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Seri's Super Space Adventure

Salena Ashera
#21 - 2012-07-10 15:06:05 UTC
Reading this was rather interesting, I'm glad you've found an outlet to help your local community and I'm doubly glad you get the chance to do so with your daughter. I wish you all the best on the rest of your journey and I hope it's a learning experience for you all.

Salena Ashera; Shandian Lu clan Mystic.

Seriphyn Inhonores
Elusenian Cooperative
#22 - 2012-07-10 19:36:15 UTC
DATE: 114.07.10

Oh dear.

Anette's a great dancer and athlete, and she knows it. However, this doesn't automatically mean she knows what she's doing in zero-g, despite my attempts to give her a basic tutorial (which she ignored). In the primary corridor, she tried to show off to the other girls as I was passing by in the opposite direction. Grabbing the back of my knees, she launched herself from the rear of my thighs by pressing off of them with her feet...only to collide head first with a conveniently unpadded section of the interior wall.

It cut a light gash just where her brow meets her scalp (and I totally didn't freak out). Lots of blood as she was knocked half-unconscious and started spinning wildly, I launched myself to catch her. Needed to call a medical specialist from Haven Alexandria, meaning we'll be stuck in orbit for at least twenty-four more hours.

...I hope this log doesn't become dominated with me just talking about Anette, rather than the voyage as a whole.

Anyway, she's probably wounded her pride more than her actual head (she'll be fine again in a few hours). Waking up in the hospital, she looked horrendously embarassed and dejected, especially given how the other first years look up to her (the elders seem to treat her like anyone else). Thankfully, they seem more supportive and incredibly worried, than laughing at her for her blunder. This is where women are superior to men, I find. You get hurt, and they care, not make a joke about it...

On the plus side, this whole incident has effectively knocked down Anette several pegs as far as the ship is concerned, so she'll definitely be able to serve as a crewgirl just like anyone else.

Oh yeah, had to bloody well seal off that entire section of the primary corridor to vent and decontaminate, then run another health and safety assessment. Thankfully, the medical specialist had her drone that I used.
Veto Corp
#23 - 2012-07-11 02:06:12 UTC

Inhonores, locked away with a large group of girls.

Great idea, what could possibly go wrong?

Verone CEO & Executor Veto Corp WWW.VETO-CORP.COM

Seriphyn Inhonores
Elusenian Cooperative
#24 - 2012-07-11 20:33:15 UTC
DATE: 114.07.11

Well, we're on our way. Next stop, the sun.

Downloaded a good chunk of last week's hologame releases. Should keep me sane.

How boring modern space travel is when you think about it, though. If we get in trouble, we just call the local authority and they'll have a ship out to us within minutes.

Take me back a few hundred years, where you'd have to cross the interstellar distance on conventional drives, and even warp engines were a fraction of the speed they are today.

Never mind the corresponding chances of failure, I suppose...
Seriphyn Inhonores
Elusenian Cooperative
#25 - 2012-07-12 23:51:02 UTC
DATE: 2012.07.12 time traveelllll

Woooo, anything I think appears as text on the screen


Oh look, if I pause for a particularly

longer time it

line breaks.

Double awesome. Hey, I can't read previous log entries. That sucks. That practically defeats the entire purpose of commandeering this device-o-matic. Bored now. Oh crap, door's opening. Uh-oh, busted! Run! Weeeeeeeeeeeehnfffffffff-
Lyskal Oskold
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#26 - 2012-07-13 08:18:00 UTC
I feel the need to say that everything is legal in 0.0.

Now I feel the need to call Concord.

"Love is just a chemical, no matter the origin. We give it meaning by choice." - Eleanor Lamb

Seriphyn Inhonores
Elusenian Cooperative
#27 - 2012-07-14 17:42:16 UTC
DATE: 114.07.14

Got a call earlier today. One of the girls' lost their brother. Crewman on an FDU warship, blown out of the sky by another capsuleer. Haven't seen the kill report, but I've heard whisperse it was by an FDU pilot.

