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Drake and Hurricane rebalancing

The Painted Ones
#81 - 2012-07-28 19:22:02 UTC
Marzuq wrote:
The drake and hurricane should be readjusted to the same level as the harbinger and the myrmidon.


I'm not being facetious, but what is everyone's fascination with making everything balanced?

I'm not disagreeing that they 'might' be overpowered, but if they are, so what? All in all, across all the races and all the ships, I think things work out pretty well.

There are many things that can take down the two ships........ including a better piloted one with more skill points.

This fascination with young pilots getting into strong ships is crazy........ let them! If they are stupid enough to do it then they are going to lose it. All it takes is a little bit of checking on your part to check establish if they might be a weak pilot in said ships, and if you believe they are then take them down.

I am sure there are some Harbi and Myrm pilots that would be amused by your comments.

Sorry if this appears to be an attack on you, which is not really supposed to be, but it's not as though we have not heard this before.


Cpt Branko
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#82 - 2012-07-29 09:31:34 UTC
More competitive, but not OP, ships makes the game more fun.

The Harbinger simply needs a fitting adjustment, so Beams become an option and HPLs are easier to fit. It's a decent ship which lacks just a bit to be inline with the good ships of the Amarr lineup (like, Amarr BS, which fit just fine, etc).

It's the Myrmidon which is just borked, because the ship tries to be three things and naturally it can't do all three. On one side, it's an active tank ship with drones. But then if you fit it with an active tank, it's 6 gun slots can't be fit properly and the damage is anemic with just 75m3 of drones and 0-1 damage mods (plus, the active armour rigs decrease speed, but this is another issue altogether) depending whether you want a "passable" or "good" tank.

On the other hand, it's a droneboat with 6 gunslots on top, and can dish out some serious closerange damage when fit with a shieldtank (it is better then a Brutix in almost every way). However you have fitting issues using any longrange guns (so does the Brutix though), and you wasted one of the ship bonuses, which always feels somehow bad.

What I would like to see is for ccp to decide what is the idea of the ship. If it's meant to be a droneboat + repair ship, it needs more drone space (and less turrets). If it's meant to be a hybrid turret + gunship, then repair bonus needs to be replaced by something more sensible for a hybrid (but not something *too good*) and it needs more fitting. As it is, it just lacks focus.
Jerick Ludhowe
Internet Tuff Guys
#83 - 2012-07-29 12:28:06 UTC
Going to post a few changes that I feel will get the BC lineup in reasonable working order.

Prophecy - Change in laser cap usage bonus to a laser rof bonus. +1 mid slot and an increase in armor hp so that it is about on par with the binger.

Harbinger - Mild increase to power grid output.

Brutix - +1 Low slot as well as a small increase in grid as well as a small reduction in cpu. EHP increased to be more on par with tier 2 bcs. -20 sig rad +5 m/s speed

Myrmidon - +25m3 Drone Bandwidth. -20 sig rad

Ferox - +1 high slot, and +1 turret. EHP increased to be competitive with the Drake.

Drake - No Changes

Cyclone - +1 turret hard point. EHP increased to be competitive with the Hurricane.

Hurricane - Slight reduction in power grid output OR an increase to the fitting requirements of medium auto cannons. Drone bay and bandwidth reduce to 25m3
Lili Lu
#84 - 2012-07-29 15:02:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Lili Lu
Jerick Ludhowe wrote:
Going to post a few changes that I feel will get the BC lineup in reasonable working order.

Prophecy - Change in laser cap usage bonus to a laser rof bonus. +1 mid slot and an increase in armor hp so that it is about on par with the binger.

Harbinger - Mild increase to power grid output.

Brutix - +1 Low slot as well as a small increase in grid as well as a small reduction in cpu. EHP increased to be more on par with tier 2 bcs. -20 sig rad +5 m/s speed

Myrmidon - +25m3 Drone Bandwidth. -20 sig rad

Ferox - +1 high slot, and +1 turret. EHP increased to be competitive with the Drake.

Drake - No Changes

Cyclone - +1 turret hard point. EHP increased to be competitive with the Hurricane.

Hurricane - Slight reduction in power grid output OR an increase to the fitting requirements of medium auto cannons. Drone bay and bandwidth reduce to 25m3

No changes for the most used ship in the game? So much used that it becomes a 3 to 1 ratio to the second place ship, which is a tech III cruiser of the same general ship typeWhat? And then you would nerf the Hurricane instead? I can agree that Harbinger needs to be able to fit Beams,1600, and mwd. It might then be a true BC counter to Drakes. But your proposals do not narrow the gap between Cruisers (even with a future cruiser buff which hopefully will not be as dramatic as the current frigate buff) and BCs, which is one of the devs stated concerns - the new player "rush to tier 2 BC."

What really should happen is all tier 2 BCs should get the hp stats of their tier 1 counterparts. The tier 1s given a low or mid slot as appropriate. And the 7 high slot BCs either given an 8th high or a drone bay increase to compensate otherwise everyone might just choose cane/cyclone. Other ship specific adjustments could be Myrm getting 100 bandwidth with reduction in gun slots, etc. Also BC shield regen needs a reduction to get rid of ridiculous pve regen setups while preserving enough for reasonable pve regen stats. The resist bonus on the Drake has to go (as well the rep bonus on the Myrm) and replaced with something of an offensive nature but not too much. Basically each race should have a tanky BC and a ganky BC from this, but not both in one ship. The tanky should not be putting out 350-400 dps at 70km. This leaves the blobbage cheap as ships BC fleet still viable.

