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Cloaky Jammer (Idea for a new Structure)

BioShock eXiLeD
#1 - 2012-07-10 17:28:39 UTC
So as an idea for a new structure that can be put up in your home system why not a (Cloaky Jammer), to place this jammer in the system that you have sovereignty in. As a sample plan that could be worked out later in time by the devs strategic would have to be at five. I feel like the Cloak setup right now is simply for lack of a better word too OP. A cloaky scout can enter the system, go to a safe spot and never be found unless he makes a mistake or wants to be found. If the Jammer sounds to OP than anything that the community could work out to add to this problem would be helpful.

Thank you for your time,
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#2 - 2012-07-10 17:30:54 UTC
Barbara Nichole
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#3 - 2012-07-10 18:14:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Barbara Nichole
BioShock eXiLeD wrote:
So as an idea for a new structure that can be put up in your home system why not a (Cloaky Jammer), to place this jammer in the system that you have sovereignty in. As a sample plan that could be worked out later in time by the devs strategic would have to be at five. I feel like the Cloak setup right now is simply for lack of a better word too OP. A cloaky scout can enter the system, go to a safe spot and never be found unless he makes a mistake or wants to be found. If the Jammer sounds to OP than anything that the community could work out to add to this problem would be helpful.

Thank you for your time,

hogwash, "too op"?

You know what would be "too op"? a structure that works system wide..... or a structure you can setup close enough to a gate that it impacts gate runners trying to circumvent camps.

This is really a dumb idea.. it would make power blocks in null sec even harder to crack then they are now. and recon would be impossible...

  - remove the cloaked from local; free intel is the real problem, not  "afk" cloaking -


BioShock eXiLeD
#4 - 2012-07-10 18:25:42 UTC
How about making the cloaking device completely skill related? Having to train so that it lasts longer? While you are cloaked your cap starts to run out not recharging until you uncloak. That would make it fair so its not a entire wide system and after the cap gets to 50% they can reactivate their cloak. Instead of pointing out the flaw in my idea why not contribute your own ideas and lets make this something that can be implemented into the game.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#5 - 2012-07-10 18:33:38 UTC
BioShock eXiLeD wrote:
How about making the cloaking device completely skill related? Having to train so that it lasts longer? While you are cloaked your cap starts to run out not recharging until you uncloak. That would make it fair so its not a entire wide system and after the cap gets to 50% they can reactivate their cloak. Instead of pointing out the flaw in my idea why not contribute your own ideas and lets make this something that can be implemented into the game.

Why are you so worried about cloaking players?

Local shows you that they are present in the system, so you can already take defensive measures.

What is the problem?
BioShock eXiLeD
#6 - 2012-07-10 19:41:53 UTC
I would Like to kill those players that are cloaked in the system, not just see them camp for weeks.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#7 - 2012-07-10 19:59:05 UTC
BioShock eXiLeD wrote:
I would Like to kill those players that are cloaked in the system, not just see them camp for weeks.

So, set a trap for them.

They have no way of knowing if you have a cyno ship ready to counter drop.

Send out mission runners, or miners, whatever the case may be. Use several. While waiting for the cloaky to react, you are missioning and mining, etc.

Put them all in a defense fleet.

Have a POS with your cyno boat standing by, and some defense pilots in caps ready to react.

When the cloaky guy comes to drop, have your fleeted cyno boat launch towards your grid the moment the cloaky guy starts his cyno.

By the time he arrives, the drop ships should be arriving. Instant counter drop.

Kill mails for everyone.
Tomcio FromFarAway
Singularity's Edge
#8 - 2012-07-10 20:00:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Tomcio FromFarAway
BioShock eXiLeD wrote:
I would Like to kill those players that are cloaked in the system, not just see them camp for weeks.

*looks at corp description*
Yeah, I'm sure you do.

You just want to carebare in peace.
After all - this is nullsec. It should be a safe heaven for you miners no?


Nikk Narrel wrote:
BioShock eXiLeD wrote:
I would Like to kill those players that are cloaked in the system, not just see them camp for weeks.

So, set a trap for them.

They have no way of knowing if you have a cyno ship ready to counter drop.

Send out mission runners, or miners, whatever the case may be. Use several. While waiting for the cloaky to react, you are missioning and mining, etc.

Put them all in a defense fleet.

Have a POS with your cyno boat standing by, and some defense pilots in caps ready to react.

When the cloaky guy comes to drop, have your fleeted cyno boat launch towards your grid the moment the cloaky guy starts his cyno.

By the time he arrives, the drop ships should be arriving. Instant counter drop.

Kill mails for everyone.

