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Summer 2013 New Race: The Ob

First post
Haulin Gneiss
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#1 - 2012-07-29 20:33:03 UTC
Thinking that we need a new pirate faction. Just the highlights:

Logistics attacking race: uses thermodynamics to melt your mods and create weaknesses in your tank. Also attacks ships attributes with persistence based weapons...thinking plasma cloud type weapons that stick to target and degrade attributes (targeting range, micro warp speed, ROF, etc).

Combined with traditional weapons...they beat you with systems attrition.

Suddenly Forums ForumKings
#2 - 2012-07-29 20:34:07 UTC
The Ob.

How about The No?
Haulin Gneiss
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#3 - 2012-07-29 20:34:46 UTC
How about thanks for the constructive critisizm...jeez.
Suddenly Forums ForumKings
#4 - 2012-07-29 20:35:46 UTC
Haulin Gneiss wrote:
How about thanks for the constructive critisizm...jeez.

Oh you wanted a constructive criticism?

How about you STINK! And so does this Movie thing and Lt. Bricker.
Haulin Gneiss
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#5 - 2012-07-29 20:37:32 UTC
best buy sold another kid a keyboard without the requisite breathalyzer/\.
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#6 - 2012-07-29 20:37:32 UTC
How about constructive posting, and less personal attacks. Thank you - ISD Type40.

[b]ISD Type40 Lt. Commander Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs) Interstellar Services Department[/b]

Roll Sizzle Beef
Space Mutiny
#7 - 2012-07-29 20:39:31 UTC
How about we use organizations that already exist in the game world yet haven't been fleshed out. Such as EoM.
Haulin Gneiss
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#8 - 2012-07-29 20:42:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Haulin Gneiss
digging that idea. typed up the summary while killing red crosses so that didn't cross my mind....lolololol.
what other races are unfleshed that we could work on?
Roll Sizzle Beef
Space Mutiny
#9 - 2012-07-29 21:08:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Roll Sizzle Beef
Haulin Gneiss wrote:
digging that idea. typed up the summary while killing red crosses so that didn't cross my mind....lolololol.
what other races are unfleshed that we could work on?

Equilibrium of Mankind, some good ol terrorists.
Intaki Syndicate could be its own pirate organization
A splinter group formed from within all empires: The Sleepers. Tech influences outlined here illustrates a growing number of sleeper influenced implanted solders on the rise. They may be able to re-engineer any empire ships with their own sleeper knowledge and make them more deadly than wormhole sleeper drones.
Tarryn Nightstorm
Hellstar Towing and Recovery
#10 - 2012-07-29 21:19:44 UTC
Haulin Gneiss wrote:
How about thanks for the constructive critisizm...jeez.

OK, here's some:


Too short, too obvious, not enough content to even make a "good" loltroll.

Keep practising!

Star Wars: the Old Republic may not be EVE. But I'll take the sound of dual blaster-pistols over "NURVV CLAOKING NAOW!!!11oneone!!" any day of the week.

Pipa Porto
#11 - 2012-07-29 21:49:04 UTC
Haulin Gneiss wrote:
Thinking that we need a new pirate faction. Just the highlights:

Logistics attacking race: uses thermodynamics to melt your mods and create weaknesses in your tank. Also attacks ships attributes with persistence based weapons...thinking plasma cloud type weapons that stick to target and degrade attributes (targeting range, micro warp speed, ROF, etc).

Combined with traditional weapons...they beat you with systems attrition.

So, kind of like various EWAR, but that can't be removed from the field by killing the ship?

What happened, you lose because they killed your Recon?


EvE: Everyone vs Everyone


Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#12 - 2012-07-29 23:07:52 UTC
I wholeheartedly approve of this idea.

Maybe we'll finally get enough people talking about ECM mechanics to get them improved.

Occasionally plays sober

Haulin Gneiss
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#13 - 2012-07-30 00:10:09 UTC
Tarryn Nightstorm wrote:
Haulin Gneiss wrote:
How about thanks for the constructive critisizm...jeez.

OK, here's some:


Too short, too obvious, not enough content to even make a "good" loltroll.

Keep practising!

How is this a troll?

This is exactly why devs that read forums don't take ideas seriously. Im not sayin this is a new idea...I'm just trying to contribute to the betterment of the game. Flamers and troll-accusers need not respond.

Perhaps we need to convene a 2013 eve innovation summit for users...toll accusers need not apply.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#14 - 2012-07-30 00:18:45 UTC

~ Professional Forum Alt  ~

Charles Baker
Gallente Federation
#15 - 2012-07-30 00:56:43 UTC
Already more than enough Pirate/lawless factions in game, they just need fleshing out.
Pipa Porto
#16 - 2012-07-30 00:59:33 UTC
Sentamon wrote:

The Pandas are coming!

