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Drake and Hurricane rebalancing

Scarlet Weather Rhapsody
#1 - 2012-07-25 00:58:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Marzuq
I believe the hurricane and drake are simply too versatile and cheap.

Everyone and their grandmother flies one. Even low skilled poor noobs fly them.

There needs to be more variety in the game.

Battlecruisers should not be a go to ship for 9/10 situations as they currently are.

Their cost effectiveness needs to be reduced. Battlecruisers are only a little bit more expensive than flying Cruisers considering Insurance.

Their tank and dps completely obsolete cruisers and creep into battleship territory.

They are able to take on a wide variety of targets ranging from frigates to capitals.

The hurricane is one such ship that can easily destroy frigates due to the tracking and range of autocannons, along with the ability to fit dual webs and dual neuts.

The hurricane is simply superior to the harbinger, due to the lower pg requirements of autocannons that allows much better options.

Autocannon PG requirements needs to be increased to be brought in line with other medium short range turrets, or short range and long range medium lasers need to be reduced in PG need.

The hurricane is nearly as fast or even faster than regular cruisers.

The drake has very good damage projection and tank. It has the tendency to outlast and destroy any sub battlecruiser ships.

The harbinger and the myrmidon however are limited to specific situations.

The myrmidon works well for 1 vs 1 situations at close range, but is slow and can easily be overwhelmed.

The harbinger is a ship with good damage projections, but is more suited to fleets and has a strong weakness to neuts.

The drake and hurricane should be readjusted to the same level as the harbinger and the myrmidon.
Eternal Error
#2 - 2012-07-25 02:12:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Eternal Error
I can't really decide whether the hurricane itself needs nerfed or if it's more a statement on projectiles and (to a much lesser extent) neuts. However, if there are no changes to projectiles or neuts, the hurricane needs to lose a few hundred PG. Full rack of capless guns+two medium neuts is just stupid. I'd definitely like to see a projectile rework prior to any permanent hurricane balancing.

Drake rebalance is in the works, so I won't say anything about it.
Battle BV Redux
#3 - 2012-07-25 02:29:48 UTC
For some reason everyone loves these two ships and well I dont that much lol.

I kill Drakes in cruisers and the cane has never really scared me either. A buddy of mine killed 2 Canes at the same time with 1 Cyclone and one of the two canes was flown by a good pilot in a well fitted Cane.

The Myrm is beyond awesome and I'll fight any cane or drake in one.

And as you said the Harb has great damage projection and it works well in fleets, eh isnt that you just saying it has its uses?!

Just cause everyone drank the kool aid doesn't make it true...
Jack Miton
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#4 - 2012-07-25 02:58:28 UTC
CCP are on the case re ship balancing so you can stop bringing it up.
That said, other ships should be improved, not the good ones nerfed.

There is no Bob.

Stuck In Here With Me:

Down the Pipe:

Whar Target
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2012-07-25 03:12:59 UTC
Did you seriously make a thread to state that two battlecruisers are able to kill frigates and cruisers and this somehow makes them OP? Wtf?

Just no...all around just no..

Nuets are the primary defense against being swarmed by frigs, and most importantly, the main reason for people to think about cracking open that wallet and buying a bigger ship. Over half the players you run into in low sec are in frigates, not because they offer some tactical advantage, but because they are scared to fly a real ship.

As far as balance between the different races BC's, that's slated to be addressed, so nothing to talk about there. Lasers with scorch give autocannons a run for the money any day.

And a power grid nerf on minmatar? You must want artillery removed from the game because even with AWU5 there are minmatar ships that need multiple power grid mods to fit the max size artillery as well as a tank and prop mod, so no, I don't think they need a PG nerf at all.. Also look at the range on autocannons with a given ammo when you consider the paper dps. At one falloff it's half the paper dps.

OP is an amarr pilot and seemingly one who has an aversion to flying man-ships (BC+) and this has caused him to request bc nerfs.
Traejun DiSanctis
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#6 - 2012-07-25 03:17:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Traejun DiSanctis
Belthazor4011 wrote:
For some reason everyone loves these two ships and well I dont that much lol.

