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Problems around Bots and scripts.

Triumvirate Logistics
#1 - 2012-07-19 21:19:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Labina
Its really sad when you are looking around on stations, ...
belts and more where there are so many scripts and bots doing so much without you been on the screen.
Making its so much harder for those that are realy playing the game and active on the screen.

There are so much mining bots, traveling scripts with freighters, marked scrips/bots and other spamming and scaming stuff.

But most of all, the scripts/bots making your afk computer making billions a day just trading stuff in Jita.

Why isnt there a stop to this, or focus to stop those?

Or making a reward system for people able to catch someone running a bot/scripts or anything like that? Or tools that might help in getting them ban and more for life. Its not that hard that i guess to go in the depts of the activity on characters activity and how the activity is that give the idea if its a real person or a computer that is gaming.

There might be some other forum post about this but dident take my time to scan around so sorry for this if there is already a big thread about it. Dident see any around in the first pages.
Vincent Athena
#2 - 2012-07-19 22:47:52 UTC
At present there is one such tool: Right click on the person in question, "report bot".

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Triumvirate Logistics
#3 - 2012-07-19 23:42:59 UTC
Vincent Athena wrote:
At present there is one such tool: Right click on the person in question, "report bot".

Yes, but it dosent give you any feedback, reward or anything else then a small display that you have done a report.
I know people have been perma ban to use bots, but realy, the mining bots isnt the big thing, its the spaming in Jita and the robot/scripts that is harvesting buy orders, chaning them every 5-10min and so on and then put them for sale etc.. making as i write, billions every singel day as its just keep going non stop around the clock.

There need to be done soemthing to this before its realy destroying the marked and the options to real people to do marked stuff without sitting 8 hours looking on the buy/sell orders to get anywhere with a few isk.

Anyhow, the idea is a system that let us players get a reward, more feedback or something that.....
Shovel Bros
#4 - 2012-07-20 00:41:51 UTC
If you need a reward to report a bot, you're doing it wrong. The 'reward' is helping get rid of the bots. And CCP is working on getting rid of bots, but it's not like they can just snap their fingers and make them all vanish.
Triumvirate Logistics
#5 - 2012-07-20 02:26:18 UTC
mxzf wrote:
If you need a reward to report a bot, you're doing it wrong. The 'reward' is helping get rid of the bots. And CCP is working on getting rid of bots, but it's not like they can just snap their fingers and make them all vanish.

Its not all about a reward, but at last feedback if you did the right thing, what happen or nothing happen to the character you report.
Aswell, if someone is using time to map a toon to see if its worth right clicking and report him or if it might be a bot, its ok to get something in return, at last a message saying something when you report.

Doing something wrong??.. No, time is money, isk or whatever, and if you using time to get someone ban... bla bla bla..
This game can be so much better without stupid bots and ****** up people that cant really play the game
Vincent Athena
#6 - 2012-07-20 04:52:25 UTC
Labina wrote:
mxzf wrote:
If you need a reward to report a bot, you're doing it wrong. The 'reward' is helping get rid of the bots. And CCP is working on getting rid of bots, but it's not like they can just snap their fingers and make them all vanish.

Its not all about a reward, but at last feedback if you did the right thing, what happen or nothing happen to the character you report.
Aswell, if someone is using time to map a toon to see if its worth right clicking and report him or if it might be a bot, its ok to get something in return, at last a message saying something when you report.

Doing something wrong??.. No, time is money, isk or whatever, and if you using time to get someone ban... bla bla bla..
This game can be so much better without stupid bots and ****** up people that cant really play the game

CCP gives no feedback on any bot banning because that would help the botters figure out what they can do to avoid detection. For example:

Botter starts a new alt, get it botting with new setting on the bot program.
Botter has a friend report his new bot. If CCP now gave feedback to the report, like "That was not really a bot" the botter knows he has found settings that fool CCP. With no feedback the botter is left in the dark and may change something in a way that tips CCP off.

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Triumvirate Logistics
#7 - 2012-07-20 07:48:47 UTC
Well, things can be done much harder, like banning the IP to that user. Ofc there are alot of ways around that, but not many people have knownlage how to do that. So if 20% know, that ramains getting rid of 80%.
If the gye have 10 accounts, so what, he made himselfe get permaban on all of them as not following rules.