Don't be silly - that would actually require effort and team work. He just wants to mine without interruptions.
BioShock eXiLeD
#9 - 2012-07-10 20:15:32 UTC
Tomcio FromFarAway wrote:

*looks at corp description*
Yeah, I'm sure you do.

You just want to carebare in peace.
After all - this is nullsec. It should be a safe heaven for you miners no?

Don't be silly - that would actually require effort and team work. He just wants to mine without interruptions.

Ahahahah Yes I do Mine, but thats not all I do. carebear* in peace, no I would acutally like to have a chance to kill cloakies who sit in a system for weeks doing nothing.
Emperor Salazar
Remote Soviet Industries
Insidious Empire
#10 - 2012-07-10 20:40:13 UTC
How is a cloaked person in system bothering you?
BioShock eXiLeD
#11 - 2012-07-10 21:04:44 UTC
We are straying off topic, simply put eve simply doesn't offer any equipment or time based skills to counter cloakies. Thats all I'm getting at so why not talk about that instead of whats going on right now.

So instead of stupid and irrelavant comments, please if your going to comment talk about either a way to get these concerns to the devs or your own thoughts and ideas on how to tackle the issue at hand. And if you don't think this is a issue than good for you your input isn't needed here.
Azn Empire
#12 - 2012-07-10 21:16:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Mag's
Why should you gain even more intel power, on top of what you already have?

While he's cloaked they cannot even lock you, plus balance is already slightly in your favour due to the fact you can see they are there. So much for covert.

I would suggest that your problem isn't actually cloaks, but rather the mechanic they are using to interact with you, whilst AFK. The fact you can AFK without a cloak and gain the same psychological effects, should tell you you're barking up the wrong tree. Blink

Edit: Oh and this is not a new idea, it's just a bad one that comes up now and then.
May I ask, do you rent your space?

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Ice Fire Warriors
#13 - 2012-07-10 22:33:04 UTC  |  Edited by: ShahFluffers
There are people cloaking in my system and I feel threatened by their presence! There are no mechanics that help me fight the cloaker!! What do I do?????

There are mechanics that help you counter cloaking ships. You're just seeing things from a narrow point of view (i.e. you think every module has a "direct" counter). Here are some ways to get around AFK cloakers:

- Have everyone who wants to rat in the same fleet so you can all warp to each other if problems occur (yes, effort).
- Have one or two people in Taranii flying around system as a "rapid response team" (Stealth Bombers HATE small, fast, high-DPS ships).
- Don't min/max your fits for ratting... PvP fit them (i.e. omni-resists, warp disruptor, Warrior II drones, heavy energy neutralizer) so you can give your interceptor buddies time to get to you (yes, this will cut into your ISK-efficiency... boo hoo).
- Alternatively, have someone with you in a plex/sanctum/anomaly in a super-sebo'd arty-fit Muninn/Tornado/Maelstorm. Not only can they assist you and help you clear things up faster, but they are very menacing to slow, tankless Stealth Bombers.
- Falcons, Rooks, and Kitsunes can jam hostiles from long range so miners can warp away.
- Logistics ships. Use them for their intended role: keeping people who don't want to die, alive.
- Change up your ratting tactics. Use range and/or speed rather than plain "gank and tank." Stealth Bombers can't move all that fast when cloaked.
- If you are really skittish... use a cheaper, more "disposable" ship. Yeah, the Tengu will be able the clear out a plex in under an hour without breaking a sweat... but a T2-fit Cerberus or Raven is a fraction of that and takes... what? A 15% to 20% reduction in ISK-efficiency? Maybe a bit more effort too? That sounds fair for risking 80 to 90% less of your ISK.
- Check the killboards of the guys cloaking in your system. You can guesstimate their "active times" by seeing when they get most of their kills.
- If you are afraid of normal cynos, get a cyno jammer in your system. If you are afraid of covert cynos... use the above tactics. Very few ships can use covert cynos and those that can either have no tank or a targeting delay. Use this knowledge to your advantage.

I wrote:
It is unfair. They can choose the time of the engagement at anytime.

Because that's the point of cloaking capable ships?

Also... fairness? In EVE? Tell me... how many people do you have in system and how many ships and weapons do each of them have at their disposal?
Shovel Bros
#14 - 2012-07-11 03:02:38 UTC
BioShock eXiLeD wrote:
We are straying off topic, simply put eve simply doesn't offer any equipment or time based skills to counter cloakies. Thats all I'm getting at so why not talk about that instead of whats going on right now.

