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High sec pvp....Think CoD in Eve

First post
Karim alRashid
#21 - 2011-10-10 08:09:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Karim alRashid
ShahFluffers wrote:
The idea smacks of "instancing" which has no place in a "sandbox" type game.

Edit: OK, smells of instancing.

Pain is weakness leaving the body

Cpt Fina
Caldari State
#22 - 2011-10-10 08:13:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Cpt Fina
Karim alRashid wrote:
Cpt Fina wrote:
Arena PvP would water down the uniqueness and quality of PvP in EvE., even more so than factional warfare allready have done with its artificially created (non player made) conflict.

Player made PvP arenas are possible to create as it is. Having it made as a game mechanic basically means restricting the dynamic game environment of eve - our sandbox - to recreate something that you are too lazy to organize yourself.

I don't agree. Arena PvP will not remove anything form the game, including, but not limited to, any and all player created content.

In fact, it exists even now and is called Alliance Tournament.

Arena PvP will just lower AT barrier to entry and make it more frequent.

If you make something that is spontaneous, dynamic and playerdriven into something structured, rigid and artificial you are bound to water it down imo. It's the difference of stumbling upon a wild animal in the forest and go to the zoo to watch it in a cage.

CCP-spokespoeple use to tell us about how eve is a player driven universe, by the players for the players. How they are merely bystanders and that we create our own game. This suggesstion is in direct contrast with that mindframe. You take something that can be organized by the players and make it a feature, initiated, "owned" and controlled by CCP (much like how genuine player driven conflicts was imitated in an artificial way when FW was introduced).
Karim alRashid
#23 - 2011-10-10 08:24:35 UTC
Cpt Fina wrote:
It's the difference of stumbling upon a wild animal in the forest and go to the zoo to watch it in a cage.

Perhaps a better analogy would be a bar fight vs. a boxing match.

As long as boxing matches do not preclude bar fights, I won't be afraid about the integrity of the player driven content.

Pain is weakness leaving the body

Cpt Fina
Caldari State
#24 - 2011-10-10 08:40:29 UTC
Karim alRashid wrote:
Cpt Fina wrote:
It's the difference of stumbling upon a wild animal in the forest and go to the zoo to watch it in a cage.

Perhaps a better analogy would be a bar fight vs. a boxing match.

As long as boxing matches do not preclude bar fights, I won't be afraid about the integrity of the player driven content.

It's nice that you choose to respond to the "fluff" sentence of my post instead of the ones with actual content and arguments :)
Karim alRashid
#25 - 2011-10-10 08:53:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Karim alRashid
Cpt Fina wrote:
Karim alRashid wrote:
Cpt Fina wrote:
It's the difference of stumbling upon a wild animal in the forest and go to the zoo to watch it in a cage.

Perhaps a better analogy would be a bar fight vs. a boxing match.

As long as boxing matches do not preclude bar fights, I won't be afraid about the integrity of the player driven content.

It's nice that you choose to respond to the "fluff" sentence of my post instead of the ones with actual content and arguments :)

OK, fair enough ...

CptFina wrote:

CCP-spokespoeple use to tell us about how eve is a player driven universe, by the players for the players. How they are merely bystanders and that we create our own game. This suggesstion is in direct contrast with that mindframe. You take something that can be organized by the players and make it a feature, initiated, "owned" and controlled by CCP (much like how genuine player driven conflicts was imitated in an artificial way when FW was introduced).

All of the above is true, but, like anything in life, up to a point. CCP do place mechanisms and they do create and enforce rules. The content is player driven only within the boundaries established by CCP via game mechanics. In a sense, every conflict is "artificial", because CCP creates incentives and provides tools for it, for example, via rarity of moon materials.

So, the only question, that remains is whether CCP would go too far in creating rules if they implement ArenaPVP.

And this is a matter of opinion, not a matter of rational argumentation.

Pain is weakness leaving the body

Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#26 - 2011-10-10 19:55:50 UTC
ShahFluffers wrote:
The idea smacks of "instancing" which has no place in a "sandbox" type game.

It's not instancing because the arenas would be in a constant state of play. You can enter at any time and leave at any time, and stay for as long as you want.
Matches will not end or begin, they will just continue to progress.

