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Is ganking PvP?

Cede Forster
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#21 - 2012-07-21 09:11:04 UTC

Getting paid to be pray. What did you think you get the ISK for, your hard honest work shooting at asteroids and all?
Pipa Porto
#22 - 2012-07-21 09:14:47 UTC
Bunnie Hop wrote:
Pisov viet wrote:
DarkAegix wrote:
Tiers of PVP
Elite tier:
Solo PVP
Small gang PVP

Medium tier:
Gate camping

Low tier:
"Solo" PVP with Falcon alt
Blob warfare

Coward tier:
"It's hot drop o'clock!"

**** tier:
Suicide ganking

You, sir, are a scrub.

Ah now there is that intellectual witticism we have all grown to love on the Eve Forums.

Solo and Small gang PvP skills have never taken nor held anything important.

The organizational skills required to field large fleets in the right time at the right place with the right numbers on the other hand...

EvE: Everyone vs Everyone


Ms Kat
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#23 - 2012-07-21 09:14:57 UTC
This game being marketed as a PvP game is just a joke!

In my mind PvP is where both sides have a equal chance of winning a fight. There is actualy skill involved etc.

Now eve pvp consists of spying, lieing and exploiting game mechaics to tip the balance in your direction. Then Hiding when the advantage isnt yours.

The game has no skill - other than who has jumped through ccp's hoops the longest and trained more sp's. Or maybe the guy who has EFT'd the longest and figured out a good ship fit
Ludi Burek
#24 - 2012-07-21 09:42:00 UTC
There is no pvp in eve that isn't ganking.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#25 - 2012-07-21 09:44:16 UTC
Mia Trask wrote:
Is Ganking PvP?

Karkaroph believes that it is in fact the best kind of PvP.

[i]I have seen so much of it, that truly I know nothing of it, except that it embaces me.

I, Karkaroph.[/i]

Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#26 - 2012-07-21 09:46:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Karkaroph
Ms Kat wrote:
This game being marketed as a PvP game is just a joke!

In my mind PvP is where both sides have a equal chance of winning a fight. There is actualy skill involved etc.

Now eve pvp consists of spying, lieing and exploiting game mechaics to tip the balance in your direction. Then Hiding when the advantage isnt yours.

The game has no skill - other than who has jumped through ccp's hoops the longest and trained more sp's. Or maybe the guy who has EFT'd the longest and figured out a good ship fit

You're essentially describing every major battle and conflict that mankind has engaged in since we were upright monkeys throwing fæces at each other.

PvP is a continuation of the best offensive strategy ever devised: "The Gank". Is it therefore surprising that people such as yourself find it offensive?

Karkaroph thinks not.

[i]I have seen so much of it, that truly I know nothing of it, except that it embaces me.

I, Karkaroph.[/i]

Cameron Cahill
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#27 - 2012-07-21 09:56:43 UTC
Mia Trask wrote:

I'm going off topic I have kill rights on two people and i thought i would let the dust settle and hunt down and gank them in their pve ships. so alts at the ready location agents used and the buggers ain't logged on since.I think this maybe a time zone problem or they are alts as they have moved systems a few times but never when I'm online. My goal wasn't to catch them out in pvp ships but maybe a miner or hauler or if I'm lucky a mission ship an eye for an eye.I have given up i suck at high sec to my point... its not really pvp thou is it

Sorry to **** on you're parade friend but they either live in low/null or are alts. Sec status prevents them living in high if they gank a lot.
Arkon Olacar
#28 - 2012-07-21 10:35:43 UTC
Teinyhr wrote:
Of course it's PvP.

But I'm inclined to agree with others that it's fairly low form of PvP against an opponent that realistically has absolutely no way of fighting back on it's own and survive. If these players consider themselves somekind of amazing PvP kings you can rightfully laugh at their faces, because there's absolutely zilch glory in destroying something that is as good as defenseless.

So by your (faulty carebear) logic, gate camps, small gangs attacking single targets, and solo PvPers picking on an outclassed ship are all fairly low forms of PvP, with 'zilch' glory to be won? Maybe you should tell these space-hipsters, who are currently furiously stoking their e-peens, while shouting out "Large fleet warfare is so mainstream" in the vain hope someone will notice them.
Possum's Awesome
Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo
#29 - 2012-07-21 10:40:15 UTC
Is ganking PvP?

Is the ganker a Player?

Is the miner a Player?

Question answered.
Dave Stark
#30 - 2012-07-21 10:46:55 UTC
is one player shooting another pvp? gee, i don't know.
Ms Kat
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#31 - 2012-07-21 11:01:12 UTC
Karkaroph wrote:
Ms Kat wrote:
This game being marketed as a PvP game is just a joke!

In my mind PvP is where both sides have a equal chance of winning a fight. There is actualy skill involved etc.

Now eve pvp consists of spying, lieing and exploiting game mechaics to tip the balance in your direction. Then Hiding when the advantage isnt yours.

The game has no skill - other than who has jumped through ccp's hoops the longest and trained more sp's. Or maybe the guy who has EFT'd the longest and figured out a good ship fit

You're essentially describing every major battle and conflict that mankind has engaged in since we were upright monkeys throwing fæces at each other.

