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Is ganking PvP?

Mia Trask
Caldari State
#1 - 2012-07-21 07:37:01 UTC
I am a miner and in my life time on eve i have been ganked (in my hulk) twice the first time i will chalk it up to my bad i had no tank and broadcasted my location (a few jumps from jita) during a hulkageddon event. I was adamant this wouldn't happen again so fitted a shield tank and had an orca rep me so i could still max my yield...the day came when those cruisers targeted me and i think i fudged up by shield repping to soon as the mod didn't get to do two cycles off before i popped.
The gankers didn't have someone on hand to salvage and i managed to get a noctis to the belt and clean up before they came back(they didn't).I salvaged quite allot and after a quick glance at their fits this has confirmed my suspicions that hulk ganking is profitable on its own without the hulk bounty.
Now then ...I don't mine all the time(can't now as i can't afford another mining barge) i enjoy pvp aswell in fact although i consider myself a miner i spend more time scouting and practicing maneuvers. I also happen to agree that hulks belong in low-null sec and orcas are an abomination of high sec.
I'm going off topic I have kill rights on two people and i thought i would let the dust settle and hunt down and gank them in their pve ships. so alts at the ready location agents used and the buggers ain't logged on since.I think this maybe a time zone problem or they are alts as they have moved systems a few times but never when I'm online. My goal wasn't to catch them out in pvp ships but maybe a miner or hauler or if I'm lucky a mission ship an eye for an eye.I have given up i suck at high sec to my point... its not really pvp thou is it ,Ganking i mean you never see these guys roaming low secs, i have overheard a few vets offering to introduce new players and miners into pvp by teaching them how to gank mining ships but really its just target practice isn't it, oh yes there is a nak to it but lets be honest its a no risk operation just as shooting fish in a barrel isn't fishing ganking is just a time attack to get your dps high enough to pop the target before the fuzz get there not Player vs Player is it?.I don't know prove me wrong.
To me eve is a pvp game and ganking is an exploit not steel to steel pvp.
Suddenly Forums ForumKings
#2 - 2012-07-21 07:38:32 UTC
Yes ganking is pvp.
Tarsus Zateki
Amarr Empire
#3 - 2012-07-21 07:38:39 UTC
I see the beginning of paragraphs in there. Try again you've almost got it.

You asked me once, what was in Room 101. I told you that you knew the answer already. Everyone knows it. The thing that is in Room 101 is the worst thing in the world.

Pipa Porto
#4 - 2012-07-21 07:43:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Pipa Porto
You're a Player (I assume. Since you're posting here)
The Ganker is a Player (hard to make a Ganking bot, I'd think)
There's violence in the middle.

P v P

EDIT: In what way is it an Exploit? CONCORD is not designed to protect anyone, it just provides consequences. The gankers are not escaping any of CONCORD's consequences.

EvE: Everyone vs Everyone


Marconus Orion
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#5 - 2012-07-21 07:45:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Marconus Orion
It is a form of PvP, yes. Granted an extremely cowardly one.
1 Sick Duck Standss on something
#6 - 2012-07-21 07:45:50 UTC
No, ganking is not PvP. The proper term for it is Pvc (note the intentional lack of capitalization).
Richard Desturned
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2012-07-21 07:51:08 UTC
Mia Trask wrote:
I am a miner and in my life time on eve i have been ganked (in my hulk) twice the first time i will chalk it up to my bad i had no tank and broadcasted my location (a few jumps from jita) during a hulkageddon event. I was adamant this wouldn't happen again so fitted a shield tank and had an orca rep me so i could still max my yield...the day came when those cruisers targeted me and i think i fudged up by shield repping to soon as the mod didn't get to do two cycles off before i popped.
The gankers didn't have someone on hand to salvage and i managed to get a noctis to the belt and clean up before they came back(they didn't).I salvaged quite allot and after a quick glance at their fits this has confirmed my suspicions that hulk ganking is profitable on its own without the hulk bounty.
Now then ...I don't mine all the time(can't now as i can't afford another mining barge) i enjoy pvp aswell in fact although i consider myself a miner i spend more time scouting and practicing maneuvers. I also happen to agree that hulks belong in low-null sec and orcas are an abomination of high sec.
I'm going off topic I have kill rights on two people and i thought i would let the dust settle and hunt down and gank them in their pve ships. so alts at the ready location agents used and the buggers ain't logged on since.I think this maybe a time zone problem or they are alts as they have moved systems a few times but never when I'm online. My goal wasn't to catch them out in pvp ships but maybe a miner or hauler or if I'm lucky a mission ship an eye for an eye.I have given up i suck at high sec to my point... its not really pvp thou is it ,Ganking i mean you never see these guys roaming low secs, i have overheard a few vets offering to introduce new players and miners into pvp by teaching them how to gank mining ships but really its just target practice isn't it, oh yes there is a nak to it but lets be honest its a no risk operation just as shooting fish in a barrel isn't fishing ganking is just a time attack to get your dps high enough to pop the target before the fuzz get there not Player vs Player is it?.I don't know prove me wrong.
To me eve is a pvp game and ganking is an exploit not steel to steel pvp.

