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[BRUSH] NPC Curse Small-Mid Gang PvP

Phantom Space
Space Madness.
#1 - 2012-07-04 03:46:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Pollychrest
This thread is meant to highlight the fun we have on a day to day basis to better convince qualified applicants that we can provide the entertainment you are looking for. Posts towards the beginning of this thread may be several months old and we have greatly progressed since then.

I am currently looking for ex CEO's, Alliance Leaders, and FC's who are looking to find that spark of what makes eve great again. Our members are highly experienced and motivated. In eHarmony alone, our top 15 members are ranked 10K or higher on battle clinic. We also have our share of quick learning noobs. What we share is a common love for creating a compelling story in Eve. You will find no bittervets here.

So read on to witness our progression from an aggressive gate camping corporation flying mixed shield battle cruiser gangs to a doctrine based mid-gang fighting force. You will see us transition into a roaming alliance, expand into Alpha Nadoes, AHACs, Armor Oracles, winning fight after fight and learning from mistakes. We are now consistently knocking out capitals and searching for harder fights to test our abilities.

Join Us to find out how fun EVE can be with the right corporation first hand.

*Edit 10/24*

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3 Words...

6 Syllables...

Brushie Brushie Brushie is Small Gang PvP.

Faction BS kills is the flavor of the week in 3B and who can say no to starting off the month with a tripple nightmare spawn on the OSHT-A gate? Awwwww **** is right. Their Noctis scout jumped in and must have asked for a second opinion because he called his buddies in to look at us without any of them breaking their gate cloak. 3 nightmares and a Basi later the suspense was killing me and I screamed hysterically into comms "It has to be a hot drop! every man for himself!"

Luckily no one listened.

Unluckily, one Nightmare made it back to the gate and our fast tackle didn't disengage in time to follow. It was a bummer but everyone was bubbling with excitement as we scooped faction gyro's and hardeners. Then, with balls of steal the surviving nightmare left his safe spot and sent us on a 5 jump wild goose chase through Curse. It ended with him docking up and the fleet returning home mildly disappointed.

10 minutes later scout reports "third nightmare is back and on his way back in." Who says camping can't be fun?

Question: What is better, 3.2 billion isk in Nightmare kills... or a 3.2 billion isk Machariel kill+1.2 bil pod?

Answer: Both

Today we fleet up for the morning roam and head off chasing blips on the map. "Pawwwleeee I don't want to just 13 jumps through empty 0,0," they said. "Onward boys! I will make men of you yet!" After skirmishing down 3 drakes with their 10 man BC fleet+archon on station watching helplessly, I noticed a Machariel on scan but thought "POS Trash for sure."

30 minutes of trying to bait fast tackle off the station and I can't help but take a second look at the machariel... which is sitting next to an anchored can alone in space. Probes are out... and a frustrating 15 minutes of wrestling with probes later I finally get Machariel at 100% + pod.

Legen.... wait for it... Dary!
Blood Eagle Swarm
Empyrean Edict
#2 - 2012-07-04 04:49:24 UTC
I logged in just so I could respond here so I expect proper compensation for the troubles Polly.

Anyway, flew alongside these guysa little while back, they're a good bunch that play the game to pew and have fun whilst doing it.
Do recommend.
Phantom Space
Space Madness.
#3 - 2012-07-09 03:02:01 UTC
D87 really has been productive this week. A solo PvPer+T3 booster came to pay us a visit. As per usual, the second anyone on comms hears the sentence "need help in D87" a gang formed instantly out of no where and whore onto what would have otherwise been a glorious solo kill. Prior to engaging the tempest I shot his boost alt once on gate and watched him jump out. I was under the impression that a session change cleared aggro timers but a boost loki + 2.4 bil pod says otherwise

It's a good feeling knocking 2 nightmares off the top 5 kills for the week.

Afterwards we formed up a nice Sunday night 15 man roam to head over towards Hemin with a decent fleet composition and picked on a few smaller gangs.

Took a break, and came back for some titan bridging. Generally I don't find it that entertaining but I have to admit bridging in a recon when local is at 90 god my blood pumping a little =P.

Unless you are living under a rock you will notice many similarities between us and A4D. They admittedly have a much more respectable history and are certainly good at what they do. So what sets us apart?

