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Crime & Punishment

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The Pirate Story Thread

First post First post
The Sagan Clan
#421 - 2012-07-13 16:24:39 UTC
A classic bit of piracy. Kids these days only care about tears, which can be funny but you have to earn a crust somehow Pirate

"Human beings make life so interesting. Do you know that in a universe so full of wonders, they have managed to invent boredom."

Absolute Order
Absolute Honor
#422 - 2012-07-15 21:29:11 UTC
Axel Greye wrote:
That horrible moment when he realises he is being bump tackled as we jump into local and warp to him:

[ 2012.06.20 18:30:10 ] Dust Todako > dude!!!
[ 2012.06.20 18:30:28 ] Dust Todako > PLEASE!
[ 2012.06.20 18:30:31 ] Dust Todako > LEAVE ME

and when we land on grid:

[ 2012.06.20 18:31:31 ] Dust Todako > HOLLY ****

made my day. ^_^

Heh heh,that's funny - if you're on the side that's doing the bumping of course.
I remember you guys catching me like that. Seriously, didnt think/know alt scan bumping was possible I thought I'd evade you guys my doing a mission. How immature of me Big smile
I just accepted loss of my retriever the moment I started getting bumped. Ejected the moment fleet warped in and got my pod out.
Experience of guaranteed ship loss is enlightening for sure- and hilarious in this guy's situation :)
Samoth Egnoled
Caldari Provisions
#423 - 2012-07-18 06:08:55 UTC
Hi guys,

First time posting here, Long time EVE player back to the game after a 2 year break.


On monday afternoon, after reading C+P too much at work, i decided to try my luck at can flipping in Amarr. After about 15mins of badgering some Russian miners, it began to dawn on me that they had played 'knifey spooney' before and were just mocking me (Is it me or have carebears gotten awfully rude?). So i reluctantly called it a day, and went to spend time with the kiddies...


So yesterday i decided that i would take a trip north into Lonetrek to see if any of the miners/mission runners were playing via drool-fed keyboard. after flipping a few cans a miner took a dislike for me cleaning up the universe and decided that i should be taught a lesson, so he warps off to the station and comes back in a Drake.

Idiot 1

After dropping loot off in a station i carried on merry way, where i find a poor hyperion being forced to mine veldspar by its evil overlord covetors, i thought to myself that he needed to be freed of his slavery. but unfortunately this group of slavers would not bite, disheartened i moved along cleaning the universe as i go...

Shortly after, i find another with a distaste for those who like to keep the universe clean, he started bumbling in local about how i was a thief and that i shouldnt mess with peoples game time, i promptly informed him that i am providing a service and that the gameplay of the few must be sacrificed for the many, so that we can enjoy a cleaner universe. Any way he didnt like this and so....

Idiot 2

Later on that afternoon, it was getting close to logging off time for me, to be honest i thought that i had likely found all the kills i was gonna get for today. But then i stumbled on a Gem of a miner, Can flipped and his hulk warped off, i expected him to come back in a bc like the rest..... oh how wrong i was, in warps a typhoon. I'm thinking 'can i really take a 'phoon in a 'Rax' well apparently this guy didnt have much in the way of smarts either...

Idiot 3

Hope you guys enjoyed, i know i did.

Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#424 - 2012-07-18 07:03:14 UTC
Samoth Egnoled wrote:
Hi guys,

First time posting here, Long time EVE player back to the game after a 2 year break.


On monday afternoon, after reading C+P too much at work, i decided to try my luck at can flipping in Amarr. After about 15mins of badgering some Russian miners, it began to dawn on me that they had played 'knifey spooney' before and were just mocking me (Is it me or have carebears gotten awfully rude?). So i reluctantly called it a day, and went to spend time with the kiddies...


So yesterday i decided that i would take a trip north into Lonetrek to see if any of the miners/mission runners were playing via drool-fed keyboard. after flipping a few cans a miner took a dislike for me cleaning up the universe and decided that i should be taught a lesson, so he warps off to the station and comes back in a Drake.