I'm sorry that you feel this way. Perhaps another game where nonconsensual PvP is disallowed by the game mechanics would be more suitable for your playstyle?

npc alts have no opinions worth consideration

Bunnie Hop
Bunny Knights
#8 - 2012-07-21 07:55:54 UTC
Its the lowest form of PvP for those players who either just enjoy raining on someone elses day or are otherwise afraid to engage ships that can fight back. Either way gankers are cowards but yes, they are engaging in PvP.
#9 - 2012-07-21 08:04:08 UTC
Of course it's PvP.

But I'm inclined to agree with others that it's fairly low form of PvP against an opponent that realistically has absolutely no way of fighting back on it's own and survive. If these players consider themselves somekind of amazing PvP kings you can rightfully laugh at their faces, because there's absolutely zilch glory in destroying something that is as good as defenseless.
Jake Warbird
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#10 - 2012-07-21 08:05:27 UTC
Hi,would you like to learn some forum PvP?
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2012-07-21 08:05:29 UTC
Tiers of PVP
Elite tier:
Solo PVP
Small gang PVP

Medium tier:
Gate camping

Low tier:
"Solo" PVP with Falcon alt
Blob warfare

Coward tier:
"It's hot drop o'clock!"

**** tier:
Suicide ganking
Jonni Favorite
Red Slice Enterprise
#12 - 2012-07-21 08:06:05 UTC
Just play the game, play it your way the same way the other guy does (yes the guy that shot your ****), quit over analyzing everything. These forums just make the game suck, sigh!
Richard Desturned
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#13 - 2012-07-21 08:11:30 UTC
DarkAegix wrote:
Tiers of PVP
Elite tier:
Solo PVP
Small gang PVP

Medium tier:
Gate camping

Low tier:
"Solo" PVP with Falcon alt
Blob warfare

Coward tier:
"It's hot drop o'clock!"

**** tier:
Suicide ganking

let me sort it by relevance:

highly relevant:

suicide ganking
blob warfare

absolutely irrelevant:

wulfpax/small gangs/whatever

npc alts have no opinions worth consideration

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#14 - 2012-07-21 08:11:48 UTC
DarkAegix wrote:
Tiers of PVP
Elite tier:
Solo PVP
Small gang PVP
Forum PvP

Medium tier:
Gate camping

Low tier:
"Solo" PVP with Falcon alt and cloaky loki/tengu/legion/proteus alt and neut logi alt (if its high sec)
Blob warfare

Coward tier:
"It's hot drop o'clock!"

**** tier:
Suicide ganking


Now, more than ever, we need a dislike button.

Genos Occidere
#15 - 2012-07-21 08:15:40 UTC
how about..

*list everything your character/group does*

*list everything everyone else does*

i just locked an open door.. strange, yet symbolically compelling.

Bunnie Hop
Bunny Knights
#16 - 2012-07-21 08:17:51 UTC
Jonni Favorite wrote:
Just play the game, play it your way the same way the other guy does (yes the guy that shot your ****), quit over analyzing everything. These forums just make the game suck, sigh!

And yet we are drawn to the forums like moth to the clue why really.
Pisov viet
Caldari State
#17 - 2012-07-21 08:36:17 UTC
DarkAegix wrote:
Tiers of PVP
Elite tier:
Solo PVP
Small gang PVP

Medium tier:
Gate camping

Low tier:
"Solo" PVP with Falcon alt
Blob warfare

Coward tier:
"It's hot drop o'clock!"

**** tier:
Suicide ganking

You, sir, are a scrub.
Bunnie Hop
Bunny Knights
#18 - 2012-07-21 08:42:29 UTC
Pisov viet wrote:
DarkAegix wrote:
Tiers of PVP
Elite tier:
Solo PVP
Small gang PVP

Medium tier:
Gate camping

Low tier:
"Solo" PVP with Falcon alt
Blob warfare

Coward tier:
"It's hot drop o'clock!"

**** tier:
Suicide ganking

You, sir, are a scrub.

Ah now there is that intellectual witticism we have all grown to love on the Eve Forums.
Krysta Bourne
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#19 - 2012-07-21 09:07:43 UTC
Ganking is to PvP as Mike Tyson beating up the 3rd grade cripple is to boxing.

Monkey Steals The Peach
#20 - 2012-07-21 09:09:46 UTC
Suicide gankers continue to fight bravely despite being faced with certain death and impossible odds, making them the most honourable warriors in EVE.

Post with your monkey.

Thread locked due to lack of pants.

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