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Halaima Miner Bumping -- SHAREHOLDER REPORT #1 -- 230,000.00 % profit margin!

Liberty Eternal
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#41 - 2012-07-13 20:12:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Liberty Eternal


he put up some cans and people gave him 100s of millions to do it.

And they said locking you up in a sack would fade your acuities! You proved them wrong - the last laugh is yours, master wizard.
Rykker Bow
Center for Advanced Studies
#42 - 2012-07-13 20:34:41 UTC
Seems legit I guess. Not really interested in the legitimacy to be honest.

What I am interested in is the great background, sheer audacity of the idea and writings of the OP. ISK given for enjoyment received. Would 'invest' again.

I've been to the fields as well. Read all his cans, read all the hate cans against him. I didn't see him either but that's to be expected as I doubt he's online 24/7 and I've been there a total of 30 minutes. Hopefully I'll get to see him in action. I'm even more hopefully he'll keep posting.

The Mjolnir Bloc - Lowsec PvP for the sophisticated - The Mjolnir Bloc Killboards

The Dresdeneers
#43 - 2012-07-13 21:47:38 UTC
Rykker Bow wrote:
Seems legit I guess. Not really interested in the legitimacy to be honest.

What I am interested in is the great background, sheer audacity of the idea and writings of the OP. ISK given for enjoyment received. Would 'invest' again.

I've been to the fields as well. Read all his cans, read all the hate cans against him. I didn't see him either but that's to be expected as I doubt he's online 24/7 and I've been there a total of 30 minutes. Hopefully I'll get to see him in action. I'm even more hopefully he'll keep posting.

Oh yes. Absolutely. Though, if I run into him, there's most assuredly some fun to be had, all in good jest of course.
#44 - 2012-07-14 07:26:30 UTC
i've gone there as well. the groups there are tight and organized. the hate cans are funny, but i think whoever they are talking about has long since left the field. i've seen james in local, but never in the belt. its easy enough to fraps, so maybe james would be kind enough to save us all a days observation.
James 315
Experimental Fun Times Corp RELOADED
#45 - 2012-07-15 00:30:31 UTC
the hate cans are funny, but i think whoever they are talking about has long since left the field. i've seen james in local, but never in the belt. its easy enough to fraps, so maybe james would be kind enough to save us all a days observation.

Two of the hate cans mention me by name, and I haven't long since left the field. Blink

If I made a video of me bumping a miner, that would simply prove that I bumped a miner. To get an idea of the impression I have left, I can only think of one good way: Go to Halaima and ask leading questions in local about whether they know of me or my bumping activities. In my experience, they can get chatty on the subject of their Supreme Protector. Cool
Drago Wolfbane Skorvalk
Great Black Hole of Eve
#46 - 2012-07-15 02:29:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Drago Wolfbane Skorvalk
I have had the honor of going to the ice fields and seeing James315 in action. I was in another toon and said hello to him.

I was quite surprised at the amount of effort he was putting in to assist the members of the Ice mining belt.

James seemed so level headed and polite to the miners in the field, letting them know a mining due needed to be paid, and talking with a few of us.

While I did not see the wisdom in investing in the IPO, I sent James 5m isk while in the neighborhood.

I am truly honored that I was able to witness a player carving out a new niche within the EVE universe!!



** EDIT** When I said I did not see the wisdom of investing in the IPO, I meant I missed the chance and regret that I did not understand the ground breaking business happening before my very eyes!!
Drago Wolfbane Skorvalk
Great Black Hole of Eve
#47 - 2012-07-15 03:03:57 UTC
I truly had such a great time!!! I cannot believe my luck and timing.

Here is what I had the pleasure of witnessing while in Halaima:

1. James at work, being polite and helpful.

2. James working and opening communication with a suspected BOT miner. That miner was pushed out of the way. I was not close enough to see the actual "push" but I saw the lasers stop!

3. I also had the great pleasure of meeting the new EVE player James had given 10m to help him start his own miner bumping business. The player stated and james acknowledged him. At which point I sent the aspiring bumper 2m isk to assist him.

I seriously had fun being in the system, when I flew in I was just hoping to see the cans with the messages, I truly was given a treat and can verify as best I can EVERYTHING is legit with this business!

Good luck to James315 and a special thanks for being such a gracious host while I was in Halaima!


a.k.a. Dracolich Raholan
Pinky Feldman
Amarrian Vengeance
Ragequit Cancel Sub
#48 - 2012-07-17 08:55:24 UTC
Noone knows the art of bumping like Nova Ardour, but its interesting to see someone else try to do something useful with it.
Collin Dow
Glorious Revolution
#49 - 2012-07-18 20:27:28 UTC
Eternal Error wrote:
I love you.

