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Attack frigate changes

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CCP Fozzie
C C P Alliance
#261 - 2012-07-18 12:07:45 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Fozzie
Bogdanescu wrote:
guys when we will get more feedback from ccp? Anyone know the aproximate time of the implementation ?

Thanks in advance.

We're reading the thread and taking feedback from sisi testing. Ytterbium is on a well deserved vacation but I'm keeping track of possible tweaks to these ships as well as getting the groundwork laid for the rest of the frig changes and some more surprise awesomeness.

We're expecting to release the attack frigs in Inferno 1.2 coming up in the near future.

Thanks for the feedback so far guys, keep it coming.

Game Designer | Team Five-0

Twitter: @CCP_Fozzie
Twitch chat: ccp_fozzie

Tribal Liberation Distribution and Retail
#262 - 2012-07-18 13:43:37 UTC
Yabba Addict wrote:
As of right now it is literally impossible to fit mwd, missiles and tank on the condor. Looking at the role bonus you're intending on these ships being long point so missiles are a must, rockets won't do it. BUT if you increase the grid then i can see people going with a silly tank, AB and rockets...good luck fixing that (or not). And for the rocket fit you don't need 2-3 rigs, use a named AB and med shield ext, 1 ACR.

They're attack frigs, not combat frigs. They're not intended to have strong tanks. Just speed and damage.

Whether or not you win the game matters not.  It's if you bought it.

Harvey James
The Sengoku Legacy
#263 - 2012-07-18 15:22:33 UTC
And how about an ETA on missile changes? any intention to change the ridiculous penalties on t2 missiles as if shield ships don't have a big enough sig the dps missiles make them even bigger a drake ends up being a battleship although i think all tier1and 2 bc's have too big a sig rad too begin with.

T3's need to be versatile so no rigs are necessary ... they should not have OP dps and tank

ABC's should be T2, remove drone assist, separate HAM's and Torps range, -3 HS for droneboats

Nerf web strength, Make the blaster Eagle worth using

Yabba Addict
Legion of the Many
#264 - 2012-07-18 15:48:13 UTC
Connall Tara wrote:
I assume these fits were attempted with MAPCs?

The only way of getting missiles, med ext and mwd is with a ACR, AWU V and MAPC or ACR, AWU IV and a meta 3 MPAC costing nearly 10 mil. So yeah, it can be done but only with crazy skills or silly money (for a t1 frig).
#265 - 2012-07-18 15:55:10 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Bogdanescu wrote:
guys when we will get more feedback from ccp? Anyone know the aproximate time of the implementation ?

Thanks in advance.

We're reading the thread and taking feedback from sisi testing. Ytterbium is on a well deserved vacation but I'm keeping track of possible tweaks to these ships as well as getting the groundwork laid for the rest of the frig changes and some more surprise awesomeness.

We're expecting to release the attack frigs in Inferno 1.2 coming up in the near future.

Thanks for the feedback so far guys, keep it coming.

surprise awesomeness?

any hints?

There are no stupid Questions... just stupid people... CCP Goliath wrote:

Ugh ti-di pooping makes me sad.

Harvey James
The Sengoku Legacy
#266 - 2012-07-18 17:18:18 UTC
Yabba Addict wrote:
Connall Tara wrote:
I assume these fits were attempted with MAPCs?

The only way of getting missiles, med ext and mwd is with a ACR, AWU V and MAPC or ACR, AWU IV and a meta 3 MPAC costing nearly 10 mil. So yeah, it can be done but only with crazy skills or silly money (for a t1 frig).

i didnt use micro auxilary power cores they nerf the fit

T3's need to be versatile so no rigs are necessary ... they should not have OP dps and tank

ABC's should be T2, remove drone assist, separate HAM's and Torps range, -3 HS for droneboats

Nerf web strength, Make the blaster Eagle worth using

Dersen Lowery
The Scope
#267 - 2012-07-18 18:12:31 UTC
Mechael wrote:
Dersen Lowery wrote:
What would happen if these ships were moved from 4/3/3 to 3/4/3 layout across the board? That would allow for interesting variations like tracking computers, dual webs, shield extenders, cap boosters, etc. You could have a 3-weapon + lowslot damage mod + shield DPS fit, or fit EWAR, or otherwise gain a great deal more flexibility by moving the greatest number of slots to the middle. In the highs you could choose between three weapons or two and a utility.

