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New dev blog: Tech is fine l2p

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Abdiel Kavash
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#461 - 2012-07-20 08:30:36 UTC
Airto TLA wrote:
Again you did not take it from a 65,000 palyer coalition, You smashed a much smaller group than your self after calling in every ally you could when the restiance stiffened at all. Most of the 65,000 members did not at the time have any connection to the war space, gained no benefit from it, had no strong allianiance to the lederships of their coalition, hell they may have thought very little for the leader of their alliance.

So they took it from a 65,000 player coalition who didn't want that space anyway?
Grath Telkin
Goonswarm Federation
#462 - 2012-07-20 08:32:01 UTC
Dilly Dallyer2 wrote:
One totaly unrelated game mechanic that could also break the Tech monopoly would be to make standings based on player actions, not just a click of a button. Too much of the game is blue to each other. Indiscretions done to an Alliance should not be so easily forgotten.
To stop this from being exploited by Awoxres this would need personal, corp and Alliance standings exactly like is done with NPC agents/Corps/Factions. If your personal standings towards an alliance you are in drop to a certain point, you get a warning, if they drop lower you loose all roles, if they drop bellow a set threshold you get a 24 hour warning that you are being automaticaly kicked from your corporation.

END this mass of iveryone being blue. blob warefare needs to be attacked from every direction.

this is quite possibly the most ******** idea put in print.


Malcanis - Without drone assign, the slowcat doctrine will wither and die.

Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#463 - 2012-07-20 08:39:00 UTC
Dilly Dallyer2 wrote:
One totaly unrelated game mechanic that could also break the Tech monopoly would be to make standings based on player actions, not just a click of a button. Too much of the game is blue to each other. Indiscretions done to an Alliance should not be so easily forgotten.


"please CCP make it harder to be friends because I can't do squat to them waaaaaaaaaah"

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Dilly Dallyer2
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#464 - 2012-07-20 08:45:36 UTC
Abdiel Kavash wrote:
Dilly Dallyer2 wrote:
One totaly unrelated game mechanic that could also break the Tech monopoly would be to make standings based on player actions, not just a click of a button. Too much of the game is blue to each other. Indiscretions done to an Alliance should not be so easily forgotten.
To stop this from being exploited by Awoxres this would need personal, corp and Alliance standings exactly like is done with NPC agents/Corps/Factions. If your personal standings towards an alliance you are in drop to a certain point, you get a warning, if they drop lower you loose all roles, if they drop bellow a set threshold you get a 24 hour warning that you are being automaticaly kicked from your corporation.

END this mass of iveryone being blue. blob warefare needs to be attacked from every direction.

So people are not allowed to be friends unless the game says so? That's a curious interpretation of "open-ended sandbox universe driven by player actions".

No you can be blue with anyone, just not shoot them in the morning and be their best friend in the afternoon
Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#465 - 2012-07-20 08:46:21 UTC
Dilly Dallyer2 wrote:
No you can be blue with anyone, just not shoot them in the morning and be their best friend in the afternoon

What if that's the kind of friendship we want?

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#466 - 2012-07-20 08:49:51 UTC
Peter Powers wrote:
I do not belong to the tech cartell,
but i really think this is something that you (CCP) should not "FIX".

The Tech-Cartell is CONTENT that was created by players,
and it's not up to you to "fix" that. It's something we players should fix.

Instead of listening to all the whiners, you should tell 'em
"htfu retards, form a new coalition and teach those tech bastards a lesson"
changing the game so they don't have their "advantage" anymore means
invalidating what they have done, and taking the content of slapping them for doing it from us.

stop removing content. rather give us new toys.

Please do, need more kills.
All Web Investigations
#467 - 2012-07-20 08:55:18 UTC
Haffsol wrote:
Spreading tech moons or giving to _all the regions_ equal or equivalent benefits is just lame. The concentration of power and highly specialized business should be very welcome because it SHOULD mean more war!!

Except, as we can clearly see if we look at what is actually happening in eve, it doesn't. Blues and NAP everywhere.

Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#468 - 2012-07-20 08:55:28 UTC
Grath Telkin wrote:
Andrea Griffin wrote:

I'm putting my money on #2. I like this; this is a good thing. Thank you. Alchemy is an interesting, market driven solution to supply issues in Eve.

