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Role Fever?

Deena Amaj
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#21 - 2012-07-27 16:32:16 UTC
Ganthrithor wrote:
Oh god, I'd shoot myself if they made all ships use subsystems. I'm pretty sure there's maybe 6 decent subsystem combinations between all the racial T3 cruisers. Most of them are garbage.

put the gun down.
Of course on a T1 scale/magnitude and not that grossly epeen-overpowered crap of T3 :D.
Those few t3 ones you may be referring to are likewise cookie cutters.

but fact is that there would be a lot more versatility if players could develop or implement their own ship bonuses and special hardpoints like

rifter - med turret hardpoint with tracking speed penalties
what ever. It is too complex to spam here right ow.
but basically, the bonus comes with (notable) penalties, unlike T3 that just gets everything like a carebear's wet dream.

so dont assume we would be exaggerating like T3. .=)
every ship should have or get teeth


I'm probably typing on a Tablet too, which means the auto-correct is silly and fixing typos is a pain. I ain't fixing them.

Griffin Omanid
Knights of the Zodiac
#22 - 2012-07-27 16:54:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Griffin Omanid
FireT wrote:
So people are freaking out about a system that has not even begun being implemented for the most basic frigates?

CCP's idea actually has fantastic merit. Simply put your fears are laughable since so many ships in Eve appear to be ignored anyways for the cookie cutter fits and expectations of most people.
Yes some of the ships will be boxed into specific roles, but how is that different from the current system and their T2 counterparts?

My recommendation: do not panic and let us see how the frigates come out first.


Let´s all wait until a month after the winter update is online, then the major bugs are fixed and we will know in which direction the rebalancing goes.
The unified inventory was also total crap in the begining, but it is not this much crap anymore, or i got used to it...
Corina Jarr
en Welle Shipping Inc.
#23 - 2012-07-27 17:33:43 UTC
I can understand the ships that are stepping stones tot heir T2 versions getting role bonuses.

Like the pre interceptors, the pre Ewar, and the pre scout/explorer.

But the T1 combat ships (Amarr being the Punisher, the Inquisitor, and now the Tormentor) would be roleless, leaving it up to the player to choose how they want to fly the ship (for better or for worse).

Right now, I can do a close range Tormentor (works ok as long as I don't encounter a high EM/Thrm resist) or a longish range kiter Tormentor (works good against blasters using a TD).

With cruisers, the Arbi would get a TD bonus (or nuet...), the Arugrer thing would get a logi bonus, and the Omen and Maller would not receive any special role bonus, leaving it up to the player.

I think the pure combat ships should remain roleless, while the ones that are true stepping stones to T2 have roles that reflect their general progression.
Atrament Inc.
#24 - 2012-07-27 20:53:18 UTC
Ships in EVE were always meant to have roles. CCP has long been criticized for adding new ships while neglecting others. The lack of a "poor man's interceptor" for each race has always been a problem. I'm glad to see CCP fixing those ships and revitalizing them.
Deena Amaj
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#25 - 2012-07-27 21:26:24 UTC
Yes some of the ships will be boxed into specific roles, but how is that different from the current system and their T2 counterparts?

Whoa yeah. I did not think about it that way myself. That pretty much sums it up. After all, if there are HACs, what's so bad about having others have other key aspects than just being ships collecting dust since doctrines and other stuff hinders their use?

My only issue with the revamp is dumbing down and equalizing everything across the board of racial ships. We had that crap in WoW. Please don't do it here. It's the variety that counts - and I'm not referring to the looks of dem interwebz spess ships.


I'm probably typing on a Tablet too, which means the auto-correct is silly and fixing typos is a pain. I ain't fixing them.

Kusum Fawn
Caldari State
#26 - 2012-07-28 03:25:52 UTC
oh and this is the best time to freak out about proposed changes, figuring out whats already been done and why its good/bad. now it the time when they are most likely to do something about fixing it. once it hits sisi its pretty much gospel, and there doesnt seem to be anyone capable of fixing even the most glaring of issues.

why? who knows. but thats how it is it seems.

Its not possible to please all the people all the time, but it sure as hell is possible to Displease all the people, most of the time.

