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Crime & Punishment

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Corp thief Ups3t with friends from other corps/alliances

Treasure Hunter Enterprises
#1 - 2011-10-10 04:00:56 UTC
Character name: Ups3t

Collaborator groups : BACKFIRE SQUAD, Dark Nexxus (corp) member of S I L E N T. alliance

Tried to clean out a tower in WH space, were caught in the act and most of the tower assets saved.

If you've got an application from any of the people in either corp/ alliance associated with these individuals it is safe to assume they are trying to infiltrate your corp/ alliance Wormhole corps are the most vulnerable.

Nathan Jameson
Grumpy Bastards
#2 - 2011-10-10 04:46:06 UTC
Kirell wrote:
...corp/ alliance Wormhole corps that have no idea how to tier permissions or separate the assets of new and veteran members are the most vulnerable.

Fixed that for you.

Treasure Hunter Enterprises
#3 - 2011-10-10 05:02:03 UTC

If you have members with corp history of any of these corps you've got an alt and potential corp thief in your corp/alliance

Silent Overwatch
Winds of change
royal enterprise
gladius veritatis
apex ardent coalition
ad vita noctu
legio immortalorum
Treasure Hunter Enterprises
#4 - 2011-10-10 05:03:20 UTC
Nathan Jameson wrote:
Kirell wrote:
...corp/ alliance Wormhole corps that have no idea how to tier permissions or separate the assets of new and veteran members are the most vulnerable.

Fixed that for you.

Assets were seperated, the SMA he accessed was for newer players. he stole a small amount of assets from the SMA before he was caught and roles revoked (3 ships were stolen)
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#5 - 2011-10-10 05:22:59 UTC
Nathan Jameson wrote:
Kirell wrote:
...corp/ alliance Wormhole corps that have no idea how to tier permissions or separate the assets of new and veteran members are the most vulnerable.

Fixed that for you.

Not empty quoting. Doesn't apply to just wh corps either. CEOs and directors need to learn how to assign roles properly.

Just noted the name legio immortalorum. lol fail latin. Should be immortalis.

Nathan Jameson
Grumpy Bastards
#6 - 2011-10-10 05:48:33 UTC
Kirell wrote:
Assets were seperated, the SMA he accessed was for newer players. he stole a small amount of assets from the SMA before he was caught and roles revoked (3 ships were stolen)

In that case, sounds like you did the right thing (assuming you'd vetted him correctly), and that he was more of a fail thief who didn't know how to wait for the good stuff.

Sparkle Motion.
#7 - 2011-10-10 08:57:48 UTC
Nathan Jameson wrote:
Kirell wrote:
Assets were seperated, the SMA he accessed was for newer players. he stole a small amount of assets from the SMA before he was caught and roles revoked (3 ships were stolen)

In that case, sounds like you did the right thing (assuming you'd vetted him correctly), and that he was more of a fail thief who didn't know how to wait for the good stuff.

Kids these days, no patience What?

"Do not touch anything unnecessarily. Beware of pretty girls in dance halls and parks who may be spies, as well as bicycles, revolvers, uniforms, arms, dead horses, and men lying on roads -- they are not there accidentally." -Soviet infantry manual,

#8 - 2011-10-10 11:45:05 UTC
Who would recruit someone named Ups3t or Kirell?

Lyris Nairn
Caldari State
#9 - 2011-10-10 23:44:22 UTC
Soldarius wrote:
Nathan Jameson wrote:
Kirell wrote:
...corp/ alliance Wormhole corps that have no idea how to tier permissions or separate the assets of new and veteran members are the most vulnerable.

Fixed that for you.

Just noted the name legio immortalorum. lol fail latin. Should be immortalis.

This reminds me of a previously-relevant nullsec alliance whose latin name, because it is improperly conjugated, translates as "biting me".

Sky Captain of Your Heart

Reddit: lyris_nairn Skype: lyris.nairn Twitter: @lyris_nairn

Pandemic Horde
#10 - 2011-10-29 17:20:30 UTC  |  Edited by: DrefsabZN
As a proud member of Backfire Squad i have to say that the person who started this post is lying.Multiple ships were taken from the hangar,a lot,around 7 bil worth of ships.I also have to mention that a lot of corps that the poster has blamed have nothing to do with this,he probably just looked at history and friends and wrote all in here.Thats not the truth,only Backfire Squad participated in this op.Another thing i want to mention is that we did not do this for the ISK or whatever you might think,but for the challenge that an op like this presents,and it is a shame that some players are whining and crying about it on forums instead of learning something from it.The op didnt started when we took those ships,it actually started after the ships were taken.Bs,BC and other were taken out of the WH the very evening we got in,and 2 cap ships were kept in there other reasons.