3B is not nearly as honorable. We do not look down on any form of PvP. A kill is a kill and we are not above a good gank or two. We love small gang, we love improving our mid gang abilities and we are open to poco bashing or literally anything that might give us a fight. We are looking for an unattainable goal. A4d has a specific play style which they have done for longer and better than anyone in Curse. 3B has a similar play style but we intend to expand into new

If you are looking for the good fights in curse and decide we are not for you, check them out and help us start a feud war one way or another.
Michus Danether
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#4 - 2012-07-09 03:11:36 UTC
These guys used to shoot at us before we moved from Curse to the Dronelands and they were pretty good at that. Don't know what they're like to fly with but they do pew well.
Jordanna Bauer
Taylor Swift Fanclub
#5 - 2012-07-09 21:39:17 UTC
Before joining Brushie, I used to grind myself to sleep in high sec missions. Ever since switching to the Guaranteed Pollychrest Carebear-Loss Diet (TM), I've never felt better about my Battleclinic profile! Pollychrest is guaranteed to whip your space faring into shape! Just listen to these testimonials!

"I used to fly level 4s. Now I fly roams in Curse. I've never felt better!" - Jordanna Bauer, ex carebear.

"Oh God I'm blue please don't shoot my Noctis oh fuuuuuuuuuuuu-" - Sierra Mackenzie, unarmed civilian.

"What do you mean, 'PvP'? Do you KNOW how expen- er, I mean, Pollychrest worked for me!" - Morgan Isherwood, PvP pilot.

Try the Pollychrest Diet TODAY. You will not be disappointed with your results!

Pic related: it's me and Polly.
Redbull Air Race Inc
#6 - 2012-07-09 21:52:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Randunip
Posted: 2012.07.09 03:11

These guys used to shoot at us before we moved from Curse to the Dronelands and they were pretty good at that. Don't know what they're like to fly with but they do pew well.

I shoot Mich a lot, But he's a bro. Gonna miss blowing ya'll up! Anyway my low down on BBB! For me eHarmony has to be one of the most fun corps Ive flown with. I joined originally a few months back and I haven't looked back. I mainly run our EUTZ Fleets and some early US. Or mostly **** about and have awesome fights. Fact is Brushie is a great place to be if your into having fun. Ive been building bridges with our buds and have a awesome British Wing I have dubbed "Brit Squad" In honor of my old Brick Squad bros ^_^

If you wanna get a slightly more highlighted look on life in Brushie and Curse and in general feel free to read my most recent blogging epidemic! You can find me under "Harsh Worlds" In the EVE ONLINE Fansite listing on the official website ( Grin )

Or drop by here!

I was on burn out from Eve. Brushie pulled me back. These are the kind of guys who when someone shouts on comms that ***** going down. EVERYONE and there grandma comes out of the woodwork to **** **** up.

Hit me up if your EUTZ, And slap PollyBreast ( Lol ) for USTZ.

P.s - Cookies not included, May contain Nuts

Randy <3
Jordanna Bauer
Taylor Swift Fanclub
#7 - 2012-07-10 14:21:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Jordanna Bauer
Polly should tell the story about the time I found an Obelisk trying to worm its way through D87 after morning maintenance.

That was fun.

Also, to anyone who's interested, I'm currently working on a few projects to bring some cash in for the alliance, so if you're interested in null sec carebearing on the side, hit me up once you're in!
Phantom Space
Space Madness.
#8 - 2012-07-11 00:59:56 UTC
Curse is a fun place to be right now. Last night started off with a 100mn tengu+Vaga heading through our home system. We decided to engage with a rapier, slow drake and scimitar.

My rapier caught the Tengu warping off the out gate after their vagabond had already warped off. Rather than burn back to gate to reset he webbed my rapier, overheated AB and began pulling range. As I dipped into low shields our scimitar jumped in behind me and pulled me back up. The drake was trying to keep up but was having trouble even with two webs slowing the tengu down.

The vagabond landed and after a brief moment of testing my rapiers+scimitars tank, burned 50km's back towards the gate to put dps on the scimitar. His ECM drones got a hit on our scimitar and he started forcing the scimi into low shields so our scimitar pilot decided to burn back for the gate to jump out.

This is why I love small gang PvP. Each individual action matters and can mean life or death. From ship choice to movement/overheating every click matters.

Back up was on the way but the combined dps of the tengu+vaga put my rapier into armor as our scimitar jumped back in. He overheated his MWD to burn into range of me and I decided to re-approach our scimitar. Being in 24% armor I would have likely died if I hadn't.

Unfortunately the tengu realized I lost point and he warped. Fortunately I got tackle on the vaga before he realized what was up and we came out with a win.

