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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

  • Topic is locked indefinitely.

96 mill old fart pilot looking for a family to take him in

Renaissance Outliers
#1 - 2012-07-17 09:58:20 UTC  |  Edited by: MacSver
Mac is UK based and is looking for:

• A small to medium size ‘mature’ corp, with at least some members who still think the 70s & 80s were the pinnacle fashion decades.
• Can accommodate casual online time, as Mac has RL work and family commitments.
• A corp that values camaraderie and has a sense of humour.
• Preferably a corp established in low/null-sec, or with plans to move there.
• Provides a broad scope of game-play options, not specialists on one area only.
• Not currently as war.
• No pirate corps

Mac can offer:

• A pilot that has been around since 2003, although has had periods away – currently anticipating finding a new corp to ease him back into the fray after a long absence.
• Self-reliant both with isk and assets.
• Is available at least one or two regular evenings per week (Monday or Tuesday,) and is prepared to join other adhoc corp events when time allows.
• Although Mac has been around a bit, he is a wee bit rusty and is always prepared to learn or take advice.
• Quite happy to chew rocks or go out in a fiery blaze of PvP glory (the fiery bit is mostly likely), whatever is required.
• Can fly a large range of ships of all races.
• Has extensive and varied skillset.

Go on, give the old guy a home Blink
State War Academy
Caldari State
#2 - 2012-07-17 10:31:45 UTC
Mail sent ingame, old man Cool

Hope you are interested, fly safe m8

2013.03.01 13:30:58 notify For participating in the General Discussion Forum Section your trustworthiness has been adjusted by -2.5000.

My name is Hans. The "L" stands for danger.

Black Layer Syndicate
Pan-Intergalatic Business Community
#3 - 2012-07-17 11:16:03 UTC
Mutant Ninja Zombies is a corp founded for all things pvp.
We run small gang pvp in empire and lowsec/0.0 Roaming and we are in faction warfare as a Caldari faction
we are growing in number and would like to expand further we have plenty of targets to shoot and have good future plans

OPS we run
Black ops
small gang logi fleets
Battleship gangs
Fun roams

If your a PVP pilot and are mature and know what your doing with the intent to have fun and blow things up then we are looking for you .

If your interested in joining join 'Mutants' in game channel

Mutant Ninja Zombies is recruiting
Regular PVP Ops empire /lowsec 0.0
Min 10mil SP
Experienced Players
Friendly Enviroment
Euro Timezone
Relaxed comms for ***** and giggles
Join Mutants' and have a chat with us
Infinite Regress.
#4 - 2012-07-17 12:01:52 UTC
sent you an in game mail

Terra Hawks Recruting: Public Channel: Hawks Pub

Tsumei Meyren
Creative Cookie Procuring
#5 - 2012-07-17 12:08:27 UTC
You sound like you'd fit in well with us in [Girl.]
We're based in syndicate and have been for years, We do mostly small to medium gang ops aswell as harbour a few soloers in our ranks, And we're above all a social corporation of good friends. We're also elitist about our pvp and fittings though, We want our people to be good at what they do, so expect critique and suggestions - It's very important that applicants are able to discuss and take advice where necessary :)

For more information our thread is here:
And our killboard is here: ///
Varc Grayback
Guardians of Eden
#6 - 2012-07-17 12:11:04 UTC
The Guardians of Eden are Recruiting!

And we are Looking for pilots to join up to the campaign!

We are a PvP Corp who are part of the sov holding alliance Soldiers of New EvE. We roam in gangs that specialise in hard hitting, structured roams. We often use specialised fleet compositions to field a hard hitting force that punches well above its weight. We also regually have large scale CTA's where you will be expected to engage the enemy fleet and wipe them from the field. You will have to have at least 10m SP before applying but exceptions can be made in the right circumstances mail Varc Grayback, Wilko or bandsaw1961

We run a TS3 server where we like to hang out but during fleets we adopt a professional approach to communication and take killing and staying alive both seriously. We also run our own forums which can be found at as well as our own killboard, which I suggest you check out to see the type of kills we have been getting lately

Join the GUOES PUBLIC channel and hang out

What we expect of you

- To be able to fleet up at least a couple of days a week.
- Attend as many CTA's as possible
- 10M SP - exceptions for logi pilots, hics and other support ships
- A working mic / teamspeak 3
- A positive attitude :)
- No Drama