Idiot 1

After dropping loot off in a station i carried on merry way, where i find a poor hyperion being forced to mine veldspar by its evil overlord covetors, i thought to myself that he needed to be freed of his slavery. but unfortunately this group of slavers would not bite, disheartened i moved along cleaning the universe as i go...

Shortly after, i find another with a distaste for those who like to keep the universe clean, he started bumbling in local about how i was a thief and that i shouldnt mess with peoples game time, i promptly informed him that i am providing a service and that the gameplay of the few must be sacrificed for the many, so that we can enjoy a cleaner universe. Any way he didnt like this and so....

Idiot 2

Later on that afternoon, it was getting close to logging off time for me, to be honest i thought that i had likely found all the kills i was gonna get for today. But then i stumbled on a Gem of a miner, Can flipped and his hulk warped off, i expected him to come back in a bc like the rest..... oh how wrong i was, in warps a typhoon. I'm thinking 'can i really take a 'phoon in a 'Rax' well apparently this guy didnt have much in the way of smarts either...

Idiot 3

Hope you guys enjoyed, i know i did.


That is awesome...

The Rax is a great ship for Flipping. People really under estimate it.

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

RAZOR Alliance
#425 - 2012-07-18 07:14:40 UTC
I like the phoon fitting.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#426 - 2012-07-18 07:18:36 UTC
StoneCold wrote:
I like the phoon fitting.

How could someone do such a thing Cry

No Worries

Samoth Egnoled
Caldari Provisions
#427 - 2012-07-18 08:47:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Samoth Egnoled
That is awesome...

The Rax is a great ship for Flipping. People really under estimate it.

I love my Thorax, before my break i used to be a very t2 ship kinda guy. but now i'm lovin' the oldskool cruisers. BTW Kane, Big fan of your work. i've just this morning finished reading the pirate story thread beggining to end.

Hoping to add some stories of my own.

Ristlin Wakefield
Amarr Empire
#428 - 2012-07-18 18:25:54 UTC
Samoth Egnoled wrote:
Hi guys,

First time posting here, Long time EVE player back to the game after a 2 year break.


On monday afternoon, after reading C+P too much at work, i decided to try my luck at can flipping in Amarr. After about 15mins of badgering some Russian miners, it began to dawn on me that they had played 'knifey spooney' before and were just mocking me (Is it me or have carebears gotten awfully rude?). So i reluctantly called it a day, and went to spend time with the kiddies...


So yesterday i decided that i would take a trip north into Lonetrek to see if any of the miners/mission runners were playing via drool-fed keyboard. after flipping a few cans a miner took a dislike for me cleaning up the universe and decided that i should be taught a lesson, so he warps off to the station and comes back in a Drake.

Idiot 1

After dropping loot off in a station i carried on merry way, where i find a poor hyperion being forced to mine veldspar by its evil overlord covetors, i thought to myself that he needed to be freed of his slavery. but unfortunately this group of slavers would not bite, disheartened i moved along cleaning the universe as i go...

Shortly after, i find another with a distaste for those who like to keep the universe clean, he started bumbling in local about how i was a thief and that i shouldnt mess with peoples game time, i promptly informed him that i am providing a service and that the gameplay of the few must be sacrificed for the many, so that we can enjoy a cleaner universe. Any way he didnt like this and so....

Idiot 2

Later on that afternoon, it was getting close to logging off time for me, to be honest i thought that i had likely found all the kills i was gonna get for today. But then i stumbled on a Gem of a miner, Can flipped and his hulk warped off, i expected him to come back in a bc like the rest..... oh how wrong i was, in warps a typhoon. I'm thinking 'can i really take a 'phoon in a 'Rax' well apparently this guy didnt have much in the way of smarts either...

Idiot 3

Hope you guys enjoyed, i know i did.


Not too long ago I would've taken a ship fitted like that typhoon into battle lol. Boy its amazing how fast you learn after losing a ship.

I have a lover, her name is EVE. I see her every night and all she asks in return is that I have a pilot's license.

Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#429 - 2012-07-18 19:05:27 UTC
Samoth Egnoled wrote:
That is awesome...

The Rax is a great ship for Flipping. People really under estimate it.

I love my Thorax, before my break i used to be a very t2 ship kinda guy. but now i'm lovin' the oldskool cruisers. BTW Kane, Big fan of your work. i've just this morning finished reading the pirate story thread beggining to end.

Hoping to add some stories of my own.


Welcome to the fold...

Ristin, the problem.... very few people actually learn.

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

Samoth Egnoled
Caldari Provisions
#430 - 2012-07-19 06:38:10 UTC

Undocking in my Thorax thinking that ccp is gonna swing the Nerf bat at the thorax if i carry on like this... I warped to a planet and started scanning belts.

A mining op was going on with cans (Yay), So i warp into the belt and approach a bantam mining next to a can, which is promptly flipped (i dont like to keep my customers waiting). After around 30 seconds or so he warps off so i head over to a group of guys mining, and as i'm approaching in warps a Macharial (not sure how it's spelt. Anyway the Angels faction BS) of the same corp as this little mining op, I'm approaching the can and the mach pilot locks me up. Now he's a 2012 char Pirate, so i'm getting a semi about getting a mach kill in a Thorax when they pull in the can...... Damnit two got away.

Apparently the bantam pilot was just fetching a combat ship and returns in a Thorax, Which i promptly turn into space trash. I'll give that guy kudos though, he was freindly and i even shared my 'Rax setup with him for being such a good sport about it.

Kill the first

After clearing up the loot from my fresh kill i went back into incognito mode scanning from planets flipping some cans, (Trying to avoid getting into a group with corpies, i think can flipping is a very solo profession. In the end i give in and ask them to come in cloakers maybe they can catch a hauler coming back after the kill or something *Shrugs*

Still trying to remain solo i switch systems and pick on a Retriever mining, flip his can and wait........ He warps off, And returns in a Raven 'Jackpot Ding Ding Ding' i thought to myself as he locks me up. Now i know from past experience ravens can be pretty tough to break when used right......

This one apparently wasn't.

Kill the second

My corpmates at this point couldnt believe that i'd just killed a Raven in a Thorax.

I am now thinking about retiring for the day, one last flip. I think to myself this guy has t2 drones he ain't gonna engage. Wrong! He lets loose his drones and i teach him that mining barges ARE NOT combat ships (in general)

Kill the third

I warp to the station pondering silently my belief that genius comes in many forms.... And this can jetting, roid humper... Ain't one of them.

Also ive noticed that people don't tend to give into ransoms. i offer them as i'd rather get 70% of the hull price of a Raven than the kill on the board. Anyone else found this?

I may not be posting for a couple of days as its my Daughters birthday today. So next one will probably go up on Saturday morning.

Take it easy guys.

Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#431 - 2012-07-19 08:08:47 UTC
Ah love it.

Another Thorax pilot...

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

Samoth Egnoled
Caldari Provisions
#432 - 2012-07-19 10:37:11 UTC
I'm probably gonna mix it up a bit at the weekend, i would go with a missile chucker but you know how it is with Caldari ships and pvp.....

1 Mwd/AB, 2 Scram, 3 Web, 4 Cap injector - Ah only 1 slot left for a shield tank then :/

Forum Clone 77777
#433 - 2012-07-19 13:25:33 UTC
Samoth Egnoled wrote:
I'm probably gonna mix it up a bit at the weekend, i would go with a missile chucker but you know how it is with Caldari ships and pvp.....

1 Mwd/AB, 2 Scram, 3 Web, 4 Cap injector - Ah only 1 slot left for a shield tank then :/


I hope you realise that if you choose the right ship and fit, caldari ships are very good at pvp.
Samoth Egnoled
Caldari Provisions
#434 - 2012-07-20 08:20:43 UTC
In the end, i did manage to find time to play some EVE so here goes...


Family members had left, leaving me with a feeling that somones internet spaceship needed to die. I undocked and began my prowl.....