The drake was probably a poor decision but otherwise it was an entertaining 3-4 minute fight. Take that F1 spammers.

Sierra Mackenzie
Black Widow Logistics
#9 - 2012-07-11 03:16:39 UTC
Don't mind me, just cleaning up.
Phantom Space
Space Madness.
#10 - 2012-07-13 06:42:36 UTC
We had quite a nice gang up tonight. Some camping, some roaming, some missed opportunities. then the mid-sized gang fight I was waiting on.

A4D put a bait absolution in system while we were forming up a 12-14 alpha cane/scimitar. We didn't have eyes next door so I hurried over in a rapier. Our fleet engaged on the gate and engaged. I saw local bump in K-B and picked up 4 stabber fleet issues on scan and figured they would run their typical shield cheap vaga-style fleets and I jumped into D87 before I could identify the other neuts on the way. Zealots and guardians were reported inbound and they looked to have even numbers as us.

The absolution wasn't going down whatsoever so target was switched to an SFI. He was in half armor when their 4 guardians jumped in. After 10-15 seconds of sizing up their forces the decision was made that arty canes at close range vs sig tanking SFI's, zealots, and guardians going to turn out well for us. We d-agressed and reapproached gate to jump out as a group.

Surprise, surprise 10 seconds in and Kai is claiming he was bumped 10km's off the gate. Reps held incredibly well all things considered but Kai couldn't make it back to gate and he goes down. They switch primary to Penguin but kai's loss mail reveals that penguin was working for the enemy all along! He was agressed and couldn't jump out so we lost two scimitars when we could have gotten away with one or none.

I can understand A4d being frustrated we didn't put up more of a fight given the fact that they came to us but we are working on a little something to keep things spicy. Both sides are building strength and I like it!

In other news it looks like our favorite Sov targets are back in catch. Welcome home Legio!
Appetite 4 Destruction
#11 - 2012-07-13 13:01:22 UTC  |  Edited by: BullMastiff
A4D endorsed, Curse approved. Wish all the inhabitants that frequent here were less gay.
You guys belong here.

Bully A4D foreva

And ty for the legio intel. i havent kicked them in the balls for a couple weeks, and my tennis shoe needs a polishing.

p.s. 3 guardians, but whos counting anyway.
Morgan Isherwood
Taylor Swift Fanclub
#12 - 2012-07-13 22:51:00 UTC
Everyday I'm shufflin'.
Jordanna Bauer
Taylor Swift Fanclub
#13 - 2012-07-14 18:44:08 UTC
eHarmony, Inc. - Find love today!
Phantom Space
Space Madness.
#14 - 2012-07-15 14:28:12 UTC
Last night was quite eventful. Apparently it was a weekend or something because we had some decent numbers. We set out with a decent shield fleet and headed into catch. We were hoping to get a fight against Legio or En Garde but unfortunately Goons were running around in a 120 man fleet scaring the locals off. We ganked one of their sabres and caught a stragler hurricane. Too easy.

Next we went deeper into sov carebear space and got excited when a carrier started aligning in his POS towards our bait but it didn't pan out.

On the way back we were in full burn home when I caught a nice 1.25 bil loki off the gate. Roam success!

We took a break then headed to the other side of Curse hoping to take the fight to A4D. Unfortunately we were a bit early. We managed to catch 4 canes and a few other random targets but we were desperate for a fight so next thing I know we are 20 jumps from home ganking carebears in bc's.

Then things started to go a bit down hill. We were in a dead end system and got pinned in by the locals with a 30-40 man gang. All of our shield triage was 20 jumps away from their carriers and we couldn't find any WH's. We did the honorable thing and tactically logged for 20 minutes to let them disperse. When we came back, a sniping navy mega was playing games just off gate with us but he doesn't have a clue of how close he was to getting pointed. We ganked a few more of them then ran into their blob again. We took a scimitar loss this time (which i will attribute to fatigue after 4 hours of roaming) but after playing some epic chase music over TS we made our way home.

We had a couple new recruits join us on this roam. They seemed to fit right in and I think they are going to stick around.
Jordanna Bauer
Taylor Swift Fanclub
#15 - 2012-07-16 04:00:16 UTC
Great night camping and roaming tonight. Tell it Polly!
Phantom Space
Space Madness.
#16 - 2012-07-16 05:36:39 UTC

Ok so what, we are 2-3 years late. We had a blast. Today we made the long anticipated switch from shield BC roams to armor and boy, it did not disappoint.