The Glorious Revolution is a great (awful) corp, and you should (not) join today, comrade!

Gildinous Vangaurd
The Initiative.
#50 - 2012-07-25 11:51:36 UTC
Yeah there's always some *** out there thinkning he is king and trying to make everyone bow down to his holiness, trouble is sooner or later CCP gets tired of all the petitions and brings down the Ban Hammer on their worthless heads. I myself find it great fun when it happens, since it helps deflate otherwise worthless heads into realising this is a game that should be enjoyed by all, and not dictated by some wise ass who thinks himself a Hitler wannabe. I myself, have no stake in his insane rantings, since I don't ice mine, but it always gets my goat to see these assholes in game and then on the forums bragging about how stupid they really are lol, I don't think he gets that the "investers" are paying to watch him make an ass out of himself, not because they want "justice" lol
Now, if your as Big a Boy as you claim, then head on down to null sec and bump all the miners you can, oh wait you'ld be to scared for that, ok how about just low sec then, no wait, no concord there either.....hmmm guess ya just hang out being a worthless cowardly puke in high sec till CCP puts an end to it, lol. Oh BTW, you're so called friends, are laughing their ever loving ass off behind your back, just a heads up. God I can't wait to read your flame, for now gnight little hitler sleep tight.
Private Pineapple
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#51 - 2012-07-25 12:38:45 UTC
Xeera wrote:
Yeah there's always some *** out there thinkning he is king and trying to make everyone bow down to his holiness, trouble is sooner or later CCP gets tired of all the petitions and brings down the Ban Hammer on their worthless heads. I myself find it great fun when it happens, since it helps deflate otherwise worthless heads into realising this is a game that should be enjoyed by all, and not dictated by some wise ass who thinks himself a ****** wannabe. I myself, have no stake in his insane rantings, since I don't ice mine, but it always gets my goat to see these assholes in game and then on the forums bragging about how stupid they really are lol, I don't think he gets that the "investers" are paying to watch him make an ass out of himself, not because they want "justice" lol
Now, if your as Big a Boy as you claim, then head on down to null sec and bump all the miners you can, oh wait you'ld be to scared for that, ok how about just low sec then, no wait, no concord there either.....hmmm guess ya just hang out being a worthless cowardly puke in high sec till CCP puts an end to it, lol. Oh BTW, you're so called friends, are laughing their ever loving ass off behind your back, just a heads up. God I can't wait to read your flame, for now gnight little ****** sleep tight.

So this is what bumped miner rage looks like.


The Dresdeneers
#52 - 2012-07-25 12:55:53 UTC
Xeera wrote:

Confirming interest received on investment.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#53 - 2012-07-25 12:58:58 UTC
Xeera wrote:

When someone gets this upset, you just know he has to be doing something right.

I'm a relatively respectable citizen. Multiple felon perhaps, but certainly not dangerous.

Drago Wolfbane Skorvalk
Great Black Hole of Eve
#54 - 2012-07-25 17:19:09 UTC
Xeera wrote:
Yeah there's always some *** out there thinkning he is king and trying to make everyone bow down to his holiness, trouble is sooner or later CCP gets tired of all the petitions and brings down the Ban Hammer on their worthless heads. I myself find it great fun when it happens, since it helps deflate otherwise worthless heads into realising this is a game that should be enjoyed by all, and not dictated by some wise ass who thinks himself a ****** wannabe. I myself, have no stake in his insane rantings, since I don't ice mine, but it always gets my goat to see these assholes in game and then on the forums bragging about how stupid they really are lol, I don't think he gets that the "investers" are paying to watch him make an ass out of himself, not because they want "justice" lol
Now, if your as Big a Boy as you claim, then head on down to null sec and bump all the miners you can, oh wait you'ld be to scared for that, ok how about just low sec then, no wait, no concord there either.....hmmm guess ya just hang out being a worthless cowardly puke in high sec till CCP puts an end to it, lol. Oh BTW, you're so called friends, are laughing their ever loving ass off behind your back, just a heads up. God I can't wait to read your flame, for now gnight little ****** sleep tight.

I am not laughing at James315 at all, nor do I think any of the other investors are either.

I find this funny that miners are so upset at this situation which is so easily managed on their end it is funny to see how upset they are about it. Some easy solutions:

- Since this is mining just go to a different system to mine

- Just pay the 10m isk and mine in peace

- Do not pay the 10m Isk and deal with being bumped out of range every once in a while

This is a game, it is a game of interacting with other players and the whole "sandbox" concept. I, in no way, think James is a "worthless cowardly puke". I think he is a player who decided to explore an avenue of this game that is WAY off the beaten path and is sharing the exploits of it with other players. I really truly believe the miners should stop being upset about James and in fact appreciate that he added something to their gaming experience they would not have without him.

