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Drake and Hurricane rebalancing

Jez Ex
#21 - 2012-07-25 10:17:23 UTC
Harby will get some lovin when they get to BC rebalancing. Nothing wrong with Drake and Cane.

The fault lies with harbs fitting req and hull bonus like most amarr t1 ships BC and under.
Copine Callmeknau
Callmeknau Holdings
#22 - 2012-07-25 11:21:36 UTC
I'd have to agree that it seems a bit borked that AC's have such ease of fitting compared to the other guns.
I think cruiser blasters/ac's PG use should be rebalanced so that a full rack of mid lvl short range weapons (ion/220'mm) should fit on their gunboat BC with enough grid for MWD, 1600 plate and maybe a couple med neut or neut/injector. The largest guns (neutrons/425mm) should be 35% more PG use.
The amarr weapons should have PG adjusted the same but for heavy pulse laser. A tracking bonus to smaller guns might be in order to bring some relevance to them

This should make things a bit fairer overall, and liberate cruisers a little

There should be a rather awesome pic here

Takeshi Yamato
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#23 - 2012-07-25 11:29:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Takeshi Yamato
The thing with Autocannons is that they benefit too much from Tracking Enhancers.

A Tracking Enhancer will actually increase DPS more than a Gyrostabilizer at >20 km or so (at the cruiser level). With a couple of them they become a viable alternative to pulse lasers with Scorch which is just wrong considering how many advantages they have on lasers.

Tracking Enhancer falloff bonus should be reduced from 30% to 15%.

Optimal rigs are +15%, falloff rigs are +15% but Tracking Enhancers give +15% optimal and +30% falloff? That never made sense.
Daniel Plain
#24 - 2012-07-25 11:29:50 UTC
Copine Callmeknau wrote:
I'd have to agree that it seems a bit borked that AC's have such ease of fitting compared to the other guns.
I think cruiser blasters/ac's PG use should be rebalanced so that a full rack of mid lvl short range weapons (ion/220'mm) should fit on their gunboat BC with enough grid for MWD, 1600 plate and maybe a couple med neut or neut/injector. The largest guns (neutrons/425mm) should be 35% more PG use.
The amarr weapons should have PG adjusted the same but for heavy pulse laser. A tracking bonus to smaller guns might be in order to bring some relevance to them

This should make things a bit fairer overall, and liberate cruisers a little

how do you expect ccp to implement all this and not **** it up even more?

I should buy an Ishtar.

Cpt Branko
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#25 - 2012-07-25 11:49:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Cpt Branko
Bouh Revetoile wrote:
No other weapon system allow you to fit a whole rack of your top tier guns and two neut. As said before, a harbinger cannot even fit one neut when he have all it's guns.

Shield Harbinger, the same as shield Hurricane, can fit a neut (in case of shield Hurricane, two neuts). Armour Harbinger can't, and the ship has insufficient fitting for a good armour fit (or a good beam fit). Armour Hurricane also can't fit two neuts without splitting the guns as far as I recall (you can, however, fit HAMs, which is often better anyway).

Anyway, all good ships, and by good ships I mean ships which are worth flying, can fit a full rack of top tier guns without serious issues. Shield Harbinger, Hurricanes, Drakes, shield Myrmidon (sadly, has one worthless bonus), shield Brutix (shame about one worthless bonus and -1 slot compared to Cyclone) , all Tier 3 BCs, almost all battleships, T3s, most HACs, even newly rebalanced frigates, etc.

This leaves various bad ships, like some Tier 1 BCs, most cruisers, some AFs, etc. These have fitting issues, slot issues (because of tiers), and contain some incredibly worthless/comedy ships (although some AFs have been boosted to decent status).