Then heavy missiles need a slight range nerf. Either directly, or the Missile bombardment skill needs a nerf to 5% per level, or TDs need a missile flight time reduction component, or some combination of all those. The falloff bonus on TEs needs to be slightly reduced. Medium neuts need a slight nerf so as to not be abused on Canes or Myrms but only if neut boats get a compensatory buff.

The point is, only addressing the ship stats in isolation just pushes the problems onto other ships. And just buffing all BCs up to Drake level (which btw your post still doesn't do) continues to leave HACs in the doldrums unless you want to propose some buffs for HACs that situtate them better than tier 2 BCs but don't make them easy BS killers. The danger with your approach is we will have an endless round of buffs that won't fix any of the current problems.
Jerick Ludhowe
Internet Tuff Guys
#85 - 2012-07-29 15:18:39 UTC
Lili Lu wrote:

No changes for the most used ship in the game? So much used that it becomes a 3 to 1 ratio to the second place ship, which is a tech III cruiser of the same general ship typeWhat? And then you would nerf the Hurricane instead? I can agree that Harbinger needs to be able to fit Beams,1600, and mwd. It might then be a true BC counter to Drakes. But your proposals do not narrow the gap between Cruisers (even with a future cruiser buff which hopefully will not be as dramatic as the current frigate buff) and BCs, which is one of the devs stated concerns - the new player "rush to tier 2 BC."

What really should happen is all tier 2 BCs should get the hp stats of their tier 1 counterparts. The tier 1s given a low or mid slot as appropriate. And the 7 high slot BCs either given an 8th high or a drone bay increase to compensate otherwise everyone might just choose cane/cyclone. Other ship specific adjustments could be Myrm getting 100 bandwidth with reduction in gun slots, etc. Also BC shield regen needs a reduction to get rid of ridiculous pve regen setups while preserving enough for reasonable pve regen stats. The resist bonus on the Drake has to go (as well the Myrm) and replaced with something of an offensive nature but not too much. Basically each race should have a tanky BC and a ganky BC from this, but not both in one ship. The tanky should not be putting out 350-400 dps at 70km. This leaves the blobbage cheap as ships BC fleet still viable.

Then heavy missiles need a slight range nerf. Either directly, or the Missile bombardment skill needs a nerf to 5% per level, or TDs need a missile flight time reduction component, or some combination of all those. The falloff bonus on TEs needs to be slightly reduced. Medium neuts need a slight nerf so as to not be abused on Canes or Myrms but only if neut boats get a compensatory buff.

The point is, only addressing the ship stats in isolation just pushes the problems onto other ships. And just buffing all BCs up to Drake level (which btw your post still doesn't do) continues to leave HACs in the doldrums unless you want to propose some buffs for HACs that situtate them better than tier 2 BCs but don't make them easy BS killers. The danger with your approach is we will have an endless round of buffs that won't fix any of the current problems.

Lots of good points but i'm going to disagree with you on the drake being "OMG BBQ OPED". The drake being used has allot more to do with fleet doctrine and less to do with ridiculous potential. I would agree that shield regen needs to be reduced on BCs by a small margin as well as a range reduction on heavy missiles however the idea of TD working on missiles is one of my most loathed proposals... We have defenders, lets buff those instead of making TD the universal fit to every ship module that it will become if it has an effect on missiles. Let me state this again, TD effecting missiles is a deplorable attempt at "balance".

The cane however I think is the most broken ship in the BC lineup. It's far too good at far too many things with it's best in class relative fitting, speed, dbl dmg bonus, 2 utility highs, and 18 slots puts this ship in a class of it's own. As stated it's suicide to tackle such a ship in a frig (unlike the drake) and it's easily the best of the BCs in a shield kiting setup. These are the reasons I have proposed nerfs for this ship. I 100% do agree with you that TE need to be nerfed back to a 15/15, too many kiting AC ships have become far too good with these foolishly buffed modules.
Takeshi Yamato
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#86 - 2012-07-29 15:53:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Takeshi Yamato
Regarding beam lasers and the Prophecy:

1) Beam lasers just suck with the exception of Tachyon Beam Lasers. Also, they need to be better differentiated from pulse lasers, because for mid-range dps, Scorch is much better and actually allows for a tank. That leaves beam lasers are pure sniper weapon but unfortunately they suck for that (with the aforementioned exception).

250mm Railgun II with Antimatter
30 dps (38 with 5% dmg/level bonus)
18 km optimal (27k with 10% optimal/level bonus)
15 km falloff
-1.1 cap/sec
0.03019 rad/sec tracking
42 CPU
208 PG

Heavy Beam Laser II with Multifrequency
32 dps
15 km optimal
10 km falloff
0.04125 rad/sec tracking
-1.9 cap/sec (with -10% cap usage per level)
37 CPU
275 PG

They are so bad that railguns look good in comparison except for tracking. The only saving grace is that Tachyon Beam Lasers exist which are a tier above railguns and thus manage to reach decent dps, range and alpha. That's only at the Battleship level though.

So the reason why you don't see beam laser Harbingers is just because beam lasers are bad, not because the Harbinger lacks powergrid.

2) The Prophecy should not be a Harbinger clone. The ship needs become a HAM, drone, sniper, or even a TD ship but it should not be just another laser ship. Personally I would prefer a HAM brawler (+5% HAM dmg, +5% armor resists).
Lili Lu
#87 - 2012-07-29 16:10:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Lili Lu
Jerick Ludhowe wrote:
Lots of good points but i'm going to disagree with you on the drake being "OMG BBQ OPED". The drake being used has allot more to do with fleet doctrine and less to do with ridiculous potential.