That'll likely very closely resemble the EWar frigs. These are the attack frigates, designed for damage and speed moreso than EWar.

Given that EWAR and prop mods and tackle all live in the mid slots, is that a bad thing? These are frigates, so, given tiericide, the number of possible slot layouts is small. There are plenty of other variables with which you can distinguish one from the other: bonuses, base speed, PG, CPU, Cap, shield, armor, etc.

Proud founder and member of the Belligerent Desirables.

I voted in CSM X!

Yabba Addict
Legion of the Many
#268 - 2012-07-18 19:12:47 UTC
Harvey James wrote:
Yabba Addict wrote:
Connall Tara wrote:
I assume these fits were attempted with MAPCs?

The only way of getting missiles, med ext and mwd is with a ACR, AWU V and MAPC or ACR, AWU IV and a meta 3 MPAC costing nearly 10 mil. So yeah, it can be done but only with crazy skills or silly money (for a t1 frig).

i didnt use micro auxilary power cores they nerf the fit

Neither did i in the end, so far i've been having a look at small ext, tracking dis, warp dis, mwd, BCU and nano. The 2 remaining rig slots went to astro rigs, making it light but damn quick
Mister Pringles
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#269 - 2012-07-18 19:27:27 UTC
The proposed changes are looking pretty good, I would however like to make the following comments:

Executioner: The "10% reduction in cap use for energy turrets per level" does seem like a bit of a rip-off. Given the nature of it's supposed role, perhaps a 7,5% tracking per level would synergize better. If that leads to cap problems, perhaps a slight buff to base capacitor, however complete cap stability doesn't strike me as particularily important for these ships.

Condor: Given the fact that autocannons take up far less powergrid/cpu than rocket launchers, it seems odd that the Condor would have less grid than the Slasher. Even a slight buff up to 35 powergrid seems more viable.

Slasher: Seems fine; the only issue I see, if you can call it that, is that it now has as many turrets as a Rifter and the same bonuses as well. In my opinion the Rifter needs some help at this point.

Atron: Haven't had a chance to mess with it too much, thus can't really comment, seems a bit fragile for something geared towards blasters though.

Tormentor/Punisher: I don't see the need draw lines connecting the frigate lineup to the battleship lineup. In order to make the most out of the Tormentor, you would need to train both turrets and drones, putting new players at a disadvantage. True, the Tormentor does more DPS and the Punisher has more tank, but seems to me that the main difference between the Tormentor and the Punisher currently is that the Tormentor has 3 mids, while the Punisher only has 2, meaning point/web/speed mod is an option for one but not the other. I don't know what the plans are for the Bantam/Navitas/Burst, but additional "combat frigates" don't really seem necessary. Would rather see these in a support role of some kind, but then, EWAR is covered, astrometrics is covered, what is left; ECCM, remote sensor boosters, tracking links, remote repair? Either way, would like to see the utility high on the Punisher moved to a mid.

Missile changes: Rockets seem fine at the moment, can't say I see the need for a further buff. As for a buff to light missiles, that would be nice, however I think the main issue with Light Missile Launchers is the powergrid requirement. Reducing that by 1/3 would likely make them more viable. If the damage/precision is increased, the current ammo capacity on LMLs seems a bit excessive.
Lili Lu
#270 - 2012-07-18 21:02:51 UTC
Mister Pringles wrote:
The proposed changes are looking pretty good, I would however like to make the following comments:

Executioner: The "10% reduction in cap use for energy turrets per level" does seem like a bit of a rip-off. Given the nature of it's supposed role, perhaps a 7,5% tracking per level would synergize better. If that leads to cap problems, perhaps a slight buff to base capacitor, however complete cap stability doesn't strike me as particularily important for these ships.

