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Strip Miner III and Industrial Overheating

#1 - 2012-07-22 23:06:08 UTC
So after hearing CCP saying they want to change mining, at the alliance panel I started thinking of how that could be achieved in a good way.

(I bet that subject caught your attention.)

First, why do I like mining? I do two things in EVE: PVP (null sec) and Mining (null sec & hi sec). While PVP gets my heart racing and my ships to explode, Mining takes it down a notch and gives me funds to buy new ships. If mining wouldn't be relaxing, I would play less and buy plexes to finance ship losses. (Or not play.)

I do think however that activity should be rewarded. Right now there is the survey scanner that can help you from not wasting time on completing cycles when the ore has actually depleted. I don't think this knowledge is widespread though and it certainly isn't enough. I think an active Retriever should be able to outmine a passive Hulk. Wouldn't that be something?

Here is how it could be done:

- Introduce Inferno prototype module: Strip miner III with the capability of "industrial overheating". Overheating will drastically increase the mining yield, but the miner will have to stop to cool down from time to time. If they are not stopped the result will be a chain reaction causing the capacitor of the ship to overload which should result in an explosion causing 80-100% of the ships EHP.

- Technetium and the survey scanner. Introduce technetium in the cores of some asteroids. BUT you must use a special crystal for them. For instance, if you (by using the survey scanner) find that a Veldspar contains Tech, you will will have to mine X amount of Veldspar before you can switch to the crystal that mine the tech. If you mine the entire asteroid with the Veldspar crystal, the technetium will be destroyed. This way the increased range of the survey scanner on Orcas could be very useful. And it would make sense traveling with your orca from system to system "looking for gold".

I'm sure there are more things we can do to spice up mining too. But the principle I want to convey (which is important) is this: don't ruin passive mining because some people like that (sometimes), but do also reward active mining because some people like that (sometimes).
Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#2 - 2012-07-23 05:58:46 UTC
Being able to produce higher yields sounds interesting in theory. Now go have a look at what happened to salvage with the introduction of the Noctis.

For your other ideas, I wonder if you see any merit in my ideas on making mining interesting :)
Dave stark
#3 - 2012-07-23 12:40:39 UTC
sounds unnecessarily complicated.
#4 - 2012-07-23 14:01:46 UTC
Dave stark wrote:
sounds unnecessarily complicated.

Are you playing the same game as the rest of us?

Economic PVP

#5 - 2012-07-23 14:21:15 UTC
A little bit more complicated, but to me it would add something to the game. Only 1 like so far though, so I'm guessing mining will take another direction ;)
Dave stark
#6 - 2012-07-23 14:22:23 UTC
Skorpynekomimi wrote:
Dave stark wrote:
sounds unnecessarily complicated.

Are you playing the same game as the rest of us?

yeah, it's really not that bad if you can add up and do simple sums. granted i find the whole blueprint thing a bit confusing but that's because i've never sat down and tried to understand it as i never use them.
Dave stark
#7 - 2012-07-23 14:24:02 UTC
Cirage wrote:
A little bit more complicated, but to me it would add something to the game. Only 1 like so far though, so I'm guessing mining will take another direction ;)

that's probably because of the way your crystal idea works. just make the asteroids give tech or not, cut the crap with faffing around with crystals.

alternatively make a trace crystal which has a chance to yield traces of moon go at random while mining. the tradeoff would be lower yield due to having to use t2 strips vs chance to gain moon goo in your cycles. less hassle and pretty much the same result.
#8 - 2012-07-23 14:36:16 UTC

that's probably because of the way your crystal idea works. just make the asteroids give tech or not, cut the crap with faffing around with crystals.

alternatively make a trace crystal which has a chance to yield traces of moon go at random while mining. the tradeoff would be lower yield due to having to use t2 strips vs chance to gain moon goo in your cycles. less hassle and pretty much the same result.

If we did it that way, it wouldn't reward active mining, which is what I want. Either my idea of more active mining isn't appealing or people don't want active mining. It's probably just my idea that isn't appealing, I bet people want a reward for doing active mining.
Dave stark
#9 - 2012-07-23 14:40:35 UTC
Cirage wrote:

that's probably because of the way your crystal idea works. just make the asteroids give tech or not, cut the crap with faffing around with crystals.

alternatively make a trace crystal which has a chance to yield traces of moon go at random while mining. the tradeoff would be lower yield due to having to use t2 strips vs chance to gain moon goo in your cycles. less hassle and pretty much the same result.

If we did it that way, it wouldn't reward active mining, which is what I want. Either my idea of more active mining isn't appealing or people don't want active mining. It's probably just my idea that isn't appealing, I bet people want a reward for doing active mining.

it just isn't appealing, swapping crystals means stopping mining, and starting again. that's not active mining, that's just being a pain in the ass.
Serious Pixels
#10 - 2012-07-23 16:08:59 UTC
Dave stark wrote:
it just isn't appealing, swapping crystals means stopping mining, and starting again. that's not active mining, that's just being a pain in the ass.

I disagree. I haven't mined in years, mainly because it is so pasive it is boring.

Currently, mining means: warp to the belt, target some asteroids, start the lasers, Alt-Tab to do something more interesting.