Yet you propose to do nothing, how will that change the situation? Drake usage needs to be addressed somehow. It is utterly ridiculous that one ship is used 3 times more than the second place on eve-kill stats. Also, the regen reduction is only for pve. It does very little for pvp usage. Taking away the resist bonus and some hp from the Drake would knock it out of fleet usage. People should be training large guns - tier 3 BC or HAC or BS for 0.0 fleet backbones. Support ships for newer players could come from improved ewar tech I cruisers, or the old fashioned way which was incterceptors or cov ops scouting / bombers. It would be nice to see a multilayers battlefield with skirmishers and main ranks, not what we have now which is two monoculture main ranks. At least the old sniper BS fleets were never monoculture.

And, cruise missiles need some buff. Additionally, there needs to be some other ships with more launcher slots, even if unbonused. I was happy to see the formerly Maelstrom only fleets become mixed with Rokhs when the hybrid buff took hold. If cruises were buffed to make them worth using on Ravens as a fleet ship, then there would need to be another ship with sufficient launcher slots and sufficient shield tank and something redeeming so that we would not just see monoculture Raven fleets. Likewise for the phoon. It would be interesting to see phoons and some other ship firing cruises and armor tanking. This may be pie in the sky, but I really not thrilled with monoculture fleets of any variety. People should not be told by alliance miltary commanders- train this ship (period), better to told here are at least two choices to train for whatever fleet doctrine.

Jerick Ludhowe wrote:
I would agree that shield regen needs to be reduced on BCs by a small margin as well as a range reduction on heavy missiles however the idea of TD working on missiles is one of my most loathed proposals... We have defenders, lets buff those instead of making TD the universal fit to every ship module that it will become if it has an effect on missiles. Let me state this again, TD effecting missiles is a deplorable attempt at "balance".

First, the devs have stated a long time ago (so I hear) that defenders were too difficult to make work. Additionally, if they were somehow to make them work like TD do currently on guns it would mean that all you would have to do is activate a defender launcher and it would stay active focused on a particular ship. This would result in the destruction of some portion of that ships missiles. How would that be better than a TD only forcing the missile ship to come closer or to need a painter to counteract the hit parameters? Far better if TD acted on missile like they do on guns, so that you need to either fit mod to increase flight time (new mod) or fit a painter or have dedicated painting ships in fleet. A TD does not take away whole shots from guns, instead it requires adjustments to fittings and tactics. The same mechanism is better for missiles than any trully successful defender missile mechanic would be.

Jerick Ludhowe wrote:
The cane however I think is the most broken ship in the BC lineup. It's far too good at far too many things with it's best in class relative fitting, speed, dbl dmg bonus, 2 utility highs, and 18 slots puts this ship in a class of it's own. As stated it's suicide to tackle such a ship in a frig (unlike the drake) and it's easily the best of the BCs in a shield kiting setup. These are the reasons I have proposed nerfs for this ship. I 100% do agree with you that TE need to be nerfed back to a 15/15, too many kiting AC ships have become far too good with these foolishly buffed modules.

Your concerns about Canes sound more to me like concerns about medium neuts and falloff. Both can be addressed with adjustments to mods. The Drake's overuse is attributable directly to tank and range. Range can be addressed by adjustments to mods, but tank only by ship changes. A tank bonused Ferox rail sniper is less of a worry considering the lesser hp and medium rail damage stats. Afterall we are not presently overrun with them. But adding a slot to the ship is tricky. Regardless, it is preferable to the current Drake.

Which brings up another concern I have had watching the current frig rebalancing. Why CCP is still giving 10% per level range bonuses on top of the longest range weapon system is worrisome. It seems they have not shaken the exclusivity mindset with bonuses. It's ok to have some races tilted toward certain combat roles and less able at others. But to lock each race into a role and make that role the sole domain of that race, and further to lock each race out of the other roles than their one preferred role, is very bad design and will not make for many happy customers/players.
Lili Lu
#88 - 2012-07-29 16:46:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Lili Lu
Takeshi Yamato wrote:
Regarding beam lasers and the Prophecy . . . 2) The Prophecy should not be a Harbinger clone. The ship needs become a HAM, drone, sniper, or even a TD ship but it should not be just another laser ship. Personally I would prefer a HAM brawler (+5% HAM dmg, +5% armor resists).

Yes. This is what CCP needs to do. Open up roles within each race. Presently Amarr BCs and BSs really aren't very different. And the only cruiser really worth using is the Arbitrator or the Maller, for drone/ewar and tank respectively. Neither of which is laser which is what is the only option upon reaching BS. Situations like this need fixing.

Of course this discussion is way off topic, but then viewing ships in isolation is not wise so meh.P

edit- thinking about this with the cruise missile BS thoughts i had in the previous post. Why not have one of the Amarr BSs given missile launcher slots. You could theoretically have a fleet of mixed phoons and an amarr BS each firing cruises and armor tanking. Then maybe give launcher slots to the Hyperion and maybe make it 6 mid and 5 low, drop the rep bonus and make it a missile bonus of some kind. Say that Roden built the damn thing like it did the Lachesis. Most people still prefer the Mega if they want close range armor tanked blaster boat still it seems anyway (i don't fly blaster so just my impression). Then you could have mixed Raven and Hyperion shield tanking (improved) cruise missile fleets. The gun placements on the Hyprion never looked right visually anyway. With the new launchers it would look awsome, like submarine torpedo ports.P The Raven could still have the better missile bonuses or more launcher slots whatever. But having another race option for the same role means less likely to be total monoculture.