These ships are the problem (and they are comparatively much less used), which is probably going to get fixed in the upcoming rebalance + tiericide. Look at what they did in frig rebalance - now Merlins and such can fit neutrons just fine, and are perfectly competitive ships in the previously Rifter-dominated landscape. It's a more appealing way to balance then nerfing more then half of the ships in EVE.
SB Rico
Sumo Wrestlers
#26 - 2012-07-25 13:04:29 UTC
Cpt Branko wrote:
Bouh Revetoile wrote:
No other weapon system allow you to fit a whole rack of your top tier guns and two neut. As said before, a harbinger cannot even fit one neut when he have all it's guns.

It's a more appealing way to balance then nerfing more then half of the ships in EVE.

CCP this is the attitude you need, don't nerf, fix

Scammers are currently selling killrights on this toon for up to 5mil, if you have paid for this service demand your money back at once.

Killing me should be for free.

Lloyd Roses
Artificial Memories
#27 - 2012-07-25 13:21:59 UTC
From a minmatar-point-of-view:

AC's are not really OP cause:
- your damage is subpar to every other shortranged weapon system anyways
- having the ability to shoot 'longer range' in your falloff results in you dealing potentially more damage than your opponent, but with loldps. Unlike a Harby, that hits for 550 dps at 35km, a cane hits for 600 at 1km, for 300 at 10, and at 20 you don't really have much left.
- yes minmatar ships got a ton of cpu and PG, but remember that unlike caldari and amarr you have to use your brain to fit your ship, since you barely have a slot layout that matches the ship role, very unlike to the drake as the most extreme example. So while you are supposed to be a shield tanking race, almost every minmatarship is actually an armortanker :/ (soloships (vaga, cyna, similiar) aside)

So if you can't fit a neut on your harby, consider using an ACR in the same way mostly everyone who doesn't run with cookiecutterfits needs to fit :S

Else, try solowork in a cane. Pls don't cry when you see how ****** the cane's tank is in reality. And how ****** your dps in reality is when outside of spittingrange. TQ =/= EFT
Kalel Nimrott
Caldari Provisions
#28 - 2012-07-25 13:29:33 UTC
Jack Miton wrote:
CCP are on the case re ship balancing so you can stop bringing it up.
That said, other ships should be improved, not the good ones nerfed.

This, people. This.

Bob Artis, you will be missed.


Bouh Revetoile
In Wreck we thrust
#29 - 2012-07-25 14:00:03 UTC
I tend to think that when one thing is better than all the others, then you should nerf this thing instead of buffing the others. Less changes imply less chances of breaking everything.

Though I admit it's not that simple in an ecosystem, but that would rather be a reason to make as little changes as we can instead of the contrary. Anyway, no one care about ecosystem here.
Immaterial and Missing Power
#30 - 2012-07-25 19:44:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Parsee789
While I do not exactly agree with OP to a full extent, I have to say that there is an imbalance between autocannons and other short range weapons.

Autocannons are ridiculously easy to fit compared to blasters or pulse lasers.

Minmatar ships have lots of powergrid because of the high PG cost of artillery, but when fitting low cost autocannons, it leaves open an abundant amount of fittings to optimize on tank, propulsion, utility, neuts, etc.

Amarr and Gallente do not have this capability.

The strongest autocannon has lower fitting that middle range pulse lasers and blasters.

Autocannons may do less dps than both, but minmatar ships tend to have double weapon bonuses to compensate for that weakness (double rof and damage bonus).

Autocannons make up for the weaker damage for damage selection. Lasers and Hybrids cannot change their damage types.

For example we have a sleipnir going against and absolution.

The sleipnir has high EM/therm resist while the Absolution has high Exp/Kin resists.

The absolution is stuck with Em/therm and will always be shooting at the sleipnir's highest resists.

The sleipnir can use Phased Plasma or EMP and hit the weakest resists of the Absolution. Doing much more effective dps(the sleipnir already outdpses the Absolution by eft damage alone).

Autocannons gain a massive range bonus from tracking enhancers with 30% falloff bonus.

