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[Video] Rebirth 4 (Empire PVP)

First post
Joseph Dreadloch
Dread Space Inc.
#21 - 2012-07-11 03:29:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Joseph Dreadloch

  • Music was pretty good
  • You guys field shiny ships


  • Cheesy Intro and title/text pages taking up 3 minutes of time
  • Slow kills taking up several minutes of time
  • 0 Risk PvP

The reason people enjoy watching PvP videos is to see someone put themselves in danger and come out on top. You are never in danger in any of this footage with at least 2 logistic pilots on the field at all times, if things turn against you, you simply drop aggression and redock before you die. You seem to be under the impression that you 'fight outnumbered' in this video but nearly all of these videos involve you fielding a collection of ships that are MUCH more expensive than those of your opponents. Its not surprising that a Vindicator can kill 2 Megathrons for example. Also why would you throw in 5 minutes of footage that result with you killing 1 Hurricane and 1 Keres when using 3 Vindicators?

Highsec PvP is not exciting for others to watch. The excitement from Highsec PvP comes from the hunt, and the simple satisfaction of forcing your will upon others in the 'safest' part of the EVE universe. This can't be conveyed in a video, this is why you don't see many highsec PvP videos, and why this video isn't entertaining to watch.

You guys may very well be near the top of corporations in highsec in the categories of 'Most Vindicator Pilots' and 'Most Logistic alts', but this is literally the most boring form of PvP. You sit at 0 m/s for 95% of this footage, there is no maneuvering, or positioning at all. I hate large gangs and I would rather watch some of the videos on here of fleet engagements than watch this again. There is no dynamic to this type of PvP, it comes down to 'Who has the most ISK on the field' or 'Who has the most logistic alts' its that simple.

I'm not trying to insult you, as I said you guys are certainly good at what you do. What you do is just boring for others to watch as there is no risk taken on your parts at all.
Pandemic Horde High Sec Division
#22 - 2012-07-11 04:28:26 UTC  |  Edited by: NightmareX
Joseph Dreadloch wrote:

  • Music was pretty good
  • You guys field shiny ships


  • Cheesy Intro and title/text pages taking up 3 minutes of time
  • Slow kills taking up several minutes of time
  • 0 Risk PvP

The reason people enjoy watching PvP videos is to see someone put themselves in danger and come out on top. You are never in danger in any of this footage with at least 2 logistic pilots on the field at all times, if things turn against you, you simply drop aggression and redock before you die. You seem to be under the impression that you 'fight outnumbered' in this video but nearly all of these videos involve you fielding a collection of ships that are MUCH more expensive than those of your opponents. Its not surprising that a Vindicator can kill 2 Megathrons for example. Also why would you throw in 5 minutes of footage that result with you killing 1 Hurricane and 1 Keres when using 3 Vindicators?

Highsec PvP is not exciting for others to watch. The excitement from Highsec PvP comes from the hunt, and the simple satisfaction of forcing your will upon others in the 'safest' part of the EVE universe. This can't be conveyed in a video, this is why you don't see many highsec PvP videos, and why this video isn't entertaining to watch.

You guys may very well be near the top of corporations in highsec in the categories of 'Most Vindicator Pilots' and 'Most Logistic alts', but this is literally the most boring form of PvP. You sit at 0 m/s for 95% of this footage, there is no maneuvering, or positioning at all. I hate large gangs and I would rather watch some of the videos on here of fleet engagements than watch this again. There is no dynamic to this type of PvP, it comes down to 'Who has the most ISK on the field' or 'Who has the most logistic alts' its that simple.

I'm not trying to insult you, as I said you guys are certainly good at what you do. What you do is just boring for others to watch as there is no risk taken on your parts at all.

You say this: Cheesy Intro and title/text pages taking up 3 minutes of time

My answer: Considering that my video is almost 30 mins, then that's nothing.

Then you say this: Slow kills taking up several minutes of time

My answer: Most of the fights are speeded up to 300+% in speed. And i had to sync them to the music to most of the times. The last fight you see in my movie was 15 mins originally. Now it takes like 4 mins or so?

And then you said: 0 Risk PvP

My answer: The same as nanofaggotry and 0.0 space blobbing?

I can say right away that the last fight (to take an example of our fights) that we for sure do NOT have 0 risk PVP, even when we managed to have 0 losses. Sometimes it can be 0 risk, but not in most of the fights in the movie.