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#27 - 2012-07-28 03:37:20 UTC
Kusum Fawn wrote:
oh and this is the best time to freak out about proposed changes, figuring out whats already been done and why its good/bad. now it the time when they are most likely to do something about fixing it. once it hits sisi its pretty much gospel, and there doesnt seem to be anyone capable of fixing even the most glaring of issues.

why? who knows. but thats how it is it seems.

I'm not sure what happened here, but it wasn't English.
Saul Elsyn
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#28 - 2012-07-28 04:00:51 UTC
Role Fever? Maybe... but I think the ultimate result of the decision to create and assign roles to the ship classes will be of great benefit to us players. You keep complaining about the 'cookie cutter' setups and rock paper scissors... and so forth.

The cookie cutter setups are not that big of a deal. Part of the reason the cookie cutter setups exist is because people get on the forums or Battleclinic or whatever and say: "This is how you fit X" for ganking, tanking, tackle... pvp, pve, and so forth. Because of the very nature of the ship stats with slots, cpu, and powergrid there are only a few 'viable' fittings for ships even before we discuss role bonuses and so forth.

The lack of 'rock, paper, scissors' gameplay is the reason we're seeing the emergence of single ship type fleets out in 0.0. If a ship does everything decently well why fly anything else? Hence the Drake Fleet, the Tengu Fleet, and so on...

Today I flew in a fairly large (for FW) battle and I saw a fleet of mixed Gallente Ships engage a single ship type formation (Shield BC only... mostly Drake, Ferox, and Canes). Sure we burned down a large number of them before being driven off. One of the few times I can remember an FC yelling about free fire.

I sat there thinking... Why the hell didn't I fly a destroyer on this op? I mean they were swarming us with primarily frigates both T1 Combat Frigates (the newly re-balanced ones) and T2 Assault Ships and Interceptors. Sure they had a couple heavies scattered through their formation but most of their fleet was frigates.

At several points I'm sure the enemy ships were out-tracking my guns and all that. It was great, an awesome fight but it highlighted one critical part of EVE PvP that I hope the re-balancing for roles will fix.

Fleets should NEED to be of mixed composition... The ideal fleet should be a mix of all types of ships so all types of players can participate and it should beat any formation made up of a single ship class that it encounters. Thank you.
Tribal Liberation Distribution and Retail
#29 - 2012-07-28 09:05:06 UTC
Saul Elsyn wrote:
Role Fever? Maybe... but I think the ultimate result of the decision to create and assign roles to the ship classes will be of great benefit to us players. You keep complaining about the 'cookie cutter' setups and rock paper scissors... and so forth.

The cookie cutter setups are not that big of a deal. Part of the reason the cookie cutter setups exist is because people get on the forums or Battleclinic or whatever and say: "This is how you fit X" for ganking, tanking, tackle... pvp, pve, and so forth. Because of the very nature of the ship stats with slots, cpu, and powergrid there are only a few 'viable' fittings for ships even before we discuss role bonuses and so forth.

The lack of 'rock, paper, scissors' gameplay is the reason we're seeing the emergence of single ship type fleets out in 0.0. If a ship does everything decently well why fly anything else? Hence the Drake Fleet, the Tengu Fleet, and so on...

Today I flew in a fairly large (for FW) battle and I saw a fleet of mixed Gallente Ships engage a single ship type formation (Shield BC only... mostly Drake, Ferox, and Canes). Sure we burned down a large number of them before being driven off. One of the few times I can remember an FC yelling about free fire.

I sat there thinking... Why the hell didn't I fly a destroyer on this op? I mean they were swarming us with primarily frigates both T1 Combat Frigates (the newly re-balanced ones) and T2 Assault Ships and Interceptors. Sure they had a couple heavies scattered through their formation but most of their fleet was frigates.

At several points I'm sure the enemy ships were out-tracking my guns and all that. It was great, an awesome fight but it highlighted one critical part of EVE PvP that I hope the re-balancing for roles will fix.

Fleets should NEED to be of mixed composition... The ideal fleet should be a mix of all types of ships so all types of players can participate and it should beat any formation made up of a single ship class that it encounters. Thank you.

Very much this. QFT, please read.

Whether or not you win the game matters not.  It's if you bought it.