Pulse lasers have scorch resulting in a long optimal, but very short falloff. The short falloff is a downfall in that pulse will do virtually no damage beyond their optimal.

Autocannons will hit with lesser damage, but regardless hit their target beyond the range of pulse lasers. Barrage 50% falloff bonus on top of 30% tracking enhancer bonus is a big bonus.

So the range difference between Pulses and Autocannons are balanced.

Autocannons have tracking close to blasters, while having many times the range. Pulse lasers suffer from low tracking compared to other short range weapons.

Autocannons use no capacitor to fire. Blaster boats and Pulse boats are helpless when neuted.

Last but not least Projectile ammo has a bonus to tracking which is infinitely better than the cap use reduction of hybrid charges and frequency crystals.


Autocannons are superior to other short range guns due to:
-Low fitting costs on minmatar ships with high fitting
-Lower damage weakness negated by minmatar ships with dual weapon dps bonuses
-Selectable Damage Type to do more effective dps than lasers or blasters
-Use no capacitor to fire
-Benefits greatly from tracking enhancers of 30%+ to falloff with 50% bonus with barrage to be able to reach very far
-Very good tracking with good range
-Has ammo has boosts tracking rather than cap usage.

I believe that autocannons should be a model for short range weapons to be balanced around.

Lasers definitely needs a look at after the projectile and hybrid changes.

Blasters could also be given something as well.
Cpt Branko
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#31 - 2012-07-25 20:33:34 UTC
Bouh Revetoile wrote:
I tend to think that when one thing is better than all the others, then you should nerf this thing instead of buffing the others. Less changes imply less chances of breaking everything.

Except, if you quote 'being able to fit full rack of highest tier guns and MWD and a decent tank' as something broken, that means you consider that virtually all battleships are broken, almost all HACs broken, almost all rebalanced frigates broken, all T3s broken, all Tier 3 BCs broken, shield buffer ships broken in general, Drake and Hurricane broken, etc, etc... and the ships which are 'balanced' are armour Harbingers, armour Myrmidons, and various T1 cruisers and AFs which nobody flies.

I would rather they buff the comparatively small number of problematic hulls. These are T1 cruisers which are next on the rebalance anyway, then tier 1 BCs which come after that, and two of the four tier 2 BCs which need a slight boost in case of Harbinger, or a rethink in the case of Myrmidon which can't make it's mind whether it's a drone boat or not and has a fairly useless rep bonus if you actually want it to do some damage. Which it can... in a shieldfit.

Lloyd Roses wrote:

AC's are not really OP cause:
- your damage is subpar to every other shortranged weapon system anyways

Nonsense. In practice, ACs are the best shortrange weapon system for solo / small scale work. The reason is simple, almost blaster-class DPS with selectable damage types and ability to do some damage at range if you really must.

In gangs, there's artillery, which can actually also be used to solo, although is admittedly trickier.

I fly Minmatar almost exclusively, we were fairly good before Dominion and became the best after Dominion. This ofc has something to do with Gallente lacking a good BC, tri-rep Myrmidon comedy aside. Amarr and Caldari do have decent ships, though. Especially Drakes.
Cpt Arareb
Amarr Empire
#32 - 2012-07-25 20:39:29 UTC
Jack Miton wrote:
CCP are on the case re ship balancing so you can stop bringing it up.
That said, other ships should be improved, not the good ones nerfed.

Durbon Groth
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#33 - 2012-07-26 02:53:19 UTC
OP I read your post and one thing popped into my mind. Read your post again except this time, replace the word "Drake" with "Caldari ships", the word "hurricane" with "minmatar ships" the word "myrmidon" with "galente ships" and the word "harbinger" with "amarr ships".

I am personally against the Homogonisation of every race into one perfectly equal grey sludge. Every race has good and bad points.