You left out option 3:

Everybody is saying "about frickin time"

There's also option 4:

Everybody saying "about frickin time" except for a few windowlickers who say "ahahaha lookit dem goon tears" and then every goon telling them they're ... "special".

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#469 - 2012-07-20 08:59:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Feligast
3) Take post nerf tech and spread it out throughout null sec, not bunched up in one place.

I personally would like option 3.

So essentially, you're saying it's not fair we fought, held, defended, fueled, scooped, and politicked our way to tech holding. It should be taken away from us by the Devs and given to alliances that refuse to do that, amirite?

END this mass of iveryone being blue. blob warefare needs to be attacked from every direction.


EDIT: Hi Fozzie! Welcome to your first blogpost thread. Good first step.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#470 - 2012-07-20 09:01:00 UTC
Also in before mass deleting of posts. Sorry Grath, I enjoyed reading yours.
Richard Desturned
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#471 - 2012-07-20 10:00:03 UTC
Dilly Dallyer2 wrote:
One totaly unrelated game mechanic that could also break the Tech monopoly would be to make standings based on player actions, not just a click of a button. Too much of the game is blue to each other. Indiscretions done to an Alliance should not be so easily forgotten.
To stop this from being exploited by Awoxres this would need personal, corp and Alliance standings exactly like is done with NPC agents/Corps/Factions. If your personal standings towards an alliance you are in drop to a certain point, you get a warning, if they drop lower you loose all roles, if they drop bellow a set threshold you get a 24 hour warning that you are being automaticaly kicked from your corporation.

END this mass of iveryone being blue. blob warefare needs to be attacked from every direction.

"nerf the ability of players to work together in a massively multiplayer online game"

npc alts have no opinions worth consideration

University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#472 - 2012-07-20 10:40:07 UTC
Peter Powers wrote:
I do not belong to the tech cartell,
but i really think this is something that you (CCP) should not "FIX".

The Tech-Cartell is CONTENT that was created by players,
and it's not up to you to "fix" that. It's something we players should fix.

Instead of listening to all the whiners, you should tell 'em
"htfu retards, form a new coalition and teach those tech bastards a lesson"
changing the game so they don't have their "advantage" anymore means
invalidating what they have done, and taking the content of slapping them for doing it from us.

stop removing content. rather give us new toys.

This definetly deserves authentions, so do my typos adn bad grmar
Vashan Tar
Goonswarm Federation
#473 - 2012-07-20 10:52:18 UTC
EvilweaselSA wrote:
MeBiatch wrote:

i think its sad RA pretty much invented Goons and now Goons are all mean like bob and being mean to poor old RA...

i still am fond of the old Red Swarm Federation...

RA is just a name, everyone we liked from there runs their own alliance or is in goonswarm itself. Sad though.

Papa Digger best Digger
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#474 - 2012-07-20 10:57:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Zapson
Airto TLA wrote:
Grath Telkin wrote:
Little Fistter wrote:

Right now you are giving the dominant alliances all the power.

Excuse me

They didn't give us anything. We took it from the 65,000 player coalition that held it before us then we turned it into something more than what they were doing with it.

Sorry that it doesn't fit your jaded view of reality but thats actually what happened with it. Nobody was given anything...

Again you did not take it from a 65,000 palyer coalition, You smashed a much smaller group than your self after calling in every ally you could when the restiance stiffened at all. Most of the 65,000 members did not at the time have any connection to the war space, gained no benefit from it, had no strong allianiance to the lederships of their coalition, hell they may have thought very little for the leader of their alliance.

The real problem in my opinion with tech was it got all you space fleet pros togethor on the same side, it allowed you to recruit the exact typle of people you need for this type of operation. The otehr side was not really able to compete with the benefits, so they got a more indepedant type, a more casual type. Tehy got the renters, peeps who really could not give a darn about it overall, they just want a small peice of the pie. When well equiped mercs run in a assault peasants and farmers the farmers 100 miles away do not grab their rifles and head over to help, they stay near their land. This is basically what happend from what I can see.

Your tactics maybe were bettter and you would have wone anyway, but the structural differences made it a foregone conclusion to start.

