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Halaima Miner Bumping SHAREHOLDER REPORT #2 UNANIMOUS! We're going to Kamio!

James 315
Experimental Fun Times Corp RELOADED
#1 - 2012-07-18 19:44:23 UTC  |  Edited by: James 315
*** UPDATE *** The voting period has ended, and the votes have been tallied. I'm pleased to announce that the shareholders have unanimously voted to approve the expansion of the New Highsec Order to the Kamio system! Thanks to all who took the time to carefully consider this matter and cast their votes. Here are the results:

454 (100%) vote YES
000 (00%) vote NO
203 non-voting

In order to support the expansion of the New Order, I am opening up more shares for sale for a limited time only, for Round 3 of the IPO. For all you people who have been asking about a chance to buy shares, THIS is your opportunity.

Also, please have a look at a thread I just posted in the General Discussions subforum about ways to improve the Code. As I mentioned, I am trying to get a consensus of the EVE community for how miners should behave. Thanks again. *** END UPDATE ***

Today I've got a two-for-one special, everybody: A shareholder report and an important measure that needs voting on--our proposed expansion of the New Highsec Order to the Kamio system! If you own shares in the miner bumping business, then you'll especially want to read on, and cast your vote(s).


I am a professional bumper and the Supreme Protector of Halaima, a highsec ice mining system near Jita. I require miners to follow the New Halaima Code of Conduct, which--among other things--calls for a 10 million isk mining fee to be paid each year. If miners fail to pay, they risk being bumped out of range and losing their ability to mine. But you already knew that, didn't you?

Previous threads:
I have taken command of the Halaima ice field: An exciting business opportunity!
Halaima Miner Bumping IPO -- Round 1
Halaima Miner Bumping IPO -- Round 2
Halaima Miner Bumping -- SHAREHOLDER REPORT #1 -- 230,000.00 % profit margin!


This report is cumulative (i.e. includes revenues/expenditures listed in Shareholder Report #1).

251,100,000 in mining permits
82,000,000 in loot of fallen enemies
52,000,000 in miscellaneous donations

63,000 for secure containers


Profit Margin:
611,169.84 %


As I noted in Shareholder Report #1, the miner bumping business exceeded my wildest expectations during the first several days. I assumed this must have been beginner's luck, and that I would report things slowing down in Shareholder Report #2. Once again, I underestimated the bountiful Halaima system. Without incurring any additional expenses, I was able to increase our profit margin to more than six hundred thousand percent.

Despite the noise from rebellious miners, many see the wisdom in purchasing mining permits. Over a quarter-billion isk in permits have now been sold. This weekend, we experienced a breakthrough when I encountered an 11-man mining fleet controlled by a single player (9 mackinaws and 2 orcas). Though initially suspected of botting, it turned out he was the miner who had previously purchased some stock in the company. Partly out of respect for the Code, and partly to support the venture, he paid the fee for each of his eleven accounts. In a separate incident, a down-on-his-luck procurer(!) pilot purchased an hour's worth of mining for 100,000 isk, accounting for the odd number in the revenue category above.

"Miscellaneous donations" is a new revenue category added for this report. Since there hasn't been any stock for sale, some players eager to support the New Highsec Order have randomly sent in some isk.

For those who enjoy numbers, you have probably already noticed that when you add the profit from the mining fees, enemy loot, and donations, and toss in the 657 million in shares, we have reached a new milestone. Amazing but true: Miner bumping is now a billion isk business.

It's hard to believe that barely three weeks ago, the business went live in Halaima. It started with nothing but a vision of a brighter future for highsec. Against all odds, that dream is slowly becoming a reality. Miners who mined for years without any hope now have something to believe in.

But there is so much more work to be done. Let us continue this journey together.

* * * (Proceed to section 2.) * * *
James 315
Experimental Fun Times Corp RELOADED
#2 - 2012-07-18 19:44:43 UTC

Nothing worth doing is easy. In our efforts to bring order to the lawless chaos of highsec, it was inevitable that we would encounter resistance from supporters of the status quo. For many, news of the changes taking place in Halaima are welcome. But for others, it's something to fear. Word of the New Highsec Order has spread, particularly along some of the Jita trade routes that pass through Halaima. When I am bumping miners in Halaima, it sparks a lot of conversation in local, some of it negative. Even those who merely jump through the system on a regular basis have taken note. Disgruntled miners carry their frustrations back to their corps and alliances.