EvE: Everyone vs Everyone


Reicine Ceer
State War Academy
Caldari State
#17 - 2012-07-30 01:00:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Reicine Ceer
I'm surprised that I am the first to point out that this is in the wrong forum. But i do agree with the idea of fleshing out pirate factions, and preferably being able to run missions and defend asteroid belts with them, instead of them blindly shooting you even if you have +10 standings towards them.

*semi-off topic;
Pirate ships in asteroid belts, if unharassed for >x min (where x makes sense - lets say 5) will bring in a larger and larger force over time, eventually even battleships in the lower-end of high sec (and ofc much faster in low and nullsec), resulting finally in mining vessels warping in and beginning their work. This would actually make :sense: within the EVE universe, rather than suicidal maniacs in frigates showing up and waiting to die. This would also allow people to experience a measure of "hard" but easy-to-get-at PvE. Good for the newbies, and bored carebears too :D Also, when the mining vessels arrive, i think they should be able to completely clear out an asteroid field, just like real players can. This will encourage team play, perhaps even "bouncer" style contracts for people needing a little protection when mining.
......which would mean, technically, that a player with maybe +8 or more standing SHOULD be allowed to fly :with: said npc rat corp, and attack players. Which would be the ultimate goal of fleshing out the pirate corps, tbh. Because if you flesh THEM out, you could then do the NPC "police/patrol" corps, and have players join them and perhaps be paid to patrol spacelanes, stargates and asteroid belts. Hell, even a nominal/minimum bounty for a pirate player kill of about 10 million or so, with bonuses being any bounty that was already on their heads. Eventually this would create a huge, vibrant chunk of the universe and the conflict arising from it would equal or beat that which you see in Faction Warfare. Personally, i'd prefer this sorta thing to fighting over lines on a map, but that's just because i'm a hippy.

*stop reading here. What follows is off topic almost entirely.
Speaking of FW: Fleshing out the whole pirate (+ other npc corps ***) thing to me is a really important and valuable chunk that is missing from the "hmmm what shall i do today?" part of playing EVE Online. Absorbing gameplay comes not only from storyline but also from feeling that you are truly a tiny, infinitely small part of a universe. The very best writers and directors know this - the stories we remember are the ones that felt as if they :could: exist. We see rats in belts, and military/police/patrol vessels on gates - these two forces NEVER interact. Why is that? It doesn't make sense, and it chips away at the EVE reality. Heavily involving player interaction with the NPC corporations seals that hole. It would be one more step to making EVE a whole universe.
One other thing about FW that really kinda bugs me is the Faction's stand-offish approach to it. They just sort of wave their hands at pod pilots and say "go kill them, take more territory and we will reward you". Were it timed right, i would :love: to see opposing faction NPC fleets warp in at range and start slugging it out. The player interaction (through repping, NPCs calling for ammo, providing on-grid bonuses and of course balls to the wall dps) itself would decide the outcome of who gets control of territory. This would encourage a "feeding frenzy" behaviour, with potentially huge battles erupting from what initially starts as a skirmish. NPC fleets, given time (ie, if the players keep them alive) should be able to bring reinforcements in wave, and perhaps do pretty things like fly in formation just for 23% more awesome.

(ran outta space; more to come)
Corina Jarr
en Welle Shipping Inc.
#18 - 2012-07-30 01:00:49 UTC
EoM and Syndicate have gorgeous paint jobs, and would make excellent additions to my hanger...

A lil off topic. But these two (especially EoM) don't have much in game information on them. AFAIK, EoM only have some stuff in the Gone Berserk mission.
#19 - 2012-07-30 01:06:39 UTC
Why the **** would you want a race in the game that has the name of a tampon brand?

Inappropriate signature, CCP Phantom.

Reicine Ceer
State War Academy
Caldari State
#20 - 2012-07-30 01:35:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Reicine Ceer
*** Quafe is a huge company, with it's own colourscheme and everything. It'll have a militant wing. What it needs is competition. Some other Slurm-type manufacturer, perhaps trying to muscle in on Quafe's market share. Just, y'know - rather than fighting for pirates or cops, fighting for or against a completely non-political organization within the EVE universe would be pretty darn cool. LP store loot n stuff, y'know! A whole mission framework set up around the world of Quafe (or their competitors) as an avenue of gaming and potentially COOL interactions would be an amazing hook for new and existing players. Imagine being given a mission to "Escort the Cargo", where 500000 units of Quafe Ultra are being transported from A to B, via C and D. If there's a player within the constellation that is pirate-aligned, a popup could appear offering them the chance to gain super LP and get in some unexpected PVP. You could even make it so that for every pirate that accepts the "mission" popup, one or two of the other-faction aligned players may get a "Distress Call!!1" popup, with warp-to points in EXACTLY the same way regular missions appear, only this time they're time-critical.

I think like this all day.
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