Condor: Given the fact that autocannons take up far less powergrid/cpu than rocket launchers, it seems odd that the Condor would have less grid than the Slasher. Even a slight buff up to 35 powergrid seems more viable.

Slasher: Seems fine; the only issue I see, if you can call it that, is that it now has as many turrets as a Rifter and the same bonuses as well. In my opinion the Rifter needs some help at this point.

Atron: Haven't had a chance to mess with it too much, thus can't really comment, seems a bit fragile for something geared towards blasters though.

Tormentor/Punisher: I don't see the need draw lines connecting the frigate lineup to the battleship lineup. In order to make the most out of the Tormentor, you would need to train both turrets and drones, putting new players at a disadvantage. True, the Tormentor does more DPS and the Punisher has more tank, but seems to me that the main difference between the Tormentor and the Punisher currently is that the Tormentor has 3 mids, while the Punisher only has 2, meaning point/web/speed mod is an option for one but not the other. I don't know what the plans are for the Bantam/Navitas/Burst, but additional "combat frigates" don't really seem necessary. Would rather see these in a support role of some kind, but then, EWAR is covered, astrometrics is covered, what is left; ECCM, remote sensor boosters, tracking links, remote repair? Either way, would like to see the utility high on the Punisher moved to a mid.

Missile changes: Rockets seem fine at the moment, can't say I see the need for a further buff. As for a buff to light missiles, that would be nice, however I think the main issue with Light Missile Launchers is the powergrid requirement. Reducing that by 1/3 would likely make them more viable. If the damage/precision is increased, the current ammo capacity on LMLs seems a bit excessive.

Executioner - CCPs apparent solution is to not buff the recharge but simply give a bigger initial cap pool to draw from. And good luck trying to get the 10%cap use reduction bonus removed for something useful. Now on the other hand CCP is caving quite willingly to Caldari calls for removal of the kinetic missile bonuses for rof or damage bonuses it seems, which is also another stealth Gallente nerf.

Condor - If I'm reading the intent of this ship role it is meant to be fast and inconguruously close range damage. So limiting the Condor's pg pushes a pilot away from making it another light missile sniping ship. It appears to be rockets and kiting with the rocket range bonus is the intent. Also, the light grid use of shield tanking mods mean grid should be limited. On the flip side have fun dealing with cpu poverty on Gallente ships.

Slasher - sorta agree. not sure what the intent is as to differences btween these ships.

Atron - the long standing gallente conundrum is not getting solved with this ship.

Utility highs - Or just make tracking links, remote sensor boosters, remote eccm, etc a high slot item. Excellent use of a utility slot that cuts down on the if it's a utility high just fit neut syndrome.

Agreed that rockets appear to be ok atm. If anything is going to be buffed it should be light and Cruise missiles. But instead of going 10% damage buff how about taking baby steps CCP. Notice the plural. Try a 2-5% buff first. If not enough you can add later. Don't overdo buffs. That's almost as bad for the game as your glacial pace with needed nerfs (see Drake usage still hugely out of whack).

Devoid Privateering
#271 - 2012-07-18 21:20:48 UTC
Mister Pringles wrote:
Executioner: The "10% reduction in cap use for energy turrets per level" does seem like a bit of a rip-off. Given the nature of it's supposed role, perhaps a 7,5% tracking per level would synergize better. If that leads to cap problems, perhaps a slight buff to base capacitor, however complete cap stability doesn't strike me as particularily important for these ships.