CCP could do some interesting things with rebalancing. It will be a forever process anyway and will need constant readjustments. Make it exciting. Shake up the stale current fleet doctrines and racial roles somewhat without totally chucking them. Since we are already going to have to wait a year or two for BCs and BSs, etc. Make it worth waiting for CCP.
Zyella Stormborn
Green Seekers
#89 - 2012-07-29 17:38:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Zyella Stormborn
Takeshi Yamato wrote:
Regarding beam lasers and the Prophecy:

1) Beam lasers just suck with the exception of Tachyon Beam Lasers. Also, they need to be better differentiated from pulse lasers, because for mid-range dps, Scorch is much better and actually allows for a tank. That leaves beam lasers are pure sniper weapon but unfortunately they suck for that (with the aforementioned exception).

250mm Railgun II with Antimatter
30 dps (38 with 5% dmg/level bonus)
18 km optimal (27k with 10% optimal/level bonus)
15 km falloff
-1.1 cap/sec
0.03019 rad/sec tracking
42 CPU
208 PG

Heavy Beam Laser II with Multifrequency
32 dps
15 km optimal
10 km falloff
0.04125 rad/sec tracking
-1.9 cap/sec (with -10% cap usage per level)
37 CPU
275 PG

They are so bad that railguns look good in comparison except for tracking. The only saving grace is that Tachyon Beam Lasers exist which are a tier above railguns and thus manage to reach decent dps, range and alpha. That's only at the Battleship level though.

So the reason why you don't see beam laser Harbingers is just because beam lasers are bad, not because the Harbinger lacks powergrid.

2) The Prophecy should not be a Harbinger clone. The ship needs become a HAM, drone, sniper, or even a TD ship but it should not be just another laser ship. Personally I would prefer a HAM brawler (+5% HAM dmg, +5% armor resists).

Nice idea, but I think Prophecy would need a little base speed boost to be a brawler as well, wouldn't it? Would love to fly my golden chicken around and be a bit more useful. ;)

I agree that Beam lasers need love (hoping they make a general pass at laser systems and the amarr ship cap% bonus in general).
I also think defender missiles need love to make them a viable option for pple that want to counter missiles. Two options I have seen as suggestions I liked, but am not sure of the ramifications, if any.

1) Make defender only missile launchers a mid slot item.
2) Make a turret anti-missile system that takes a mid slot.

If they could come out with something like that, it would make a decent counter to missile boats, but at the cost of another item (like TD, ECM, etc). Thoughts?

There is a special Hell for people like that, Right next to child molestors, and people that talk in the theater. ~Firefly

Cpt Branko
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#90 - 2012-07-29 20:09:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Cpt Branko
Jerick Ludhowe wrote:

The cane however I think is the most broken ship in the BC lineup. It's far too good at far too many things with it's best in class relative fitting, speed, dbl dmg bonus, 2 utility highs, and 18 slots puts this ship in a class of it's own. As stated it's suicide to tackle such a ship in a frig (unlike the drake) and it's easily the best of the BCs in a shield kiting setup. These are the reasons I have proposed nerfs for this ship. I 100% do agree with you that TE need to be nerfed back to a 15/15, too many kiting AC ships have become far too good with these foolishly buffed modules.

I don't get why everyone is so hot about the AC shieldfit with two dual neuts. It's damage at range is crap. In gangs dual medium neuts are entirely and utterly irrelevant, and you're left with a ship which has great DPS in webrange where it doesn't have the buffer, and meh DPS at it's intended fighting ranges.

The plated fit (either the 'I really hate frigates' with 220mm + 2x medium neut + 2x web or the 'I'm a blasterboat except I don't suck' with 425mm + HAM) is a lot more powerful when it comes to the sheer ability of solo killing, and the shield arty fit is just flat out superior to AC shieldfits for gangs or kiting situations. It's only somewhat inferior in buffer due to having to use an ACR, and inferior for shooting frigate hulls (and you can't fit dual medium neuts, so in theory you could die to a frigate, which is however only relevant solo and even then... not a decisive argument tbh). Overall, though, much better.

The shield AC fit is "versatile" where versatile means not particularly good at anything. That is all. It's not good out of webrange (because the damage is meh, your utility highs are not being used, and a host of BC hulls outdamage you at those ranges), and it's not good in webrange (because your buffer is not sufficient for pointblank facemelting). It can shoot frigs. Imagine.

Now, why isn't it possible to fit a 250mm railgun Myrmidon/Brutix or Heavy Beam Laser Harbinger (with perhaps one fitting rig as the 720mm Hurricane has to fit)? So Gallente and Amarr could have BCs which are actually usable at range?
Kalel Nimrott
Caldari Provisions
#91 - 2012-07-29 20:37:24 UTC
I keep hearing "Nerfgoodships" cry as always instead of fix the ones that are broken. You guys want to level all things a step lower instea of raising the bar...

Bob Artis, you will be missed.


#92 - 2012-07-30 02:27:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Noisrevbus
Lili Lu wrote:

Yet you propose to do nothing, how will that change the situation? Drake usage needs to be addressed somehow.

Since you have taken to ignore me now, while spewing on your crusade...

