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Multiple wallet accounts.

Ja'thaal Deathbringer
The Directionally Challenged
#1 - 2012-07-11 07:01:38 UTC
Hey all,
Now, I'm not sure if this has been brought up before, or if its possible to do as far as code goes. But I would like to see the ability to open multiple wallet accounts, things that would make it easier to sort personal wealth into sections so that it's not as tempting to go on a spending spree.

For example, I'm saving for plex's so that my girlfriend and I can go to fanfest. I have about 4bil in my account right now and it's incredibly tempting to go on a spending spree and buy a bunch of stuff. But that would mean I can't go to fanfest. If that money were in an account that is locked so that I can't spend money from it but put money into it, that would make it a lot easier to save. It's a small innovation but could really help people sort their money more effectively. A date lock could be implemented as well so that the money in that account can't be accessed until after that date. but money can be deposited into that account. It wouldn't be like a bank account however, in the sense that the money wouldn't gain interest, but could only be grown by direct deposit.

As always, I'd like some feedback on this idea, but please be constructive rather than inflammatory or trollish.

Also, if a GM or Dev could have a look at this idea, as always that would also be appreciated.

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#2 - 2012-07-11 09:08:36 UTC  |  Edited by: NiGhTTraX
You could give the money to me and I'll safekeep it till fanfest.

On a serious note, why not create an alt and send all your isk to that char? Or create your own corp and put it in some restricted division or something.

And I'm sorry, but if you're having a hard time keeping yourself from spending, I don't see why the devs should waste their time in implementing a feature that would hardly be used by anyone else besides you. And locking your isk seems a bad idea to me. What if I really really need it and can't access it because of that stupid lock which I put in place a week ago? Locking isk in a corp might not be such a bad idea, same as locking bpos. And unlocking them may require a vote, so you could put yourself and your girlfriend in director positions and both of you would have to vote to unlock the isk. I don't know, I don't see much use for it but meh. Locking your own personal money is bad imho, locking corp's money, I could live with/without it.

If you're gonna post here thinking your idea is the greatest thing since bacon and that it will save EVE and possibly all humankind with it, you're gonna have a bad time.

Ja'thaal Deathbringer
The Directionally Challenged
#3 - 2012-07-11 11:44:42 UTC
Like I said, this was just an idea to have several wallet accounts, similar to bank accounts. If you've got a problem with it, fine, but I'd like some more feedback.
Justin Thyme
The Salvage and Reclamation Guild
#4 - 2012-07-11 13:46:01 UTC
it would also be useful to prevent buying at the wrong price Overinflated/Missread or accepting a scam contract.

"Hunting rats is like mining for scrap metal... and occasionally striking gold"  I don't shoot people. That would be wrong. I do however shoot Ore Thiev...-- Justin Thyme

Amarr Empire
#5 - 2012-07-11 14:18:53 UTC
Justin Thyme wrote:
it would also be useful to prevent buying at the wrong price Overinflated/Missread or accepting a scam contract.

Or you could just learn to read. ;-)

While obviously you could send isk to an alt or put it into a corp division, but with that argument you could argue that we don't need containers, since you could simply give items to different alts, or make a corporation and put them into different corp hangars.

The reason I don't like your idea is that your justification for this is that you want to keep your money safe. If it's in another wallet, it's like keeping your money in your left pocket instead of your wallet. If you really want to buy that Aston Martin, you'll just reach into the other pocket and buy it. Date locks? God no. Learn to work with money mate.

I would like the idea of having multiple divisions in a personal wallet for the same reason it's useful to have station containers. It allows you to separate the money from different businesses and projects, keeping everything tidy. But not because you don't know how to manage your money.
RAZOR Alliance
#6 - 2012-07-11 14:48:34 UTC
I support your idea of having different wallets. I can´t remember how it´s called ingame for corps... but yeah:

Corp wallet functionality on character level.
Shovel Bros
#7 - 2012-07-11 15:07:01 UTC
The idea of having personal wallets for sorting money has been proposed before. It's a good idea, but CCP hasn't implemented it yet.

However, having locks on money or something like that is a bad idea. If you and your GF can't learn how to manage money and set aside a bit in a video game, you're probably going to have even bigger issues IRL. It's one of those life skills that it's best to learn as early as possible, lest you get screwed over later on in life.
Arcana Imperii Ltd.
#8 - 2012-07-11 15:55:13 UTC  |  Edited by: FloppieTheBanjoClown
I don't see the point. Having to move money between accounts in order to spend is making more clicks for yourself when you could simply PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT YOU'RE DOING. The point of wallet divisions at the corporate level is to allow different levels of access to different people. Your corp industrialists and your logistics managers and your traders can all have separate corporate wallet divisions, with no one having access to everything but the CEO and directors.

Founding member of the Belligerent Undesirables movement.

Kusum Fawn
Caldari State
#9 - 2012-07-11 16:25:26 UTC
Its rather annoying to have to log out to switch an alt to move some of my isk. Id like to have wallet folders on a main character so i dont have to shuffle so much

Its not possible to please all the people all the time, but it sure as hell is possible to Displease all the people, most of the time.

Eddie Laydon
Laydon Industries
#10 - 2012-07-11 19:27:37 UTC
Some people need to start using their heads. Just cause the OP wants to be able to put a portion of his money away does not mean he's bad with money. How many of you keep all your cash in one gigantic pile? Cause thats what we're doing now.

For people who dabble in manufacturing AND trading AND do PvP/PvE the ability to split the wallet into divisions would be of great help.I'm honestly surprised this hasn't been implemented yet. The code is already there, it just needs to be modified. And if any of you haters don't want to use this feature, well guess what - you don't have to!