*shrug*. It's a fast laser boat that's capable of controlling range that does Punisher-level damage (yeah, same number of turrets and same damage bonus as the Punisher -- and the new Tormentor, excepting its drones). If it does need a buff beyond the psychological buff of no longer having a cap bonus, then your proposed bonus would let it fly like a baby Slicer: Dual Light Beam Laser II, faction crystals, and two metastasis rigs -- it can hit to longpoint range and it can track better than a typical Slicer, but for only about 75 DPS after skills and two heat sinks. Being able to do 100 DPS with that fit hasn't made the Succubus (which has the exact same bonuses/level as you propose) more popular than the Slicer :-)

I think a +10% optimal/level bonus is more versatile: you can drop to gatlings and locus rigs if you want super tracking in scram range; you can do 150 DPS at 20km with Medium Pulse Laser II and Scorch:

[New Executioner, competitive with the Slicer (assumes +10% optimal/level)]

Micro Auxiliary Power Core I
Heat Sink II
Heat Sink II

Limited 1MN Microwarpdrive I
Faint Warp Disruptor I
Balmer Series Tracking Disruptor I, Optimal Range Disruption Script

Medium Pulse Laser II, Scorch S
Medium Pulse Laser II, Scorch S
Medium Pulse Laser II, Scorch S
[empty - but there's plenty of room for something here]

Small Energy Metastasis Adjuster I
Small Energy Locus Coordinator I
Small Energy Locus Coordinator I
Yabba Addict
Legion of the Many
#272 - 2012-07-19 02:43:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Yabba Addict
Lili Lu wrote:

Condor - If I'm reading the intent of this ship role it is meant to be fast and inconguruously close range damage. So limiting the Condor's pg pushes a pilot away from making it another light missile sniping ship. It appears to be rockets and kiting with the rocket range bonus is the intent. Also, the light grid use of shield tanking mods mean grid should be limited. On the flip side have fun dealing with cpu poverty on Gallente ships.

Sorry, another light missile sniping ship? Where's the other one? There are no kiting light missile setups at all that get used. Also there is no range bonus atm, it seems the condor has been given a single bonus while the others have 2
Connall Tara
State War Academy
Caldari State
#273 - 2012-07-19 05:51:05 UTC
Yabba Addict wrote:
Lili Lu wrote:

Condor - If I'm reading the intent of this ship role it is meant to be fast and inconguruously close range damage. So limiting the Condor's pg pushes a pilot away from making it another light missile sniping ship. It appears to be rockets and kiting with the rocket range bonus is the intent. Also, the light grid use of shield tanking mods mean grid should be limited. On the flip side have fun dealing with cpu poverty on Gallente ships.

Sorry, another light missile sniping ship? Where's the other one? There are no kiting light missile setups at all that get used. Also there is no range bonus atm, it seems the condor has been given a single bonus while the others have 2

a single "double" damage bonus ^_^

Naomi Knight - "You must be CCP Rise alt , that would explain everything"

Deena Amaj
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#274 - 2012-07-19 06:09:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Deena Amaj
From what I know of the Condor, it was always to be a dogfighter rather than a light missile sniper; preferably rockets, without the (rather meaningless) problem of tracking. However, I've rarely seen Condors in action. Pretty much were always used as shuttles with rokkitz and tackle.

The another light missile sniping ship? reaction is pretty much my reaction too regarding the hints of giving Vigil missile bonuses - but that's not the topic here.

I have the fear these specific "T1 ceptors" like Slasher, Condor etc require unique modules of their own because the more I see changes on fitting, the more problems just keep emerging.

Slasher: Seems fine; the only issue I see, if you can call it that, is that it now has as many turrets as a Rifter and the same bonuses as well. In my opinion the Rifter needs some help at this point.

A bit abstract, but that was somewhat my worry regarding these "attack ships" frigates being in the same bracket with other frigates like rifter. It is obvious that Slasher/Condor etc seem to be smaller than a said Rifter.

Again, I'm starting to think that splitting these attack ships from those such as Rifter, Tristan etc is not as far-fetched as people keep preaching.

As said in the quote, hardly a new change is there and now it just domino'ed on Rifter.
This is all part of balancing of course.

Just to keep it short, we don't see a problem with Destroyers being affected because they are an entirely different bracket due to the ship class.

Somewhere, I really think splitting the frigates to two separate shipclass brackets would allow many of us to add new features etc without having to end up in comparison(sp) stress like here with Slasher vs Rifter. There would be more freedom and leeway than what we have right now.

Right now, things seem to be very narrowed-down because each ship is always being tightly compared to another one within the same bracket.