What we can offer you

- A well structured and organised corp which has already made waves in New Eden.
- Teamspeak 3 server
- FC training
- Fleet support training
- Quality Kills and fun!
- Ratting space
- Access to jump bridge network
- Free station repairs
- We offer prizes for the top scorer each month
- Structured events weekly
- Logistic support for moving items to your new home

If you are interested then send a mail to Varc Grayback, Wilko or bandsaw1961 with the regular times which you will be on so that we can convo you for an interview. Visit our forums for more details about the Guardians of Eden and how to apply
Vasper Conran
East India Ore Trade
#7 - 2012-07-17 14:52:44 UTC
Hey there mate, how are you doing? I've just posted our recruitment ad, but should it interest you then feel free to get intouch for a more indepth chat ingame. I look forward to hearing from you. Take care.

East India Ore Trade is an US/EU TZ Industrial Corporation based in null sec space. We are currently recruiting active miners & industrialists to further grow our production capability and mining needs. Additionally we are now recruiting Pvpers and ratters.

Our Goals:

First and foremost, our number one goal is to become an industrial powerhouse that fuels the war machine that is Eve Online whilst being a corporation to be reconned with on the battlefield.. Everyone knows that Internet Spaceships is serious business, and we are no exception as we strive to dominate our alliances' market place and our enemies. However, we also understand that our pilots have real lives and families, so we won't bust your chops for missing an op. We have a very fun and friendly atmosphere, and prefer to keep things light. It is this attitude that allows our pilots and projects to excel. We currently fly NBSI with one of the largest alliances in-game.

What We Are Looking For:

-Pilots with a mature attitude.
-Active (No Trial Accounts please; pilots that are inactive for longer than a month without prior notice will be kicked).
-5 Million Skillpoint Minimum (Exceptions may be made on a case by case basis).
-Able to fly a Covetor or Drake at bare minimum (or corresponding marketing/construction skills).
-Ability to attend at least 1 of our Mining Ops per week (1 Hour minimum requirement).
-Able to take part in alliance wide pvp operations which are not only frequent, but are on a very large scale.

What We Offer:

-Relaxed Environment
-Access to Orca for Hauling
-Teamspeak 3
-Construction for Ships & Modules at Discounted Prices!
-Mineral Refining
-Null Sec Market
-Rorqual bonuses
-A fully functional Ore Buyback Program which includes PI and Ice.
-Capital Ship Construction
-PvP protection and operations.
-A system with a security level of -0.8 which is fantastic for ratters.
-Hidden belts with ABC, as well as ABCM in the regular belts.
-One of the largest alliances in-game.

What We Have Coming Soon:
-Ship Replacement Program

What We Don't Want:
-Douche Canoes
Rico Minali
Sons Of 0din
Commonwealth Vanguard
#8 - 2012-07-17 16:34:05 UTC
Haha, nice read, I like your style. Have a look at Sons Of 0din

Trust me, I almost know what I'm doing.

BlackWatch Industrial Group
Memento Moriendo
#9 - 2012-07-17 17:03:13 UTC
Loved the post... mail sent in-game.

Age does not diminish the extreme disappointment of having a scoop of ice cream fall from the cone.

Arcosian Heavy Industries Corp Holding
#10 - 2012-07-18 00:51:37 UTC
Mail Sent
Slayer Girl
Slovenia Inc.
#11 - 2012-07-18 03:11:06 UTC
We welcome additional old farts. :) Come join an experienced, patient, wonderful group of players.

Paxton Industries

Don’t let the name fool you…
PVP every day all day...

  • Best ship reimbursement program PERIOD.
  • Amazing Veteran Fleet Commanders in both EU and US time zones.
  • Daily Active fleets and awesome scheduled operations.
  • FC training program.
  • Excellent in-house logistics services from empire to 0.0.
  • Hardcore pvp deployments w/ quick reimbursement payouts for losses.
  • Full logistics service for member deployments into war zone areas.
  • Fully stocked markets for members wherever we go due to our “marketeers” logistics team.
  • Most organized corp/alliance. Full wiki, how-to, doctrine info, and friendly liasons to assist members.
  • Mumble and Jabber services.
  • Huge capital, titan, and super capital backbone.
  • Member of CFC coalition.

Feel free to convo or eve mail me for assistance on how to learn more about our team.

Slayer Girl
Renaissance Outliers
#12 - 2012-07-18 15:40:45 UTC
My thanks for all the offers and invites on this forum and sent via EveMail. Much appreciated. Big smile
I’ve started sifting the ones that appear to match requirements and I’ll be in touch in next few days.

Thanks again, fly safe.