And how can people know what they did wrong in the way of getting ban if people got feedback when reporting someone?.. lol, to that. I'm not talking about telling what he did, or how or what so ever. He that god ban know good himselfe that he got ban, and i'm not talking about realy giving the reporter any other info then good job, we got him or any other words then "you have reported him" or something message when you have klick.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#8 - 2012-07-20 08:45:12 UTC
Labina wrote:
Well, things can be done much harder, like banning the IP to that user. Ofc there are alot of ways around that, but not many people have knownlage how to do that. So if 20% know, that ramains getting rid of 80%.
If the gye have 10 accounts, so what, he made himselfe get permaban on all of them as not following rules.

And how can people know what they did wrong in the way of getting ban if people got feedback when reporting someone?.. lol, to that. I'm not talking about telling what he did, or how or what so ever. He that god ban know good himselfe that he got ban, and i'm not talking about realy giving the reporter any other info then good job, we got him or any other words then "you have reported him" or something message when you have klick.

Not sure what happened here, but it deffinatly wasn't english.
Shovel Bros
#9 - 2012-07-20 15:03:28 UTC
Labina wrote:
Well, things can be done much harder, like banning the IP to that user. Ofc there are alot of ways around that, but not many people have knownlage how to do that. So if 20% know, that ramains getting rid of 80%.
If the gye have 10 accounts, so what, he made himselfe get permaban on all of them as not following rules.

And how can people know what they did wrong in the way of getting ban if people got feedback when reporting someone?.. lol, to that. I'm not talking about telling what he did, or how or what so ever. He that god ban know good himselfe that he got ban, and i'm not talking about realy giving the reporter any other info then good job, we got him or any other words then "you have reported him" or something message when you have klick.

A. Don't post while tired/drunk/on a phone, it rarely ends well (especially with longer posts)

B. IP banning is a horrible kludge of a method. It has a strong chance of accidentally banning innocent people in the same building as the botter and doesn't really solve anything because changing your IP is so insanely easy.

I couldn't even begin to follow your second paragraph.
Vincent Athena
#10 - 2012-07-20 15:17:02 UTC
Labina wrote:
Well, things can be done much harder, like banning the IP to that user.

There are many situations, like universities, where many users share an IP. Other players have dynamically allocated IPs. Banning an IP would ban many innocent players.

This is in fact a hard problem.

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Hiyora Akachi
Blood Alcohol Content
Top Shelf
#11 - 2012-07-20 17:31:32 UTC
Reward for reporting a botter?

How bout more rocks for you to mine from?

If you need a reward. You suck.

IP bans can end up banning innocent people (like students at Uni)

Feedback lets them adapt their programs to not be caught.
Arcana Imperii Ltd.
#12 - 2012-07-20 18:17:27 UTC
Market bots can be manipulated. I've done it before with specific items. Drag the price down to a certain level and then buy up their stock and relist it at a price that lets you profit on your purchase AND sell what you were originally trying to sell.

I would like CCP make more of an effort to shut down the market bots. They make it really hard for normal players to engage in trading.

Founding member of the Belligerent Undesirables movement.

Simi Kusoni
#13 - 2012-07-20 23:06:41 UTC
Vincent Athena wrote:
Labina wrote:
Well, things can be done much harder, like banning the IP to that user.

There are many situations, like universities, where many users share an IP. Other players have dynamically allocated IPs. Banning an IP would ban many innocent players.

This is in fact a hard problem.

Actually I know a forum where a certain player, named prencleeve, was attempting to get help circumventing a perma-ban. Some of the players here may have heard of prencleeve, and understand that CCP were probably pretty damn srs bizness about his ban.

Well, despite changing his ip, spoofing his mac address, running eve in a vm and using clean email addresses etc. his new accounts keep getting banned very quickly. So I suspect CCP do have some kind of method of detecting double logins, one beyond the standard ban anyway.

But I'll be damned if I know what that method is, or how often they use it.

[center]"I don't troll, I just give overly blunt responses that annoy people who are wrong but don't want to admit it. It's not my fault that people have sensitive feelings"  -MXZF[/center]

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#14 - 2012-07-21 00:35:55 UTC
Simi Kusoni wrote:
Vincent Athena wrote:
Labina wrote:
Well, things can be done much harder, like banning the IP to that user.