After flipping a few cans, and getting quite frustrated at people not taking the bait (Inlaws put me in a bad frame of mind) i flip a can and wait, a Thorax warps off and thirty seconds later a Catalyst warps in and locks me but doesnt aggro. At this point i'm thinking about just blowing him out the sky for the hell of it... When in warps the thorax again, which locks me up and they both fire, leaving them open to my inlaw fuelled wrath.

Idiot 1

Idiot 2

Feeling much more level headed i scooped the loot and headed along my merry way, bumping into Kane along the way. I almost pissed myself there and then!

Drawing my hunting session to a close i had stuff to do on an industry alt (I know for shame right?) i flipped a few more cans when i see a Cormourant mining, flip the can and wait.... the Corm warps just as a Merlin warps in, he starts a mwd orbit, meaning my web is practically ******* useless at this point, so i manual fly my ship to reduce my transversal and boom one less miner enslaved combat ship in the world.

Idiot 3

I retired for the night to a life of menial Industry based tasks. I am but a lowly PVP'er enslaved buy this massive economy that is Industry. Some people call me a Hero. I am not, i do as any other would do given the chance...

Samoth Egnoled
Caldari Provisions
#435 - 2012-07-20 08:21:54 UTC
Forum Clone 77777 wrote:
Samoth Egnoled wrote:
I'm probably gonna mix it up a bit at the weekend, i would go with a missile chucker but you know how it is with Caldari ships and pvp.....

1 Mwd/AB, 2 Scram, 3 Web, 4 Cap injector - Ah only 1 slot left for a shield tank then :/


I hope you realise that if you choose the right ship and fit, caldari ships are very good at pvp.

I am aware of this, It was a general comment about comment not the few exceptions to the rule.

Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#436 - 2012-07-20 09:58:58 UTC
Samoth Egnoled wrote:
Forum Clone 77777 wrote:
Samoth Egnoled wrote:
I'm probably gonna mix it up a bit at the weekend, i would go with a missile chucker but you know how it is with Caldari ships and pvp.....

1 Mwd/AB, 2 Scram, 3 Web, 4 Cap injector - Ah only 1 slot left for a shield tank then :/


I hope you realise that if you choose the right ship and fit, caldari ships are very good at pvp.

I am aware of this, It was a general comment about comment not the few exceptions to the rule.


I will be honest... I have not really found another ship that fills this role as well as the Thorax. It is great agaist frigs up to BattleShips.

I am Fiddling with a Moa fit.... right now.

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

Samoth Egnoled
Caldari Provisions
#437 - 2012-07-21 11:14:59 UTC

Friday was a very unproductive day for PVP. I actually lost two Thorax's. The first was to a zealot who left the fight in structure (IMO it doesnt matter weather you win by an inch or a mile) and the other was to a fleet issue tempest.

The kill i did get was from a hauler that i was can baiting. which i had an amusing convo with.....