The only thing that limits the ship sizes is the accel gates themselves.

This doesn't take away from the pvp of low/null/wh pvp, it simply just allows high sec dwellers to have a place for secure pvp that is still risky, but not able to be taken advantage of like low, null, wh pvp where blobs can come in at any time.
Ice Fire Warriors
#27 - 2011-10-10 20:14:13 UTC  |  Edited by: ShahFluffers
Joe Risalo wrote:
ShahFluffers wrote:
The idea smacks of "instancing" which has no place in a "sandbox" type game.

It's not instancing because the arenas would be in a constant state of play. You can enter at any time and leave at any time, and stay for as long as you want.
Matches will not end or begin, they will just continue to progress.

The only thing that limits the ship sizes is the accel gates themselves.

This doesn't take away from the pvp of low/null/wh pvp, it simply just allows high sec dwellers to have a place for secure pvp that is still risky, but not able to be taken advantage of like low, null, wh pvp where blobs can come in at any time.

If you create an environment where only X amount of people can be in a given area and no one else can interfere in some way... you're "instancing" IMO.

And it does take away from low/null/WH PvP (low-sec PvP in particular) as if you give people a venue where combat is "fair" (see: "controlled") then the casual PvP aspect disappears from said areas. The big reason behind this is that people will always prefer a "controlled" environment where they can generally guesstimate what it is they will be facing versus the "anything goes" environment we currently see in low-sec.
Cpt Fina
Caldari State
#28 - 2011-10-10 20:31:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Cpt Fina
Karim alRashid wrote:

All of the above is true, but, like anything in life, up to a point. CCP do place mechanisms and they do create and enforce rules. The content is player driven only within the boundaries established by CCP via game mechanics. In a sense, every conflict is "artificial", because CCP creates incentives and provides tools for it, for example, via rarity of moon materials.

So, the only question, that remains is whether CCP would go too far in creating rules if they implement ArenaPVP.

And this is a matter of opinion, not a matter of rational argumentation.

What you say is true but given that we have an outspoken vision of how CCP percieve this game and where they want to take it and since this sugesstion is in contrast with that vision – the camp that argues NOT to implement arena PvP has the upper hand in the discussion.

If we establish wether or not CCP should cater to the WoW-crowd and make EvE a game lika any other MMORPG OR if they should stay the course and keep it niche – then we can have a discussion about this because instanced, controlled, "safe" PvP is a step in the direction of toning down the uniquenes of Eve.
#29 - 2011-10-10 20:32:48 UTC
ShahFluffers wrote:
Joe Risalo wrote:
ShahFluffers wrote:
The idea smacks of "instancing" which has no place in a "sandbox" type game.

It's not instancing because the arenas would be in a constant state of play. You can enter at any time and leave at any time, and stay for as long as you want.
Matches will not end or begin, they will just continue to progress.

The only thing that limits the ship sizes is the accel gates themselves.

This doesn't take away from the pvp of low/null/wh pvp, it simply just allows high sec dwellers to have a place for secure pvp that is still risky, but not able to be taken advantage of like low, null, wh pvp where blobs can come in at any time.

If you create an environment where only X amount of people can be in a given area and no one else can interfere in some way... you're "instancing" IMO.

And it does take away from low/null/WH PvP (low-sec PvP in particular) as if you give people a venue where combat is "fair" (see: "controlled") then the casual PvP aspect disappears from said areas. The big reason behind this is that people will always prefer a "controlled" environment where they can generally guesstimate what it is they will be facing versus the "anything goes" environment we currently see in low-sec.

Yes, I prefer the "blob" environment instead, where on a good day, you get a shot off every few minutes, on a bad day, you get to see the shields on your corpse regen.Cool
Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#30 - 2011-10-10 21:30:33 UTC
The way I look at this is that it is player driven.

CCP would create the general "arenas" but it's up to the players to actually fill the arenas.

These arenas will basically be low sec pockets inside high sec.

There is also a major benefit to this that no one else is seeing.

If These becoming popular reguardless of the fact that the risks are just as great as pvp'ing in low sec, will possibly suggest to CCP that the current pvp system in low/null/wh needs to possibly be tweeked in a way that gets players involved more.