Wrong. There is a counter to clokies. You wait for them to uncloak and then you kill them. If they never uncloak, they can't hurt you.
Chaotic Mind
Wet Corpses
#15 - 2012-07-11 07:08:57 UTC
even tho I'm a carebear, I recognize that covert-ops ships should keep their role as "untouchable".

I would love to see a modification to cloaking for ships that aren't ment to (all ships that can't fit the covert-ops cloaking device)

So make those run on cap but no cap recharge while using it.
Trumpets and Bookmarks
#16 - 2012-07-11 07:11:18 UTC
BioShock eXiLeD wrote:
We are straying off topic, simply put eve simply doesn't offer any equipment or time based skills to counter cloakies. Thats all I'm getting at so why not talk about that instead of whats going on right now.

So instead of stupid and irrelavant comments, please if your going to comment talk about either a way to get these concerns to the devs or your own thoughts and ideas on how to tackle the issue at hand. And if you don't think this is a issue than good for you your input isn't needed here.

There are no concerns that the devs need to be made aware of. There are already so many threads on "nerf cloaks" by people in nullsec who belong to corps which are incapable of policing their own space and think CCP should make it "safe" for them which are all already being ignored. What makes you think yours will be any different?

Cloaking isn't an issue. AFK cloaking isn't an issue. People thinking they should be able to play solo, in safety, in nullsec is an issue. People thinking that CCP should police their space in null rather than their corp is an issue. Corps who don't police their space in null is an issue.

You've been given many ways to counter cloakies by several very helpful people in this thread. You can either take their advice and continue to carebear whilst baiting a trap or you can continue to whine about how incompetent your corp is on the forum. The choice is yours.
Trumpets and Bookmarks
#17 - 2012-07-11 07:15:59 UTC
Chaotic Mind wrote:
even tho I'm a carebear, I recognize that covert-ops ships should keep their role as "untouchable".

I would love to see a modification to cloaking for ships that aren't ment to (all ships that can't fit the covert-ops cloaking device)

So make those run on cap but no cap recharge while using it.


There are already negative sides to using a cloak. You can't warp with it. You move so slowly that if someone even catches a glimpse of you (which they probably will when you decloak and recloak after going through a gate) they'll be able to decloak you. Your targeting times are terrible with one fitted. You lose a high slot.

I honestly cannot see why people complain about cloaks. They're not over powered. It amazes me how many people who live in nullsec are more frightened than high sec denizens.
Gerrick Palivorn
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#18 - 2012-07-11 07:31:54 UTC
A complete lack of creativeness is the common link between almost all nerf cloaky threads. Nikk Narrel is one of the few exceptions to that generalization.

I follow a few simple rules when I think about changes to the game on a code level like you're suggesting.

- Have I exhausted all possible idea's that I can think of to use current game mechanics to solve the problem?
- Have I asked my corp/alliance mates about the problem and see if they have a solution?
- Have I asked the general community on the forums about the problem and tested their feedback?

Basically you must learn how to adapt your behavior to the environment encountered and react accordingly, do not immediately think of ways that you would like your environment to change to make your life easier. Cloak breakers/anti-cloak mods won't come around until certain game mechanics change (I'm looking at you local chat).

MMOs come and go, but Eve remains.  -Garresh-

Ned Black
#19 - 2012-07-11 08:07:29 UTC
Tomcio FromFarAway wrote:

Don't be silly - that would actually require effort and team work. He just wants to mine without interruptions.

Pretty much this. Teamwork in nullspace seems to be non exisitent outside the blob. If you rat a system you will curse anyone else coming there to rat and tell them to get lost... I have seen that behaviour many many times while I lived in nullsec. Instead of flying together sharing the bountys people seem to only think of themselves. Compare that to WH space where teamwork and co-operation is part of every day life. On the other hand wormhole people are not afraid of a lack of local either.

BioShock eXiLeD wrote:
We are straying off topic, simply put eve simply doesn't offer any equipment or time based skills to counter cloakies. Thats all I'm getting at so why not talk about that instead of whats going on right now.

Well, simply put eve simply doesn't offer any equipment or time based skills to counter local. That all I'm getting at so why not talk about that instead of what going on right now.

Remove local and AFK cloakers wont bother you in the slightest no matter how long they are there... active cloakers may bother you, but not the ones that are AFK...
Robert Caldera
Caldera Trading and Investment
#20 - 2012-07-11 11:11:16 UTC
BioShock eXiLeD wrote:
I would Like to kill those players that are cloaked in the system, not just see them camp for weeks.

I believe you that you would love to kill them.
But having sov does not mean you own the space for exclusive use.
Everyone else is free to idle whereever they like. Its fine as it is and makes sense in most cases.
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