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Unit - Communication Thread [Further research begun]

Filthy Peasants
Intergalactic Space Hobos
#61 - 2012-03-29 18:56:37 UTC
Yuni, go ahead and send me the details, I've found myself with a lot of free time lately, so I may see about taking this little road trip.

Stay safe, friend. o7

[center]Keep low, fly fast, die well.[/center]

Unit XS365BT
Unit Commune
#62 - 2012-04-12 19:58:41 UTC
Thankyou for the offer pilot Wurblewind.
Further data will be forthcomming in the near future.

We Return

Unit XS365BT. Designated Communications Officer. Unit Commune.

Unit XS365BT
Unit Commune
#63 - 2012-05-06 19:58:05 UTC
With the apparent cessation of large scale NATION subclass Revenant supercarrier led incursions, Unit Commune is now able to spend additional resources pursuing divergent avenues of research.

To this end we are amassing drone components from defeated drones, both sleeper and 'rogue' in origin.
We are willing to accept donations of such items, should any capsuleer wish to donate them.

We Return

Unit XS365BT. Designated Communications Officer. Unit Commune.

Unit XS365BT
Unit Commune
#64 - 2012-05-25 02:14:23 UTC
Further information:

Component groupings currently under investigation

Maniplulation devices
Core computational systems
Outer hull fragments.

Further groupings may be required for further study, however at this time we primarily require the above component types.

We Return.

Unit XS365BT. Designated Communications Officer. Unit Commune.

Unit XS365BT
Unit Commune
#65 - 2012-07-06 00:10:07 UTC
Status Update:

Sleeper forces located in vicinity of Binary Haven.
Haven defence forces successfully intercepted and destroyed Sleeper forces.

Examination of wreckage underway.

We Return

Unit XS365BT. Designated Communications Officer. Unit Commune.

Unit XS365BT
Unit Commune
#66 - 2012-07-28 01:53:13 UTC
This is a repetition of an earlier request.
We hope that a more active response is forthcomming in the future.

Request reiterated below :

With the apparent cessation of large scale NATION subclass Revenant supercarrier led incursions, Unit Commune is now able to spend additional resources pursuing divergent avenues of research.

To this end we are amassing drone components from defeated drones, both sleeper and 'rogue' in origin.
We are willing to accept donations of such items, should any capsuleer wish to donate them.

Component groupings currently under investigation

Maniplulation devices
Core computational systems
Outer hull fragments.

Additional groupings may be required for further study, however at this time we primarily require the above component types.

We Return.

Unit XS365BT. Designated Communications Officer. Unit Commune.

Tarunik Raqalth'Qui
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#67 - 2012-07-28 02:05:50 UTC
Unit XS365BT wrote:
This is a repetition of an earlier request.
We hope that a more active response is forthcomming in the future.

Request reiterated below :

With the apparent cessation of large scale NATION subclass Revenant supercarrier led incursions, Unit Commune is now able to spend additional resources pursuing divergent avenues of research.

To this end we are amassing drone components from defeated drones, both sleeper and 'rogue' in origin.
We are willing to accept donations of such items, should any capsuleer wish to donate them.

Component groupings currently under investigation

Maniplulation devices
Core computational systems
Outer hull fragments.

Additional groupings may be required for further study, however at this time we primarily require the above component types.

We Return.

How much junk do you need for this research? My alliance generates Sleeper salvage in mass quantities; if you are interested in specific pieces, send me a mail and I can pass it on to the appropriate people.
Unit XS365BT
Unit Commune
#68 - 2012-07-28 02:12:47 UTC
While it would prove useful to have sufficient spare instances of each item for destruction testing, at minimum we would require 12-20 of each specific part relating to the above component groups.

Should these items be available, we would request that they be delivered to Unit secure storage facilities, located in the Yulai system - CONCORD bureau.

however, any storage facility within high security space would suffice should you be unable or unwilling to deliver to Yulai.

We Return.

Unit XS365BT. Designated Communications Officer. Unit Commune.

4 Marketeers
#69 - 2012-07-28 15:11:00 UTC
Unit XS365BT wrote:
Status Update:

Sleeper forces located in vicinity of Binary Haven.
Haven defence forces successfully intercepted and destroyed Sleeper forces.

Examination of wreckage underway.

We Return

If possible I would like to talk with you directly about this event
Unit XS365BT
Unit Commune
#70 - 2012-07-28 17:14:47 UTC
Await direct contact pilot.

We Return

Unit XS365BT. Designated Communications Officer. Unit Commune.

Unit XS365BT
Unit Commune
#71 - 2012-08-30 14:53:23 UTC
We have been notified that certain capsuleers seek to contact Unit Commune in regard to various topics.
Some time ago a NEOCOM channel was created to expedite this very activity.

Channel designation : Unit - Communication Node

Awaiting further contact.

We Return

Unit XS365BT. Designated Communications Officer. Unit Commune.