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Multiple accounts and video ram!

Cys Root
Gallente Federation
#21 - 2012-07-09 17:05:23 UTC
Some of the setups in this thread are massive overkills, I run 3 windowed clients on a ****** acer laptop that is not made for gaming at all and they run fine, albeit with low graphical settings.

I'm not saying you should just get crappy PC, I'm saying dont spend several thousand dollars on the latest hardware because EVE doesnt need anything close to that to function properly, 6 accounts or not.

If you want a new box to play other games with that is another matter entirely, but EVE runs fine on surprisingly crappy computers.
Eternal Error
#22 - 2012-07-09 17:05:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Eternal Error
Some terrible replies in here.

Your first concern will be RAM, not the video card. You'll probably want 16 gigs.

Secondly, no one here can answer your question worth a damn unless you tell us what video card you are looking at. 4 gigs vs. 2 gigs means absolutely nothing if the memory bus is still too small to provide decent bandwidth.

Also, keep in mind that when you SLI or crossfire, you aren't increasing your available GPU memory.

All this being said, I doubt any modern gaming card will struggle with 6 eve clients (even on high-ish settings) on 1080p regardless of video memory.
Cys Root
Gallente Federation
#23 - 2012-07-09 17:06:30 UTC
Eternal Error wrote:
You'll probably want 16 gigs.
Eternal Error
#24 - 2012-07-09 17:08:08 UTC
Cys Root wrote:
Eternal Error wrote:
You'll probably want 16 gigs.

Aaaand you can't read. Congratulations.
Xion Martinus
#25 - 2012-07-09 17:26:49 UTC
Rectangular Prism wrote:
The problem with having the instances (that I am not focusing my control on) minimised is that the small second delay between minimisation/maximisation of a client can be disastrous and irritating for me as every second counts when I'm controlling multiple clients, usually more than 4-5, during a combat scenario (no not PVE)

Srsly? You can PVP with that many chars at once? I can barely do it with one... I must be doing something wrong. Shocked

Epeen:  Behavior quite commonly found on online discussion boards or similar, where some loser tries to establish his superiority - and thus the merit of his or her opinion - by stating how skilled and awesome he or she is, rather than forming a sound argument. Generally also used to condescendingly refer to someones ego.

adam smash
Department of Gub'nent Welfare
Harkonnen Federation
#26 - 2012-07-09 17:39:02 UTC  |  Edited by: adam smash
nomlet wrote:
adam smash wrote:
...Got love too a pic of task man... showing CPU usaged... with out showing WHAT is using the cpu rofl. Sorry eve does not really use CPU cycles... talking 8% cpu usage on a 875k with one client... 10 would be 80 rofl...

*shrug* The only thing I had open was EVE and a Firefox browser.

Edit: For a baseline, w/ 1 EVE doing nothing, and a Firefox browser, i'm running at ~6% cpu.
Edit: The EVE process for a combat mission took ~10%. That plus overhead for all the windows and stuffs, it makes sense.

118 processes "all I had running was eve and firefox" lawl get real.

5day up time ATM with 5 IE's open + tons of other **** im at 84 processes... windws 7 enterprise...

About 1/3 of my 1680 pixles is **** running over by the clock so... 84 vs your 118... I mean I got vm ware loaded, evga percision, dyndns updater, outlook, daemon tools, teamviewer, steam, bit torrent, spy bot, SAspyware, avg...+ more and I have 84 processes.

Again... let's be real here...

"All i have running" is useless because you have WAY more...

Eve open in station under running processes 2-4% cpu usage for me... (8% about total as I said before)

With out looking at the task man, showing processes sorted by CPU usage... a graph is useless.

Edit: also 10% per eve client = 60% on 6... not 100%. Overhead, if window is using 40% to run you got a nice infection... overheard should be like 2%.
Caldari State
#27 - 2012-07-09 19:30:01 UTC
who on earth dualboxes or higher with graphics on max?

i make spreadsheets for pretty cheap. contact me for more info.

Caldari State
#28 - 2012-07-09 19:34:41 UTC
Eternal Error wrote:
Some terrible replies in here.

