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EVE Online: Inferno 1.2 to be deployed on August 8

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The Scope
Gallente Federation
#261 - 2012-07-25 11:34:19 UTC
CCP Affinity wrote:
Octoven wrote:
Will be a nice little patch; however, could you have a talk with the graphics department? I do NOT see CCP's sudden die hard addiction to camo skins. Honestly, do you see any trees, shrubs, or bushes in space to blend in with?? IMHO they are ass ugly. Take the CNR for example. Granted, the raven looks like a cancerous deformed ship, but now with tech camo it looks like it is a sickly cancerous deformed ship with leprosy or something. Its nice CCP wants to make them stand out but damn.

At least go with some black hulls with variation in trim colors and crap like that. Just seems ******** to have a ship painted in camo in a space environment.

i would love to See the tears if ccp decided to give US razzle dazzle capitals.

please please please! Troll of the century :D
Evolve Xcellence
#262 - 2012-07-25 11:35:46 UTC
CCP Affinity wrote:
Octoven wrote:
Will be a nice little patch; however, could you have a talk with the graphics department? I do NOT see CCP's sudden die hard addiction to camo skins. Honestly, do you see any trees, shrubs, or bushes in space to blend in with?? IMHO they are ass ugly. Take the CNR for example. Granted, the raven looks like a cancerous deformed ship, but now with tech camo it looks like it is a sickly cancerous deformed ship with leprosy or something. Its nice CCP wants to make them stand out but damn.

At least go with some black hulls with variation in trim colors and crap like that. Just seems ******** to have a ship painted in camo in a space environment.

now check the page u linked and pics on it and compare it with Camo/cow flakes or dotty/pixeling Ravens etc.

P.S. i see many trolls in that thread but also have a feeling Developers r not so far from it. Realy disappointed in you and the way you begin act on posts. Consumers r always right.

CCP Phantom
C C P Alliance
#263 - 2012-07-25 11:43:37 UTC
Octoven wrote:
could you have a talk with the graphics department?

I will see if someone from our art team can explain a bit more the work of our fantastic art team and the driving ideas behind art in New Eden.

CCP Phantom - Senior Community Developer

Rattus Norwegius
#264 - 2012-07-25 11:45:45 UTC
CCP Soundwave wrote:


I am in China right now (it's pretty much the same as Iceland, except everything is upside down) so I can't grab the complete list. We're looking to do a few bugfixes/changes for August (among them, dragging and dropping to create individual windows) and then give you a bigger bunch of changes come winter. Anyway, I'll be back in Iceland sometime late next week.

Thank you for your update. I was about to say "was that so hard?" when I realized that you have to type with the keyboard upside down. I can see how that complicates things. Blink Enjoy your stay in China, and don't drown.

At some point in a not too distant future it would be nice if you(CCP) gave an overview over what you want to do with the Uni.Inv. CCP RubberBAND's post here finally gave some indication that CCP have understood at least some of what we want, but what CCP wants to do about it is still unclear.
Primal Instinct Inc.
The Initiative.
#265 - 2012-07-25 12:54:00 UTC
CCP... you need to stop asking us to be polite and be nice... HTFU as you said yourself once... eve is a harsh place, with a harsh community, you even use that fact in your videos... stop asking us to be like carebears, webites when not treated correctly

Supercap nerf - change ewar immunity Module activation delay!

CCP Explorer
C C P Alliance
#266 - 2012-07-25 12:55:01 UTC
Sizeof Void wrote:
CCP Explorer wrote:
KIller Wabbit wrote:
Thanks for filling in the rest of the story, Punkturis. Maybe the rest of the Dev's will get a clue about proactively engaging with us instead of ignoring us and hoping for the best (which rarely has happened over the past two years).
Most devs at CCP read the forums very actively and diligently, and incorporate the feedback in their work. But some are not responding as actively on the forums (or on Twitter) because they are not willing to endure at times the kind of beating CCP Punkturis has been subject to here.
Sorry, Explorer, but this doesn't wash. It is not ok for devs to "incorporate the feedback in their work", while remaining stoic and silent on the forums.

If the devs are going to publish devblogs and create forum threads for player feedback, then they need to participate in the discussions. At the very least, they need to acknowledge that they are actively reading the posts, spawned by their devblog or thread.


CCP Punkturis may indeed be subject to forum beatings, at times, but it is also pretty clear that she is considered to be one of the more respected devs by the players. Changes to the UI (user interface) is a very touchy subject, for any game, and Punkturis' interaction with the players on the forums has done much to mitigate player anger and frustration.