I kill Drakes in cruisers and the cane has never really scared me either. A buddy of mine killed 2 Canes at the same time with 1 Cyclone and one of the two canes was flown by a good pilot in a well fitted Cane.

The Myrm is beyond awesome and I'll fight any cane or drake in one.

And as you said the Harb has great damage projection and it works well in fleets, eh isnt that you just saying it has its uses?!

Just cause everyone drank the kool aid doesn't make it true...

No question re the Myrmidon. But only if you can pick initial engagement range. I can kite a blaster Myrm in a HAM nano/mwd Drake and just outlast it. But if the Myrm gets in on me, it's going to be a bad day. With HML's and initial engagement control, there isn't a T1 BC out there that can do anything 1v1 other than run away. Only issue with that is that I'd need separate tackle.

As for the 'Cane, it's an excellent combination of close range firepower, speed and tank. An A/C dual-web armor 'Cane can make short work of almost anything in a knife fight while the Arty shield 'Cane can kite almost as well as an HML Drake can.

The Harby is the only primary T1 BC that has issues - namely: (1) weakness to neuts; (2) fitting issues; and (3) limited target selection.
Zhilia Mann
Tide Way Out Productions
#7 - 2012-07-25 03:18:18 UTC
Marzuq wrote:
The drake and hurricane should be readjusted to the same level as the harbinger and the myrmidon.

Even if I accepted all of your premises -- and I don't, but that's for another time -- you haven't supported this conclusion in the least. Do you see why?
Scarlet Weather Rhapsody
#8 - 2012-07-25 03:55:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Marzuq
Whar Target wrote:
Did you seriously make a thread to state that two battlecruisers are able to kill frigates and cruisers and this somehow makes them OP? Wtf?

Just no...all around just no..

Nuets are the primary defense against being swarmed by frigs, and most importantly, the main reason for people to think about cracking open that wallet and buying a bigger ship. Over half the players you run into in low sec are in frigates, not because they offer some tactical advantage, but because they are scared to fly a real ship.

As far as balance between the different races BC's, that's slated to be addressed, so nothing to talk about there. Lasers with scorch give autocannons a run for the money any day.

And a power grid nerf on minmatar? You must want artillery removed from the game because even with AWU5 there are minmatar ships that need multiple power grid mods to fit the max size artillery as well as a tank and prop mod, so no, I don't think they need a PG nerf at all.. Also look at the range on autocannons with a given ammo when you consider the paper dps. At one falloff it's half the paper dps.

OP is an amarr pilot and seemingly one who has an aversion to flying man-ships (BC+) and this has caused him to request bc nerfs.

Why does a Hurricane be able to fit 220mm's, 1600mm, and 2 medium neuts. While a Harbinger can only fit 1600mm's, FMPs, and not have enough fitting to use its utility high?

You worry about artillery, but what about Amarr with beam lasers, you hardly see any ships fit those do you? The harbinger doesn't work with beams, while your hurricane can. How is that fair? The beam harbinger can't even fit a single ounce of tank that the hurricane can with artillery.

Either Amarr should be given more powergrid, or minmatar needs a reduction to balance the field.

Sure scorch makes pulses good, but compare beam lasers to artillery, its no contest.

Minmatar outranks amarr is several categories.

Superior Frigates
Superior Cruisers
Superior Destroyer
Superior Battlecruiser

Battleships are more or less equal in ways

Works well in solo and gangs

What does Amarr have?

Better capitals.

Sucks for solo pvp.

Hence the term "Winmatar".
Traejun DiSanctis
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#9 - 2012-07-25 03:58:49 UTC
Marzuq wrote:
Whar Target wrote:
Did you seriously make a thread to state that two battlecruisers are able to kill frigates and cruisers and this somehow makes them OP? Wtf?

Just no...all around just no..

Nuets are the primary defense against being swarmed by frigs, and most importantly, the main reason for people to think about cracking open that wallet and buying a bigger ship. Over half the players you run into in low sec are in frigates, not because they offer some tactical advantage, but because they are scared to fly a real ship.

As far as balance between the different races BC's, that's slated to be addressed, so nothing to talk about there. Lasers with scorch give autocannons a run for the money any day.