Deena Amaj
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#30 - 2012-07-28 15:55:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Deena Amaj
sorry, posting problems

I widely agree with Saul, but just want to clear some points.
Just please note that I'm supporting your post :D, Saul Elsyn.

Had some douche last time doing friendly fire meaninglessly. Not to forget, some people are complaining about the role fever/revamp because certain ships are kickass for them right now.

There needs to be some penalties (okay ugly word) or - restrictions - so that there is more emphasize on needing other vessels. Rather than the turrets, it should be the specific ship classes that have for instance the fast-tracking role bonus as a mean to show that it is more of an anti-support. That is just a rough example.

Also. We'd also need to play around a bit more giving small ships med guns, etc like how the "heavy" BCs are like Tornado etc.
8 Large Hi-Slot turrets are too much though.
We need variety. Variety, unique'ness, fits-that-can-be-regarded-and-not-cookie-cutter etc.
Like giving Kestrel the earliest chance of applying Torps (rough example).

If rock-scissor-papers is to work, then we have to take away some of the scissors ability of cutting the rock - as it should only be paper cutting paper.To stop I-WIN, there has to be siginificant combo-breaking - and CCP is going the right way with this revamp.

//below is a bit more of discussion. But just stop here if you don't like reading.


I'm probably typing on a Tablet too, which means the auto-correct is silly and fixing typos is a pain. I ain't fixing them.

Deena Amaj
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#31 - 2012-07-28 15:59:13 UTC
The stuff below is about the cookie cutters and one-ship policies. Slightly derailing, just so you know.


Fleets should NEED to be of mixed composition... The ideal fleet should be a mix of all types of ships so all types of players can participate and it should beat any formation made up of a single ship class that it encounters. Thank you.

This is more for a different thread because it goes a different direction.
On the other hand, it is just one small reason why we're all forced to put up with the "Role Fever" now.

One reason why there is One-Ship'itis because a wide number of medium/semi-large (and even large) sized vessels:

a) can still track if they are far off. The current system of SIG RES (inaccuracy of turrets) doesn't help much here either. It would be cool to see if this value could be "nerfed" a bit ; while introducing buddy-support modules improving it, so there is more teamplay and need for Support ships like Scythe etc.

b) -- and pretty much all of them - can spam drones. Practically everybody can just spam drones.

c) ships are resilient a brick of unobtainium at times, while still being able to blast everything down; e.g. Command Ships

d) Okay, missiles. Thing is that they are like pizza delivery. Even if the the pizza gets cold on the way, you can still eat it (ymmv).
Point of that is that even if one is flying fast with Afterburners, they'll still die as the load of missile spam/dmg bleedthrough just kills them within short time.
Maybe AB could apply a flat % dmg reduction based on specific skills. *But that's a different topic.

x) more crap, but I'll save you from that one.

Medium Turrets are pretty much the best trade off for DMG and TRACKING. Adding in a resilient ship with bonuses to DMG just makes it more untouchable for other vessel types or strategies, pretty much forcing the other side to spam the same thing or something alike.

There has to be some sigificant changes. Breaking the ice is a good thing here; especially bringing variety and distinct aspects to the three turret types (180mm, 220mm, 425mm proj on Minmatar side) - and not just "tracks faster, lower dmg". But that too will is derail-material.

As the way currently things are, there is a lot of Winmatar. The I-WIN torch is always being handed on. You can't stop it really, but there is a way to let every side have a chance.

If rock-scissor-papers is to work, then we have to take away some of the scissors ability of cutting the rock - as it should only be paper cutting paper.To stop I-WIN, there has to be siginificant combo-breaking - and CCP is going the right way with this revamp.

We just need to make sure that all is said and taken into CCP's account/evaluation/attention, regardless if one likes it or not and regardless if a post has 1 char or uses the full 6k.


The lack of 'rock, paper, scissors' gameplay is the reason we're seeing the emergence of single ship type fleets out in 0.0. If a ship does everything decently well why fly anything else? Hence the Drake Fleet, the Tengu Fleet, and so on...

Today I flew in a fairly large (for FW) battle and I saw a fleet of mixed Gallente Ships engage a single ship type formation (Shield BC only... mostly Drake, Ferox, and Canes). Sure we burned down a large number of them before being driven off. One of the few times I can remember an FC yelling about free fire.