And what about the fight we had where we had 4x Vindicator's, 1x Megathron, 3x Logistics and 1x Falcon against 5x RR Dominix'es, 2x Typhoon's, 2x Armageddon's, 2x Scorpion's, 1x Megathron, 1x Brutix and 1x Dramiel?

Suuuuuuure, that's REALLY 0 risk PVP Lol

And what about the Paladin we had that almost died (45% structure left) to 2x Vindicators?

Then you say this: Also why would you throw in 5 minutes of footage that result with you killing 1 Hurricane and 1 Keres when using 3 Vindicators?

My answer: Because it was a thrilling fight because we did know that they had tons of logis waiting and at the same time didn't know if they had more ships waiting in station ready to undock. And i'm not sure if you did really see it, but those who we was fighting in Jita there had 8-9 Logistics. And you wonder why we had problems to kill the Battleships lol?

High-sec PVP movies are not fun to watch for you that doesn't understand how empire PVP is today.

And the reason why there doesn't exist many empire PVP videos today is just because of you to take an example. Peoples that don't understand that empire can be fun when you can find someone to fight with that really want to give you a fight back.

All of you just thinks it's an empire pvp movie where we are ganking mining newbs in BS'es and have got the obsession that empire PVP movies sucks no matter what. And you will get bored of empire PVP movies anyways just because of that.

And i haven't seen for the last 3-4 years that someone like you have liked an empire PVP video no matter how good it is, simply because alot of you have turned 0.0 space carebears and have a totally different view on what good PVP is.

Not only that, but the fact is that the best PVP'ers are actually in empire. I really want to see a counterargument to this if you don't believe me on this.

And the last thing you say is this: You guys may very well be near the top of corporations in highsec in the categories of 'Most Vindicator Pilots' and 'Most Logistic alts', but this is literally the most boring form of PvP. You sit at 0 m/s for 95% of this footage, there is no maneuvering, or positioning at all.

My answer: LOL, again, this is not a 0.0 space movie where we have to counter bubbles and tons of capital ships. Again, do you know how empire PVP is working?

No no, we aren't only the corp / alliance in empire that can field most Vindicators and Logistics, but we are also the best and most feared corp / alliance in empire.

Nah, you did not insult me at all. You wasn't even near it. But the fact that you reasons are so bad (i had to lol to them) that it simply proves that it's best for your health to not watch empire PVP movies when you clearly shows total lack of understanding on how empire PVP works.

Alright, that was todays wall of text Big smile

Here is a list of my current EVE / PVP videos:

1: Asteroid Madness

2: Clash of the Empires

3: Suddenly Spaceships fighting in Tama

Joseph Dreadloch
Dread Space Inc.
#23 - 2012-07-11 05:33:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Joseph Dreadloch
NightmareX wrote:
todays wall of text Big smile

When you have logistics + massive buffers while on a station, its zero risk, sorry. You can always dock up.

I'm in highsec just like you buddy, but I'm aware that what I do isn't exciting for others to watch. You seem to be dillusional.

The Paladin was the one exception, and that wasn't you flying it.

I am aware how highsec PvP works, its a numbers/ISK game period. Even more so than nullsec. The side with more ISK and Logistics wins.

The reason you're getting a poor reception to this video, and your past videos, is because most people don't find them enjoyable. Its not because everyone is stupid and jealous of your 'uber piloting skills' its because its boring and rather lame. Show me something in a video that makes me think "Wow that was smart" or "Wow that was ballsy" or maybe even "Wow I'm not sure I could have pulled that off" and I'll enjoy it. What your video shows is what a bunch of Vindicators with several Logistics does, which at best makes people say "Wow I don't own those ships".
Pandemic Horde High Sec Division
#24 - 2012-07-11 06:05:16 UTC  |  Edited by: NightmareX
Joseph Dreadloch wrote:
NightmareX wrote:
todays wall of text Big smile

When you have logistics + massive buffers while on a station, its zero risk, sorry. You can always dock up.

I'm in highsec just like you buddy, but I'm aware that what I do isn't exciting for others to watch. You seem to be dillusional.

The Paladin was the one exception, and that wasn't you flying it.

I am aware how highsec PvP works, its a numbers/ISK game period. Even more so than nullsec. The side with more ISK and Logistics wins.