Those who oppose me continue to recruit counter-bumpers, who try to prevent me from getting a clean bump at the non-compliant. They have yet to score a victory, despite trying out all manner of different speed-fits. Occasionally, supporters will come to the ice field to trying bumping miners for themselves. However, this is still a rarity. My enemies discourage miners from paying the mining fees because they're afraid that if I am able to make money, then it will attract more bumpers trying to copy my success. So far, their fears have proven unwarranted, but it's possible that bumping will gain in popularity in the future.

After the First Battle of Halaima (recounted in Shareholder Report #1), it seems my enemies got the message: You can't kill an Invincible Stabber. In fact, for awhile I thought I might end up writing a Report for a period devoid of any violent incidents. The drop in attacks is promising in a sense, but it also meant that I didn't gain as much isk in collecting loot from hostiles' wrecks.

My birds keep me apprised of plots against me. Slanderers have occasionally received notifications of "terrible" standings from me, warned that I know they are "thinking bad thoughts about me." Last time, I reported that someone attempted to contract a hit against me, only to have the mercenary inform me instead. This time, my enemies did succeed in persuading an outsider to make an attempt against me--though I was warned of the attack in advance.

The assassin was a suicide ganker and member of the GoonSwarm Federation who kills hulks in highsec for fun. So far, so good. But in this case, he proved to be misguided, and he set his sights on my Invincible Stabber in order to impress some friends who had been upset by what I was doing in Halaima. When my birds told me an attack was imminent, I logged in and went to the Halaima ice field for the sole purpose of resolving the matter.

The assassin confidently told his friends that I was as good as dead. He brought in three accounts, including a T2-fit vexor and a T2-fit catalyst. In his arrogance, he had his third account pilot a cloaky transport ship--ostensibly to scoop my loot after I was killed. But his plan went awry when my shields held at 88%. Both of his ships exploded, and I casually scooped their loot. The transport ship fled the scene.

I informed Halaima that there was nothing to fear: Their Supreme Protector emerged victorious as always. Some of my detractors took issue with the fact that Concord had intervened on my behalf. They felt it was unfair for me to "hide" behind Concord. I always find it amusing when highsec miners complain about someone else being protected by Concord--an observation I shared with them in local. Given the assassin's credentials as a suicide ganker, I wished him well and expressed hope for his rehabilitation.

It was the only time someone dared to fire weapons against me during the period covered by this Report. I find that my enemies much prefer to lock me rather than actually shoot. After I apparently rubbed some corporation the wrong way, they sent in a trio of tech III cruisers to intimidate me. I was unimpressed. When they began the routine of locking without shooting, I coined a term for the practice: The carebear stare. For about an hour, they whined that I wasn't in a player corporation so they couldn't wardec me. I reminded them what Sun Tzu said--true warriors post killmails, not excuses.

* * * (Proceed to section 3.) * * *

James 315
Experimental Fun Times Corp RELOADED
#3 - 2012-07-18 19:45:14 UTC

When I first came to Halaima to share my vision, the ice field was one of the most populous in highsec. Recently, I have noticed a decline in the number of miners who reside there. I have also witnessed what I call the "blueing" of the ice field, as Code-compliant miners with positive standings take up a greater share of the mining force.

That's not to say that the ice field is empty, or that every miner in Halaima has paid for a permit. Far from it. But there are times when the field does become bare or completely blue, and that's not good for business. I believe that Halaima's destiny is to become the capital of the New Highsec Order, a beacon of light that inspires and attracts community-minded miners from all around. Sadly, the prevailing culture of highsec rejects the idea that leadership and order are needed. Instead of embracing the New Order, they run away.

The time has come for the New Highsec Order to expand its borders and take jurisdiction over another system. Our obvious destination is Kamio, a 0.7 ice mining system next door to Halaima.