And a power grid nerf on minmatar? You must want artillery removed from the game because even with AWU5 there are minmatar ships that need multiple power grid mods to fit the max size artillery as well as a tank and prop mod, so no, I don't think they need a PG nerf at all.. Also look at the range on autocannons with a given ammo when you consider the paper dps. At one falloff it's half the paper dps.

OP is an amarr pilot and seemingly one who has an aversion to flying man-ships (BC+) and this has caused him to request bc nerfs.

Either Amarr should be given more powergrid, or minmatar needs a reduction to balance the field.

Sure scorch makes pulses good, but compare beam lasers to artillery, its no contest.

I agree with these statements. Amarr ships (particularly BC and below) need more PG to be able to utilize it's slots. And I agree to an extent on the use of beam lasers in PvP. They DEFINITELY have their value in PvE, but in PvP, it's pulse or GTFO. I think you're overstating your position a little, but you are generally on point.
Armeggeda iscariah
Ganja Labs
#10 - 2012-07-25 05:14:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Armeggeda iscariah

Learn to counter the ship. like really.

And let me laugh at you on several points.

Their tank and dps completely obsolete cruisers and creep into battleship territory.

Lol what. geddons can get 1.2k dps and 20k worth of armor. and they are the cheapest bs around.
Tempests definitly get more dmg. then a cane ever could.
Do i even need to point out the maelstrom or abbadon ?
And on the case of obsoleting cruiser , No ******* **** sherlock holmes. Thats the point of it being a step up from cruisers. they do more dps and tank. But yes lets nerf BC's because were all stupid and want every ship to be on the same level because your to stupid to figure out the class difference of ships on a game.

They are able to take on a wide variety of targets ranging from frigates to capitals.
Thats the point of the battlecruiser hull. they are DESIGNED to be versitile In RL and game.

The drake has very good damage projection and tank. It has the tendency to outlast and destroy any sub battlecruiser ships. I really cant beleive i saw this statement. Caracals can outrange a drake. and if your stupid enough to sit there and get plinked by a drake at 50kms in your t1 cruiser without outrunning it or warping you deserve to die.

The harbinger is a ship with good damage projections, but is more suited to fleets and has a strong weakness to neuts.
Id seriously love to see a harbinger fleet. But no ive seen more solo harbi's then canes.

The drake and hurricane should be readjusted to the same level as the harbinger and the myrmidon.

Stupid statement within itself. Every ship in eve has its own niche and has its own situations. If your seriously to stupid to relise this then quit eve and go play WoW.
Seriously go fight RvB with a drake or cane and see how fast they whelp you with t1 cruisers m8

Hail Satan.

Scarlet Weather Rhapsody
#11 - 2012-07-25 05:44:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Marzuq
Armeggeda iscariah wrote:

Learn to counter the ship. like really.

And let me laugh at you on several points.

Their tank and dps completely obsolete cruisers and creep into battleship territory.

Lol what. geddons can get 1.2k dps and 20k worth of armor. and they are the cheapest bs around.
Tempests definitly get more dmg. then a cane ever could.
Do i even need to point out the maelstrom or abbadon ?
And on the case of obsoleting cruiser , No ******* **** sherlock holmes. Thats the point of it being a step up from cruisers. they do more dps and tank. But yes lets nerf BC's because were all stupid and want every ship to be on the same level because your to stupid to figure out the class difference of ships on a game.

They are able to take on a wide variety of targets ranging from frigates to capitals.
Thats the point of the battlecruiser hull. they are DESIGNED to be versitile In RL and game.

The drake has very good damage projection and tank. It has the tendency to outlast and destroy any sub battlecruiser ships. I really cant beleive i saw this statement. Caracals can outrange a drake. and if your stupid enough to sit there and get plinked by a drake at 50kms in your t1 cruiser without outrunning it or warping you deserve to die.

The harbinger is a ship with good damage projections, but is more suited to fleets and has a strong weakness to neuts.
Id seriously love to see a harbinger fleet. But no ive seen more solo harbi's then canes.