The reason you're getting a poor reception to this video, and your past videos, is because most people don't find them enjoyable. Its not because everyone is stupid and jealous of your 'uber piloting skills' its because its boring and rather lame. Show me something in a video that makes me think "Wow that was smart" or "Wow that was ballsy" or maybe even "Wow I'm not sure I could have pulled that off" and I'll enjoy it. What your video shows is what a bunch of Vindicators with several Logistics does.

So you think the war targets doesn't use many logistics and massive buffers on their ships?

Just because we use that doesn't mean others won't use the same tactic as us. So because of that, it's not that risk free as you think it is.

And is station fighting any different than gate fighting?

You THINK it's not exciting for others to watch an empire PVP movie. But haven't you been thinking that many really hates to watch 0.0 space (because of blobbing) / low sec (because of ganking) movies to?

No matter how you look at it, no matter what it is, someone is not going to like your video. So for my point of view, i don't care what kind of PVP video it is, as long as it suits me and others (you are not included), then i'm happy.

Peoples post really poor 0.0 space blobbfaggotry movies all the time, so why should i care if i get some few bad responses (like i have had now) when the 0.0 space movies i'm talking about is way worser than mine?

I can't please everybody with my movie. And i'm sure you can't please everybody with a movie either.

The reason why we see more whining in topics like this is because peoples aren't used to see empire PVP movies and are shocked to see a totally different playstyle than the other 57893 0.0 space blob movies that are around.

I hate carrier blobbing and nanofaggotry, but i do not give them a reply that their movies sucks and so on just because i don't like it. I accept their playstyle and i don't criticise them for their playstyle.

0.0 space warfare will always be about who have the biggest blob, in the same way as empire PVP is about who have the best fleets and Logistics.

The point is not that it was not me that was flying the Paladin, the point is that it's in MY movie.

Not only that, but we NEED more empire PVP videos tbh. I'm not affraid to make empire PVP videos, so i will continue to make empire PVP videos no matter what. Because i'll rather make something that is way more rare to see.

Some peoples hate empire PVP videos and someone hates 0.0 space blobbing, so i might not please you, but i will for sure please others that want to see some empire PVP movies.

Here is a list of my current EVE / PVP videos:

1: Asteroid Madness

2: Clash of the Empires

3: Suddenly Spaceships fighting in Tama

Caldari State
#25 - 2012-07-11 07:04:16 UTC
Nightmare you just don't get it.

Many of your points might be valid for arguing that high-sec war is more thrilling and exciting than people think. And I'm sure that in the heat of the battle it is very exciting for you. That's cool, all power to you.

But this is a pvp video. A video's purpose is to entertain and excite the viewer. Just because something is exciting when doing it yourself, doesn't mean it's exciting to watch for someone who wasn't there.

When measuring success on an entertainment basis, there is no 'ifs' or 'buts', it either entertained or it didn't. If you have to argue and explain to someone why they should've enjoyed your video, then you've already lost the argument.

If you really want to keep making high-sec pvp videos then feel free to do so, there's nothing wrong with it. But accept from the start that you are only going to please a super-niche audience with it, and stop trying to tell others why they are wrong for not enjoying your video.

Latest PVP Video: Perseverance

Sard Caid does not endorse this message.

Pandemic Horde High Sec Division
#26 - 2012-07-11 07:36:16 UTC  |  Edited by: NightmareX
Laktos wrote:
Nightmare you just don't get it.

Many of your points might be valid for arguing that high-sec war is more thrilling and exciting than people think. And I'm sure that in the heat of the battle it is very exciting for you. That's cool, all power to you.

But this is a pvp video. A video's purpose is to entertain and excite the viewer. Just because something is exciting when doing it yourself, doesn't mean it's exciting to watch for someone who wasn't there.

When measuring success on an entertainment basis, there is no 'ifs' or 'buts', it either entertained or it didn't. If you have to argue and explain to someone why they should've enjoyed your video, then you've already lost the argument.

If you really want to keep making high-sec pvp videos then feel free to do so, there's nothing wrong with it. But accept from the start that you are only going to please a super-niche audience with it, and stop trying to tell others why they are wrong for not enjoying your video.

I'm pretty sure peoples like to see something that aren't shown often, like empire PVP movies.