***** please. That's politics.
You should be complaining, that teh real world works after the same principle.
marly cortez
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#475 - 2012-07-20 11:19:51 UTC  |  Edited by: marly cortez
By my own observations the act of moon mining the high end products is normally done at Alliance level and not as the presumption appears to be one mainly of personal income streams as this is certainly not the case.

The resulting income from these activities are then used to finance the Alliance economic structure, the roots of which extend throughout the EVE economy, mess with that and you open a can of worms marked up 'Nasty' these creatures are by there very nature utterly unpredictable.

While we all fully perceive there is a problem with Tech it is that very problem that has promoted some of the best play 'Interaction' that has to date been seen in EVE for thousands of players over the past years.

It is to be hoped that these CCP 'shining lights' tread very carefully with this one or they run the risk of collapsing the EVE economy in ways they may find very detrimental to the game overall, it might on the surface appear to be broken but is it really broken.

Many R/L financial wizards have attempted to impose there own version of how they see things should be and the results have almost inevitably been very painful for world economies as what appears to be a simple fix to the entrails has always caused a domino effect across it as the market attempts to adjust, inevitably for most it has meant massive financial loss and market instability.

Similar with EVE, if you tinker then you had better be damned sure you fully understand the implications of every aspect and nuance of the changes your making before you even announce your thinking about doing it, adding your own home grown EULA to your announcement simply will not cut it.

Currently as things stand the high ends are reasonably distributed across the various Alliances and factions which bleed the resultant produce into the market driven utterly by the random nature of the markets influence, nothing new there is there, but looking at how that situation came about leads you to the conclusion that it was the very fact that the original distribution table for high end moons was so skewed that it was inevitable that this situation would eventually emerge, the moons are fixed, does not matter who owns them there influence on the market will be a stable one 'In the Long Term', knee jerk reactions to short term fluctuations in the market will not change a thing for the better as this system grew organically from the very roots of EVE.

The economy in EVE was broken on day one, market forces however micro managed those failings in the original model and produced a workable solution and that is the way things should work, hypothesize that your not dealing here with a games virtual market but with the one and only thing in EVE that represents anything approaching a real life entity, poking and stabbing at it will inevitably cause a reaction far beyond that intended.

That the high end moons drive that economy has been long understood by players, how this comes about maybe not be so fully understood by most and it has become more obvious over time that CCP certainly is way off the mark in it's understanding of how players actually interact with EVE and it,s various facets, I for one would be very wary about making such a fundamental change to that.

Humanity is the thin veneer that remains after you remove the baffled chimp.

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#476 - 2012-07-20 11:27:58 UTC
Instead of actually fixing the issue the way they said they were going to three - four years ago, they decided to come up with a completely rambunctious system that is only going to add more workload to their balancing department because it seemed like the best option that they, the developers, came up with; rather than the community.

Am I the only one absolutely insulted that the system keeps changing without actually fixing anything? All of the "solutions" and "fixes" are just adding more problems to the boatload of bull we've had for the past third of a decade.

Honestly, it's not about one alliance controlling the materials, it's just the fact that those materials are simply -not found- anywhere else. Conquering, holding, and maintaining a territory is one thing but monopolizing is another; and with an entire Galaxy at our disposal we're still not accepting the fact that this is a stupid feature to have. It doesn't start conflicts, it doesn't make the game interesting, it puts one or more alliances into a position of power that can be manipulated simply because the game mechanics never allowed any other style of play.

Balance is one thing, imbalance is another - with balance we have this boring game that no-one will play in a few years. With imbalance, it becomes redundant and people get angry and/or irritated and eventually leave because there's nothing they can do to change the situation. However, imbalance (when done correctly) is also very beneficial. If the system were made so that Region A comprised -MOSTLY- of Material X, but all other regions comprised of lesser values of Material X; then the imbalance is made in a manner which presents the player(s) with the option of wanting -MORE- than what they currently have.

This new system is inevitably going to be failure because it doesn't take into account the rising cost(s) of the materials put into play; nor the logic behind it. It's making gold from bronze, quite literally in fact. Why did this system even make it past the drawing board before -ALL OTHER- options?

I can't be the only one that's thinking this is just adding more problems...

"As long as space endures,

as long as sentient beings exist,

until then, may I too remain

and dispel the miseries of the world."