As for the battlecruisers themselves, falling between cruisers and battleships, it's no surprise they can destroy cruisers but lose out slightly in firepower to battleships. Regarding thier versatility and ability to at least semi-effectively combat almost every ship in the game, well it makes sense. Battlecruisers fill the role of the middle ship in the game, in size, DPS, tank, isk and skill requirements. They're a solid ship class but what they gain in versatility, they lack in any brilliance. Battlecruisers (i'm ommitting the new tier 3's here for obvious reasons) are not particuarly excellent at anything. If you know the job you've got to do, you bring the specific ship for it. Going into an unknown situation on the other hand and you can rely on the trusty BC to have most of the bases mostly covered most of the time.

Celen Guyver
Gallente Federation
#34 - 2012-07-26 04:08:49 UTC
Marzuq wrote:
Whar Target wrote:
Did you seriously make a thread to state that two battlecruisers are able to kill frigates and cruisers and this somehow makes them OP? Wtf?

Just no...all around just no..

Nuets are the primary defense against being swarmed by frigs, and most importantly, the main reason for people to think about cracking open that wallet and buying a bigger ship. Over half the players you run into in low sec are in frigates, not because they offer some tactical advantage, but because they are scared to fly a real ship.

As far as balance between the different races BC's, that's slated to be addressed, so nothing to talk about there. Lasers with scorch give autocannons a run for the money any day.

And a power grid nerf on minmatar? You must want artillery removed from the game because even with AWU5 there are minmatar ships that need multiple power grid mods to fit the max size artillery as well as a tank and prop mod, so no, I don't think they need a PG nerf at all.. Also look at the range on autocannons with a given ammo when you consider the paper dps. At one falloff it's half the paper dps.

OP is an amarr pilot and seemingly one who has an aversion to flying man-ships (BC+) and this has caused him to request bc nerfs.

Why does a Hurricane be able to fit 220mm's, 1600mm, and 2 medium neuts. While a Harbinger can only fit 1600mm's, FMPs, and not have enough fitting to use its utility high?

You worry about artillery, but what about Amarr with beam lasers, you hardly see any ships fit those do you? The harbinger doesn't work with beams, while your hurricane can. How is that fair? The beam harbinger can't even fit a single ounce of tank that the hurricane can with artillery.

Either Amarr should be given more powergrid, or minmatar needs a reduction to balance the field.

Sure scorch makes pulses good, but compare beam lasers to artillery, its no contest.

Minmatar outranks amarr is several categories.

Superior Frigates
Superior Cruisers
Superior Destroyer
Superior Battlecruiser

Battleships are more or less equal in ways

Works well in solo and gangs

What does Amarr have?

Better capitals.

Sucks for solo pvp.

Hence the term "Winmatar".

This just sealed your fate. You're completely clueless, as evidenced here.

The reason we dont see beam lasers often is because nobody wants an armor-based sniper hac or battlecruisers. When a frig lands on you, you're too slow to leave. The zealot is still extremely popular regardless of this, mainly because of how fast it is and how many lowslots it has. Also, if you think the harbinger can't fit a harder tank with beams than the hurricane can with artillery - you need to work on your fitting skills. Artillery is preffered because it has alpha. If you dont need alpha, beam lasers all the way.

Saying scorch is just "good" is also a massive understatement. Enjoy your 100% dps at point range wherein that cane is struggling to get 50%.

Minmatar does NOT have superior frigates. The wolf and jaguar are both very strong - slightly stronger than the retribution, whereas the new vengeance can definitely compete. The punisher outdoes the rifter in brawling, only being worse at catching inties due to the rifter ability to fit a shield tank. The slicer is the far superior frigate in the hands of a good pilot, destroying the firetail no contest in every role. The sentinel wrecks the Hyena at every turn. The crusader/malediction are superior to the claw/stiletto, the only exception being the stilettos large amount of midslots.