I sat there thinking... Why the hell didn't I fly a destroyer on this op? I mean they were swarming us with primarily frigates both T1 Combat Frigates (the newly re-balanced ones) and T2 Assault Ships and Interceptors. Sure they had a couple heavies scattered through their formation but most of their fleet was frigates.

I would avoid going too deep into RPScissors but that is true.

The reason why you saw mixed fleet types and ships is because FW is a loose bunch - which is great. They are actually showing that EVE can be fun without the doctrine spam. Nobody can force 0.0 Alliances into that, but there has to be more variety of some sort when it comes to fitting ships as well as taking them into consideration.

Also, T1 vessels should be in some way desired so that new players can play a significant role than just being told to "Come back later when you trained up to Scimitar".

But as you said it, RSP is a concept I'd follow too.
That is why I was sort of intending to suggest a few more ship classes that use similar hulls, so that one does not have to worry that we "Suggestioneers" don't break their precious Vagabond, Drake etc.

The classes must have a widespread take on RSPaper - but not like how it is right now.

One last thing. You see Tengu fleets because CCP just basically put a crapton of awesome stuff into one ship hull. Rather than spreading it across all ships.


I'm probably typing on a Tablet too, which means the auto-correct is silly and fixing typos is a pain. I ain't fixing them.

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#32 - 2012-07-28 23:34:07 UTC
I don't understand why if CCP wants the experience of EVE to be in our hands they don't allow us more versatility with ships. The Tech 2 ships should be examples of highly specialized ships but the Tech 1 ships should have 3 broad layers from which to build the ship you want.

Layer 1 Hull -> Specifies race, class, base PG, Cap, Slots and other common attributes.

Layer 2 Subsystem -> Specifies role of ship and provides primary and secondary role bonuses.

Layer 3 Rigs -> Compliments roles and provides modifications to the Hull including additional slots or moving slots between H/M/L.

With this system players could purchase a hull and build it to a specific purpose. They could fully specialize in a single role (but thats what T2 ships already do) or they could modify their ship to do a few things instead of just one.

A good example with the new mining barge changes would be to buy a barge hull, purchase a subsystem that represents your interests such as high yield, utility etc... and the same with the rigs. In the end you might have a decent mining barge that can fit a probe scanner to find grav sites or WH's, a decent tank and cargo but with reduced yield.

Even though the ship would do a few things it wouldn't be super good at all of them.

The biggest advantage to a system like this is it doesn't lock a single role to a single hull which is frustrating to say the least.
Tribal Liberation Distribution and Retail
#33 - 2012-07-29 01:08:10 UTC
Endoru wrote:
I don't understand why if CCP wants the experience of EVE to be in our hands they don't allow us more versatility with ships. The Tech 2 ships should be examples of highly specialized ships but the Tech 1 ships should have 3 broad layers from which to build the ship you want.

Layer 1 Hull -> Specifies race, class, base PG, Cap, Slots and other common attributes.

Layer 2 Subsystem -> Specifies role of ship and provides primary and secondary role bonuses.

Layer 3 Rigs -> Compliments roles and provides modifications to the Hull including additional slots or moving slots between H/M/L.

With this system players could purchase a hull and build it to a specific purpose. They could fully specialize in a single role (but thats what T2 ships already do) or they could modify their ship to do a few things instead of just one.

A good example with the new mining barge changes would be to buy a barge hull, purchase a subsystem that represents your interests such as high yield, utility etc... and the same with the rigs. In the end you might have a decent mining barge that can fit a probe scanner to find grav sites or WH's, a decent tank and cargo but with reduced yield.

Even though the ship would do a few things it wouldn't be super good at all of them.

The biggest advantage to a system like this is it doesn't lock a single role to a single hull which is frustrating to say the least.

You're basically talking about T3. Really, it should be like this:

T1 - Does 2 or 3 things well, but not much else.
T2 - Does one thing very well, but poor at everything else (one variant for each thing that the T1 version is good at.)
T3 - Player chooses what it does well, balanced by making it poor at everything else. Like T1, but with player choice.

Whether or not you win the game matters not.  It's if you bought it.