All BC -> large rigs
All BC -> mineral overhaul
All Tech I ships -> insurance overhaul

Either-all, to a balanced degree. I am not a game designer, the exact figures is not my job.

All BC will see a decrease in appeal between Cruisers and BS, and all Tech I will see a decrease in appeal to more techy options. The Drake will in it's popularity be nerfed twice since it will lose appeal with the rest of the class at all scales and in the specific role as a bottom line fleet ship at the largest scale.

EVE at large will win as the barrier of free participation is pushed back to Tech I Cruisers, and you can now begin to complain about the Caracal blobs (or more realisticly that the Hype is not a fleet BS, while the Mega is tier two, do not have Scorch or shield tank; so it doesn't blob as good as Mael, Baddon and Rokh).

Et voila, problem solved.

Personally, i'd still prefer to see more content for corporations and alliances, as opposed to coalitions or meta-coalitions.

#93 - 2012-07-30 03:39:34 UTC
Cpt Branko wrote:

Now, why isn't it possible to fit a 250mm railgun Myrmidon/Brutix or Heavy Beam Laser Harbinger (with perhaps one fitting rig as the 720mm Hurricane has to fit)? So Gallente and Amarr could have BCs which are actually usable at range?

I see what you did there Lol.
#94 - 2012-07-30 04:49:58 UTC
"The drake and hurricane should be readjusted to the same level as the harbinger and the myrmidon."

I agree, but exactly the opposite sentiment;

The harbinger and the myrmidon need some buffing.

I like better stuff.

I agree with the stuff you said about the battle cruisers being between the cruiser and battleship class, and that the harbinger and the myrmidon had slipped in the spec's.

But there is no point in making two perfectly good, well used and admired hulls, crap. They are already outdated by the TR3 hulls anyhow.

The myrmidon needs more bandwidth and would benefit from a drone speed bonus for easy starters.

The harbinger, dunno what to say about it, handy if you want to shoot at something for five hours while the crystals burn out, but the thing looks like some kind of stomped on chicken, and I had constant cap issues with my fits.

So yea, lets not bring anything down to the Harby's level, it's really quite outdated.

Getting you on your feet.

So you've further to fall.

Lili Lu
#95 - 2012-07-30 16:14:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Lili Lu
Noisrevbus wrote:
Since you have taken to ignore me now, while spewing on your crusade...

No I'm quite aware of your spewing of general complaints that while worthy of mention are not the sole cause of the drake usage problem (no reason to block your posts as you are not too insulting and you do think about things unlike some other posters). As for my "crusade" maybe you should plead with Ytterbium because tier 2 BC rush and especially the Drake are already stated to be on the target list. I'm simply showing why CCP will be nerfing (or I suppose altering might be a better word) the Drake.

Noisrevbus wrote:

All BC -> large rigs
All BC -> mineral overhaul
All Tech I ships -> insurance overhaul

Either-all, to a balanced degree. I am not a game designer, the exact figures is not my job.

All BC will see a decrease in appeal between Cruisers and BS, and all Tech I will see a decrease in appeal to more techy options. The Drake will in it's popularity be nerfed twice since it will lose appeal with the rest of the class at all scales and in the specific role as a bottom line fleet ship at the largest scale.

If the root of the drake usage problem were as you say due to the general use of medium rigs, mineral costs, and insurance for all BCs, then would we not be seeing all of the tier 2s equally at the top on eve-kill? Sadly that is not the case. It is Drake number one by a long shot. There are unique properties to the ship and how it can be fit that do not depend on the factors you mentioned. You keep avoiding those.

Noisrevbus wrote:
EVE at large will win as the barrier of free participation is pushed back to Tech I Cruisers, and you can now begin to complain about the Caracal blobs (or more realisticly that the Hype is not a fleet BS, while the Mega is tier two, do not have Scorch or shield tank; so it doesn't blob as good as Mael, Baddon and Rokh).

Certainly there is a possibility that if nothing is done about the range v damage benefits of heavy missiles the Caracal could become the new thing . . in roaming small gang. But then there are other factors such as different bonuses, ease of fitting, lock range, lack of dronage, basically the ships are not equivalent within their respective classes. So, no, it's too soon for you to paint me with a Caracal "crusade." Try thinking up something more absurd.

As for the BSs you mentioned, the day any one of them dominates the eve-kill stats the way the Drake has I'll start complaining. Until then it is weak argumentation for the sake of arguing on your part to ascribe a position to me that I have not taken. In general I see nothing wrong with hating persistent and prevalent monoculture fleets or gang doctrines that confine what players can "play" in. Those doctrines develop when people begin to notice the advantages of particular ships heavily outweighing the merits or lack of them with other ships. Eve players on the whole are intelligent and can spot a ship that is vastly better than others in its class. That is how certain ships become "popular." It has a lot less to do with aesthetics or roleplay or whatever you seem to think makes people choose to fly Drakes.

Noisrevbus wrote:
Et voila, problem solved.

Personally, i'd still prefer to see more content for corporations and alliances, as opposed to coalitions or meta-coalitions.


What? You want others to suggest content for you? It is a worthy subject, but you really should start your own thread about it and in the op to that thread put some suggestions of your own and then say "discuss."
Cpt Branko
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#96 - 2012-07-30 17:12:00 UTC
Well, tbh, popularity in the sense of most kills is not a good way to do ship balancing.

You must consider that larger gang combat, which heavily favours ranged ships, is going to produce a larger volume of kills then smaller scale combat. The ships are somewhat balanced in small scale pvp, which is to say, Hurricane and Drake are better, but not better by that much.