I delivered the news, privately in my office. Kamsine was with me, which made it easier. Was one of the hardest things I've ever done.

I don't know what else to say. Or think.
Gabriel Darkefyre
Electus Matari
#28 - 2012-07-15 00:50:45 UTC
There isn't much else that could be said. It does speak volumes for your Character however that you found the task so hard to fulfill.

For me it was the same to begin with, notifying the Families of those killed under my command was always the hardest part of my Commission in the FDU. Over time, it became easier though until it got to the point where all it was to me was a list of names on a page.

When I realised I'd gotten to that point, I found I didn't like the man looking out of the Mirror at me anymore. I closed down the terminal, deleting the impersonal standard form letters that I was about to send out to the Families and proceeded to polish off 2 Bottles of Minmatar Naval Rum. My resignation was on my CO's desk the following morning along with a stack of Hand Written Letters for the Next of Kin.

Since then, I don't remember having a day where I've been fully sober....
Seriphyn Inhonores
Elusenian Cooperative
#29 - 2012-07-17 15:40:03 UTC
DATE: 114.07.17

Made it to the first planet, finally. We'll be spending some time here in this luxury lava city, then heading to the Navy base in far orbit, before sending everyone on shuttles home. An industrial will pick up the sailer.

You know, some emerald-sleeves asked me to scout out some of the older girls for potential capsuleer training, never mind the fact that this school is a bloody sports and performing arts one. Obviously, the club president Miba Landel would be the most obvious candidate, but I think the Navy forgets how an independent capsuleer functions fundamentally. The primary concern of a standard officer captain is always the safety of their ship and crew. The primary concern of an independent capsuleer? Well...ship and crew safety doesn't always trump all else.

So, hell with them. After that incident (where I got a nice supporting message from an old FDU acquaintance), I don't think I'll be submitting anyone for what I feel to be the greatest technological mistake of mankind. They should carry on their careers to be artists, athletes, and performers. Inspire and entertain people. Ordinary people. That does far more good than any one capsuleer could.

It was entertaining, all-in-all. They piped down whenever I gave them guidance and advice during legs, were entertained (or at least pretended to be) by my stories during off-duty hours, and respected any disciplinary actions I took. Not that there were many, considering most of what I did was just supervising. The ability for a spaceship to be operated by teenage girls to travel an entire inner system is quite something. Only in the Federation, eh?

Will be spending two days in this magma resort. I guess we can afford to let loose a little. There's several sporting activities available, so I'll see about booking some group events.
Katrina Oniseki
Oniseki-Raata Internal Watch
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive
#30 - 2012-07-17 17:36:56 UTC
This sounds most intriguing. I am enjoying watching this thread. In fact, it almost makes me want to give a flyby in a shuttle or something. Something harmless, but entertaining for them to look at perhaps.

Katrina Oniseki

Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#31 - 2012-07-17 19:52:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Tamiroth
General Inhonores, to be honest, I almost envy your crew.

If I were 4-8 years younger, i'd likely fight tooth and nail... No, i'd dream about fighting tooth and nail to get on that ship. And that's despite I had plenty of sports in my childhood.

But still, I think that placing a male officer (even a widowed war hero and a Luminaire General) on that solar sailer is a bad (and very Gallentean) move. Mainly, because this is an unnecessary distraction for the crew. But I guess that's my upbringing speaking.

Anyway, this is probably the best Federal propaganda I've seen on the Summit.
Seriphyn Inhonores
Elusenian Cooperative
#32 - 2012-07-21 15:15:57 UTC
There we go. That's my fortnight vacation for this part of the year.

Thank you for all your comments, interest, support, and what have you. Hit me up privately if you have any further points or questions you'd like to add.
Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#33 - 2012-07-25 07:28:01 UTC
If you had any girls from Intaki on there then you know where any missing parts to your ship have gone.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

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