Minmatar does NOT have superior cruisers. The rupture may outclass the omen - but the arbitrator is far more useful than anything the minmatar can field. The zealot is easily just as good as the vagabond, if not better in most situations, and the sac is so specialized that you cant even really compare it. The zealot outdoes the Muninn and the Vaga - with the exception of volley damage. The loki is likely better than the legion in most scenarios, but far less effective in armor fleets. Saying the curse isn't more useful than the rapier/huginn is also borderline autistic, whilst the pilgrim is again extremely specialized.

Destroyers I will concede, the fact of the matter is the coercer cannot match up to the thrasher, and sabre is alone in it's dominance.

Battlecruisers only SLIGHTLY favor the minmatar. The harbinger is only slightly worse than the hurricane due to the cane's versatility. It can compete, but not best other ships in the armor role, and can also fly with a shield tank. The harbinger can also do this, but not as well. The cyclone is quite a bit better than the prophecy, but only in small gang scenarios where it's tank can be utilized. The absolution is competitive and far better than the sleipner in a fleet role, whilst the damnation can hang around a fight - the claymore cannot. The tornado is only better than the oracle due to it's alpha, which just happens to be catching stupid people by surprise again and again. Not the fault of the devs - the fault of the players.

Saying that battleships are equal is so incredibly wrong that it's not even quantifiable. The geddon destroys all of the minmatar battleships. The abaddon destroys all of the minmatar battleships. The apoc destroy all of the minmatar battleships. The redeemer destroys the panther. Amarr can tank far harder, do more or equal damage, have incredible range, even greater sniping power (aside from alpha). Your statement is not even on the edge of being reasonable.

As a last note, saying the amarr have "better capitals" is a massive understatement. The nidhoggur can't even come CLOSE to the archon in ANY scenario that doesnt include repping pos shields. Don't even try it. The archon outperforms it everywhere. The nag is not even on the same playing field. The hel is godawful, and not even worth spending half the isk it currently costs.
SB Rico
Sumo Wrestlers
#35 - 2012-07-26 05:28:31 UTC
Celen Guyver wrote:

This just sealed your fate. You're completely clueless, as evidenced here.

The reason we dont see beam lasers often is because nobody wants an armor-based sniper hac or battlecruisers. When a frig lands on you, you're too slow to leave. The zealot is still extremely popular regardless of this, mainly because of how fast it is and how many lowslots it has. Also, if you think the harbinger can't fit a harder tank with beams than the hurricane can with artillery - you need to work on your fitting skills. Artillery is preffered because it has alpha. If you dont need alpha, beam lasers all the way.

Saying scorch is just "good" is also a massive understatement. Enjoy your 100% dps at point range wherein that cane is struggling to get 50%.

Minmatar does NOT have superior frigates. The wolf and jaguar are both very strong - slightly stronger than the retribution, whereas the new vengeance can definitely compete. The punisher outdoes the rifter in brawling, only being worse at catching inties due to the rifter ability to fit a shield tank. The slicer is the far superior frigate in the hands of a good pilot, destroying the firetail no contest in every role. The sentinel wrecks the Hyena at every turn. The crusader/malediction are superior to the claw/stiletto, the only exception being the stilettos large amount of midslots.

Minmatar does NOT have superior cruisers. The rupture may outclass the omen - but the arbitrator is far more useful than anything the minmatar can field. The zealot is easily just as good as the vagabond, if not better in most situations, and the sac is so specialized that you cant even really compare it. The zealot outdoes the Muninn and the Vaga - with the exception of volley damage. The loki is likely better than the legion in most scenarios, but far less effective in armor fleets. Saying the curse isn't more useful than the rapier/huginn is also borderline autistic, whilst the pilgrim is again extremely specialized.

Destroyers I will concede, the fact of the matter is the coercer cannot match up to the thrasher, and sabre is alone in it's dominance.