Arcana Imperii Ltd.
#11 - 2012-07-11 20:05:03 UTC
Eddie Laydon wrote:
Some people need to start using their heads. Just cause the OP wants to be able to put a portion of his money away does not mean he's bad with money. How many of you keep all your cash in one gigantic pile? Cause thats what we're doing now.

I have multiple accounts because in real life, different accounts do different things. My money market gets a better return but is limited on the number of transactions per month. My retirement accounts can't be touched without paying steep penalties. The checking account that I used on a daily basis gets no interest, but also costs nothing.

If there were no interest-bearing accounts, I wouldn't have the money market. If retirement wasn't a thing, I wouldn't have those. So yes, I would have all my money in one account, "one gigantic pile" if it weren't for the benefits of using different piles in real life.

Eddie Laydon wrote:
For people who dabble in manufacturing AND trading AND do PvP/PvE the ability to split the wallet into divisions would be of great help.

How so? How does spreading your cash between divisions help you? That's what I don't understand. Book keeping is EASY for such a small operation. If you want to maintain separate budgets for various projects, it's just a matter of doing a little math and writing down totals.

Eddie Laydon wrote:
The code is already there, it just needs to be modified.

Says the guy who has never seen the code and doesn't know just how deeply intertwined the corporate wallet divisions are with the rest of the corporate architecture. There could be a LOT of dependencies in that code, to the point that they'd have to essentially rewrite it.

Founding member of the Belligerent Undesirables movement.

Arcana Imperii Ltd.
#12 - 2012-07-11 20:05:19 UTC
Kusum Fawn wrote:
Its rather annoying to have to log out to switch an alt to move some of my isk. Id like to have wallet folders on a main character so i dont have to shuffle so much

Why do you have to do that?

Founding member of the Belligerent Undesirables movement.

a newbie
Kenbishi Heavy Industries Inc.
#13 - 2012-07-11 21:22:05 UTC
I like the idea of Different Wallets because like any person, I may have multiple BANK accounts. Its not for protection, but if I run a business, savings account, etc, I prefer being in control of it with the OWNING character. Having to log into an alternate character to transfer you money is counter-productive, and servers no beneficial function to either CCP or yourself.

Basically, not having multiple wallet divisions is a detraction from the game that benefits no one and can hinder anyone. fire?

Cross Lui Greine
Conspiratus Immortalis
#14 - 2012-10-09 13:12:28 UTC
a newbie wrote:
I like the idea of Different Wallets because like any person, I may have multiple BANK accounts. Its not for protection, but if I run a business, savings account, etc, I prefer being in control of it with the OWNING character. Having to log into an alternate character to transfer you money is counter-productive, and servers no beneficial function to either CCP or yourself.

Basically, not having multiple wallet divisions is a detraction from the game that benefits no one and can hinder anyone.


Also I'm running an Indy venture with a friend and having these divisions would make efficient profit sharing a breeze rather than a chore. We could of course leave our current Corp, start our own Corp and use the wallet system already in place for Corp Wallets to do what we need. But the thing is we like our Corp and it's silly to be given a choice between social player interaction and efficient UI use.

0.02 ISK
Eddie Laydon
Laydon Industries
#15 - 2012-11-14 01:02:25 UTC
Since this hasnt been implemented im gonna go ahead and bump this thread.

FloppieTheBanjoClown wrote:

How so? How does spreading your cash between divisions help you? That's what I don't understand. Book keeping is EASY for such a small operation. If you want to maintain separate budgets for various projects, it's just a matter of doing a little math and writing down totals.

For gods sake, are you really telling me you cannot come up with a single scenario where having multiple wallets helps keep your finances organized? Of course I can create a spreadsheet and copy over every piece of relevant data to it, but for larger projects that quickly turns into a humongous waste of time. Perhaps for you 'doing a little math' and 'writing down totals' is enough, but Ive got a 4 page spreadsheet just for trading and having multiple divisions would make it a lot easier to quickly analyze the situation in a given market.

FloppieTheBanjoClown wrote:

Says the guy who has never seen the code and doesn't know just how deeply intertwined the corporate wallet divisions are with the rest of the corporate architecture. There could be a LOT of dependencies in that code, to the point that they'd have to essentially rewrite it.

Rewrite it, copy-paste it, rip it off from WoW I dont care. If the code is written properly there is some kind of data structure for the wallet, which means most of the work is already done. It cannot possibly be hard to implement this feature, all that is needed is for us (users) to make enough noise and it will be in the very next patch.
Konrad Kane
#16 - 2012-11-14 02:41:38 UTC
I'd love the idea of being able to have multiple accounts. It would be very useful.
Dawn DiDacyria
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#17 - 2012-11-14 12:23:43 UTC
Personal Wallet Divisions would be great to have.

Setting up budgets for various things, keeping an easy tab on Market Earnings separately from Mission Earnings and from Mining profits.
The splitting of profits for a joint venture, be it with 2 people or 10 people, would be so much simpler with all costs and income related to said venture coming from a single Wallet Division (instead of having to keep tabs on all outgoing costs and incoming ISKs and totalling it all in the end).

Even better would be if one could have settings allowing you to decide what kind of income or cost goes to or from what Wallet Division. Bounties in one, ship purchases in one, market sales and broker fees/tax costs in one, and so on.
Sure enough it would be easy to tick off where to place or take ISK from every time a transaction of any kind came through, but it could also become very, very time consuming very fast so setting up settings would be easier on the players.
Simplest code I suppose would be to change Active Division and have all current and coming transactions go through that but then one would need to move ISK back and forth between them depending on where one wanted what income/cost to go to/come from. Loads of micromanagement. No, Setting settings would be best. (Did I already say that???)

Sweet, why don't we have this already?