As for larger scale, there is a problem due to the design of missiles - while the respective long range turrets of the Hurricane and Harbinger do actually outdamage HMLs at closer ranges, the missiles have a hefty margin where they do superior DPS,
"longer" then the range at which other races outdo them. This in itself wouldn't be a dealbreaker.

Unlike long range turrets, HMLs are not a problem to fit, so you don't have to sacrifice slots (or rigslots) to fit long range. On top of this, Hurricane and Harbinger are also ships with offensive bonuses, while Drake has a defensive EHP bonus (which is, by the way, quite balanced when we consider closerange fits! ).

The result is that a long range fit Drake has a significant EHP advantage over a long range fit Hurricane or Harbinger, which when added to the comparative advantage of HMLs over, eg. artillery / etc. at longer ranges produces the result that there is little reason to bring any other BC then a Drake to longrange fight.

Whatever, if anything, CCP wants to do about it, it has to be done in a sensible way - a flat out nerf of the Drake isn't sensible. Short range Drakes, for instance, aren't OP by any standards.
#97 - 2012-07-30 17:46:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Noisrevbus
If the root of the drake usage problem were as you say due to the general use of medium rigs, mineral costs, and insurance for all BCs, then would we not be seeing all of the tier 2s equally at the top on eve-kill? Sadly that is not the case. It is Drake number one by a long shot. There are unique properties to the ship and how it can be fit that do not depend on the factors you mentioned. You keep avoiding those.

There is nothing to avoid.

You are not just putting together both pieces of the puzzle:
Scaling (Projection) + Cost (BC) = Blob (Popularity)

The "root of the problem" is cost, scaling and nothing but cost and scaling. There are no unique properties to the ship.

Let's connect the dots again:

1. All large fleets are projection and buffer
Those tactical options apply regardless of ship.
Projection and buffer is only "imbalanced" compared to other tactical options at large coalition-wide fleets.

1. The problem manifest itself first when the volley damage of your fleet obscure the buffer of an individual target.
2. Until you reach that manifestation the value of utility on ships is also much higher (individual points, webs, EW etc.)
3. Most Drakes at smaller scales tend to fit points, webs and other utility - giving up portions of their tank.
4. Most Drakes at smaller scales find issues of mediocre speed, damage, reach and utility. That's it's drawbacks.

5. Within this capacity all BC are capable of 80k tanks, pushing the breakpoint of "blob" upward 100-man gangs.
6. Within this capacity it's possible to out-range, out-tank, out-burst, out-control and beat Drakes with all other BC.
7. Within this capacity it's possible to beat Drakes on the same principles with an array other classes (frigate to capital).
8. This problem does not exist at solo, pair, small or medium. It only exist at large - hence it's a scaling issue.

Your dislike for the properties of the Drake to other BC, as well as to other classes is based entirely on the above.

2. All BC are cost-effective
More assets on grid would logically assume more assets at risk. That logic falls when assets are risk free.
Cost-efficiency is an overall problem in EVE, but it ramp-affect ship popularity at large scale wars of attrition.
(Because of attrition: Where you come back into a fight with a new ship, as opposed to the same ship; or a new fight).

1. The Drake is worse than all the BS at "projection and buffer", even at comparatively lower skillpoints (BS4 etc).
2. The Drake is worse than all Capital and Supercapital ships at "projection and buffer".
3. Training time is mostly a moot point, as the vast majority of players in Drakes have enough SP to fly BS.
4. Another way to adress training time is looking at the amount of month-old players to the statistics.

5. If Drakes cost almost as much as other (better) "projection and buffer" options large fleets will gravitate over to that.
6. If all BC cost more (per any definition) they will be more appealing targets to kill.
7. If all BC cost more they will be better balanced inbetween Cruisers and BS.
8. If all Tech I cost more they will be better balanced to Tech II and Tech III.
9. If all Tech I cost more even BS and Capitals will see reduction in cost-efficiency.

10. Top 20 popularity is all about what the large fleets fly.

One glaring problem at smaller scale skirmish engagements is that it's not very appealing engaging a larger gang of cheaper ships - because they can be so much cheaper. The risk is not worth it, the drops are not worth it and the impact on the losing player is next to nothing. At large scale engagements all of that apply, on top of the additional issue of reshipping and looking at the war from a campaign perspective of attrition that do not exist in skirmish. Almost no wars in EVE online today are dictated by asset loss in PvP (RA's demise in Delve is an exception to prove the rule, and it occured before the thunderdome turned into a full coalition war of Drakes).

3. The summary, larger perspective and extended discussion:
1. A continued discussion here is that corporations and alliances in EVE rarely meet large scale themselves.
2. Coalitions do, and while i have nothing against political meta, it means the problem first manifiest in political meta.
3. As such, mechanical changes that affect political meta in some indirect way have better potential to affect the "blob".
4. For example, introducing small gang targets in alliance infrastructure have the potential to affect the "blob".
5. I rather see Myrms and Harbies adressed that way than some direct buff that will do nothing to the political meta.
6. Almost all CCP attempts to fix the "Drake" and political meta have so far had the opposite effect (Tier 3 BC affected other ships more).

This is why a perspective of "unique properties" is completely wrong and pointless. CCP, have had the same perspective and have so far only made the matters worse for Myrms and Harbies. If they would give the Drake more DPS, better selectability and less tank, they would once again just make matters worse for Myrms and Harbies. No direct boost, short of something pants-on insane and imbalanced will make Myrms and Harbies more popular to blob in.

