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Use freaking Dots for long numbers

Umbrella Chemical Inc.
#1 - 2012-07-10 20:58:32 UTC
eve online: 9088080880
read able:

eve online: 878120213344
read able: 7.845.511.232

eve online: 4845511232
read able: 4.845.511.232

eve online: 212133445506036
read able: 212.133.445.506.036

DONT u see the pattern here!? SRLY?
since allmost 3years i keep talking about this.

calculator, blueprint resources and so on- could use this REALLY good, to have some dots....
only the market seem to have it? why? like outside the market we suddenly can read this numbers?
i dont think so Cool

ty fs
Corina Jarr
en Welle Shipping Inc.
#2 - 2012-07-10 21:15:30 UTC
dots, commas, colons, anything really.
Bridgette d'Iberville
Better Killing Through Chemistry
#3 - 2012-07-10 21:18:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Bridgette d'Iberville
ZombieFX wrote:
eve online: 878120213344
read able: 7.845.511.232

thu ****?


"I considered a career in griefing, but then realized that I would never achieve the level of tear generation that CCP manages to do each and every expansion."

Viktor Fyretracker
Emminent Terraforming
#4 - 2012-07-11 05:20:17 UTC
I agree, seems silly we cant have digit grouping.

EVE is like swimming on a beach in shark infested waters,  There is however a catch...  The EVE Beach you also have to wonder which fellow swimmer will try and eat you before the sharks.

Trumpets and Bookmarks
#5 - 2012-07-11 06:33:35 UTC
indeed, although I would suggest anything other than using dots (full stop, period, whatever it's called in your country). The main reason for this is the dot is pretty universally used as a decimal point, I believe.

I vote for using commas!

You can vote for commas too.
Amarr Empire
#6 - 2012-07-11 07:02:12 UTC
I vote for a dropdown with a selection of decimal and group separator. Or at least locale-specific automatic choice. In Soviet Russia we use a space for separating groups and a comma for a decimal... comma.
Trumpets and Bookmarks
#7 - 2012-07-11 07:35:09 UTC
ilammy wrote:
I vote for a dropdown with a selection of decimal and group separator. Or at least locale-specific automatic choice. In Soviet Russia we use a space for separating groups and a comma for a decimal... comma.

Thank you for correcting me. Yes, I agree that locale-specific would be best for everyone.
The Church of Awesome
#8 - 2012-07-11 09:15:54 UTC
I like the idea if it uses the standard of commas. Dots are not a good idea.

I'm no computer programmer but even I can see the many enormous fk ups that having decimal points as a separator will cause.

Shovel Bros
#9 - 2012-07-11 14:06:58 UTC
IbanezLaney wrote:
I like the idea if it uses the standard of commas. Dots are not a good idea.

I'm no computer programmer but even I can see the many enormous fk ups that having decimal points as a separator will cause.

Well, I am a programmer, and Python is my primary language (Eve is written primarily in stackless python IIRC). It's actually doable to use decimal points as separators, using locale. However, if you're already using locale, you might as well implement it for whatever locale the player is actually in, instead of having a fixed notation that everyone is forced to use. It's very doable for them to make this change, the only issue is finding the roughly 50 places in the code they would need to change the way they return an int to a string for printing it on the screen.