I think it is safe to say that Rifter/Tristan/Punisher are "heavier" than Slasher/Condor - yet of course lighter than destroyers.

Even with the extra beef due to splitting the two would not impact heavily on EVE because destroyers are the key predators.


I'm probably typing on a Tablet too, which means the auto-correct is silly and fixing typos is a pain. I ain't fixing them.

Scatim Helicon
State War Academy
Caldari State
#275 - 2012-07-19 07:19:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Scatim Helicon
Mister Pringles wrote:
Slasher: Seems fine; the only issue I see, if you can call it that, is that it now has as many turrets as a Rifter and the same bonuses as well. In my opinion the Rifter needs some help at this point.

This is what I was talking about earlier in this thread - if CCP turn every T1 frigate into a 'generalist all rounder' class with little to distinguish them except a hull bonus here and a few extra hit points there, we're not going to see balance, we're just going to see a shuffling of the pack with a different set of ships being sent to the 'do not use' category. We're facing the prospect now of a set of 16 T1 frigates which all do basically the same thing with the main difference being the weapon system they use, as well as seeing talk of allowing the e-war frigates a larger focus on damage output.

I feel that the 'T1 ships should be all-rounders' concept is being stretched further than it should, and we're seeing signs that they'll all turn out as an undefined homogeneous range of hulls with different models but which all do more or less the same thing.

Every time you post a WiS thread, Hilmar strangles a kitten.

Moloch Baal
The Village Idiots
#276 - 2012-07-19 09:26:31 UTC
I kinda have to agree with the fact that making all T1 frigates similar is not the way to go (its also not balancing btw). I'd like to see them have their roles, but then adjusted towards the price you pay for them.

Tribal Liberation Distribution and Retail
#277 - 2012-07-19 11:13:13 UTC
The slasher and rifter are just barely different enough. Rifter is significantly tougher with one fewer mid and an extra low, and a significantly lower base speed. Essentially it is heavier and slower, yet tougher with a little more damage capability. If the slasher makes the initial tackle, the rifter has an easier time actually holding the tackle down and taking a chunk out of it once it catches up.

However, the difference is currently pretty negligible. Honestly, I think that each of the combat frigs should have a tanking bonus. Slasher is fine, but adjust the Rifter so that it gets an active armor or shield bonus, basically. Right now its function is a little too similar to an attack vessel for comfort, and it doesn't feel quite beefy enough to be a combat vessel.

Whether or not you win the game matters not.  It's if you bought it.

Deena Amaj
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#278 - 2012-07-19 13:32:21 UTC
Okay that is true, differences in med and lowslot is really something big.
Indeed, it is imperative that not all frigates end up just being the same ships in red and blue - This is not World of Warcraft.

Regarding the current state, I agree, Rifter and such are "heavier" but it doesn't essentially mean that it tanks better. It will still blow up fast - if not damn fast.

However, the difference is currently pretty negligible. Honestly, I think that each of the combat frigs should have a tanking bonus. Slasher is fine, but adjust the Rifter so that it gets an active armor or shield bonus, basically. Right now its function is a little too similar to an attack vessel for comfort, and it doesn't feel quite beefy enough to be a combat vessel.

I like that suggestion. It is most definately easier than splitting them up as I intended.

Nonetheless, following that one thought of mine, I think we can agree (or at least to me) that the Punisher is a "heavy frigate". It has reslience.

Now I would not want to steal the armor resilience theme of the Amarr/Punisher, but maybe we should really consider having ships like Rifter and Tristan also having some sort of tanking bonus in their "role bonus" slot.
-- not sure if Merlin/Punisher fits in due to already having armor/shield resistence bonuses already.

Especially the Tristan, whose description says it is the "Fat Man".
But this discussion is somewhat why I was thinking of Corvettes and other terms for classes.

My other suggestion would be to apply a small reduction on attack ship signature radius once more - just to give them a bit more survival mojo.


I'm probably typing on a Tablet too, which means the auto-correct is silly and fixing typos is a pain. I ain't fixing them.