If all ships in EVE are meant to be popular in political meta, and all ships in political meta are projection-buffer - then all ships in EVE need to be projection-buffer. I don't want that. I like other tactics.

- You are a proponent of adapting all ships to one existing scale of political meta.
- I am a proponent of adapting the political meta to all existing scales and ships.

As the entirety of EVE streamline toward projection and buffer, the game lose it's depth. Every ship that has been changed toward that streamline have obscured more ships in it's wake. Giving rise to new nerf/buff calls.
Lili Lu
#98 - 2012-07-30 19:25:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Lili Lu
Noisrevbus wrote:
some valid points

but all miss that there are ship differences that matter and eve-kill stats do not just reflect 0.0 coalition blob usage.

I have an alt in faction warfare. Drakes are preferred ships there as well. Those engagements are around the size of 20-40. No blobbage no cost efficeincy considerations v BSs. Drakes still predominate.

Did CFC adoption of Drake blobbage of late influence the eve-kill numbers? Yes. Did it account for the number one placement? No. That situation has held for the last three years irrespective of CFC or A-block or any other alliance level preferrence for Drake usage. Drakes are everywhere.

Damage projection and either speed or buffer tank or some combo of the two do work great in 0.0 where bubbles can be your tackle. No doubt about it the CFC adoption was a no-brainer. The point is the same would not have worked with other BCs, and these same mechanisms lead to usage in low sec even without bubbles.

Plenty of tackler throw away cruisers or frigs or tech II cruisers and frigs to allow the damage projection/buffer Drakes to do their thing in low sec. Low sec gangs do not chuck mobility and ranged damage projection and just bash into each other at zero all the time. Plenty of use of intys and Lachesises for tackle for the Drakes. Interstingly even in the bash at 0km no logi everyone with a point engagements often the Drakes are at the top on dps. Blasters and ac will have tracking to deal with and much more limited range, while the Drakes can continue to do damage even if separated by 20km or more as the melee moves and shifts, and at these much shorter distances than 70km kiting the travel time on missiles is not a big factor. Additionally the other BCs either will not have as beefy a shield tank or if they fit as beefy an armor tank they are sacrificing speed, mobility, and damage for it.

If Drakes had to sacrifice low or mid slot(s) for their range they would lose some dps or tank and they would not predominate. CCP could cut down the base travel time/range of HMs, they could reduce missile bombardment to a 5% skill. This would be them saying to drakes if you want that 70km sweet spot back here maybe are some new mods (mid or low) that you could fit but you lose BCU or Extender for. Alternately if you want it you would now need to use rig slot(s) and lose CDFE(s) for it. Alternately, CCP could buff TDs to affect missile range. Whichever combo of mechanisms they choose they have the ability to force fitting choices on drakes that aren't presently there in the same complexity as on turret ships. They could also remove the resist bonus and for pve remove the very skewed BC shield regen.

Your concerns about coalitions and cost efficiency are great. I do not disagree about the harms those factors cause to many (most) people's enjoyment of the game. I do think you are wrong that those problems account for the huge drake usage imbalance. Certainly they have an effect on it, but they are not the determining factors. The CFC could fit Canes or Harbys to hit at the same distance but not the same damage, tank, or mobility. Alternately, they do have close range welp Canes, but those aren't used as often. The Drakes unique features put it where it is. This is why it will be altered . . . in a year or two >_<
#99 - 2012-07-30 20:57:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Noisrevbus
I'm going to group your related qoutes together, so there will be a bit of cut-paste.

Lili Lu wrote:

but all miss that there are ship differences that matter and eve-kill stats do not just reflect 0.0 coalition blob usage.
That situation has held for the last three years irrespective of CFC or A-block or any other alliance level preferrence for Drake usage. Drakes are everywhere.

You should keep in mind that the "CFC and A-block" have existed for more years than 3. There may be new forms and names but the blocks have existed for a good while, and prior to them other blocks that did the same. It's not like the old NC did not fly BC.

I think the recent history of BC popularity is pretty well documented from probing change, to rig-change to nano-change and how smaller groups discovered how BC could adapt to the post-Aprocrypha landscape and assume certain profiling tactics. It's also quite well known how larger groups picked up on that, counters were formed and how numbers past that just spiraled out of control. I have posted about it myself on several occasions.

The fact remain that since 2008 medium reach, buffer and Logi have been profiling and since 2010 it's been a well known fact that numbers just re-counter the devised counters (more Drakes). I have posted about that as well.

It's a bit of a stretch, but you can essentially say that 2010 was the breaking point when mechanics finally gave in to attrition. The rise of the Hellcat mark that turn. For PL the Hellcats were budget subcaps. Good vs. BC and AHAC. It's when the best counter to projectable numbers become greater projected affordable volume again, and the game began trending back toward sniping BS. Only now, nano is out of the equation. The initial years after the nano-nerf was teeming with a variety of tactics facing off. 2010 marked the stabilization, when everything the nano-crowd had warned about in 2008 came to pass. Namely that numbers needed to be kept in check with nano and AoE DD gone.

Those changes (along with the rig change and such) were good when they came out, but CCP just never got around to the counter-balance. They left imbalance festering and the number and cost-efficiency hegemony of Drakes is the result. It takes a couple of years for things to topple over.

My gripe is that after 2010 the attempts of adressing it have been incredibly misguided. It's all bad ideas, so of course i am sceptical Big smile.