Because they are something different than the usual 0.0 space blob movies like we see everyday (yadda yadda yadda, same *****, just different corps'es / alliances). Those movies is all about the same, blobbing and carrier / capital ship faggotry.

Yes this is a PVP video, but guess what?

There is thousands of ways to do PVP in EVE. For me it sounds like you only want to see one type of PVP that only suits your needs.

Yes, our fights are very thrilling, because we use VERY expensive ships in our fights and we are fighting outnumbered to. 2 days ago we had 12x Vindicator's in our 40 man fleet where 10 of those again was Logistics.

When we finally did bring our fleet after those Northern Strike (war targets) guys after they told us that we never did bring a fight and was a dying corp, then they all docked up and did hide from us and did smack us in local when we came.

This wasn't directly outnumbered for us, but that was not the point either. The point was to show that we are far from dead and far from being soft targets as they think we are.

Now you may ask, who doesn't use expensive ships in PVP today?

Well, if you take into consideration that we have no income of isk other than loot and PLEX'es (for the most part), then you will understand why we actually risks ALOT when we brings our expensive Pirate / Faction Battleships into fights.

We are not like 0.0 space alliances who have billions of isk in income every day where a 5 bill isk Vindicator would just be no problem to lose and would be replaced in 1 hour.

Again, remember that i can't please everybody, so someone will find my movie to be boring. Like many finds the 0.0 space blob movies to be boring. So there isn't really any news here.

Here is a list of my current EVE / PVP videos:

1: Asteroid Madness

2: Clash of the Empires

3: Suddenly Spaceships fighting in Tama

State War Academy
Caldari State
#27 - 2012-07-11 08:22:21 UTC
Your answering to every single post in an even longer post, in a very defensive manner, almost frantic to convince someone of a reality that just not real... is not helping your case. You should just write in your op what you think and let people write what they think, without having to defend yourself in between every post.

Laktos said it as clear as it can be said, but your response to his post just proves him so right- that you don't get it Nightmare... But that's ok, and you don't need to reply to this. As I said before, your video is very well done, and it is surely something that does better to everyone by being created, even if people don't like it, because videos are a positive thing. Its just that its too bad that you're trying so hard to change people's minds or to make a point afterwards, instead of just enjoying yourself with your alliance buddies in your own little Eve world, while accepting that most others can't see it as a successful form of entertainment.

An interesting article about Solo PvP:

Pandemic Horde High Sec Division
#28 - 2012-07-11 08:33:31 UTC  |  Edited by: NightmareX
Aldap wrote:
Your answering to every single post in an even longer post, in a very defensive manner, almost frantic to convince someone of a reality that just not real... is not helping your case. You should just write in your op what you think and let people write what they think, without having to defend yourself in between every post.

Laktos said it as clear as it can be said, but your response to his post just proves him so right- that you don't get it Nightmare... But that's ok, and you don't need to reply to this. As I said before, your video is very well done, and it is surely something that does better to everyone by being created, even if people don't like it, because videos are a positive thing. Its just that its too bad that you're trying so hard to change people's minds or to make a point afterwards, instead of just enjoying yourself with your alliance buddies in your own little Eve world, while accepting that most others can't see it as a successful form of entertainment.

What i'm doing is to try and get more peoples to accept empire PVP movies more. Therefore it might looks like i'm more defensive.

Because as it does now (like it have done earlier to) is that the empire PVP movies are boring for someone no matter how the movie is. I accept that, but what i'm not accepting is that someone is trying to totally blackmail empire PVP for what it is today.

Not only that, but you don't find better empire PVP movies out today. And i'm also sure my movie have more action than 80% of the other 0.0 space and low sec movies that are out today (counterargument to this would be nice to get).

Empire PVP movies is pretty rare nowdays, then we have to start somewhere with the movie production until someone comes out with another empire PVP movie that are better than mine. And if it's better than mine, i know where i have to improve and so on to be better than the other guy who released an empire PVP movie.

Trust me when i say that it's NOT easy to make an empire PVP movie today.

I do NOT try to be on the level of Kil2 or any of the other uber pro PVP'ers.

EDIT: Many of the "bad" posts here isn't because my movie is bad or anything like that, but it's some bad postings here because someone have the fetish of hating me for some reasons in EVE. I have been used to things like this for many many years. Also that someone will come into a topic where i'am and will just troll or bash me for whatever reason.