Deena Amaj
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#34 - 2012-07-29 01:16:28 UTC
Exactly. Keeping the magnitudes respectively to the specific Tiers.


I'm probably typing on a Tablet too, which means the auto-correct is silly and fixing typos is a pain. I ain't fixing them.

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#35 - 2012-07-29 01:49:51 UTC
I think I need to clarify my earlier statement about not wanting "rock paper scissors in space"

What I meant is I don't want ships to become so specialized that we have too many instances of "ship X will pretty much always kill ship Y" (this is going to be the case for some ships but it should be the exception rather than the rule)

As I said earlier.

We need more rifters.
Tribal Liberation Distribution and Retail
#36 - 2012-07-29 10:52:42 UTC
Astroniomix wrote:
I think I need to clarify my earlier statement about not wanting "rock paper scissors in space"

What I meant is I don't want ships to become so specialized that we have too many instances of "ship X will pretty much always kill ship Y" (this is going to be the case for some ships but it should be the exception rather than the rule)

As I said earlier.

We need more rifters.

This is why this sort of thing should be class based (frig, cruiser, destroyer, etc) and not hull based. Destroyers should pretty much always beat frigates, just like cruisers should pretty much always beat destroyers. It's a counterbalancing system, and it works. But because there are multiple types of each class (or rather, should be ... destroyers are an exception right now) we wind up with interesting scenarios where one cruiser isn't necessarily any better than any other cruiser. And in cases where neither ship type is a counter to the other, it's again a toss up (read: based mostly on pilot decisions rather than the counterbalancing system.) While a cruiser beats destroyers (barring pilot error), when a cruiser goes up against a battleship all of a sudden things should become much less clear. Does the cruiser have the damage output to break the battleship? Can the battleship manage to score enough solid hits to kill the cruiser? That sort of thing.

Whether or not you win the game matters not.  It's if you bought it.

Lavitakus Bromier
WTF Bunnies
#37 - 2012-07-29 22:50:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Lavitakus Bromier
Idk but most you ppl are way over thinking this. First off it's a role playing game. having all t1 drugs the sand.or even close is just plain stupid and pointless. That makes the game predictable and boring. The ships are given roles to make it feel.more realistic.

Think of ships as cars. Or guns. there is a reason they are not all identical. Different manufactures different areas and needs,
and the ppl making them have different views and wants.

the Ships need roles without the game would suck. But I like having my own personal ship.

so the only possible solution I can see is just give them 2 roles
Or even 3, 2main roles and one sub, or minor role. This give ships the ability to have a mix of different roles
Idk just rambling now ..
Lavitakus Bromier
WTF Bunnies
#38 - 2012-07-30 01:12:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Lavitakus Bromier
Mechael wrote:
Astroniomix wrote:
I think I need to clarify my earlier statement about not wanting "rock paper scissors in space"

What I meant is I don't want ships to become so specialized that we have too many instances of "ship X will pretty much always kill ship Y" (this is going to be the case for some ships but it should be the exception rather than the rule)

As I said earlier.

We need more rifters.

This is why this sort of thing should be class based (frig, cruiser, destroyer, etc) and not hull based. Destroyers should pretty much always beat frigates, just like cruisers should pretty much always beat destroyers. It's a counterbalancing system, and it works. But because there are multiple types of each class (or rather, should be ... destroyers are an exception right now) we wind up with interesting scenarios where one cruiser isn't necessarily any better than any other cruiser. And in cases where neither ship type is a counter to the other, it's again a toss up (read: based mostly on pilot decisions rather than the counterbalancing system.) While a cruiser beats destroyers (barring pilot error), when a cruiser goes up against a battleship all of a sudden things should become much less clear. Does the cruiser have the damage output to break the battleship? Can the battleship manage to score enough solid hits to kill the cruiser? That sort of thing.

That would cause the smaller hull ships to be just about pointless witch from what I heard ccp wants all the ships to be used.
Besides a skilled piolet should be kill a unskilled one with a smaller ship.
That's makes this.gAmer fun you.can still do good in any size ship.
Tribal Liberation Distribution and Retail
#39 - 2012-07-30 02:18:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Mechael
Lavitakus Bromier wrote:
Mechael wrote:
Astroniomix wrote:
I think I need to clarify my earlier statement about not wanting "rock paper scissors in space"

What I meant is I don't want ships to become so specialized that we have too many instances of "ship X will pretty much always kill ship Y" (this is going to be the case for some ships but it should be the exception rather than the rule)

As I said earlier.