Battlecruisers only SLIGHTLY favor the minmatar. The harbinger is only slightly worse than the hurricane due to the cane's versatility. It can compete, but not best other ships in the armor role, and can also fly with a shield tank. The harbinger can also do this, but not as well. The cyclone is quite a bit better than the prophecy, but only in small gang scenarios where it's tank can be utilized. The absolution is competitive and far better than the sleipner in a fleet role, whilst the damnation can hang around a fight - the claymore cannot. The tornado is only better than the oracle due to it's alpha, which just happens to be catching stupid people by surprise again and again. Not the fault of the devs - the fault of the players.

Saying that battleships are equal is so incredibly wrong that it's not even quantifiable. The geddon destroys all of the minmatar battleships. The abaddon destroys all of the minmatar battleships. The apoc destroy all of the minmatar battleships. The redeemer destroys the panther. Amarr can tank far harder, do more or equal damage, have incredible range, even greater sniping power (aside from alpha). Your statement is not even on the edge of being reasonable.

As a last note, saying the amarr have "better capitals" is a massive understatement. The nidhoggur can't even come CLOSE to the archon in ANY scenario that doesnt include repping pos shields. Don't even try it. The archon outperforms it everywhere. The nag is not even on the same playing field. The hel is godawful, and not even worth spending half the isk it currently costs.

Err... somewhere in that wall of text is the suggestion that the huginn/rapier are less use than the curse. Guess I must be "borderline autistic " (is that for thinking the huginn and rapier are good or disagreeing with you?).

Fact is curse is a good ship but as with most recons only in specific roles. If you want webs a curse is not the ship to have. If the hostile rocks up in passive tank drakes for example I'd take the huginn myself. (OH and before some accusation you can find examples to prove anything, I did pick one of the most common scenarios in game :))

Scammers are currently selling killrights on this toon for up to 5mil, if you have paid for this service demand your money back at once.

Killing me should be for free.

Lili Lu
#36 - 2012-07-26 14:36:36 UTC
Kalel Nimrott wrote:
Jack Miton wrote:
CCP are on the case re ship balancing so you can stop bringing it up.
That said, other ships should be improved, not the good ones nerfed.

This, people. This.

Sorry, no. You can't just always buff things. You get power creep and that causes its own problems.

Right now the situation is why fly a HAC when you can get similar or better and cheaper performance with the current BCs, especially the Drake and Hurricane. If we don't have a nerf to BCs and instead buff the other 6 BCs to similar usage and power of Drake and Hurricane what do you propose to do with HACs? Buff them? Then what happens to BSs when HACs begin to munch on every BS (and BC) in game? Buff BSs? . . .

I am hopeful that from the hints Ytterbium and other devs have dropped the Drake and to a lesser extent the Cane are in for a trim, with tiericide also removing the distinction between the current tier 1s and tier 2s (tier 3s being a differnt animal due to differnt weapon size usage). If tier 1s get another slot(s) to equate with current tier 2 slots I suspect the balancing will also include a reduction in overall BC hp to compensate for the slot buffs. Other prized BC anomalies could be in for alteration as well. The devs had made statements acknowledging that passive shield tanking (regen in pve) is out of balance. Some of these things could be done now imo.

Regardless, the rebalancing team has me a bit worried in that they are buffing frigs and destroyers, which is fine conceptually, but they appear to be missing the extent that players can exagerate those buffs (sniper corms, combining op anc shield boosters with shield tanking frigs, etc). Frigs and Cruisers needed buffs. Hopefully these won't be overdone and will get revisited if they are. But I think those of you salivating at the current buffs to frgis and soon cruisers will be disappointed when that trend gets reversed or not applied to BCs.
Darius Brinn
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#37 - 2012-07-26 14:51:30 UTC
Lloyd Roses wrote:
Unlike a Harby, that hits for 550 dps at 35km, a cane hits for 600 at 1km, for 300 at 10, and at 20 you don't really have much left.

I don't want to see the Hurricane touched because it's a great ship and I fly it on a daily basis, but this is very wrong.

A shield tanked Hurri with tracking enhancers and 425mm autocannons hits perfectly fine at 20 for a ton of damage. And at 25. And with Barrage M I've smoked FRIGATES at more than 40Km (chance sucks but it happens).