~ Vremaja Idama

Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#477 - 2012-07-20 11:45:27 UTC
Atomic Option wrote:
Tippia wrote:
In before “but all those lower-tier moons are in newly claimed CFC space! Raaahrr CCPSwarm!” P

hahaha yeah as if the other alliances didn't also see this coming. That Honeybadger/TEST/CFC took that space first is their own fault.

No sense your logic make.
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#478 - 2012-07-20 11:53:57 UTC
Airto TLA wrote:
Tippia wrote:
GRIEV3R wrote:
Oh man, OTEC is probably going to QQ pretty hard at this.
QQing over something they've been advocating? That doesn't make much sense…

on a semi-related note, wouldn't it be spiffy if, in the real world, if we don't like OPEC having a monopoly on virtually all the oil on Earth, we could just "tweak" the laws of chemistry and physics so anyone can make a replacement for oil in their basement?
We kind of can. It's just not worth the effort, though.

Actually this sort of stuff happens everyday, fuel prices get too high and people SUSTITUTE, they trade fuel guzzlers for more fuel efficient, they ride the bus, comapnies ship by rail, coal and nuclear get pushed up to replace oil in electricity production, high enough prices and really creative things start to happen (Synthetic rubber was invented to solve a similar issue in world war II, wood was used in some airplanes to save precious aluminium in some cases).

Alchemy though hoaky in form represents what markets really do if an imput goes to high an alternatives are found until prices find a new equilibrium. Since the game would be to complicated to follow the real world this plug should help.

Also to the dofusess in Goons, etc. complaininng about the "loss" in alliance income and "why should we have to grind", if you really think about it the fact you did not have to grind and could just get ships replaced might have some smalll part to do with your eassy victorys in Delve, etc. The fact that the SOCOs had to replace heir own ships AND give up producing income I would hazzard a guess made getting call to arms work very difficult. Look Goons (the foot soldiers, not the alliance) are going to flow to the best deal so you had the advantage there in the recruitment of the order following types, the other side had to try and call up forces with vague promises of "no rent for next month" 100 mill reimburse on tengus and 1/2 on logis (not as good as mach reimburse, huh).

It would not shock me to find out several hundred pilots might have msutered to Delve had we gotten a better deal , hell I might been there for a few days and I am afraid of big fleets. YOu may have still won, but the fight probaly would still be going on and SOCO would have had a chance to see if resource exhastion would have set in.

****, this is the worst post I've ever seen, first off, noone in the CFC is whining about the tech nerf, we welcome it. Second, all soco need to do to make money if they are so desperate is go to NPC nullsec.
Rionnag Alba
#479 - 2012-07-20 12:05:39 UTC
tech is overpowered, without a doubt.

why you thought to change the prom and dyspro set up to a moon mineral only located in the north ? only you CCP can answer.

the thing that worries me is not the income stream, but the income. 0.0 pvp alliances need a reason to attack space, they need a reason for conflict. Be very careful if you push the income stream to the individual rather than the alliance or corp itself.

High SP players want and need to fight battles with ships that are in relation to the character age and level i.e tech III fleet fights and using supers on a daily or weekly basis. if incomes become tight then people will be less likely to use shiney fleet compositions and more and more boring drakes. Also remember that people in drakes will in most cases have alot more fun popping the same ships classes , who wouldn't rather kill a loki than a drake ?

I am not stating people will not fly these classes without tech but over time alliances will start to consider dropping to more affordable ship classes , battle cruiser online is not that much fun.

If making isk for a 0.0 pvp alliance becomes too much of a time restraint , will people still have fun ? I am not saying we need to have easy or free isk streams , i mean pvpers are not wanting to spend time messing about with boring pve activities just to fund the pvp habit. People will suggest renters and getting more pve focused characters or corps in an alliance but this will only work in a very small scale and sounds good in theroy but never works in practice.

I don't want this to sound like a moan about tech , it is not !. It is more about making sure the changes are fair and balanced but the consideration of pvp alliances are considered so that we can still have epic battles !
Goonswarm Federation
#480 - 2012-07-20 12:21:36 UTC
DanMck wrote:
tech is overpowered, without a doubt.

why you thought to change the prom and dyspro set up to a moon mineral only located in the north ? only you CCP can answer.

i can field that one

the person who did the dominion rebalance didn't understand how a bottlenecking system works and made tech valuable completely accidentally, when trying to make low-tier moons moderately valuble