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High sec pvp....Think CoD in Eve

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Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1 - 2011-10-09 04:29:56 UTC

You can find a contact/agent in any system.
This agent will send you to a system in which you can find a accel gate that will warp you into a pvp "arena"
The agents will also let you select a ship class, and a battle type.

Classes - frigs only, cruisers only, strategic cruiser only, battlecruisers only, and battleships only

Now, each class also has a class and smaller option, so bs's and smaller, bc's and smaller, etc. etc.

However, due to the OP nature of strategic cruisers, they will be limited to strategic cruisers only.

Battle types - There for sure will be free for all and team death match styles.

Free for all - just for all...One entrance gate, and it warps you into random points inside the arena

Team death match - players are put on a random team, this is determined by either which team has less players, or which team is being pwned.. Each team will have a different entrance gate which will put them on their side of the field reguardless of who is there... So teams will be smart to keep their entrance zone secure.

Other battle types can possibly be established such as

Search and destroy - player teams have to probe out zones in adjacent systems and destroy a target the opposing team is trying to secure. Once time runs out or the attackers destroy all the points, the teams swap places.

Capture the flag??

Domination - both teams have to probe out locations in adjacent systems and try to hold the location for as long as they can.


Free for all - bounties for kills... the more ships you destroy without being destoyed yourself, the higher the bounties get, but you also get a larger bounty on your head that all involved players can see on the overview.

Team death match - The more ships you help destroy or destroy yourself the more bounty you receive. You also receive more for soloing targets. Again, the higher your bounty rewards get, the higher the bounty on you becomes.

Search and destroy - rewards you for destroying or securing zones. You also have the same bounty system

Capture the flag???

Domination - Rewards your entire team the longer they are able to hold a point. Same bounty system.

With search and destroy and domination the bounty system is smaller amounts to suppliment for the extra income from their rewards.

When fighting in battles that allow for more than one ship class, you are rewarded extra bounty for destroying a ship larger than your own.

Values of this system -

Allows players that don't like low/null sec to get involved in pvp.
Allows players to pvp without the stresses and worries of low/null sec pvp.
Brings pvp to the players instead of the players having to find the pvp.
PvP will be rewarding.
Players will be rewarded for being good at pvp.
No hot drops to worry about.
No capital blobs to worry about.
Allows players to choose both ship class to fight and what there goal will be.

Restrictions -

Same restrictions as low sec pvp - no bombs, bubbles, and whatever else.
Scanning out and using the accel gate to enter one of these zones automatically flags you for pvp, so you can be popped.
Transport ships and mining vessels are allowed into any class type, but I don't know why you'd want to.
The Battle zones are limited to one area per region, or possibly constellation.

Thanks, and let me know..........
Katrina Oniseki
Oniseki-Raata Internal Watch
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive
#2 - 2011-10-09 05:26:02 UTC
I would so get into this. +1

Just change the damn names to something more EVE-ish.

Katrina Oniseki

Tahna Rouspel
Amarr Empire
#3 - 2011-10-09 16:58:18 UTC
This actually sounds really fun. I think this could improve the player experience by a lot. It wouldn't have to be serious or anything, but I'm sure a lot of player with love wasting their time in the space arenas.
Karim alRashid
#4 - 2011-10-09 17:14:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Karim alRashid
I would definitely sign up for this, especially when the other PvP option is being an f1-f8 slave monkey to a 0.0 RMTing mogul.

Provided that the combat is very real, i.e. the ships and pods explode, one can loot them and losers have to earn ISK for replacements.

PS. Against the bounty part though, you get bounty if there's player put bounty on the pilot's head and that is. There is already way to many ISK flowing into the system from PVE.

Pain is weakness leaving the body

Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#5 - 2011-10-09 17:37:37 UTC

Arena PVP is bad. PVP without risks is bad. PVP without podkilling, blobbing, variety of ships, which put a pretty massive limit on this little thing people like to call 'tactics', just isn't EVE.

The title alone was enough to make me hate you, reading the post just confirmed it.
Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#6 - 2011-10-09 17:54:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Joe Risalo
Karim alRashid wrote:
I would definitely sign up for this, especially when the other PvP option is being an f1-f8 slave monkey to a 0.0 RMTing mogul.

Provided that the combat is very real, i.e. the ships and pods explode, one can loot them and losers have to earn ISK for replacements.

PS. Against the bounty part though, you get bounty if there's player put bounty on the pilot's head and that is. There is already way to many ISK flowing into the system from PVE.

The bounties would be based off the ship size and the amount of ships they have destroyed without being destroyed themselves.

