time 15 secs - Large

The small Flak Cannon would have a max range of 15km and an optimal range of 12km
The large Flak Cannon would have a max range of 30km and an optimal range of 20km

Both modules would track their targets like a small weapon turret would, very fast.

New Skills would be added as well such as skills reducing the cycle time and schrapnel distance.

The modules would all be T3 modules and could only be fitted on a T3 Heavy Destroyer, T3 Cruiser or T3 Battle Cruiser.

The idea behind the new cannon is to give the pilot the option to flak an area where NPC and Player ships are grouped close together to either disperse the ships or cause damage to the group of ships
A Soporific
Caldari State
#10 - 2012-08-01 03:17:04 UTC
I don't like the idea of limited use modules. Stealth bomber have bombs, so why should a generic destroyer get one that is arguably better just because? If it's too overpowered to be in general circulation and isn't inherent to the functioning of a specific kind of ship then it it's to overpowered to be in the game. Tiers are on the way out anyays.

Also, wouldn't a all medium weapon destroyer be a battlecruiser DPS on a frigate sized hull? That'd be ridiculous no matter how you cut it.
Spugg Galdon
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2012-08-01 08:06:10 UTC
New Destroyers are on the way.

Types of destroyer I'd like to see:

Logistics destroyer (able to keep up with and support frigate/dessie gangs)

Covert command destroyer
> A note on this:
> I would like to see all EWAR related Gang Links and some new ones to be for use on this class of ship.
> Ship would not be able to fit covert ops cloak but can use covert jump portals
> Ship would be low DPS but heavy tank
> A new type of gang links introduced for Gallente command ships that reflects their combat ideology. Something along the lines of "Assault Warfare" which would give bonuses to weapon/drone tracking, range, effectiveness of weapon upgrades.

Hunter/Killer Destroyer (anti cloak) <- I believe this is in the works

Another combat destroyer (Drones/Missiles) <- Confirmed to be in developement