Your first concern will be RAM, not the video card. You'll probably want 16 gigs.

also lol. i ran four systems in VM on a 32-bit machine with 4gb of RAM (aka, actually only 3.25gb or so), and had no issues with four clients on a quad-core i7-860. an i7 is 1156, not even sandy bridge (let alone ivy bridge). 'old' tech.

get an i7 quad with HT (NOT an AMD hex, the difference in performance is so significant), get at least 1gb per client (probably 8gb total if you want six), and load Tiny7 64-bit on the other VMs, with your main account in windows itself. you don't need expensive crap to make this run, guys, you need next to nothing - maybe 600$ for a reasonable setup with a decent PSU, from scratch.

no one knows anything about computers unless you build them for a living. this is what i do. the armchair warriors who drool over tom's hardware (16gb lol) can go take a break so the real techs to do their job.

i make spreadsheets for pretty cheap. contact me for more info.

Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#29 - 2012-07-09 19:54:35 UTC
Wingmate wrote:

no one knows anything about computers unless you build them for a living. this is what i do. the armchair warriors who drool over tom's hardware (16gb lol) can go take a break so the real techs to do their job.

Interesting observation.

Hey. Know what?

I can tell you in detail how an internal combustion engine works, but oddly enough my friend who works at ford building them hasn't got a clue.

Just because someone showed you how to mount ram in a motherboard for a living hardly makes you any more knowledgeable than an enthusiast. And probably less.

Mr Epeen Cool
3 R Corporation
#30 - 2012-07-10 11:21:39 UTC
In anything to do with computers, the correct choice is always more memory. The only problem is your budget.
3 R Corporation
#31 - 2012-07-10 11:26:14 UTC
Wingmate wrote:

no one knows anything about computers unless you build them for a living. this is what i do. the armchair warriors who drool over tom's hardware (16gb lol) can go take a break so the real techs to do their job.

Not sure if trolling or... yeah, whatever Mr. "I build computers for a living". Just because they call you a member of the "Geek squad" down at your Best Buy $10 an hour job doesn't mean you are the worlds premiere computer expert.
Fidelium Mortis
Minor Major Miners LLC
#32 - 2012-07-10 13:24:02 UTC
Wingmate wrote:
who on earth dualboxes or higher with graphics on max?

I do. Because I can and it looks good.

ICRS - Intergalactic Certified Rocket Surgeon

Ciar Meara
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#33 - 2012-07-10 13:36:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Ciar Meara
i5? I'd go for a i7 at least if you want top performance you need top equipment and have to pay top dollar.

I don't know what the GTX 670 does, but the best (or just below that) nvidea card should help you out, more memory always helps.

If you want top performance like that though you'll be better off with nvidea, I myself have an ATI and have no problem running two clients in high detail mode but since CCP has falled in love with nvidea for years now its better to be safe then sorry.

- [img][/img] [yellow]English only please. Zymurgist[/yellow]

Caldari State
#34 - 2012-07-10 16:26:01 UTC
Ptraci wrote:
Not sure if trolling or... yeah, whatever Mr. "I build computers for a living". Just because they call you a member of the "Geek squad" down at your Best Buy $10 an hour job doesn't mean you are the worlds premiere computer expert.

oh, come on, calling a computer tech a geek squad member is low even for the eve forums =)

naw, i build systems at a computer shop in town. it's actually surprisingly entertaining compared to the normal drudgery of just waiting for systems to reboot and stripping broken LCDs out of laptops.

i make spreadsheets for pretty cheap. contact me for more info.

3 R Corporation
#35 - 2012-07-10 19:35:20 UTC
Wingmate wrote:
it's actually surprisingly entertaining

Snooping through customers' hard drives? Twisted Still, I don't "build computers for a living", but since I've been around them, built them, programmed them, starting with the old punch-card IBM System 3 back when adding 16K meant building a new annex, right through ASM on my Z-80, Basic on PC's and TRS-80's and all the way through today's python, perl and ruby, I think I know a little about computers... :P
Eternal Error
#36 - 2012-07-10 19:39:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Eternal Error
Wingmate wrote:
Eternal Error wrote:
Some terrible replies in here.

Your first concern will be RAM, not the video card. You'll probably want 16 gigs.

also lol. i ran four systems in VM on a 32-bit machine with 4gb of RAM (aka, actually only 3.25gb or so), and had no issues with four clients on a quad-core i7-860. an i7 is 1156, not even sandy bridge (let alone ivy bridge). 'old' tech.

get an i7 quad with HT (NOT an AMD hex, the difference in performance is so significant), get at least 1gb per client (probably 8gb total if you want six), and load Tiny7 64-bit on the other VMs, with your main account in windows itself. you don't need expensive crap to make this run, guys, you need next to nothing - maybe 600$ for a reasonable setup with a decent PSU, from scratch.

no one knows anything about computers unless you build them for a living. this is what i do. the armchair warriors who drool over tom's hardware (16gb lol) can go take a break so the real techs to do their job.