Hauler Kill

[ 2012.07.20 13:21:05 ] Gruul Estidal > >:(
[ 2012.07.20 13:21:11 ] Samoth Egnoled > o/
[ 2012.07.20 13:21:18 ] Gruul Estidal > Gief back
[ 2012.07.20 13:21:26 ] Samoth Egnoled > make me
[ 2012.07.20 13:21:33 ] Samoth Egnoled > you challenged me
[ 2012.07.20 13:21:49 ] Gruul Estidal > I won't attack you, stay tuned tho. I've got a couple of ships incoming <3
[ 2012.07.20 13:22:00 ] Samoth Egnoled > <3
[ 2012.07.20 13:22:24 ] Gruul Estidal > You know...
[ 2012.07.20 13:22:29 ] Gruul Estidal > if i attack you
[ 2012.07.20 13:22:35 ] Gruul Estidal > and you attack back
[ 2012.07.20 13:22:59 ] Samoth Egnoled > get to the point....
[ 2012.07.20 13:23:11 ] Gruul Estidal > Concord will consume your ass
[ 2012.07.20 13:23:16 ] Gruul Estidal > Or did i get that wrong ?
[ 2012.07.20 13:23:33 ] Samoth Egnoled > why dont you try it and find out
[ 2012.07.20 13:23:45 ] Gruul Estidal > Meh
[ 2012.07.20 13:23:52 ] Gruul Estidal > I'll leave that to my friends <3
[ 2012.07.20 13:24:00 ] Samoth Egnoled > kk
[ 2012.07.20 13:24:28 ] Gruul Estidal > Wait, i need to fetch them
[ 2012.07.20 13:24:35 ] Gruul Estidal > Mind waiting a couple of mins ?
[ 2012.07.20 13:24:40 ] Samoth Egnoled > sure
[ 2012.07.20 13:24:46 ] Gruul Estidal > Aight
[ 2012.07.20 13:29:17 ] Gruul Estidal > Here we come <3
[ 2012.07.20 13:30:03 ] Gruul Estidal > cya <3
[ 2012.07.20 13:30:16 ] Gruul Estidal > ohfuckj
[ 2012.07.20 13:30:19 ] Gruul Estidal > you
[ 2012.07.20 13:31:06 ] Samoth Egnoled > so when do your buddies get here?
[ 2012.07.20 13:37:22 ] Semla Amelana > Hey
[ 2012.07.20 13:37:24 ] Semla Amelana > SUp ?
[ 2012.07.20 13:37:27 ] Samoth Egnoled > o7
[ 2012.07.20 13:37:52 ] Semla Amelana > There's some rats here
[ 2012.07.20 13:38:21 ] Semla Amelana > If you didn't notice
[ 2012.07.20 13:38:23 ] Samoth Egnoled > mmhmm
[ 2012.07.20 13:40:59 ] Semla Amelana > tsss
[ 2012.07.20 13:41:09 ] Samoth Egnoled > ?
[ 2012.07.20 13:41:29 ] Semla Amelana > I just felt like saying tsss
[ 2012.07.20 13:41:34 ] Samoth Egnoled > kk
[ 2012.07.20 13:41:36 ] Semla Amelana > Problem ?
[ 2012.07.20 13:41:40 ] Samoth Egnoled > nope
[ 2012.07.20 13:42:18 ] Semla Amelana > Well
[ 2012.07.20 13:42:42 ] Semla Amelana > You killed that Gruul guy eh ?
[ 2012.07.20 13:42:50 ] Samoth Egnoled > eyup
[ 2012.07.20 13:42:55 ] Semla Amelana > y ?
[ 2012.07.20 13:43:03 ] Samoth Egnoled > he took from my can
[ 2012.07.20 13:43:11 ] Samoth Egnoled > making him fair game
[ 2012.07.20 13:43:21 ] Semla Amelana > That's not what i heard....
[ 2012.07.20 13:43:44 ] Samoth Egnoled > if he hadnt i would have been concorded
[ 2012.07.20 13:43:56 ] Samoth Egnoled > but im still here as you can see
[ 2012.07.20 13:43:58 ] Semla Amelana > You stole from him
[ 2012.07.20 13:44:12 ] Samoth Egnoled > i cleaned up the belt
[ 2012.07.20 13:44:23 ] Semla Amelana > stole
[ 2012.07.20 13:44:35 ] Samoth Egnoled > potato potato
[ 2012.07.20 13:44:47 ] Semla Amelana > You like potatoes eh ?
[ 2012.07.20 13:45:28 ] Samoth Egnoled > its a saying in america/england about the people say things but essentially say the same thing
[ 2012.07.20 13:45:56 ] Samoth Egnoled > but potaoes can be made into lots of tasy snacks
[ 2012.07.20 13:46:04 ] Samoth Egnoled > tasty*
[ 2012.07.20 13:46:14 ] Semla Amelana > ik
[ 2012.07.20 13:46:20 ] Semla Amelana > Tho
[ 2012.07.20 13:46:33 ] Samoth Egnoled > anyway were getting off topic
[ 2012.07.20 13:46:43 ] Semla Amelana > Indeed we are
[ 2012.07.20 13:46:46 ] Samoth Egnoled > i stole from your corp mate
[ 2012.07.20 13:46:51 ] Semla Amelana > Yup
[ 2012.07.20 13:47:01 ] Semla Amelana > My brother, actually.
[ 2012.07.20 13:47:21 ] Samoth Egnoled > that must really grind your gears
[ 2012.07.20 13:47:31 ] Semla Amelana > And then, you destroyed his ship
[ 2012.07.20 13:47:42 ] Semla Amelana > Do you like your Thorax ?
[ 2012.07.20 13:47:46 ] Samoth Egnoled > he didnt have to take from the can
[ 2012.07.20 13:47:51 ] Samoth Egnoled > its ok
[ 2012.07.20 13:47:55 ] Samoth Egnoled > do you?
[ 2012.07.20 13:47:59 ] Semla Amelana > You didn't have to take from the can
[ 2012.07.20 13:48:02 ] Semla Amelana > Nope
[ 2012.07.20 13:48:08 ] Samoth Egnoled > but i did
[ 2012.07.20 13:48:15 ] Semla Amelana > Yea
[ 2012.07.20 13:48:22 ] Semla Amelana > That's my point.
[ 2012.07.20 13:48:26 ] Semla Amelana > You did
[ 2012.07.20 13:48:53 ] Samoth Egnoled > ok weve established this. whats your point?
[ 2012.07.20 13:49:09 ] Semla Amelana > give me a sec
[ 2012.07.20 13:49:15 ] Samoth Egnoled > k
[ 2012.07.20 13:50:54 ] Semla Amelana > Just one min
[ 2012.07.20 13:51:07 ] Semla Amelana > I'm considering whether i should kill you or not
[ 2012.07.20 13:51:29 ] Samoth Egnoled > lol
[ 2012.07.20 13:52:17 ] Samoth Egnoled > dont forget the part where i killed your brother and pillaged his wreck
[ 2012.07.20 13:53:58 ] Samoth Egnoled > jeese your buddies must be far away for you to take that long stalling