EDIT 2: Positive criticism and trolling just because it's me is 2 totally different things. An argument that 'waaaah you use Logistics in empire' in a fight is as bad argument as saying it's fine to use carriers in 0.0 space or low sec, because they for sure can be used as a logistic ship to. Or like we don't lose many ships because we knows how to PVP in fleets in the same way as a nanofaggot in a 1 vs 1 fight have no risk by controlling distance.

Here is a list of my current EVE / PVP videos:

1: Asteroid Madness

2: Clash of the Empires

3: Suddenly Spaceships fighting in Tama

Pandemic Horde High Sec Division
#29 - 2012-07-11 08:38:07 UTC  |  Edited by: NightmareX
Anyways. I would like to hear from others here if there are many spelling errors in the movie?

Is there anything with the text, the way i have my things placed and so on in the movie to be changed so i know what to change on my next movie?

Here is a list of my current EVE / PVP videos:

1: Asteroid Madness

2: Clash of the Empires

3: Suddenly Spaceships fighting in Tama

New Eden Alliance 99013733
#30 - 2012-07-11 09:55:34 UTC
The editing was solid and so was the music. Like others have mentioned the content won't please a lot of people but I'm sure the niche audience will appreciate it.

Nice work =]

War Crime Syndicate are recruiting!

Suleiman Shouaa
The Tuskers
The Tuskers Co.
#31 - 2012-07-11 09:58:47 UTC
More interesting than your previous videos, I'll grant you that.

But sitting still and pressing F1-F3 on the primary is no more interesting for me than a CFC fleet where they orbit an anchor and shoot missiles. Arguably, it's less exciting - at least they broadcast for reps!
Klown Walk
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#32 - 2012-07-11 10:39:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Klown Walk
There is reasons why you don´t see empire pvp videos, it´s boring to watch for most people that´s not into high sec wars. It also seems like you think it takes more piloting skills in empire than lowsec/0.0 when you don´t even move and have a bunch of logistic ready to rep you as soon as you take dmg, for all I know that looks 100% risk free. Bragging about stats in this thread doesn´t help either. Leaving in clips that you think is boring make no sense if you want to promote high sec videos.
Stay Frosty.
A Band Apart.
#33 - 2012-07-11 10:46:13 UTC  |  Edited by: ArmyOfMe
NightmareX wrote:

Always remember that we are fighting outnumbered ALOT of the time. In the last fight in the movie we have 1x Dominix, 1x Megathron, 1x Deimos and 4x Logistics vs 4x RR Dominix, 1x Typhoon, 2x Megathron, 1x Scorpion, 1x Drake and 1x Blackbird. Don't you think it's a risky game to engage that with what we had, considering that they had a Blackbird that could jam our logistics?

It's called good teamwork and very good piloting. Specially when we managed to kill a Scorpion and a Drake (yeah forgot to put the Drake into the battlereport in the movie) while we had 0 losses against that.
No, with 4 logis thats not a risky fight at all.
They had nothing fast enough to tackle your logis, and their dps isnt able to break 4 guardians in the ammount of time needed.
Oh, and if you havnt noticed on these forums, the movies that actually do get liked the most are ppl flying around killing **** while fighting against larger numbers (without the use of logis)
Specially solo fights and 2 - 3 man gangs where skills actually do come in to play.

GM Guard > I must ask you not to use the petition option like this again but i personally would finish the chicken sandwich first so it won´t go to waste. The spaghetti will keep and you can use it the next time you get hungry. Best regards.

mama guru
#34 - 2012-07-11 11:10:46 UTC
The video was well edited and long enough but boring like some people said.

People who call this lame need to remember that there are ways to get people off a station even when they sit in a vindicator. It's rather telling about how unimaginative an opponent is when they cant even figure out how to counter a tactic thats been around since 2007, like the one rebirth is using. Let's just say natural selection has it's way around stupid people, but when there are rules in place that prevent that from happening stuff looks the same year after year.

Say what you want, but empire warriors in general have simply zero reason to innovate. The mechanics are simpler and have not changed one bit in ages, even the most insane bumping stunts will only get you a kill or two before they all redock anyway. Rebirth wont fight off a station/Gate because they know if they ever run into a fleet of machs/scimitars supported by a few Recons they are completely ****** if that happens a few hundred kilometers off a station or gate.