For your convenience, I have prepared a map (courtesy of Dotlan) to illustrate the proposed area of expansion:

The Citadel region with sovereignty shaded in.

Like Halaima, Kamio is a highly-populated system with a busy ice field--some say busier since my arrival in Halaima. Unlike Halaima, Kamio also has a lot of asteroid belts and ore miners. If the New Order comes to Kamio, the ice field would be the focus, but the asteroid belt miners would also come under the governance of the new regime.

The advantage of choosing a neighboring system for our expansion is obvious, since there will be virtually no travel time involved. Logistics will not be a problem, since my bumping activities do not require any supplies. The route between the systems is also secure, consisting of a stargate with frequent Concord presence, faction police, and sentry gun emplacements. All are loyal to me.

If the rumors about ice miners fleeing from Halaima to Kamio are true, then our expansion will send another positive message: Life is about facing up to one's responsibilities, not running away from them. I am eager to give these miners a second chance to do things the right way.

Since this would be the first time the New Order has sought to gain additional territories, the move might be cause for alarm in some circles. I am confident that any anxiety caused by our expansion can be smoothed over with proper diplomacy.

Given the importance of this next step, I have decided that the proposed expansion to Kamio should be put to a vote. The instructions for this vote will be posted below. During the 48-hour voting period, I will do my best to answer any questions that people may have about the measure. To facilitate things, I will start by posting a Q&A to address some questions that I anticipate.


Q. Does this mean you will be leaving/neglecting Halaima?

Not at all. I will continue to serve as the Supreme Protector of Halaima, and Halaima will continue to be the capital of the New Highsec Order. Think of Kamio as another ice field in Halaima. When things are quiet in the first one, I move to the second one, and so on. The expansion will not take anything away from Halaima. Like having a second child, it only means there is more love to go around.

Q. Will miners in Kamio follow a different Code of Conduct?

Miners in Kamio will also be required to follow the New Halaima Code of Conduct. That's right, it won't be called the "Kamio" Code--just as the Geneva Convention applies to people even if they don't live in Geneva. However, if we do expand, I might get some additional input from the EVE community to see if there's anything that needs to be added to the Code.

Q. Will miners need separate permits to mine in each system?

No, standings are standings. Any miner who pays me 10 million isk will continue to enjoy bump-free mining for 365 days, regardless of the system he's in.

Q. Won't miners in either system just move back-and-forth to avoid you?

I have never seen this as an issue. Remember, the practice of highsec mining is entirely dependent on a miner's ability to sit in one spot, perhaps AFK, for long periods of time. They don't like disruptions. Bumpers on the other hand, can travel freely and unpredictably from place to place. Operating in multiple systems is likely to enhance my power rather than diminish it.

Q. Do you have plans to expand beyond these two systems? If so, where?

I can't comment, but I'll say this: I believe the principles set forth in the New Halaima Code of Conduct are universal.

* * * (Proceed to section 4.) * * *

James 315
Experimental Fun Times Corp RELOADED
#4 - 2012-07-18 19:45:52 UTC  |  Edited by: James 315

The voting on this measure will be open for 48 hours from the time of this post. Each shareholder will have one vote per share (a shareholder with 20 shares gets 20 votes, etc.). Shareholders may vote either by posting a reply in this thread, or by sending me an EVEmail. After I submit this post, I will be sending a notification to all shareholders by EVEmail to inform them of this vote.

For the sake of convenience, I will list each shareholder and his number of shares at the bottom of this post.

Those who do not own shares will not be able to vote, but are free to offer their thoughts/questions on the subject.


[ ] YES, I support the expansion of the New Highsec Order to the Kamio system (0.7) and authorize James 315 to serve as Supreme Protector of Kamio.

[ ] NO, I do not support the expansion at this time.

[ ] I ABSTAIN from voting on this measure.

Voting Period

This measure will be open for voting until July 20th at 19:45 EVE time.