Hitting at 30 with Barrage M for good damage is the usual thing. It's AMAZING for a "short" ranged weapon system.

The only REALLY "short" range weapon system for Cruisers and Battlecruisers is medium blasters at the moment. Facemelting DPS but within 7 or 8 Km. Meh.

Gimme autocannons and Barrage. They absolutely erase their competition.
SB Rico
Sumo Wrestlers
#38 - 2012-07-26 15:55:05 UTC
Lili Lu wrote:
Kalel Nimrott wrote:
Jack Miton wrote:
CCP are on the case re ship balancing so you can stop bringing it up.
That said, other ships should be improved, not the good ones nerfed.

This, people. This.

Sorry, no. You can't just always buff things. You get power creep and that causes its own problems.

Right now the situation is why fly a HAC when you can get similar or better and cheaper performance with the current BCs, especially the Drake and Hurricane. If we don't have a nerf to BCs and instead buff the other 6 BCs to similar usage and power of Drake and Hurricane what do you propose to do with HACs? Buff them? Then what happens to BSs when HACs begin to munch on every BS (and BC) in game? Buff BSs? . . .

I am hopeful that from the hints Ytterbium and other devs have dropped the Drake and to a lesser extent the Cane are in for a trim, with tiericide also removing the distinction between the current tier 1s and tier 2s (tier 3s being a differnt animal due to differnt weapon size usage). If tier 1s get another slot(s) to equate with current tier 2 slots I suspect the balancing will also include a reduction in overall BC hp to compensate for the slot buffs. Other prized BC anomalies could be in for alteration as well. The devs had made statements acknowledging that passive shield tanking (regen in pve) is out of balance. Some of these things could be done now imo.

Regardless, the rebalancing team has me a bit worried in that they are buffing frigs and destroyers, which is fine conceptually, but they appear to be missing the extent that players can exagerate those buffs (sniper corms, combining op anc shield boosters with shield tanking frigs, etc). Frigs and Cruisers needed buffs. Hopefully these won't be overdone and will get revisited if they are. But I think those of you salivating at the current buffs to frgis and soon cruisers will be disappointed when that trend gets reversed or not applied to BCs.

Funny cos i remember when CCP nerfed HACs (nano nerf) to stop them munching BS, ever since the whole ship class has been in a slow spiral till now the only ones you see regularly are the vaga (which is still fast) and the zealot. I would love the days of the BS killer solo HAC to return. I could dust off the old nano-ishtar fit :).

Oh and a slight note, when a t2 cruiser costs more than a BS why shouldn't it be able to kill one? What is wrong with that principle?

As the first person to suggest buffs vs nerf in this thread I feel it my duty to point out that I actually suggested CCP try to improve the gallente and amarr BC to try and acheive more parity between races rather than smack down the cane and drake because people whine when a ship becomes good. In fact buffing things will enforce the same changes as nerfing but will do so in a more positive way.

Which statement make you feel happier? Your cane is going to become worse or Your Harby is going to get even better.

Would CCP have needed to nerf Falcons for example if they had given ships with long range weapons (e.g Rokh, apoc, muninn, Zealot) a boost in sensor strength?

Scammers are currently selling killrights on this toon for up to 5mil, if you have paid for this service demand your money back at once.

Killing me should be for free.

Denuo Secus
#39 - 2012-07-26 16:13:57 UTC
I miss the good old days when ppl laughed at me for bringing a Drake into PvP. "lol noob l2p Drake cannot be used in PvP". Funny/sad part is, poor Drake didn't change a bit since then.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#40 - 2012-07-26 16:19:36 UTC
You can all cry nerf until you're blue in the face however BC's are a great gap between the cruiser class and battleship class.

You can sit there for days arguing which is better etc.. but I'll just say one thing.

Depends on how you fit them.

That is all.