CCP Sreegs' method of player interaction may tend more towards a kick in the balls (lol), but he also garners respect due to his willingness to respond to players on some very difficult issues.

So, kudos to both of them (and the few other devs who are active on the forums). Hopefully, CCP will indeed encourage the more reticent devs to follow their example, which can only make things better for both the devs and the players.
If you had to choose two out of four

  1. not incorporate the feedback in their work, and not read on the forums
  2. not incorporate the feedback in their work, and not participate on the forums
  3. incorporate the feedback in their work, and read the forums
  4. incorporate the feedback in their work, and participate on the forums

then I would say that 3. and 4. would be the preferred choices. The fact is that even if we encourage devs to participate then not all have the "internet kevlar" that is sometimes needed and therefore picking only 4. for all devs is not an option. People are different.

That being said, I'm not aware of devs that publish dev blogs or forum threads and then not participate at all. Do you have examples, or better yet, do you have statistics?

Erlendur S. Thorsteinsson | Senior Development Director | EVE Online // CCP Games | @CCP_Explorer

CCP Explorer
C C P Alliance
#267 - 2012-07-25 13:02:30 UTC
rodyas wrote:
Yeah CCP hasn't been communicationg too much on it. Most devs who are part of a project help do the dev blog on it and answer questions on it. I havn't seen that dev too much, during this (maybe he showed up, who knows). Maybe part of the reason she got attacked. Her teammate was on vacation, so she got all the anger. Plus she does come across as being "big" with the UI and stuff, which would make her a prime target. ( We only knew to attack hilmar for incarna, because of the leaked emails and other secret stuff) otherwise we would have attacked other devs for it.
CCP Soundwave did a number of dev blogs on Unified Inventory (Uni. Inv.), see the top here In addition a number of members on the team that worked on Uni. Inv. participated in forum discussions and summarised for the rest of the team.

(BTW; CCP Punkturis is not on the team that worked on the Uni. Inv. and neither is her team mate, CCP Tuxford.)

Erlendur S. Thorsteinsson | Senior Development Director | EVE Online // CCP Games | @CCP_Explorer

Callidus Dux
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#268 - 2012-07-25 13:06:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Callidus Dux
To CCP Explorer,

In case that I bother you again I have to say sorry. But no one ever answered to this proposal.

You have already implemented the ability for a new seperate window via SHIFT+Click. Do you intent to bring an checkbox within the ESC-menu (or on another place) for "autoshift" in order to have new seperate windows as default? THIS small change would bring back much of the behavior and function of the old UI / inventory.
After THIS small change I would be happy again. Why does no one answers to this solution? Why is it not implemented yet? Would it be so hard to evolve this function? THIS would be a function to make the old behavior optional WITHOUT the necessity of maintaining hundreds of code lines. Or am I wrong? What?
mmorpg lol
State War Academy
Caldari State
#269 - 2012-07-25 13:06:59 UTC
I think the idea is that we want them to work towards 4 as much as possible, and to realize that major feature changes should give us the chance to explain why we want things a certain way. A dev post consisting solely of "Why?" followed by some sort of confirmation that the explanation was read( and considered) is going to get you a lot more player feedback on reasons we want more windows, etc.
Global Telstar Federation Offices
Masters of Flying Objects
#270 - 2012-07-25 13:30:00 UTC
CCP Explorer.
Even a quick dev post saying what has been pushed to Sisi for testing from a dev working on the issue would be enough.

We have heard from most of the teams in my Sisi patch thread. No one from the Unified Inventory team has stoped by to communicate what the patchs are attempting to accomplish.

Soundwave finally posted up last night with the plan. Three or 4 changes now and most in the winter release. Not what the vocal segment want but enough to give ammo to the forum warriers that are trying to keep the status quo. If you give us more ammo ot fight back with we will defend you. Simple as that.


If i dont know something about EVE. I check

See you around the universe.

CCP Arrow
C C P Alliance
#271 - 2012-07-25 13:51:32 UTC
Callidus Dux wrote:
In case that I bother you again I have to say sorry. But no one ever answered to this proposal.

The proposal is valid and I will look at ways to solve this problem, I just need to sit down with Soundwave and a UI programmers to see how much work it would be and when we could do it. We would also need to compare it to other Shift functionality regarding such an 'Esc' setting, would it only apply to the Inventory, or be a global 'Make SHIFT a primary behavior' kind of thing? etc.