So much miner rage at a guy who really is not limiting other players much in how they play game.

I am a poor trader, I have about 2.5b in assets to my account. Last month I had made about 1.5b trading, that is until I lost a shipment of 1b to some pirates who ganked me in Highsec. I certainly was not happy I got ganked and was upset to see almost one month of my trading work disappear in a brief moment, but I also never got angry at the player, or the pirate profession over being ganked, I am just reworking my game plan to adjust to the threat. Why is this any different?
Valdearg Dragonblood
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#55 - 2012-07-25 19:10:40 UTC
Wow. After reading this, I immediately regret not buying shares of this venture when I could. Hilarious. Keep up the good work, and let me know if you ever plan on expanding your business!

Drago Wolfbane Skorvalk wrote:
I am a poor trader, I have about 2.5b in assets to my account.

Also, the above comment makes me sad. I WISH I had 2.5b. :P
Drago Wolfbane Skorvalk
Great Black Hole of Eve
#56 - 2012-07-26 01:37:55 UTC
Valdearg Dragonblood wrote:
Wow. After reading this, I immediately regret not buying shares of this venture when I could. Hilarious. Keep up the good work, and let me know if you ever plan on expanding your business!

Drago Wolfbane Skorvalk wrote:
I am a poor trader, I have about 2.5b in assets to my account.

Also, the above comment makes me sad. I WISH I had 2.5b. :P

If that makes you sad I am gonna break your heart and let you know some people have Trillions of isk! :o

Good luck in the game! :D
Valdearg Dragonblood
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#57 - 2012-07-26 13:40:34 UTC
Drago Wolfbane Skorvalk wrote:
Valdearg Dragonblood wrote:
Wow. After reading this, I immediately regret not buying shares of this venture when I could. Hilarious. Keep up the good work, and let me know if you ever plan on expanding your business!

Drago Wolfbane Skorvalk wrote:
I am a poor trader, I have about 2.5b in assets to my account.

Also, the above comment makes me sad. I WISH I had 2.5b. :P

If that makes you sad I am gonna break your heart and let you know some people have Trillions of isk! :o

Good luck in the game! :D

Hah, yeah. Some day... Some Day..

Just broke the 200m mark in Isk + Buy Orders + Sell orders, for the first time myself. Not too bad for a two week old total newbie who, more often than not, has no clue what he's doing, hahah. (Would have been higher, except I moved 50m to my combat alt to fund a new mission running ship.... and then another one after I fell for a ninja looter and got destroyed.. I'm slowly learning this game, I swear! TBH, profit is my second priority, anyways. I think I have more fun just screwing with the market than I do making money. :P

Edit: Good luck to you, too!
Daniel Plain
#58 - 2012-07-26 14:22:43 UTC
Valdearg Dragonblood wrote:
Wow. After reading this, I immediately regret not buying shares of this venture when I could. Hilarious. Keep up the good work, and let me know if you ever plan on expanding your business!

Drago Wolfbane Skorvalk wrote:
I am a poor trader, I have about 2.5b in assets to my account.

Also, the above comment makes me sad. I WISH I had 2.5b. :P

i may or may not have 5bil in nanoribbons alone lying around. u jellyfish?

@op: you are the hero that gotham deserves

I should buy an Ishtar.

Private Pineapple
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#59 - 2012-07-26 14:33:25 UTC
To both Drago Wolfbane Skorvalk and Valdearg Dragonblood... as long as you can fly what you want to fly at least 10 times then you are rich enough to not go out of your means.

For example, a current frigate-only pilot such as I only really needs like 50 million ISK yet I have billions of ISK. What am I doing to do with all that ISK?... nothing, until I get into higher ship classes...


Drago Wolfbane Skorvalk
Great Black Hole of Eve
#60 - 2012-07-27 01:18:34 UTC
Private Pineapple wrote:
To both Drago Wolfbane Skorvalk and Valdearg Dragonblood... as long as you can fly what you want to fly at least 10 times then you are rich enough to not go out of your means.

For example, a current frigate-only pilot such as I only really needs like 50 million ISK yet I have billions of ISK. What am I doing to do with all that ISK?... nothing, until I get into higher ship classes...

Well for me it is not exactly just supplying the ships I wanna fly, I also want to buy a plex a month to support the game. I consider that part of my "victory" conditions.