Marcion Cravik -- 1 share
Darth Gustav -- 5 shares
Collin Dow -- 2 shares
Kael Attrell -- 1 share
Kuehnelt -- 1 share
R0me0 Charl1e -- 210 shares
Tabane Shinonono -- 50 shares
Haulter -- 10 shares
Gargamel en Cedoulain -- 1 share
Private Pineapple -- 19 shares
Rykker Bow -- 10 shares
Bubbles Vuld -- 10 shares
Tecear -- 15 shares
Sun Win -- 10 shares
Shiule Hanaya -- 100 shares
Campl3r Athonille -- 20 shares
Angelis666 -- 1 share
Jori McKie -- 100 shares
Caelis Boirelle -- 10 shares
missus rockhunter -- 10 shares
Matries -- 1 share
Zelous Mandible -- 50 shares
Nathan Omega -- 20 shares


454 (100%) vote YES
000 (00%) vote NO
203 non-voting
Private Pineapple
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#5 - 2012-07-18 20:03:21 UTC
YES, I support the expansion of the New Highsec Order to the Kamio system (0.7) and authorize James 315 to serve as Supreme Protector of Kamio.


Devoid Privateering
#6 - 2012-07-18 20:08:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Kuehnelt
[ X ] YES, I support the expansion of the New Highsec Order to the Kamio system (0.7) and authorize James 315 to serve as Supreme Protector of Kamio.
Private Pineapple
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#7 - 2012-07-18 20:10:01 UTC
Kuehnelt wrote:
[X ] YES, I support the expansion of the New Highsec Order to the Kamio system (0.7) and authorize James 315 to serve as Supreme Protector of Kamio.

Kuehnelt wrote:
[X ] YES

Kuehnelt wrote:
[X ]

Son, remove that unnecessary space.


Estel Again
#8 - 2012-07-18 20:14:16 UTC
Excellent plan!

If I send 10M, do I get to vote YES?
James 315
Experimental Fun Times Corp RELOADED
#9 - 2012-07-18 20:16:21 UTC
Estel Again wrote:
Excellent plan!

If I send 10M, do I get to vote YES?

Sorry, you need to be a shareholder at the time the vote is announced to be able to participate.

By the way, I also edited the voting options to add the ability to "abstain" from the vote. Forgot about that. Cool
Estel Again
#10 - 2012-07-18 20:21:17 UTC
James 315 wrote:
Sorry, you need to be a shareholder at the time the vote is announced to be able to participate.

What a shame. In that case I abstain.
Charles Baker
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2012-07-18 20:22:22 UTC
How much to buy Shares in this wonderful venture?
James 315
Experimental Fun Times Corp RELOADED
#12 - 2012-07-18 20:24:16 UTC
Charles Baker wrote:
How much to buy Shares in this wonderful venture?

When it was open, it was 1 million isk per share. However, shares have not been for sale since the end of the IPO round 2. If we offer shares for sale again I will make an announcement here in the Market Discussions subforum.
Collin Dow
Glorious Revolution
#13 - 2012-07-18 20:31:35 UTC

[ ] YES, I support the expansion of the New Highsec Order to the Kamio system (0.7) and authorize James 315 to serve as Supreme Protector of Kamio.

The Glorious Revolution is a great (awful) corp, and you should (not) join today, comrade!

Collin Dow
Glorious Revolution
#14 - 2012-07-18 20:33:15 UTC
James 315 wrote:
Charles Baker wrote:
How much to buy Shares in this wonderful venture?

When it was open, it was 1 million isk per share. However, shares have not been for sale since the end of the IPO round 2. If we offer shares for sale again I will make an announcement here in the Market Discussions subforum.

I'm saddened that I missed the final IPO. I would have purchased more shares.
Oh well.

The Glorious Revolution is a great (awful) corp, and you should (not) join today, comrade!

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#15 - 2012-07-18 20:38:35 UTC
YES, I support the expansion of the New Highsec Order to the Kamio system (0.7) and authorize James 315 to serve as Supreme Protector of Kamio.
Rykker Bow
Center for Advanced Studies
#16 - 2012-07-18 21:00:22 UTC
Yes, yes, yes. You sir haven't vote. Go get 'em mate.