The thing about this system is in order to make players want to get involved.... Without some sort of system other than killmails, players won't care too much.

The bounties would be rather small, so missioning and mining would still be what's paying for your ships, but the bounty system is just a small incentive.

Let's try and hash it out

50k bounty for destroying a frig
100k for cruisers
150 for battlecruisers
200 for bs's

Frig kills go up 10k for every kill you get without being destroyed yourself, but the bounty on your head also goes up 10k for every straight kill you get. This would be to keep to sneaky or well playing pvp'ers from just pwning. They become the main target.

you get an additional 20k for every class size above yours a ship is that you destroy.

So destroying a cruiser with a frig earns you another 20k, destroying a bs with a frig earns you 100k.

Say you and 4 more people are involved in destroying a battleship, then each of those players will earn 1/5th of what there award would have been if they soloed the target. So a frig, 3 cruisers, and 2 bs's destroy a battleship.
The frig pilot will receive 1/5th of the bounty on that pilot, will receive 1/5th of the class difference payout, so 20k.
The cruiser pilots will receive 1/5th of the bounty, and 1/5th of their class difference payout, so 16k.
The bs pilots will get 1/5th of the bounty, but no class difference payout because they're the same class.

There could also be a 20k payout for destroying a t2 ship with a t1, but no reward for destroying a t1 with a t2 or a t2 with a t2.

Each player involved in the kill will get the bounty on their head rased by 10k. So if you're in free for all and you and some other guys decide to team up, well, the bounties on your heads will grow at normal rate, even though you payouts are smaller cause you're sharing them with other people.
So not only will you become a more tasty target for the other players, but the people you're teaming up with will also become interested in your bounty.

The bounty system, while being a slight reward system, won't actually be a reward system.

It will be more of a marking system.

The better a player is doing, the more the system will mark him for the other players to become more interested in taking that player out.

So it's designed to keep one or more players from pwning constantly because they take advantage of players not knowing how good they are.

Edit... Oh, and you can salvage and loot wrecks, but you must do it on the fly. The battle won't stop for you to loot.
Also, all wrecks are flagged blue, so they're free for everyone.

So there's another way to possibly make some more isk.

However, the isk you earn from bounties and salvage will most of the time not be enough to pay for the ship you're flying.

Unless you're really good at it
Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#7 - 2011-10-09 17:58:58 UTC
Danika Princip wrote:

Arena PVP is bad. PVP without risks is bad. PVP without podkilling, blobbing, variety of ships, which put a pretty massive limit on this little thing people like to call 'tactics', just isn't EVE.

The title alone was enough to make me hate you, reading the post just confirmed it.

Actually, it's quite risky because you'll constantly be losing ships. More so than players in low and null sec.

I've spent time in both low and null and i've lost a few ships. With this system however, I would probably lose a lot more than I ever lost in low or null.

This isn't designed for those players who pilot in low and null.

This is designed for the high sec players that want to pvp, but don't want to go low or null.

We all have our reasons why we don't like low and null, but a lot of us still want pvp action.

This is the only way that every player can get involved with pvp. Most players in eve stay in high sec.

Most low and null players in eve want to kill people in high sec.

Here's your chance to do so, you just gotta do it on our terms.

If you don't like it, then war dec us.
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2011-10-09 18:07:58 UTC

Might even get my stealth bomber in there.
#9 - 2011-10-09 18:22:57 UTC
This should be faction warfare.

That's about all I can say about it.
Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#10 - 2011-10-09 18:24:31 UTC
Aglais wrote:
This should be faction warfare.

That's about all I can say about it.

It would fit as faction warfare, but i wanna keep it in high sec, so, it also wouldn't fit as faction warfare
Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#11 - 2011-10-09 20:23:21 UTC
Karim alRashid
#12 - 2011-10-09 20:44:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Karim alRashid
Joe Risalo wrote:
Karim alRashid wrote:
I would definitely sign up for this, especially when the other PvP option is being an f1-f8 slave monkey to a 0.0 RMTing mogul.

Provided that the combat is very real, i.e. the ships and pods explode, one can loot them and losers have to earn ISK for replacements.

PS. Against the bounty part though, you get bounty if there's player put bounty on the pilot's head and that is. There is already way to many ISK flowing into the system from PVE.

The bounties would be based off the ship size and the amount of ships they have destroyed without being destroyed themselves.

Instead of bounties, let the players bet on fights with some percent of the bets going to the winner (winners).

And definitely WITH podding, if anyone wants to win with his high-grade pirate implant set, let him risk losing it.