The drake and hurricane should be readjusted to the same level as the harbinger and the myrmidon.

Stupid statement within itself. Every ship in eve has its own niche and has its own situations. If your seriously to stupid to relise this then quit eve and go play WoW.
Seriously go fight RvB with a drake or cane and see how fast they whelp you with t1 cruisers m8

You just don't want your winmatar ships gone.

A battlecruisers can easily kill a cruiser. Blobbing doesn't mean anything.

A battlecruiser in RL is a fast moving ship with big guns, its defences are weak. Tier 3 BC are TRUE BCs.

Lol you must be mad cause your got you ass kicked in ATX. Lolololol Cry more baby.
SB Rico
Sumo Wrestlers
#12 - 2012-07-25 06:37:18 UTC
My thoughts on this as someone capable of flying 4 races of combat ship:

Drake and cane are op

Not completely true, in game rather than EFT a harby is capable of similar effective dps to a cane.
A mym is capable of similar defense to a drake (although trip rep fits are cap hungry, but who else remembers the passive shield myrm)

Battlecruisers are unbalanced

Straight no, they are supposed to bridge the gap between BS and Cruiser and they acheive this by being better at tanking and DPS than a cruiser but worse than a BS. Ok they are faster but not compared to their racial cruisers (a stabber is faster than a cane).

Minmatar and Caldari are OP

This may be true but it is a result of the old nano tactic resurfacing. Armor ships struggle to kite (key word struggle before someone tries to argue with me), Gallente have never recovered from the nano-nerf even with blaster buff and amarr may just have been caught up by the return of the nano-ship.

CCP should nerf the drake/cane

NO, CCP often nerfs things to rebalance, I would ask them to consider a new approach Buff the others.
If one race or tactic gets too far ahead CCP traditionally wield the hammer, this causes resentment from people who enjoyed the ship/tactic in question. Why not try improving the alternatives, this creates excitement for pilots of the other races and theorycrafters who get to try new hulls/fits/tactics they had previously overlooked.

Scammers are currently selling killrights on this toon for up to 5mil, if you have paid for this service demand your money back at once.

Killing me should be for free.

SB Rico
Sumo Wrestlers
#13 - 2012-07-25 06:43:55 UTC
Oh an off topic comment here, apologies.

One thing does possibly need rebalance is amarr BS, they need something done about the cap use as even with no other cap using modules Large pulse lasers cap the ship out in 5-10 minutes.

I feel that a BS should be capable of sustained fire in a long engagement, you do run out of cap boosters eventually Sad.

Scammers are currently selling killrights on this toon for up to 5mil, if you have paid for this service demand your money back at once.

Killing me should be for free.

Fronkfurter McSheebleton
Horse Feathers
#14 - 2012-07-25 06:47:40 UTC
I think part of it stems from the fact that the cane and drake's bonuses are direct, universally useful bonuses to damage and tank. There is virtually no situation where the hurricane or drake's bonuses will not help them.

The Myrm's repper bonus is useless in anything bigger than a 3v3 or thereabouts, and the drones don't tend to survive well either.

The Harbinger's lack of a real second bonus makes it inherently inferior to the hurricane, and having one less utility high from the extra turret (but still less damage) doesn't help.

Then there's the Tier 1's.

Brutix's armor rep bonus- Same as myrm but with the brutix's fitting restrictions.

Cyclone's active bonus- Only useful because of ASB's, and even with an xl asb, once the enemy has 8-10 people there's not much you can do.

Feroxes optimal bonus- Useful for rails, but the dps output on a rail ferox is pathetic. Not so useful on blasters, so I guess it gets half a point?

Prophecy's turret cap bonus- Again, mostly useless when you consider what it'd be like with a damage bonus instead.

thhief ghabmoef

Caitlyn Tufy
Caldari State
#15 - 2012-07-25 07:03:50 UTC
Marzuq wrote:
I believe the hurricane and drake are simply too versatile and cheap.

Everyone and their grandmother flies one. Even low skilled poor noobs fly them.