Take this example:

The only reason why nullsec supercap pvp is so stagnant compared to subcaps is that armor and brawling tactics are much more dominant amongst supers vs supers as compared to subcaps vs subcaps. Capital pvp is alot riskier since once you commit there is always a risk that you get outgunned or outmanouvered. Subcaps are largely shield dominant so you get alot more room to manouver and minimise casualties in the event of a mistake.

Highsec pvp vs nullsec pvp is not a debate about risk vs reward. It's a debate about the lack of dynamics in highsec pvp.

EVE online is the fishermans friend of MMO's. If it's too hard you are too weak.

Daneel Trevize
Give my 11percent back
#35 - 2012-07-11 11:19:03 UTC
Nightmare, you need to decide/better express the isk & risk value associated with this flying, you've flipflopped between 5bil BSs being easily able to be replaced, and something that would take weeks for each loss. Less posturing, more being open with your audience. AKA stick to one story. No one much cares if you're superspacerich or put everything into 1 ship, only the relative worth to yourself and if/how that affects your thoughts while flying it. Remember, new pilots would be terrified of losing a T2 fitted HAC, while AT winners can go fly 5bil Machs + full pirate implants in nullsec and lose them several times a week. Your fleet setup has a value unique to yourselves, you probably need to convey this better to produce the tension that leads to entertainment.

Who says a merc corp shouldn't take losses? Surely it's truely about being effective at whatever the contractor wants done? If they want you to camp a route to mess with people's logistics chains & be a distraction, and you're doing that fine for several hours until the targets get a fleet to smash yours, who's to say that isn't the perfect result even if you lose a lot. Of course it's down to the mercs & hirers as to how such behaviour is valued, but your losses count or cost doesn't really mean much if something greater is achieved, e.g. a moon/station/morale-crushing battle lost. With low losses it could be that you can't get people to fight you or are avoiding too many fights, which might make you a bad choice for certain jobs even if you're isk-efficient when you kill things.

As for station games being the same as gate fights, I expect you're aware of aggro mechanics. So you'd know that if 2 fleets clash at 0 on a gate, there's the options for those being aggressed to jump, but then if they have logis those will be in tackle range rather than safer furthur out, etc. If you try bait with your shiny BSs ahead of your support, there's calculating how far back/well hidden they need to be to not spook the target but also get there in time. And the matter that a decent fleet with logis can have you tackled on either side of a gate so you might be stuck while cap booster/ammo runs out, or just that deaggressing doesn't completely get you away, just that it gives you a minute away from the recons where you have to then fly to break free of lighter tackle.
You see how it's not purely applied dps vs reps that makes the fight & demonstrates skill.
Meridith Akesia
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#36 - 2012-07-11 11:21:43 UTC
The editing and music choice was quite good.

The actual pvp content however was boring. Could only watch a few minutes of shooting people on stations before i had to stop watching.
Pandemic Horde High Sec Division
#37 - 2012-07-11 13:46:49 UTC  |  Edited by: NightmareX
Suleiman Shouaa wrote:
More interesting than your previous videos, I'll grant you that.

But sitting still and pressing F1-F3 on the primary is no more interesting for me than a CFC fleet where they orbit an anchor and shoot missiles. Arguably, it's less exciting - at least they broadcast for reps!

So please let me know how you are doing empire PVP then?

It's first of all impossible to get our war targets of the stations or the gates. And this is something we have to take into consideration. Just because they won't leave the station or the gate i don't have to stop making movies just because of that.

I'm all fine that you think my movie is boring, but that won't stop me from making more empire PVP videos at all. Empire PVP is a part of the game and there will always be empire PVP videos then.

Sitting still and pressing F1-F3 is as fun as watching a 1 vs 1 fight where the guy who are frapsing are in a nano ships and controlling the range with no risks. It's the same with 0.0 space / low sec fights where someone is hotdropping some carriers (used as a logistic) into a mid size battle in 0.0 space / low sec at a station.

Those types of movies as i'm talking about is as fun to watch as it's fun to watch a tree grow.

Klown Walk wrote:
There is reasons why you don´t see empire pvp videos, it´s boring to watch for most people that´s not into high sec wars. It also seems like you think it takes more piloting skills in empire than lowsec/0.0 when you don´t even move and have a bunch of logistic ready to rep you as soon as you take dmg, for all I know that looks 100% risk free. Bragging about stats in this thread doesn´t help either. Leaving in clips that you think is boring make no sense if you want to promote high sec videos.