There are many situations, like universities, where many users share an IP. Other players have dynamically allocated IPs. Banning an IP would ban many innocent players.

This is in fact a hard problem.

Actually I know a forum where a certain player, named prencleeve, was attempting to get help circumventing a perma-ban. Some of the players here may have heard of prencleeve, and understand that CCP were probably pretty damn srs bizness about his ban.

Well, despite changing his ip, spoofing his mac address, running eve in a vm and using clean email addresses etc. his new accounts keep getting banned very quickly. So I suspect CCP do have some kind of method of detecting double logins, one beyond the standard ban anyway.

But I'll be damned if I know what that method is, or how often they use it.

Color coded space magic.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#15 - 2012-07-21 05:37:16 UTC
I don't understand why people keep calling for IP address bans but never once talk about MAC address banning or combinations of IP and MAC bans where any connection from MAC X at or within 5 miles of IP address Y is declined.
Shovel Bros
#16 - 2012-07-21 08:19:15 UTC
Shereza wrote:
I don't understand why people keep calling for IP address bans but never once talk about MAC address banning or combinations of IP and MAC bans where any connection from MAC X at or within 5 miles of IP address Y is declined.

Because MAC banning isn't much better than IP banning. MAC might be less likely to change naturally than the IP, but it's easy enough to change the MAC too.
Kusum Fawn
Caldari State
#17 - 2012-07-21 09:11:47 UTC
oh and also with the instant bans that the op is looking for the number of legitimate players that would get banned by goon reporting alone would put a serious dent in CCP's cash flows.

Its not the easiest thing in the world to figure out who is and who isnt a bot. people are stupid and bots are getting smarter. not every bot is dumb and not every player is smart. the petitions alone would be interesting to watch. but ultimately do more harm then good for the game.

I am positive that there would be some sort of attempted fc banning if it was known how CCP determined bots. and expecially if there was instant bans handed for # of reports. Null pos bash fleets have what? 100 + ships on grid? thats at least 150 bot reports that could be filed on the opposing FC. add the rest of the alliance and some blues? goon swarm could probably handle 2k reports on someone an hour, if they tried. im pretty sure that would cover whatever metric the op was thinking of for instant bans.

-I only use goons as an example here, as they have the manpower to try something like this. Im sure there are other single alliances that could do it, but none spring to mind.

Its not possible to please all the people all the time, but it sure as hell is possible to Displease all the people, most of the time.

Triumvirate Logistics
#18 - 2012-07-21 15:54:17 UTC
FloppieTheBanjoClown wrote:
Market bots can be manipulated. I've done it before with specific items. Drag the price down to a certain level and then buy up their stock and relist it at a price that lets you profit on your purchase AND sell what you were originally trying to sell.

I would like CCP make more of an effort to shut down the market bots. They make it really hard for normal players to engage in trading.

Yeh, thats my point here, they need to do more and make it painfull for the people that have those characters. Its not hard for them to figur out all the accounts that person is using and kill/ban the hole thing and all.
Triumvirate Logistics
#19 - 2012-07-21 15:56:12 UTC
Shereza wrote:
I don't understand why people keep calling for IP address bans but never once talk about MAC address banning or combinations of IP and MAC bans where any connection from MAC X at or within 5 miles of IP address Y is declined.

Again, yeh its many options around here to get those people of this game they dont realy care for as they are doing this and making it harder for everyone that realy playing the game
Shovel Bros
#20 - 2012-07-21 16:13:00 UTC
Kusum Fawn wrote:
I am positive that there would be some sort of attempted fc banning if it was known how CCP determined bots

Actually, I've already seen bogus reports used to take people out of the game (though not bot reports, since they get less immediate attention). It would be FAR worse if people could just hit a threshold of reports to instaban people though.

Labina wrote:
Again, yeh its many options around here to get those people of this game they dont realy care for as they are doing this and making it harder for everyone that realy playing the game

As I pointed out in my earlier post, the reason that MAC bans aren't used is that they're of iffy utility at best, and downright worthless at worst. It's not that people don't want such a system because they're guilty. It's that they don't want such a system because it would be a waste of effort on CCP's part; we'd rather them actually do things that work to get rid of bots.
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