Let me stop you right there. A "low skilled poor noob" heard that goons are massing Drakes and that they have an awesome tank. OMGWANT and 2 minutes later, he has a Drake (probably with passive tank), thinking he's ready to pvp. Such a pilot is a liability to the fleet, not its strength.

Can Drakes/Canes be used in a number of ways? Absolutely. Are they popular ships? Hell yeah. Does that make them overpowered? Far from it. Both have clear and well defined counters - it is up to the players to figure them out and use them.
Cpt Branko
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#16 - 2012-07-25 08:01:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Cpt Branko
Marzuq wrote:

Their tank and dps completely obsolete cruisers and creep into battleship territory.

They are able to take on a wide variety of targets ranging from frigates to capitals.

Not really.

It is a fact that they do somewhat render cruisers pointless, due to, for not a lot more cost, having more EHP and more DPS then they do, while retaining some mobility. They are not as fast or as mobile as cruisers, though. That's just foolish to say.

As for the "wide variety of targets" - solo, they can very well fight sub-BS ships, depending on fits and such, alone. BS they can run from, of course. In gangs naturally you can fight everything with anything. Some ships (a few BS) have even wider target selection. Still, you can kill them in a variety of things (typically other/differently fit battlecruisers) solo, and naturally, it is quite easy in BS.

That isn't, however, broken. There should be some advantage in bringing a bigger, easier to tackle, and more expensive ship. If they were defenseless to smaller, cheaper, harder to tackle, easier to tackle with ships... wouldn't that be broken balance?

If anything, if more ships could be fitted to be able to fight a wide range of targets, wouldn't it result in more viable ships and not less?

Drake and Hurricane are fine. Harbinger could use a bit more fitting or something, but is generally fine and decent in shield/nano fits. Myrmidon has a useless bonus (depending how you look at it) and, in my view, lacks fitting, but is actually not that worthless.
Bouh Revetoile
In Wreck we thrust
#17 - 2012-07-25 09:01:31 UTC
Autocanon are way too easy to fit, by far. No other weapon system allow you to fit a whole rack of your top tier guns and two neut. As said before, a harbinger cannot even fit one neut when he have all it's guns. Remove one gun to make it in line with the hurricane, and you may be able to fit one neut, not two.

If the PG of minmatar ship is balance regarding arties, then autocanon fitting are completely unbalanced. Anyone but minmatar ave to make *sacrifices* to fit neut ; that's not fair considering the other advantages of autocanon (namely : capless, very good damage application, damage type selection, tracking).
Mike Whiite
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#18 - 2012-07-25 09:17:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Mike Whiite
SB Rico wrote:
My thoughts on this as someone capable of flying 4 races of combat ship:

Minmatar and Caldari are OP

This may be true but it is a result of the old nano tactic resurfacing. Armor ships struggle to kite (key word struggle before someone tries to argue with me), Gallente have never recovered from the nano-nerf even with blaster buff and amarr may just have been caught up by the return of the nano-ship.

Partly true, I think the problem lies as much in the fact that some Minmatar and Caldari ships, need to do to much.

Minmatar: Fire long and short range projectiles, be able to tank both shield and armor. That asks for a rather optimal lay out for speed, cpu, Powergrid and slot layout.

Caldari missiles ships: Fire long and short range missiles. be able to tank short range even though the signature radius of many Caldari ships is almost big enough to hide a class bigger minmatar ship behind.

These needs usualy end up in one a very powerful or two a hardly use ships.

I've flown more Caldari ships than minmatar and concerning those I think they would be better ballanced if they either would bring out more missiles ships for both long and short range.

Or revist missiles as a whole. create 1 type of missiles smal, medium and large, give the caldari issiles ships a lot of mid slots and let range depend from a midslot module.

so the standaard missiles would be rather short ranged, and by placing lets say (A missile fuel bay module) you could enhance the range, though by offering mid slots that could hold shield modules.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#19 - 2012-07-25 09:41:36 UTC
The myrm is fantastic and anyone who says otherwise just can't figure out how to fly it properly (#pickyourengagements)
Daniel Plain
#20 - 2012-07-25 09:50:35 UTC
oh look, yet another 'nerf drake' thread. i think i'll start a collection...

I should buy an Ishtar.

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