I have an alt in faction warfare. Drakes are preferred ships there as well. Those engagements are around the size of 20-40. No blobbage no cost efficeincy considerations v BSs. Drakes still predominate.
No doubt about it the CFC adoption was a no-brainer. The point is the same would not have worked with other BCs, and these same mechanisms lead to usage in low sec even without bubbles.

My response to this is essentially the same as above. They are related.

No one is saying Drakes are not used in 20-40, similarily it's not like big alliances never engage in the 20-40 scale. The point is that other BC as well as other classes also represent here with both good potential and documented results against Drakes at this scale. They don't stop profiling until you push above 100. There is no gross overrepresentation here.

Drakes are good, other ships are good.

That doesn't mean mid-projection tactics is bad, but they are not void of counters. I've flown in gangs, with theme, upward 20 different mainline ship constellations and they have all worked against Drakes or other BC. I have both personally flown and met others flying BS, HAC, BC, Frigates, Recons and Capitals to deal with BC upward 100. The actual balance is quite good, aside from the fact that it's always annoying shooting someone when you know his ship loss doesn't matter to him.

If i fight Drakes that's my only gripe. I don't dislike their power when i fight them myself, i dislike their lack of asset risk.

This would be them saying to drakes if you want that 70km sweet spot back here maybe are some new mods (mid or low) that you could fit but you lose BCU or Extender for. Whichever combo of mechanisms they choose they have the ability to force fitting choices on drakes that aren't presently there in the same complexity as on turret ships.

When you get into the finer points like this you are forgetting that things like the ones you bring up already exist. They are not popular now and nothing says they will be popular then. Stacking various options on top of each other is also the very thing that risk toppling the ships at lower scales or among groups who run counters.

We're back to things like the age-old tracking discussion. Turret tracking is much more volatile. It can either be better or worse than turrets. What that is, is chiefly determined by your actions. An inexperienced player will as such see appeal in the missiles while an experienced player will see potential in the turrets. It works both ways.

The best analogy i can give you is to look at the EW discussion. It's the reversed. Turrets are like ECM, they have a higher element of chance. Missiles are like Damps, they apply reliably - reliability can be exploited in both ways. Turrets can hit things they are not "supposed to" (=blap) while you can make missiles miss things they are "supposed to" hit with less variation and re-counter. Mobility always work against the missile equation, while it either do or not against turrets.

With this knowledge, why doesn't people fit AB to counter Drakes? A TD is not going to be better. Making them trendy will hurt more tracking-dependent ships though. Much more than Drakes. It's more likely Drakes will use them against you. It's the paradox of Tier 3 BC all over again.
#100 - 2012-07-30 21:44:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Noisrevbus
Me wrote:
When you get into the finer points like this you are forgetting that things like the ones you bring up already exist.

I realize i was a bit vague there in the last segment, so let's amend some examples.

We can base them on the TD suggestion again.

If you want to cut the range of a Drake today. He operates near his lock-limit. A simple damp will cut him to half distance. It will also cut his pre-lock (secondary targets etc., on approach), his drone-control range and other utility.

The difference between me, the majority of people reading this thread and most likely you... is that i have already done that. Why more people don't do it up to large scale, is beyond me. It's a very effective way to restrict other people to you.

I have flown in gangs damping Drakes. I have flown Drakes damping other gangs (BS, Tier 3 BC) down to our engagement range. I have flown old school nano where we force the hostile Scimi from behind his line into our point range, or where we drop that Falcon out of his position and into our reach. I have done that. Most other people just complain about damps.

It's different at the larger scale.

A coalition fleet will be difficult to TD down, a grid of 500 is not easily micromanaged, and they themselves will not bring TD (unless they are supressing smaller groups whome they can blanket with EW, in blob vs. other scale).

They will continue to bring their overtanked Drakes and just bring more support (Huginn etc) to offset any potential threat to "critical mass" of number-to-buffer. They will also bring more Drakes to offset any low percentage decrease in accuracy. They will not put accuracy modules in their mids. It will be completely pointless both for them and against them. They already have margin to the volley breakpoint and numbers is more effective.

What you will end up hurting instead is sensitive ships. The lone Mega pilot who might face TD profiling, his short range blasters will hurt alot if it become a popular module. The Torpedo ships that already have issues with down-blap, who rely on webs and painters - not to hit smaller stuff - but to hit anything at all for effective damage.

The funny thing with the Drake (the ship) as with the blob (obscure numbers); is that the most likely use of the "anti missile TD" will be from the Drake - not on the Drake. Do people use TD against turret blobs today? No.

In the end, the effect will hit the smaller scale much more. The more balanced scale.

For accuracy it's even worse.

Sig-tanking missiles is already effective, much more effective than turrets. TD them down will not make any leveled engagement more balanced, it's not needed. You can already sig-tank 100 Drakes, applying TD ontop will not let you tank 200 Drakes, the reasons were given above. For accuracy, like everywhere else, the effect will be noticed first and only when you put someone in a position where he can't fight back at all. It may be effective at the lone Drake you catch to gank with superior numbers to stack TD on him. It's like a Pilgrim, lone turret ships hate it - but it doesn't have much appeal outside of completely blobbing some poor lone sod.

Do you see how it's a bad idea now?

You don't accomplish the desired effect, to make Drakes and/in large gangs less popular.

Your continued problem here is that you just think it needs "something" you don't know what, and propose either ineffective, overblown or misdirected suggestions. I don't mean that as an attack on you. I can't put it in softer words.