Correct me if i'm wrong, but isn't like 80% of the population in EVE in empire?

Don't you think there is quite alot of wars going on in empire?

The 0.0 space and low sec majority is quite small in EVE i'm afraid, so i have all my reasons to release an empire PVP movie.

How many of the empire majority do you think that doesn't write anything on the forum at all, even when they can read it?

So i think you speak for a small percent of the game Blink

Not only that, but 90% of those who are posting on this forum here are 0.0 space peoples. That's why the response are bad. But luckily that doesn't mean my movie is bad for the big majority of EVE though.

mama guru wrote:
The video was well edited and long enough but boring like some people said.

People who call this lame need to remember that there are ways to get people off a station even when they sit in a vindicator. It's rather telling about how unimaginative an opponent is when they cant even figure out how to counter a tactic thats been around since 2007, like the one rebirth is using. Let's just say natural selection has it's way around stupid people, but when there are rules in place that prevent that from happening stuff looks the same year after year.

Say what you want, but empire warriors in general have simply zero reason to innovate. The mechanics are simpler and have not changed one bit in ages, even the most insane bumping stunts will only get you a kill or two before they all redock anyway. Rebirth wont fight off a station/Gate because they know if they ever run into a fleet of machs/scimitars supported by a few Recons they are completely ****** if that happens a few hundred kilometers off a station or gate.

Take this example:

The only reason why nullsec supercap pvp is so stagnant compared to subcaps is that armor and brawling tactics are much more dominant amongst supers vs supers as compared to subcaps vs subcaps. Capital pvp is alot riskier since once you commit there is always a risk that you get outgunned or outmanouvered. Subcaps are largely shield dominant so you get alot more room to manouver and minimise casualties in the event of a mistake.

Highsec pvp vs nullsec pvp is not a debate about risk vs reward. It's a debate about the lack of dynamics in highsec pvp.

We have tried houndred of times to try and get our war targets off the station, but it's not as easy to get that done as it is to just say that we can do it. It's extremely hard to do in empire.

No, we won't lose even if we are 200 km from the station or in an asteroid belt. Because we are ALWAYS prepeared to fight what we are going to fight and where the fight is going to happen.

When i talks about capital / carrier blobbing i'm mostly talking about carriers (not super carriers). Like dropping 20 carriers (with RR's) into a 30 vs 30 Battleship fight. This is 0 risk PVP for the part who are dropping in those carriers into the fight.

And this kind of stuffs are happening all the times. And this is also very boring.

But the funny thing is that i'll never see any complaints about that in a 0.0 space PVP movie when that is frapsed. Why is that?

Is it something that is just accepted just because 0.0 space PVP is normal to you or what?

Daneel Trevize wrote:
With low losses it could be that you can't get people to fight you or are avoiding too many fights, which might make you a bad choice for certain jobs even if you're isk-efficient when you kill things.

We do some wars where our war targets are **** scary of us and just logs off for one week lol. But that's all fine because we got rid of them for one week like the contractor wanted.

But we are actually doing alot of different merc works. So there is probably things that you don't know about that we do.

But most things our contractors want's us to do is something we can do. So there is a reason why we have so many happy customers. And the customers KNOWS that they will get value for their moneys.

That's what it's all about. If we are doing a good job as we are doing now, it means more customers.

And the more customers we have, the more isk we get to.

Here is a list of my current EVE / PVP videos:

1: Asteroid Madness

2: Clash of the Empires

3: Suddenly Spaceships fighting in Tama

Genos Occidere
#38 - 2012-07-11 14:27:48 UTC
Comedy gold overload
Suleiman Shouaa
The Tuskers
The Tuskers Co.
#39 - 2012-07-11 14:42:28 UTC
Nightmare, if nano is so easy, please come down to low/null sec and record a video doing so. Controlling range is NOT easy, unless if you burn/align in a straight line and rely on someone else to point things. Dipping in and out of disruptor range is actually pretty difficult.
Stay Frosty.
A Band Apart.
#40 - 2012-07-11 15:26:05 UTC
quick question, do you guys take contracts in low sec?Pirate

GM Guard > I must ask you not to use the petition option like this again but i personally would finish the chicken sandwich first so it won´t go to waste. The spaghetti will keep and you can use it the next time you get hungry. Best regards.