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Creating Browser Versions of EvE Online

Eagle's Talon's
#1 - 2012-07-10 02:12:21 UTC  |  Edited by: DrysonBennington
The browser game is called Below the Asteroids. Which is based off of the John Hallur song from the ingame jukebox.

The game starts out with you being a miner casually mining rocks in space. Everytime you get a full cargo hold of ore you then return to your agent who pays you in ISK.

Below the Asteroids would have 100 levels to compete in where not only would you have to mine but you would also have to destroy the incoming waves of pirates while picking up armor, shield, energy and ammunition bonuses to continue the fight.
Once your mining ship was full you would drop your load at one of the deposit centers and then continue on until your hold was filled again.

The more ISK you make allows you to buy upgrades such as larger mining ships, better mining lasers and weapons.

Each level that you complete would increase your ISK amount. On the higher levels you could enter into secret rooms that when you defeat the Boss which could be a rather ridicously HP'd belt rat you would be rewarded with AUR or Redeemable Items such as Plex and Coins or Faction modules that once you return to the main game the items would be ready to be redeemed in the Redemption Center of the log in screen.

Another one would be called A Surplus of Rare Artififacts once again based off of the John Hallur juke box song.

In this browser game you have too fight through 50 levels to collect pieces of a Rare Artifact that on the last level would assemble to give you a super weapon against a Boss that would be something like a Battleship that Sansha uses in the Incursions.

To play each type of browser game would cost you 2500 AUR where you could end up winning 5000 AUR by the end of the game.

The style of game play would place you looking down on the gaming area similar to how action browser games such as Dark Orbit or similar browser games from Wild Tagent. To see an example open up your Games folder in Windows 7 and upload any of the space shooter games.
Shovel Bros
#2 - 2012-07-10 03:26:04 UTC
... that's not Eve at all. That's a completely and totally different game which reuses some terms from Eve, that's it.
Eagle's Talon's
#3 - 2012-07-10 04:57:46 UTC
Read the post. Browser version of EVE Online.
Sardek Nardan
Khanid Constructions
#4 - 2012-07-10 07:14:47 UTC
DrysonBennington wrote:
Read the post. Browser version of EVE Online.

You know than in a few year, I am pretty sure the current eve online would be able to run in a browser right? That the devs want to do that or waste resources on it is an other question.
Trumpets and Bookmarks
#5 - 2012-07-10 07:24:54 UTC
DrysonBennington wrote:
Read the post. Browser version of EVE Online.

Read your own post. That isn't eve online. It is, as stated correctly by mxzf, a completely different game.

I was going to do a breakdown comparison between your post and eve, pointing out where all the differences lie but then thought "If he can't see the glaringly obvious differences between EvE, the game we all love and this pile of rehashed 80's games he thinks is EvE in a browser there's little point in me trying to explain it to him as he still won't get it".

So yeah, your idea is terrible and you deserve to be biomassed (ingame).

Eagle's Talon's
#6 - 2012-07-12 05:04:24 UTC
Obviously the ability for you think or have any ideas relative to the topic at hand predetermine your inability to adequate a complete thought.

The idea is an extrapolation or expansion of a theme called EvE Online.

Taking the idea of turning some of the songs into browser games is in essence expanding the overall territorial claims of EvE Online.

I am quite certain that CCP hf would in fact enthusiastically put his DEVS to work creating something that would better the overall theme and coverage of EvE Online instead of sitting around twittling their thumbs and collecting a paycheck.

But then again if you had any type of CEO management then you would know what I am referring to.

I welcome your your attempts to reduce me to bio-mass.

Your attempts will just add 20 million isk to some Merc Corp that you employ their services of trying to bio me as well as wasting your time personally trying to reduce me to bio mass.

I have long developed tactics to deal with such....Dreg's....within New Eden. You have not been the first and you probably won't be the last.

I will enjoy taking your ISK while you hunt me and if we should happen to meet will enjoy reducing your ship to a wreck.
Crunchie Attuxors
Always Another Corporate Venture
#7 - 2012-07-12 05:19:16 UTC
DrysonBennington wrote:
Obviously the ability for you think or have any ideas relative to the topic at hand predetermine your inability to adequate a complete thought.

The idea is an extrapolation or expansion of a theme called EvE Online.

Taking the idea of turning some of the songs into browser games is in essence expanding the overall territorial claims of EvE Online.

I am quite certain that CCP hf would in fact enthusiastically put his DEVS to work creating something that would better the overall theme and coverage of EvE Online instead of sitting around twittling their thumbs and collecting a paycheck.

But then again if you had any type of CEO management then you would know what I am referring to.

I welcome your your attempts to reduce me to bio-mass.

Your attempts will just add 20 million isk to some Merc Corp that you employ their services of trying to bio me as well as wasting your time personally trying to reduce me to bio mass.