Callidus Dux wrote:
CCP Affinity wrote:
Callidus Dux wrote:

Furthermore it is annoying that the window for a wreck changes to the ship's cargo hold after looting. It must close itself. The seperate looting window must close itself after looting.

I have filed a defect on this after talking with CCP Arrow

Thank you very very much. I am delightfully surprised about this. Thanks CCP Affinity. Big smile

We will look into this behavior, the assumption was that players that only loot one wreck at a time would want to see that it went into the Cargo hold once the 'Loot All' button was pressed. But if the Ship's Cargo hold is empty however, we have now observed users thinking nothing happened because they see no change in the content area of the Inventory window and sometimes they might not notice the focus change in the Index tree, or simply have the Index tree minimized, so this needs addressing I agree. The action should simply close the cargo window once the cargo container is empty, if the user opened a cargo container directly (as a secondary inventory window).

The only question that remains is, if a user opens up the Inventory from the Neocom, and is using the Index tree, will he also want that window to close when he has pressed 'Loot all' on the last wreck in the index tree?

CCP Arrow   |   Director of User Experience   |   EVE Online   |   @CCP_Arrow

Lors Dornick
Kallisti Industries
#272 - 2012-07-25 14:16:31 UTC
CCP Explorer wrote:

(BTW; CCP Punkturis is not on the team that worked on the Uni. Inv. and neither is her team mate, CCP Tuxford.)

Don't wreck such a good thread with facts and logic.

We'll blame Tuxford for everything that goes wrong anyway.

CCP Greyscale: As to starbases, we agree it's pretty terrible, but we don't want to delay the entire release just for this one factor.

Gallente Federation
#273 - 2012-07-25 14:16:36 UTC
Looting 101

1. Open Wreck (small Wreck window opens without tree view)
2. Click Loot All
3. Wreck window closes
4. Move to next wreck and repeat

- If I click Open Cargo Hold, then open the Cargo Hold in its own window, without tree view.

I don't think anyone uses the Index Tree Inventory in space, let alone to collect Loot, it's just so impractical it's not even funny.

Blade straight, steel true

Jarin Arenos
Card Shark Industries
#274 - 2012-07-25 14:35:43 UTC
CCP Affinity wrote:
Octoven wrote:
Will be a nice little patch; however, could you have a talk with the graphics department? I do NOT see CCP's sudden die hard addiction to camo skins. Honestly, do you see any trees, shrubs, or bushes in space to blend in with?? IMHO they are ass ugly. Take the CNR for example. Granted, the raven looks like a cancerous deformed ship, but now with tech camo it looks like it is a sickly cancerous deformed ship with leprosy or something. Its nice CCP wants to make them stand out but damn.

At least go with some black hulls with variation in trim colors and crap like that. Just seems ******** to have a ship painted in camo in a space environment.

So what you're saying is that camo ships should have a smaller sig radius stat to represent the greater difficulty in automatic identification and targeting?

But I'm not CCP Soundwave, so what do I know?

Lors Dornick
Kallisti Industries
#275 - 2012-07-25 14:36:27 UTC
azurefox wrote:

I don't think anyone uses the Index Tree Inventory in space, let alone to collect Loot, it's just so impractical it's not even funny.

Is anyone using the Index Tree at all except for opening new windows that where a simple click or rclick select before this New World Order?

Cargo? click. Items hangar? click. Ships hangar? click. Corp hangar? click. Market deliveries? click. Wreck? select and click.

Drones? rclick and select. Corp hangar on a ship? rclick and select. Corp hangar on other ship? rclick and select?

And so on.

And you know what, all those different windows remembered their last positions.

None of them suddenly changed to another content except for cargo of active ship that actually did (but doesn't any more).

Grump grump grump.

Maybe it'll get fixed or I'll adjust given some more years.

CCP Greyscale: As to starbases, we agree it's pretty terrible, but we don't want to delay the entire release just for this one factor.

CCP Explorer
C C P Alliance
#276 - 2012-07-25 14:40:50 UTC
Salpun wrote:
CCP Explorer.
Even a quick dev post saying what has been pushed to Sisi for testing from a dev working on the issue would be enough.
Callidus Dux wrote:
To CCP Explorer,

In case that I bother you again I have to say sorry. But no one ever answered to this proposal.
You should now have replies to that.