Samoth Egnoled
Caldari Provisions
#438 - 2012-07-21 11:15:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Samoth Egnoled
[ 2012.07.20 13:54:37 ] Semla Amelana > Hm
[ 2012.07.20 13:54:46 ] Semla Amelana > I need no buddies
[ 2012.07.20 13:54:48 ] Semla Amelana > ANyways
[ 2012.07.20 13:55:03 ] Samoth Egnoled > ok
[ 2012.07.20 13:55:17 ] Semla Amelana > Considering i gotta leave for work now, i'll spare your life.
[ 2012.07.20 13:55:33 ] Samoth Egnoled > uhuh
[ 2012.07.20 13:55:50 ] Semla Amelana > Now, run.
[ 2012.07.20 13:55:53 ] Semla Amelana > <3
[ 2012.07.20 13:56:01 ] Samoth Egnoled > rofl
[ 2012.07.20 13:56:43 ] Semla Amelana > Dude...
[ 2012.07.20 13:56:46 ] Samoth Egnoled > i thought you had to leave
[ 2012.07.20 13:56:56 ] Semla Amelana > Waiting for you to run
[ 2012.07.20 13:57:04 ] Samoth Egnoled > what from?
[ 2012.07.20 13:57:22 ] Semla Amelana > My 3 invisible ships nearby
[ 2012.07.20 13:57:27 ] Semla Amelana > and me, of course.
[ 2012.07.20 13:57:31 ] Samoth Egnoled > for me to run i need to be scared. and scared i aint
[ 2012.07.20 13:58:28 ] Josebi Rag > I'm sad I have to make a trip to Jita now, and miss this
[ 2012.07.20 13:58:40 ] Samoth Egnoled > lol
[ 2012.07.20 13:59:07 ] Semla Amelana > God...
[ 2012.07.20 13:59:38 ] Semla Amelana > Looks like you turned "friendly"
[ 2012.07.20 13:59:55 ] Samoth Egnoled > lol
[ 2012.07.20 14:00:14 ] Samoth Egnoled > i'd happiliy steal from your can again
[ 2012.07.20 14:00:15 ] Semla Amelana > Ahwellsh
[ 2012.07.20 14:01:05 ] Samoth Egnoled > and if you hadnt of stalled for 15 mins you may have had the chance to teach me a lesson
[ 2012.07.20 14:01:14 ] Semla Amelana > Lal
[ 2012.07.20 14:01:31 ] Semla Amelana > i feel sorry for you
[ 2012.07.20 14:01:42 ] Samoth Egnoled > ok
[ 2012.07.20 14:01:47 ] Samoth Egnoled > good for you
[ 2012.07.20 14:04:08 ] Samoth Egnoled > you left your drones behind
[ 2012.07.20 14:07:42 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Local : Vuorrassi