I hear tons of pvp players complaining about how others don't want to get involved, so it limits the amount of pvp encounters they can find.

This system would give them somewhere to find pvp combat the way they would like to in low/null sec.

The risks you take in one of these arenas is just as great as being in low sec.

You can lose your ship, you can be podded, and a fleet of players can jump in a clear the arena if they wanted to.

The only thing the arena does is slightly reward the players that are somewhat good at pvp, keep them from having to search for the pvp, and allows players to pvp without the threat of capital blobs.

But the main thing is, if this becomes popular, it may help CCP to find a way to restructure low/null/wh and possibly FW so that they fit a similar build to the arena.
If they're able to balance these to be similar to the arenas, then the arenas won't be needed anymore. Players will just be able to go into low sec to get the same style pvp.

I think the main factor that will make these arenas more popular is the lack of gate camps, since the accel gates will warp you into random spots in the arena, but it's something the system would help CCP to notice.
Emperor Salazar
Remote Soviet Industries
Insidious Empire
#31 - 2011-10-10 23:10:33 UTC
Arena pvp in a sandbox game is bad.

You want an arena? Set one up.
Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#32 - 2011-10-10 23:16:59 UTC
How about instead of making them arenas, make them an entire system that you have to speak to an agent to get into, and only certain size ships are allowed into the systems.
Ice Fire Warriors
#33 - 2011-10-10 23:39:28 UTC
Joe Risalo wrote:
How about instead of making them arenas, make them an entire system that you have to speak to an agent to get into, and only certain size ships are allowed into the systems.

Go to low-sec. You don't have to talk to an agent to do that and, if you're smart, can pick and choose who you fight with.
Gallente Federation
#34 - 2011-10-11 00:08:50 UTC
Just freaking no. The biggest problem atm is neutral remote repping without any risk at all.

Lord Mandelor
Oruze Cruise
White Stag Exit Bag
#35 - 2011-10-11 01:11:00 UTC
When I saw "Think CoD in EVE" I expected something so bad it'd be funny.

However, agent arranged fights would be really cool! Don't really know about "capture the flag" mode though.
Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#36 - 2011-10-11 15:13:24 UTC
Jack Carrigan
Order of the Shadow
#37 - 2011-10-11 15:42:43 UTC
Lately it just seems like our regular PITA Joe Risolo is coming up with blatantly stupid ideas that would indeed be game-breaking. You want an Arena? Go play WoW or some other lame MMO that caters to that crap.

List of reasons this is a bad idea:
- Takes away from the spontaneity of low sec combat
- Creates PvP without risk, thus basically watering down PvP altogether
- It is stupid
- It would ultimately result in a rigid, rule-driven "feature"
- It would result in whole **** ton of new exploits, as people always find a way around the system
- It is stupid
- It would pretty much kill activity in low sec, which is already a ghost town due to people like you
- It would kill the ability for groups to truly go hunting in low sec, as all the typical victims would be in their safe little Arena with their bunny slippers, snuggie and hot cocoa
- It would create MORE ISK generated from PvE
- Did I mention that it is stupid?
- It would completely illegitimize the "Bounty Hunter" career path by creating stupid Arena bounties (rather than bounties earned by hunting down targets and mercilessly killing them)


Stupid idea is stupid.

I am the One who exists in Shadow. I am the Devil your parents warned you about.

||CEO: Order of the Shadow||Executor: The Revenant Order||Creator: Bowhead||

Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#38 - 2011-10-11 16:37:29 UTC
Jack Carrigan wrote:
Lately it just seems like our regular PITA Joe Risolo is coming up with blatantly stupid ideas that would indeed be game-breaking. You want an Arena? Go play WoW or some other lame MMO that caters to that crap.

List of reasons this is a bad idea:
1) Takes away from the spontaneity of low sec combat
2) Creates PvP without risk, thus basically watering down PvP altogether
3) It is stupid
4) It would ultimately result in a rigid, rule-driven "feature"
5) It would result in whole **** ton of new exploits, as people always find a way around the system
6) It is stupid
7) It would pretty much kill activity in low sec, which is already a ghost town due to people like you
8) It would kill the ability for groups to truly go hunting in low sec, as all the typical victims would be in their safe little Arena with their bunny slippers, snuggie and hot cocoa
9) It would create MORE ISK generated from PvE
10? Did I mention that it is stupid?
11) It would completely illegitimize the "Bounty Hunter" career path by creating stupid Arena bounties (rather than bounties earned by hunting down targets and mercilessly killing them)


Stupid idea is stupid.