Pain is weakness leaving the body

Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#13 - 2011-10-10 00:08:59 UTC
Karim alRashid wrote:
Joe Risalo wrote:
Karim alRashid wrote:
I would definitely sign up for this, especially when the other PvP option is being an f1-f8 slave monkey to a 0.0 RMTing mogul.

Provided that the combat is very real, i.e. the ships and pods explode, one can loot them and losers have to earn ISK for replacements.

PS. Against the bounty part though, you get bounty if there's player put bounty on the pilot's head and that is. There is already way to many ISK flowing into the system from PVE.

The bounties would be based off the ship size and the amount of ships they have destroyed without being destroyed themselves.

Instead of bounties, let the players bet on fights with some percent of the bets going to the winner (winners).

And definitely WITH podding, if anyone wants to win with his high-grade pirate implant set, let him risk losing it.

I'll go with the podding, but as far as the bounties, the point of the system is to keep the fight constantly going.

If there were like a wager scenario, then the fights would have to stop and wait for people to que up. F that
Cpt Fina
Caldari State
#14 - 2011-10-10 00:41:23 UTC
Arena PvP would water down the uniqueness and quality of PvP in EvE., even more so than factional warfare allready have done with its artificially created (non player made) conflict.

Player made PvP arenas are possible to create as it is. Having it made as a game mechanic basically means restricting the dynamic game environment of eve - our sandbox - to recreate something that you are too lazy to organize yourself.
Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#15 - 2011-10-10 01:50:32 UTC
Cpt Fina wrote:
Arena PvP would water down the uniqueness and quality of PvP in EvE., even more so than factional warfare allready have done with its artificially created (non player made) conflict.

Player made PvP arenas are possible to create as it is. Having it made as a game mechanic basically means restricting the dynamic game environment of eve - our sandbox - to recreate something that you are too lazy to organize yourself.

It is possible to organize your own battles, however, it's impossible to keep players from taking advantage of you and everyone else without game mechanics.

Hense why most high sec dwellers would rather have an arena if they're going to pvp
#16 - 2011-10-10 03:03:26 UTC
Between bounties and insurance from extra ships kills (like it or not, arenas will be enormously popular), this has the potential to become major isk faucets.

Personally, I think insurance should be paid in either minerals or a damaged ship that can only be repaired in station, as opposed to isk.
Cpt Fina
Caldari State
#17 - 2011-10-10 03:55:38 UTC
Joe Risalo wrote:
Cpt Fina wrote:
Arena PvP would water down the uniqueness and quality of PvP in EvE., even more so than factional warfare allready have done with its artificially created (non player made) conflict.

Player made PvP arenas are possible to create as it is. Having it made as a game mechanic basically means restricting the dynamic game environment of eve - our sandbox - to recreate something that you are too lazy to organize yourself.

It is possible to organize your own battles, however, it's impossible to keep players from taking advantage of you and everyone else without game mechanics.

Hense why most high sec dwellers would rather have an arena if they're going to pvp

Have a group of 10 falcons as standby on grid. There, problem solved!
Now go realize your dream instead of trying to compromising a core fundamental feature of this sandbox game.
Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#18 - 2011-10-10 04:58:25 UTC
Joe Risalo wrote:
Cpt Fina wrote:
Arena PvP would water down the uniqueness and quality of PvP in EvE., even more so than factional warfare allready have done with its artificially created (non player made) conflict.

Player made PvP arenas are possible to create as it is. Having it made as a game mechanic basically means restricting the dynamic game environment of eve - our sandbox - to recreate something that you are too lazy to organize yourself.

It is possible to organize your own battles, however, it's impossible to keep players from taking advantage of you and everyone else without game mechanics.

Hense why most high sec dwellers would rather have an arena if they're going to pvp

This is EVE. Remember, if you get yourself into a fair fight, you've already done something wrong.
Karim alRashid
#19 - 2011-10-10 07:36:22 UTC
Cpt Fina wrote:
Arena PvP would water down the uniqueness and quality of PvP in EvE., even more so than factional warfare allready have done with its artificially created (non player made) conflict.

Player made PvP arenas are possible to create as it is. Having it made as a game mechanic basically means restricting the dynamic game environment of eve - our sandbox - to recreate something that you are too lazy to organize yourself.

I don't agree. Arena PvP will not remove anything form the game, including, but not limited to, any and all player created content.

In fact, it exists even now and is called Alliance Tournament.

Arena PvP will just lower AT barrier to entry and make it more frequent.

Pain is weakness leaving the body

Ice Fire Warriors
#20 - 2011-10-10 08:02:19 UTC
The idea smacks of "instancing" which has no place in a "sandbox" type game.
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