The Mjolnir Bloc - Lowsec PvP for the sophisticated - The Mjolnir Bloc Killboards

Caelis Boirelle
Aurora Investments
#17 - 2012-07-18 21:09:30 UTC
A joy to read, as always.

[X] YES, I support the expansion of the New Highsec Order to the Kamio system (0.7) and authorize James 315 to serve as Supreme Protector of Kamio.

Slightly off topic, but I had wondered if you had considered a potential backlash against your supporters in this fine venture?

If you are really causing as much friction within the mining community of Halaima as you say, then surely as your business expands those who would like to put an end to your scheme are going to grow in number. You may be for all purposes untouchable but that isn't strictly the case for your investors; who's names are conventiently posted now on several threads in the MD forum. Should your enemies be organised enough, it would be tempting to attempt to pull the support out from beneath your operation by disrupting the activities of and threatening your investors enough to have them demand their money back in a return for cessation in hostilities towards them, no?

A suggestion might be to remove shareholder names from posts and keep any future voting to a secret ballot, via evemail directly to you, to protect the identities of your shareholders. But by all means keep posting reports and vote requests on the forum, they're worth their weight in entertainment value alone.
James 315
Experimental Fun Times Corp RELOADED
#18 - 2012-07-18 21:17:40 UTC
Caelis Boirelle wrote:
Should your enemies be organised enough, it would be tempting to attempt to pull the support out from beneath your operation by disrupting the activities of and threatening your investors enough to have them demand their money back in a return for cessation in hostilities towards them, no?

An interesting idea, but I'll say this: No one ever went broke betting on the cowardice of the miners, and no one ever got rich betting on their competence. They're a lot more afraid of you than you are of them. Cool

Even so, I'll keep your suggestion in mind, and my investors should report any unusual activity.
Sun Win
#19 - 2012-07-18 21:48:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Sun Win
Caelis Boirelle wrote:
A suggestion might be to remove shareholder names from posts and keep any future voting to a secret ballot, via evemail directly to you, to protect the identities of your shareholders. But by all means keep posting reports and vote requests on the forum, they're worth their weight in entertainment value alone.

Every worthy project brings with it some risk. The taming of high sec may bring with it the chance of backlash by the unruly mob, but liberty belongs to those who will not be cowed by AFK tyrants.

I'm proud to see my name on the register of shareholders. By putting it there, we stand with James 315 and say: "No. This will not stand. There is a Code. Follow the Code."

Also: [X] YES, I support the expansion of the New Highsec Order to the Kamio system (0.7) and authorize James 315 to serve as Supreme Protector of Kamio.
Jori McKie
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#20 - 2012-07-18 21:48:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Jori McKie
[X] YES, I support the expansion of the New Highsec Order to the Kamio system (0.7) and authorize James 315 to serve as Supreme Protector of Kamio.

And i'm proud to vote with 100 shares.

Caelis Boirelle wrote:

Slightly off topic, but I had wondered if you had considered a potential backlash against your supporters in this fine venture?

If you are really causing as much friction within the mining community of Halaima as you say, then surely as your business expands those who would like to put an end to your scheme are going to grow in number. You may be for all purposes untouchable but that isn't strictly the case for your investors; who's names are conventiently posted now on several threads in the MD forum. Should your enemies be organised enough, it would be tempting to attempt to pull the support out from beneath your operation by disrupting the activities of and threatening your investors enough to have them demand their money back in a return for cessation in hostilities towards them, no?

I don't mind to be public visible as shareholder and by all means i welcome any disgruntled miner or any merc on behalf of them to pay me a visit. I even might be able to give hand in case things get too ugly for any shareholder or James 315 personally, especially in lowsec but not exclusively.

I have heard some rumours about a pocket of space in the Metropolis region where ice miners conduct their business without governance, it may be because it is far from any semblance of civilisation or the miners thinking it is. The systems in question are Nakugard, Barkrik and surrounding. James 315 it's maybe time to think of franchise your business to others to bring peace and justice to the universe.

A good friend of mine, much able to control a spaceship is free to roam the empire highsec space in contrast to myself. So again in case things get out of hand i'm able to bring armed (very much armed) and experienced support to the cause.

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths." - Abrazzar

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