1) No, this does not effect the spontanious combat aspect of low sec, because it is not in low sec.

2) We've established already that there are risks, you're still gonna lose your ship, you can still be podded. Read all post before you decide to stick your nose in it.

3) Troll

4) The only rule of this is you have to be in the pocket to be involved, other than that, it's basically a low sec dead space pocket in high sec.

5) What in the hell are you talking about?

6) Still a troll

7) Well, you have the option of staying in low sec where everything is dead, or going into one of these "arenas" where you can actually do some pvp.

8) If you don't like bunny slippers, snuggies, and coco, you can stay where you're lacking pvp, hating life, and complaining about the risk reward factor, ie low sec.

9) How would it create more isk generated from pve? It's not even related to pve...

10) Yes, you did mention you were a troll

11) The bounties earned in arenas are no where near the value of merc'ing someone. Not even close. Plus, killing someone in an arenas with their own bounty from other players wouldn't pay out. You have to kill them outside the arenas to get the big bounties.

Here's some more food for thought......

1) Low sec dwellers complain all the time about high sec dwellers having all reward with little risks through mining and lvl 4 missions, yet they rarely stop to look at the fact that "everyone can go into high sec"...Ahh!!! What's this? You mean, everyone can do the same thing instead of bitching about it? Correct. If you have too low a sec status that's your own fault. You decided to go into low and blow people up. But you can go rat and run lvl 5's to get your sec status back up.. Crazy I know, and even if you didn't want to do that, you can make an alt to stay in high sec and run mission to fund your low sec alt....What? That's such a good idea it's stupid!!!

2) You low sec pvp'ers sit here and constantly complain about how low sec is dieing and less ppl are getting involved in pvp, yet ya'll never notice that most of this is caused by gate camps. Then, when someone does suggest that gate camps are causing the issue ya'll defend it and say "No, gate camps are a valid part of eve." Which basically means "We wanna change low sec without having to change low sec." making yourselves sound like all these protestors complaining on wall street and what not about all the things wall street and the government are doing wrong, yet if they hadn't done anything they'd be complaining about that. If you're gonna wine reguardless, then just go wine and don't make it about something that you would have wined about if it had not changed.

3) With these arenas there a lot like both comment 1 and 2.
How it ties to one. You have the oportunity to come and get involved in these as well, so complaining about how you can't get pvp and the risk reward factor isn't in low sec, maybe you can come to high sec and have easy to find pvp arenas and rewards.

How it ties to two. Then, maybe CCP will notice what is working in these arenas and restructure low sec to match... That way it's easier to find pvp, and pvp might be rewarding besides killmails, but then again that would be possitive change for low sec, and we all know low sec dwellers want change without change. Basically, they don't want low sec to change, they just want everyone forced into low sec so they can blow them up.

Quit complaining about my post and start makind lagitimate post of your own. I'm suggesting ideas whether you think they're good or bad. Which could possibly help the Eve community.

All you're doing is trolling the forums looking for something that doesn't directly benefit you to bash.

Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#39 - 2011-10-11 20:54:49 UTC
nakKEDK wrote:
Just freaking no. The biggest problem atm is neutral remote repping without any risk at all.

I missed this comment somehow.

If you enter one of these arenas you're flagged, so neutral repping isn't possible.

If you're in the arena, you can be shot by anyone else in the arena.
Emperor Salazar
Remote Soviet Industries
Insidious Empire
#40 - 2011-10-11 21:28:48 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Zymurgist
This is a sandbox game. We already have the means to do what you want, but you want it regulated and controlled by CCP. That is a terrible idea. Get some people to regulate it. Have them in pvp ships ready to destroy anyone that enters your little "arena" to mess with it. Wow. Your own personal security.

Seriously, there are so many ways this could be implemented BY PLAYERS with current mechanics.

Trolling removed. Zymurgist