At this point we had left 2 scanners in the WH.One of the scanners underestimated the determination of the players inhabiting the WH and in his foolishness got caught and sent back to high sec with pod express.The other scanner was an alt of mine.Me on the other way...had all the time in the world to wait in there.We only wated to do some fair negotiation so the corp inhabiting the WH could get the cap ships back.But this very poster here had set his own terms of negotiation and there was nothing to change his mind.One of the caps ships was a fitted rorqual with 3 hulks and 2 skiffs in cargo.Because of his foolishness and to show we dont care about isk we destroyed the rorqual.That left us with a carrier,the very carrier that would help us take this boys down if it came to that.So we got to a point where Fission was camping the WH exit almost 24/7.I have to congratulate Fission pilots for the determination and patience they presented over that time.At this time we had the carrier and a broadsword inside,and as Kirell especially was determined to give us a lesson for what we have done,it was only a matter of time to get a fleet inside and show him that eve is harsh,and u cant really set the terms of a situation just as you want and not listen to the other part.Finally after around 2 weeks of planning the time came to show him that as much as he wants,he is not God in a WH,and if one wants to pull down his can do that.As if our plan started the situation got better and exactly when we were ready to start it another opportunity came in the form of a second Wh exit that took their attention for just enough to go out and bring a small fleet in there.Unfortunately for me kirell got my scanner and shot down the ship,and got killed himself also.But this was already too late,the fleet and other scanners were inside.In an attempt to close the WH kirell again flying a domi,plus other 2 pilots in orca and domi tried to collapse the WH,which they did...but unfortnately Kirell s domi was stuck,couldnt jump..and he remained among enemy ships...all started to shoot him when our scanner killed when all this started said...wait ! i have to pod him back :))....fair enough,but Kirell had another option which he took also,eject and run :)....which left us with another ship we could use for combat :).Anyway for the moment we did not plan to bring more in.What we had was enough,we never wanted to drive them out of the WH anyway...all we needed is to keep them under long could they keep their fleet ready in WH without doin anything else? We on the other side had all the time in the world as most of our pilots were alts.Fortunately negotiations started with Ludik Talino aka Tab Everson,which i have to congratulate also for his negotiation skills,patience,determination and honesty,and in the end we gave back the carrier and got out of the WH ( for a small fee :D - seriously...small).

Not last,even if i dont like Kirell that much after all this,i also congratulate him for his patience and determination and i really think that he and the pilots camping the exit WH truly deserve to be rewarded by their corp / alliance,at least with some medals.

P.S. I didnt say how we were planning to get the fleet inside before the opportunity explained above arrived,but ...its a secret now :)
ALSO - if you or your corp / alliance gets stung in a similar way as fission did,dont cry for other's intelligence and creativity but cry for your foolishness and inability to defend your home and assets - and pls dont become a can watch your back and be friendly and help others in the same time,i know i do.Best of all to all eve pilots,fly safe and may the isk,killmails or whatever else you want fill your pockets and killboard.
admiral root
Red Galaxy
#11 - 2011-10-29 17:42:01 UTC
As proud members of S I L E N T., Red Galaxy is both shocked and appalled by this incident. Please contact me in-game to arrange for one of our highly skilled security specialists to temporarily join your corp and assist you in enhancing your protection against further corp thefts.

Rest assured, the actions of the alliance members involved will be dealt with appropriately.

No, your rights end in optimal+2*falloff

Pandemic Horde
#12 - 2011-10-29 17:48:09 UTC
admiral root wrote:
As proud members of S I L E N T., Red Galaxy is both shocked and appalled by this incident. Please contact me in-game to arrange for one of our highly skilled security specialists to temporarily join your corp and assist you in enhancing your protection against further corp thefts.

Rest assured, the actions of the alliance members involved will be dealt with appropriately.

i definitely subscribe to send a security specialist...even 2....u have so many corps in ur alliance
Officer Nyota Uhura
#13 - 2011-10-29 18:39:02 UTC
Sir, I was just about to cry "PROOF OR GTFO!" when DrefsabZN's grammatical horror show struck me down.
Pandemic Horde
#14 - 2011-10-29 18:53:27 UTC
Officer Nyota Uhura wrote:
Sir, I was just about to cry "PROOF OR GTFO!" when DrefsabZN's grammatical horror show struck me down.

My sincere apologies,i did not know this was,or is a grammar class.Other than that,thanks for bringing this up,and i promise i will pay attention to grammar from now on.Fly safe m8
Aggressive Nutmeg
#15 - 2011-10-30 05:00:36 UTC
DrefsabZN wrote:
Officer Nyota Uhura wrote:
Sir, I was just about to cry "PROOF OR GTFO!" when DrefsabZN's grammatical horror show struck me down.

My sincere apologies,i did not know this was,or is a grammar class.Other than that,thanks for bringing this up,and i promise i will pay attention to grammar from now on.Fly safe m8

Fair point. Nobody likes a grammar Nazi. But we do ask that you at least speak English on the EVE forums. Good day, sir.

Never make eye contact with someone while eating a banana.

Celery Man
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#16 - 2011-10-31 16:10:05 UTC
Srsly.. duUhaz kn33 proof of iz ur ship taxorz out of wh? Cos ships of those be list big in size for take out of wh.