I had a nice day Sunday at the lake while some other FC's did work camping different parts of Curse. I jumped on just in time to get on 2x T3 kills in 10 minutes. It put me in a good mood.

When night fell, we were running with the most activity we have had to date and it was almost feeling a bit blobby. It was time. We managed to field 9 AHACS and 4 guardians + some support who are still training into the doctrine.

We headed to our best-frenemies-forever in K-Q and managed to grab a Armageddon who I believe is friendly to them. They indicated our transgressions would lead to fisticuffs and after a remarkably short time they gave us the fight we were looking for in a most honorable way.

They engaged us outnumbered although they matched our 4 Guardians with 4 of their own and strictly speaking had similar DPS to us. Unfortunately they were more practiced than our virgin AHAC pilots and brought the counter to our fleet composition in a neut Armageddon. They managed to kill some of our support (a sabre, ceptor, thorax and half way through the fight our cane went down). We put their neut Armageddon into low structure but a combination of them presumably overheating reps and some guns burning out on our side let them save him. I hope he was sweating! We were once more forced to d-agress on gate and jump out. Curses!

It was so refreshing to not be flying shield canes that our guys stayed on for another hour or two to test out different ideas. We may have lost the field again vs. A4D, but in my own biased way I do believe we are gaining ground. Regardless, get ready curse, here come the AHACS.
Jordanna Bauer
Taylor Swift Fanclub
#17 - 2012-07-16 13:59:17 UTC
Pollychrest wrote:
It was so refreshing to not be flying shield canes that our guys stayed on for another hour or two to test out different ideas.
Sitting outside the station with flashies and theorycrafting was the best part of the night. :)
Steel Riders
#18 - 2012-07-16 14:23:05 UTC
Bumping for good pilots and good fleets :) always fun and always a pleasure to fly with :)
Appetite 4 Destruction
#19 - 2012-07-16 16:49:39 UTC
Bumping for a really really awesome recruiting format. Thanks for the fights. A4D wubba's you.
Phantom Space
Space Madness.
#20 - 2012-07-19 20:57:36 UTC
The focus in [BRUSH] for the last few months have been tightening our fleet doctrines. We began with a small group of good PvPers and proved that we knew had to small gang PvP. We have weathered peaks and valleys in activity, all the while building our good and loyal player base of PvPers.

A close inspection of our early kill board reveals that we initially buffered our statistics with a large amount of camping. When numbers hit a certain level, camping becomes much less satisfying and we began transitioning into highly isk efficient brawler hurricane gangs. These proved good for engaging small gangs that would pass through our system and roaming to nearby locals we knew we could take. Soon we made a major push towards fleshing out our ability to field logistics. We began roaming to find larger fights and increased our confidence. Soon, we were getting bigger kills with a much higher proportion occurring without camping.

With great success came a further increase in numbers, but we were limited by the doctrines we could field. Our goal is to fight even or outnumbered odds and win through superior skill and fleet compositions. Last weekend we unveiled our version of AHACs for the first time and after a trial run, a week of logistics moving war materials to our home, theory crafting, and testing we will be forming up once more this weekend to put the lesson we have learned to practice.

That is not to say it has all been cyno's, jita runs, and carebearing.

A roughly 20 man mixed company T1 cruiser gang was nice enough to travel through our home. The fleet advert went up "D87 Scramble" and we managed to scrape together 5ish canes, a talos, with 3 scimitars coming in a bit later. We jumped in, had a cane with smart bombs decloak first and kill the majority of their ec-300's (my biggest concern), our Talos uncloaked and immediately overheated his MWD to burn out of range drawing their fire for a solid 30 seconds. By this time both their blackbirds had been nuked and ruptures were dying so fast primaries were being called more out of habit than anything. The cruiser gang switch to one of our canes who ended up taking 65k damage before his invuln was neuted off and scimitar's had to stop overheating reps.

The best part was comms were clear, and broadcasts were efficient and overheating/pulling range was done as efficiently as possible. It's nice flying with a small gang of FC's.

36 hours ago we had a few guys with nothing better to do so we reinforced a Cascade POS in our constellation. It became clear that they were planning on defending it and that drunk and disorderly as well as Thorn were watching it with cynos. The timer ended this morning and sure enough 2 triage archons and a navy apoc gang came to force a fight. 10 minutes later there were multiple carriers on the field from both sides, and a Gorgon Empire gang stopped by to make it a 3 way. Local was at 160 and we had a great time on coms bombing whatever we could.

The butterfly effect trailer was what got me into eve, and it sure felt relevant today.
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