Yea, so you want around 8 gigs just to run 6 clients. If you want to run even a moderate amount of other stuff without paging, you're going to want more than 8 gigs. The next step up is usually 16 gigs, and it's not that much more expensive (sure, he could go for 12 if he wanted). So in conclusion, unless you're on a razor thin budget (which this guy doesn't seem to be), I'm right and you're wrong.

I always tell people asking about system builds that more than 8 GB is overkill. In this case, he KNOWS he will be using at least 7 gigs just for one application. It makes perfect sense to go for more than 8 gigs.

TL;DR: I said he'd WANT 16 gigs, not that he NEEDED 16 gigs.
Rectangular Prism
Cuboids are important shapes
#37 - 2012-07-12 07:55:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Rectangular Prism
General consensus seems to be that more ram and a better gpu are the critical factors here.

Due to stock shortage I wasnt able to get the 4gb gtx 670 I wanted so im just going to stick with the standard 2gb and just to reiterate, the idea is to get a new computer that runs 6 clients on anything other than all settings on low.

I'm sick of seeing crappy blurs for textures on ships, bland lighting & occasional momentary hiccups when theres a fair number of ships on my view.
I'm just after a system thats a step-up in stability, fps and detail from my aging Q6600 and gtx295, without breaking bank... I'm not asking for AAx16 + full HDR w/ post processing on high etc.

For the important parts, cpu, gpu and ram here is what I've decided on so far:

-Intel i5 2500k
-EVGA gtx 670 2gb FTW
-16gb DDR3 1600mhz ram

Will this cut it?
And before anyone asks, yes ill be getting a new mobo with this and no im not going cheap on that part.

I'll stick to an i5 since I can't find any solid proof that EVE benefits much from cpus with hyperthreading to justify the cost increase to an i7, unless someone can show me that HT can make a significant fps difference.
Veto Corp
#38 - 2012-07-12 08:22:39 UTC
> Intel Core i7 980x (3.33GHz) @ 5.25GHz
> Asus ROG Rampage III Extreme Mainboard
> 24GB 1600MHz Corsair Dominator Triple Channel DDR3 @2100MHz
> 2x Palit 3GB GTX580 (SLI)
> 6x 1TB Samsung Spinpoint F3 (3x 1TB RAID 1 Mirrors)
> 1200w Antec TruePower Modular PSU
> Three Dell Ultrasharp 2408WFP 24" Panels @ 1920x1200
> Corsair H70 Liquid Cooler
> Windows 7 x64 Ultimate

Runs 6 clients, fixed window mode, two on each display, all maxed out.

They run no problem at all, and stay on the 60FPS VSYNC limit.

Verone CEO & Executor Veto Corp WWW.VETO-CORP.COM

Rectangular Prism
Cuboids are important shapes
#39 - 2012-07-12 08:29:59 UTC
Verone wrote:
> Intel Core i7 980x (3.33GHz) @ 5.25GHz

Can I ask what cooler you use?
Caldari State
#40 - 2012-07-12 15:54:42 UTC
Rectangular Prism wrote:
i5-Intel i5 2500k
-EVGA gtx 670 FTW
-16gb DDR3 1600mhz ram

Will this cut it?
And before anyone asks, yes ill be getting a new mobo with this and no im not going cheap on that part.

I'll stick to an i5 since I can't find any solid proof that EVE benefits much from cpus with hyperthreading to justify the cost increase to an i7, unless someone can show me that HT can make a significant fps difference.

a single client in eve does not benefit from HT. six clients will benefit because you can assign each instance to a discrete core, allowing two to stay assigned to the OS directly. if you VM - which, as i've pointed out several times, you should - you can even assign them during VM setup, since it's a built-in feature.

i would definitely go with a quad with HT from intel for the cpu.

i still don't think you need so much vram, but you've picked so i'll stop beating that horse.

as for a cooler, the hyper-212+ is still the best cooler under 50$ (for 30$ or so at newegg). you don't need anything more than that - since OCing would be super boneheaded for something that'll be at load so much, even a stock cooler would be fine. hyper just means that you'll have a lower internal temp.

remember that most coolers overshadow the location for the fourth RAM slot on modern boards (and you can't rotate them since often they're in the way of one of the graphics slots). pick RAM with low heatspreaders. G.SKILL ripjaw RAM, for example, will be too high and will probably bump the cooler if you use a non-stock with a big set of wings.

i make spreadsheets for pretty cheap. contact me for more info.

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