If something new is introduced, allowing miners at the keyboard to make significantly more isk per hour than AFK ones by DOING SOMETHING, then that would be a very good thing for the game.

However, if that new something is bottable, then we will be worse off than we are currently.

The idea about the new strip miner which can be overheated, but blow up if overheated too long is a bad one because it can be botted. Also, it would suck to be the miner who starts overheating then computer crash. Log back on to find the ship blown up despite no ganker coming by? Nothing your fleet can do to save you?

The idea of having small traces of moon goo randomly show up in asteroids could be good. Miners would need to constantly study scans, know when to turn off their lasers and switch crystals. With this idea, I can imagine fleet ops with hulks mining normally, with a couple mining frigates running between them scanning for specials: "Cobalt on that asteroid. Get it." "Mercury over here." "Technetium!"

The Dresdeneers
#11 - 2012-07-23 16:14:01 UTC
How about introducing a 'Damage Control' minigame to mining, wherein you are inside the ship trying to shore up slowly breaching bulkheads from holding too much ore, re-route cooling systems to overheating mining lasers, and also recalibrating the sensors to pick up incoming gankers after you lose the sweeps, the creeps, and the beeps.
Barbara Nichole
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#12 - 2012-07-23 19:05:18 UTC
If mining wouldn't be relaxing, I would play less and buy plexes to finance ship losses. (Or not play.)

This is exactly my feeling. I mine to relax and at the same time do something constructive. To add more to mining in the way of complexity we need more minerals/resourses and new ways to mine them that do not upset what we already have. Ring mining is a start.. but add solar mining (with dfiferent types mining around different type suns) - wormhole/black hole mining (plenty of diversity with WH's as well) - comet mining .

  - remove the cloaked from local; free intel is the real problem, not  "afk" cloaking -


Barbara Nichole
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#13 - 2012-07-23 19:11:26 UTC
CorInaXeraL wrote:
How about introducing a 'Damage Control' minigame to mining, wherein you are inside the ship trying to shore up slowly breaching bulkheads from holding too much ore, re-route cooling systems to overheating mining lasers, and also recalibrating the sensors to pick up incoming gankers after you lose the sweeps, the creeps, and the beeps.

Why hold too much ore in the first place...? and aren't real gankers enough of a problem... not to mention the ever present rats... Some of these things might be nice in regular mining.. I don't mind nursing heat for lasers a little.. as long as it's not out of control. Like I said above, I mine basic ores to relax...not play some mario party type frustration.

  - remove the cloaked from local; free intel is the real problem, not  "afk" cloaking -


Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#14 - 2012-07-23 19:42:41 UTC
I'd rather Strip Miner III be able to use Scorch Twisted
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#15 - 2012-07-24 02:15:05 UTC
Anything that fails to appeal to the multi-boxer in mining isn't going to happen.

Multi-Boxing miners - 5 to 40 accounts, are a subset of the game players that CCP doesn't want to loose. They chew a good chunk of the plex out there and they also account for a great deal of the minerals in the game.

Also remember all you ADHD PVP types out there keep your opinions on mining to yourselves, I'm not going to come tell you how to spec out your drammy.... capiche? After you get bored with your really bad idea, we are stuck quitting mining because you broke multi-boxing and everyone loses....

#16 - 2012-07-24 09:05:38 UTC
CorInaXeraL wrote:
How about introducing a 'Damage Control' minigame to mining, wherein you are inside the ship trying to shore up slowly breaching bulkheads from holding too much ore, re-route cooling systems to overheating mining lasers, and also recalibrating the sensors to pick up incoming gankers after you lose the sweeps, the creeps, and the beeps.

Could be fun! if it's done right. One could imagine new mining upgrades as well with the capability of overheating.
I agree that my idea of blowing up the ship was a bit drastic (but dramatic!) and it will be unpractical if people disconnect. Failing the "overheating mini game" should still have serious consequences of some kind.
#17 - 2012-07-24 09:08:30 UTC
Javajunky wrote:
Anything that fails to appeal to the multi-boxer in mining isn't going to happen.

Multi-Boxing miners - 5 to 40 accounts, are a subset of the game players that CCP doesn't want to loose. They chew a good chunk of the plex out there and they also account for a great deal of the minerals in the game.

Also remember all you ADHD PVP types out there keep your opinions on mining to yourselves, I'm not going to come tell you how to spec out your drammy.... capiche? After you get bored with your really bad idea, we are stuck quitting mining because you broke multi-boxing and everyone loses....


There should still be the option of passive mining (suited for relaxing, multi boxing etc) it just shouldn't give as much yield as more active mining. Personally I don't really get the fun of multi box mining, but it is enough for me that some people like it and want to play the game that way - so why ruin their day.
Caldari State
#18 - 2012-07-24 09:57:24 UTC
Noone who is seriously mining and who supports tons of minerals to mineral market will agree with some "mini games" and "complexity" to the game ... you just cant play minigames or fill in CAPTCHA when you are mining with 10-15 accounts.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#19 - 2012-07-24 13:21:18 UTC
let me get this straight... want a TECH 3 mining laser?!



#20 - 2012-07-24 13:41:40 UTC
Skippermonkey wrote:
let me get this straight... want a TECH 3 mining laser?!

Well. More like a new prototype inferno module mining laser I guess.
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