We need more rifters.

This is why this sort of thing should be class based (frig, cruiser, destroyer, etc) and not hull based. Destroyers should pretty much always beat frigates, just like cruisers should pretty much always beat destroyers. It's a counterbalancing system, and it works. But because there are multiple types of each class (or rather, should be ... destroyers are an exception right now) we wind up with interesting scenarios where one cruiser isn't necessarily any better than any other cruiser. And in cases where neither ship type is a counter to the other, it's again a toss up (read: based mostly on pilot decisions rather than the counterbalancing system.) While a cruiser beats destroyers (barring pilot error), when a cruiser goes up against a battleship all of a sudden things should become much less clear. Does the cruiser have the damage output to break the battleship? Can the battleship manage to score enough solid hits to kill the cruiser? That sort of thing.

That would cause the smaller hull ships to be just about pointless witch from what I heard ccp wants all the ships to be used.
Besides a skilled piolet should be kill a unskilled one with a smaller ship.
That's makes this.gAmer fun you.can still do good in any size ship.

I'm not sure what you mean here. How would it make them pointless? The only reason, for example, Cruisers beat destroyers is because destroyers are big and slow enough to be consistently hit by medium guns (unlike frigates.) Toss a destroyer up against something that uses large turrets and all of a sudden it's a much different scenario. This is how it currently works, btw, although not as well as it should once the number of pilots on grid hits 50+ or so.

Whether or not you win the game matters not.  It's if you bought it.

Spugg Galdon
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#40 - 2012-07-30 11:59:29 UTC
Mechael wrote:
Lavitakus Bromier wrote:
Mechael wrote:
Astroniomix wrote:
I think I need to clarify my earlier statement about not wanting "rock paper scissors in space"

What I meant is I don't want ships to become so specialized that we have too many instances of "ship X will pretty much always kill ship Y" (this is going to be the case for some ships but it should be the exception rather than the rule)

As I said earlier.

We need more rifters.

This is why this sort of thing should be class based (frig, cruiser, destroyer, etc) and not hull based. Destroyers should pretty much always beat frigates, just like cruisers should pretty much always beat destroyers. It's a counterbalancing system, and it works. But because there are multiple types of each class (or rather, should be ... destroyers are an exception right now) we wind up with interesting scenarios where one cruiser isn't necessarily any better than any other cruiser. And in cases where neither ship type is a counter to the other, it's again a toss up (read: based mostly on pilot decisions rather than the counterbalancing system.) While a cruiser beats destroyers (barring pilot error), when a cruiser goes up against a battleship all of a sudden things should become much less clear. Does the cruiser have the damage output to break the battleship? Can the battleship manage to score enough solid hits to kill the cruiser? That sort of thing.

That would cause the smaller hull ships to be just about pointless witch from what I heard ccp wants all the ships to be used.
Besides a skilled piolet should be kill a unskilled one with a smaller ship.
That's makes this.gAmer fun you.can still do good in any size ship.

I'm not sure what you mean here. How would it make them pointless? The only reason, for example, Cruisers beat destroyers is because destroyers are big and slow enough to be consistently hit by medium guns (unlike frigates.) Toss a destroyer up against something that uses large turrets and all of a sudden it's a much different scenario. This is how it currently works, btw, although not as well as it should once the number of pilots on grid hits 50+ or so.

My kill mail argues with you. Cormorant kills Thorax
Tactics and ship fitting should be able to trump ship class (within reason).

I think the point of this thread has become a little murky for some. I think the OP is worried that giving ships fixed role bonuses pushes them more into a corner of cookie cutter fits.

This is why I suggested (see earlier post) giving THE PLAYERS the ability to choose the role bonus for the play style and tactics that they want to employ. Yes, ship fittings and slot layout will mean certain ships favour certain roles but at least we will have the choice to role a ship as either a brawler, a kiter or a sniper or something inbetween these roles.
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