Erlendur S. Thorsteinsson | Senior Development Director | EVE Online // CCP Games | @CCP_Explorer

CCP Affinity
C C P Alliance
#277 - 2012-07-25 14:43:22 UTC
Jarin Arenos wrote:
CCP Affinity wrote:
Octoven wrote:
Will be a nice little patch; however, could you have a talk with the graphics department? I do NOT see CCP's sudden die hard addiction to camo skins. Honestly, do you see any trees, shrubs, or bushes in space to blend in with?? IMHO they are ass ugly. Take the CNR for example. Granted, the raven looks like a cancerous deformed ship, but now with tech camo it looks like it is a sickly cancerous deformed ship with leprosy or something. Its nice CCP wants to make them stand out but damn.

At least go with some black hulls with variation in trim colors and crap like that. Just seems ******** to have a ship painted in camo in a space environment.

So what you're saying is that camo ships should have a smaller sig radius stat to represent the greater difficulty in automatic identification and targeting?

I was just joking/bad posting.. I will try and remember not to do that again

♥ CCP Affinity ♥

Follow me on Twitter

Game Designer for EVE Online

Team Astro Sparkle

Jackie Fisher
Syrkos Technologies
#278 - 2012-07-25 14:51:06 UTC
Jarin Arenos wrote:
CCP Affinity wrote:
Octoven wrote:
Will be a nice little patch; however, could you have a talk with the graphics department? I do NOT see CCP's sudden die hard addiction to camo skins. Honestly, do you see any trees, shrubs, or bushes in space to blend in with?? IMHO they are ass ugly. Take the CNR for example. Granted, the raven looks like a cancerous deformed ship, but now with tech camo it looks like it is a sickly cancerous deformed ship with leprosy or something. Its nice CCP wants to make them stand out but damn.

At least go with some black hulls with variation in trim colors and crap like that. Just seems ******** to have a ship painted in camo in a space environment.

So what you're saying is that camo ships should have a smaller sig radius stat to represent the greater difficulty in automatic identification and targeting?

No, she is saying is anyone who complains about space camo will have their ships turned Mountbatten pink.

Fear God and Thread Nought

Nova Fox
Novafox Shipyards
#279 - 2012-07-25 14:56:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Nova Fox
Octoven wrote:
Will be a nice little patch; however, could you have a talk with the graphics department? I do NOT see CCP's sudden die hard addiction to camo skins. Honestly, do you see any trees, shrubs, or bushes in space to blend in with?? IMHO they are ass ugly. Take the CNR for example. Granted, the raven looks like a cancerous deformed ship, but now with tech camo it looks like it is a sickly cancerous deformed ship with leprosy or something. Its nice CCP wants to make them stand out but damn.

At least go with some black hulls with variation in trim colors and crap like that. Just seems ******** to have a ship painted in camo in a space environment.

Let me answer this one. Military background an all.

Well first off the ship has to get painted for protection, it may have properties that keep nastly little things out such as radiation or gas/dirt buildup in space. So next came the question 'what color' to paint it?

Chances are that thier ground forces have these color camos as part of thier normal standard uniforms (not equipment) and thus part of thier military pride to have equipment dabbeled in familar colors as part of morale boosting efforts and pride instillation as well as mk 1 eyeball indentification, be odd to have a macheriel park into your angel cartel hanger painted in gallente military colors.

In an age where camo does less good as sensors in new eden are not so easily fooled by camo patterns these are the only reason left.
Current effective camoflage in new eden are 'chamelon' styled camos where thousands of sensors read the local area and repigment the body armor or equipment. While it may possibly fool the mk1 eyeball any layered up battlefield network would still ID the target quickly rendering the system ineffective.

Spacewise though chamelon systems are totally ineffective where as passive electronic warfare's performed between interstellar ships prevents engagements beyond the 250km range preventing locks or any good hits that far out.

CCP is more than welcome to use this excuse in the future.

Dust 514's CPM 1 Iron Wolf Saber Eve mail me about Dust 514 issues.

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#280 - 2012-07-25 15:10:43 UTC
azurefox wrote:
Looting 101

1. Open Wreck (small Wreck window opens without tree view)
2. Click Loot All
3. Wreck window closes
4. Move to next wreck and repeat

- If I click Open Cargo Hold, then open the Cargo Hold in its own window, without tree view.

I don't think anyone uses the Index Tree Inventory in space, let alone to collect Loot, it's just so impractical it's not even funny.

I have to use the tree view to get to the different corporate hangar bays in my Orca. I wish I could have the tabs back. This is the only reason I use the tree view in normal space activities.

(In a POS on the other hand.)