Made me chuckle. I knew he wasnt going to engage. but the chance to wind him up about winding me up was just too good to miss.

Take it easy
Apex Bex
Princess Aiko Hold My Hand
Safety. Net
#439 - 2012-07-21 13:47:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Apex Bex
So, being kind of bored with EVE and developing a case of bitter vet syndrome, I thought I'd set up shop in Mai. Quiet little lowsec dead end system, maybe we'll get some good fights, set up some POCO's and make enough ISK to sustain a couple of accounts with sporadic activity.

A couple of weeks in, it was looking pretty dim. A couple of small engagements here and there, but nothing of note. That said, the POCO's were in place and a decent, if not awesome, ISK train was choo choo'ing to my wallet. I had a small tower set up in system but being as it's 0.4 and unable to assign fighters I thought it was time to pull it down. Well, no sooner had I made that decision than I wake to find my POS is reinforced as are two of my POCO's.

The aggressors were known to me, rocking around system with Revelations, Archons and Bhaalgorns, picking fights with anyone stupid enough to take their bait. We hadn't crossed swords so I hadn't really considered them a serious threat until now. Well, reinforcing one's POS is one way to announce yourself I suppose. I hopped on the bat phone and called in some favours. Friends from far and wide answered the call, many of whom were red to each other but put their differences aside in my time of need.

Reinforcement ends and we have a small contingent in system, just 5 or 6 in a small gang, feeling out our enemy. Sure enough they bring a fight on my POS, lose a Loki in the process, costing us a Drake and a Rifter in turn. Still, their fleet was supported by an Archon and a Bhaalgorn and under the circumstances we were pretty happy with the result. That said, we were afraid we'd spooked them into not proceeding with the assault on the POS. Such fears were quickly evaporated.

Immediately they reshipped into Revelations and, along with the Archon, land on the POS. All four Revelations enter siege mode and open up on the POS and I return fire with my remaining POS guns. With the dreads sieged, the go signal is lit and local has about 60 sub caps enter system and make a bee line for the POS. Upon landing, the Archon goes into Triage[?] and moments later a Rapier also lands. It was quickly vapourized and attention was turned to the caps. With our pair of Archons now landing on site the Dreads were melting very fast under the sustained fire and, in what can only be described as a move of desperation, they called on a Bhaalgorn to assist. It was tackled and jammed out in short order, leaving nothing but death for the aggressing fleet.

End result. The small Amarr tower was destroyed. We also lost a Typhoon, a Hurricane and another Rifter. Their losses, four Revelations, an Archon, a Rapier and a Bhaalgorn. Not to mention the Loki from earlier with the Civilian laser. In excess of 17 billion ISK in losses to take out my lil' tower. :)

The Fight.
Alice Saki
Nocturnal Romance
Cynosural Field Theory.
#440 - 2012-07-23 09:57:41 UTC
Samoth Egnoled wrote:
Hi guys,

First time posting here, Long time EVE player back to the game after a 2 year break.

Idiot 1

Idiot 2

Idiot 3


When are ppl gonna learn that ship Eats Drakes, Oh well Gj Mate decent Read ^_^

FREEZE! Drop the LIKES AND WALK AWAY! - Currenly rebuilding gaming machine, I will Return.