Fidelium Mortis
Minor Major Miners LLC
#279 - 2012-07-19 14:13:04 UTC
Regarding the Executioner:
I played around a while on SISI with the new bonuses and while the new bonuses are definitely an improvement over the current ship, overall, I was underwhelmed by the experience. As a light tackler, the new Executioner will be fairly competent, though I believe there is nothing that will set it apart from the other attack frigates.

On the “attack” side of things, things aren’t looking good. The main issue is the constraint of engagement range with pulse lasers in respect to other frigates, in particular hybrid platforms. The Executioner doesn’t have the tank or dps to brawl with the likes of the Atron, Merlin, and Incursus (or even the punisher), but also doesn’t have the damage projection to sit outside of scram/web range with scorch and a TE. Further, a beam fit doesn’t project enough damage and is hampered by the lack of a tracking bonus.

The main issue I believe is the reduced capacitor requirement for energy weapons. Considering that most frigate fights generally last under a minute, the benefit of the increased energy efficiency is somewhat lost. A more appropriate bonus would be for energy weapon damage, optimal range, or tracking.

The fits that I tried were primarily based around an MWD with a warp disruptor to take advantage of the role bonus, and to take into account its intended role as a cheap light tackler. Variations include dual prop, ASB, and TD and web versions with various combinations of laser based turrets.

Just for reference sake, I fly almost exclusively Amarr ships so I am fairly familiar with their capabilities.

ICRS - Intergalactic Certified Rocket Surgeon

Tribal Liberation Distribution and Retail
#280 - 2012-07-19 14:31:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Mechael
Fidelium Mortis wrote:
Regarding the Executioner:
I played around a while on SISI with the new bonuses and while the new bonuses are definitely an improvement over the current ship, overall, I was underwhelmed by the experience. As a light tackler, the new Executioner will be fairly competent, though I believe there is nothing that will set it apart from the other attack frigates.

On the “attack” side of things, things aren’t looking good. The main issue is the constraint of engagement range with pulse lasers in respect to other frigates, in particular hybrid platforms. The Executioner doesn’t have the tank or dps to brawl with the likes of the Atron, Merlin, and Incursus (or even the punisher), but also doesn’t have the damage projection to sit outside of scram/web range with scorch and a TE. Further, a beam fit doesn’t project enough damage and is hampered by the lack of a tracking bonus.

The main issue I believe is the reduced capacitor requirement for energy weapons. Considering that most frigate fights generally last under a minute, the benefit of the increased energy efficiency is somewhat lost. A more appropriate bonus would be for energy weapon damage, optimal range, or tracking.

The fits that I tried were primarily based around an MWD with a warp disruptor to take advantage of the role bonus, and to take into account its intended role as a cheap light tackler. Variations include dual prop, ASB, and TD and web versions with various combinations of laser based turrets.

Just for reference sake, I fly almost exclusively Amarr ships so I am fairly familiar with their capabilities.

Yeah. I'm a little worried that there is too much emphasis on these ships at being "tacklers" and not enough on them being "attack vessels." Leave the EWar bonuses to the EWar ships (and yes, propulsion jamming is EWar ... Gallente and Minmatar even specialize in it.) We're rebalancing here, so let's break some molds.

Attack vessels do two things well: damage and speed. T1 attack frigates should therefore be fast (even for frigates) and hard hitting (well, as hard hitting as frigates get.) Therefore, T2 attack frigs should be split so that one specializes in damage (but is slower than the T1 version) and one specializes in speed (but does less damage than the T1 version.) They all should be pretty lame at everything else, including using stock propulsion jammers. We have EWar boats for EWar bonuses. Keep it simple, stupid. Cool

And to separate the attack frigs from the combat frigs, the primary difference is that attack frigs are fast while combat frigs are tanks. Damage output should be roughly even between them, since "damage dealer" is within the purview of both. This part seems to already be alright. The propulsion jamming bonus is just trite considering it's an EWar bonus on a non EWar boat.

Whether or not you win the game matters not.  It's if you bought it.