PvP is a continuation of the best offensive strategy ever devised: "The Gank". Is it therefore surprising that people such as yourself find it offensive?

Karkaroph thinks not.

I feel I should warn you, I am lactoseintollerant and have rather large hands Blink
Implying Implications
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#32 - 2012-07-21 11:02:41 UTC
e1ite pvp
#33 - 2012-07-21 11:05:34 UTC
Arkon Olacar wrote:

So by your (faulty carebear) logic, gate camps, small gangs attacking single targets, and solo PvPers picking on an outclassed ship are all fairly low forms of PvP, with 'zilch' glory to be won? Maybe you should tell these space-hipsters, who are currently furiously stoking their e-peens, while shouting out "Large fleet warfare is so mainstream" in the vain hope someone will notice them.

No (and yes), no aaand - no. There's a difference fighting something that can bite you back and something that is only dangerous to space rocks. I'm just tired of seeing people thumping their chests on destroying a mining ship, fitted like a mining ship, like they were the gods of PvP.
Maddy Joringer
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#34 - 2012-07-21 11:07:46 UTC
what really gets me is not folks attacking miners, but attacking them by exploiting game mechanics, miners have a very narrow choices of trying to defend himself ... not only that ... but CCP just accepts the fact that exploiting game mechanics should be allowed is rather sad and pathetic :s

IF you wanna gank something , gank something which can actually defend themselves not new players who are just weeks and months old :s
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#35 - 2012-07-21 11:13:28 UTC
Ms Kat wrote:

I feel I should warn you, I am lactoseintollerant and have rather large hands Blink

And Karkaroph is a very old man on a strictly fiber diet that is yet harshly inadequate.

When the time comes, as it does with alarmingly massive inconsistency, Karkaroph promises you turpitudal missiles of such a weight and density that the moon itself will shift from orbit, such is their field of gravity.

[i]I have seen so much of it, that truly I know nothing of it, except that it embaces me.

I, Karkaroph.[/i]

War Kitten
Panda McLegion
#36 - 2012-07-21 11:15:36 UTC
It's the same as ratting. The AI is just dumber.

I don't judge people by their race, religion, color, size, age, gender, or ethnicity. I judge them by their grammar, spelling, syntax, punctuation, clarity of expression, and logical consistency.

Sabrina Solette
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#37 - 2012-07-21 11:20:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Sabrina Solette
Not really, it's just a one way exchange. Followed by intervention by a PvE police force.
Richard Desturned
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#38 - 2012-07-21 12:22:00 UTC
Possum's Awesome wrote:
Is ganking PvP?

Is the ganker a Player?

Is the miner a Player?

Question answered.

The ganker is always a player. The miner, on the other hand...

npc alts have no opinions worth consideration

Arkon Olacar
#39 - 2012-07-21 14:14:22 UTC
Teinyhr wrote:
Arkon Olacar wrote:

So by your (faulty carebear) logic, gate camps, small gangs attacking single targets, and solo PvPers picking on an outclassed ship are all fairly low forms of PvP, with 'zilch' glory to be won? Maybe you should tell these space-hipsters, who are currently furiously stoking their e-peens, while shouting out "Large fleet warfare is so mainstream" in the vain hope someone will notice them.

No (and yes), no aaand - no. There's a difference fighting something that can bite you back and something that is only dangerous to space rocks. I'm just tired of seeing people thumping their chests on destroying a mining ship, fitted like a mining ship, like they were the gods of PvP.

Except this is actually fairly challenging, compared to 'leet pvp'. When ganking, it is a race against the clock - you have to destroy the mining ship before concord shows up and kicks you in the nuts. There are so many variables - what if the miner fitted an actual tank? This could leave your victim alive when you get killed.

With stuff like gate camps, there is nothing left to chance. Your victim gets caught in a bubble, scramed and webbed, and usually ECM'd by a falcon alt also (all hail elite pvp). Your victim can do nothing but die, his attempts at fitting a tank matter not as you have plenty of time to grind him down.

In other words, ganking a miner is like clubbing a panda to death before the zookeepers catch you, while 'leet pvp' is like hunting foxes with packs of rabid dogs.
Russell Casey
#40 - 2012-07-21 14:18:32 UTC
Maddy Joringer wrote:
what really gets me is not folks attacking miners, but attacking them by exploiting game mechanics, miners have a very narrow choices of trying to defend himself ... not only that ... but CCP just accepts the fact that exploiting game mechanics should be allowed is rather sad and pathetic :s

IF you wanna gank something , gank something which can actually defend themselves not new players who are just weeks and months old :s

What exploit? If CCP REALLY thought killing a target before CONCORD killed you was an exploit they'd simply make all non-flagged targets immune to each other in highsec. As it stands, every year or so they make suicide ganking/highsec piracy even more difficult to protect their carebear subs (only a matter of time before AWOXING goes or worse, becomes the only viable option left) despite all the bawling that goons run the game and are conspiring to force everyone into null by killing highsec.