I have long developed tactics to deal with such....Dreg's....within New Eden. You have not been the first and you probably won't be the last.

I will enjoy taking your ISK while you hunt me and if we should happen to meet will enjoy reducing your ship to a wreck.


Go back to WoW.
Eve forums official anthem: Real men tank hull. Fake women shield-tank Gallente.
Corina Jarr
en Welle Shipping Inc.
#8 - 2012-07-12 05:27:14 UTC
This idea is the antithesis of EVE Online. Should never be done.

EVE is not about levels, it is not about bosses.

It is about doing you own thing while everyone else is trying to mess up your day (well... not that badBig smile).
Eagle's Talon's
#9 - 2012-07-12 05:27:24 UTC
I look forward to meeting you in game where your absolute ******** nature will see many corpses placed in my cargo holds.

Such a small and limited amount of experience coming from such a rather large and squid like mouth.
Corina Jarr
en Welle Shipping Inc.
#10 - 2012-07-12 05:31:51 UTC
You must have eye issues. None of the mouths of the characters above are squid like.

Also, what would a squid like mouth have to do with game experience? Or life experience if that was what you referred to?
Eagle's Talon's
#11 - 2012-07-12 05:35:15 UTC
This idea is the antithesis of EVE Online. Should never be done.

EVE is not about levels, it is not about bosses.

It is about doing you own thing while everyone else is trying to mess up your day (well... not that badBig smile)

Not really.

Think about the thousands of people who play browser games such as Dark Orbit.

One day they come along The Below the Asteroids Browser game and become curious as what AUR could be used for in another game as well as what the modules they received from completing each level.

They then install EvE Online and play the trial and like it thus adding to the overall popularity base of the game itself as well as more money to CCP's coffers so that enhancements and playbility will be increased.

Eve Online is a Dungeon System by design.

Just like in WoW the higher up in the security status of systems that you travel to means the less danger is present which is the same thing as Dungeoneering where the deeper into the dungeon you go means more danger.

If Eve Online wasn't a level game then there would not be any skills to learn which increase your level of experience in using modules to defeat any type of boss which can be said to be a simple asteroid or the Mothership of an Incursion.

Corina Jarr
en Welle Shipping Inc.
#12 - 2012-07-12 05:38:15 UTC
DrysonBennington wrote:

A level based game flows in one direction. EVE flows in every direction.

You go up down, back and forth. It is the opposite of level based. It is open.
Eagle's Talon's
#13 - 2012-07-12 05:38:32 UTC
You must have eye issues. None of the mouths of the characters above are squid like.

Also, what would a squid like mouth have to do with game experience? Or life experience if that was what you referred to?

Ah, I should enlighten you then on an aspect of New Eden that you must not be familiar with.

Caldari are considered Squids
Amarr are considered Amies

Check into the Faction War sometime.
Crunchie Attuxors
Always Another Corporate Venture
#14 - 2012-07-12 05:41:27 UTC
DrysonBennington wrote:

If Eve Online wasn't a level game then there would not be any skills to learn which increase your level of experience in using modules to defeat any type of boss which can be said to be a simple asteroid or the Mothership of an Incursion.

You understand that a lot of players here have chars who have never killed a single thing and still pay for themselves, right?

Let put it to you this way. DUST 451 makes sense as a branded extension of the EVE universe because it doesn't deal with SiS.

What you propose is a SiS light.

I think CCP should explore monetization options beyond Eve Online using the EVE brand and universe. Specially if these result in lower prices for subscriptions paid directly, which would encourage growth and competition.

It would suck of these were SiS based as you propose.
Eve forums official anthem: Real men tank hull. Fake women shield-tank Gallente.
Corina Jarr
en Welle Shipping Inc.
#15 - 2012-07-12 05:47:47 UTC
DrysonBennington wrote:

Ah, I should enlighten you then on an aspect of New Eden that you must not be familiar with.

Caldari are considered Squids
Amarr are considered Amies

Check into the Faction War sometime.

Please learn how to quote... there is a button for that.

Anyway, I cannot understand why people would confuse Corporate folks with a mollusk (aside form the militia being spineless).

And I have no clue what Amies are... is... not even sure if plural. Google didn't help.
Eagle's Talon's
#16 - 2012-07-12 06:10:08 UTC
Then if it sucks so much as it apparently it appears to have done because of the chaffing on your little bottom then why do you continue to play.

There wouldn't be a gaming industry if game developers hadn't first started with SIS lights as you call them which by the way I like the terminology.

Creating SiS Lights also imparts creation and imagination in ones mind where they can take what they see in a dream or a walking vision and then turn it into something that others can enjoy.

Trumpets and Bookmarks
#17 - 2012-07-12 07:18:19 UTC
DrysonBennington wrote:

.... some mindless drivel ...

[gets popcorn and makes self comfortable}

Please, continue. Your idiocy is truly entertaining.
Shovel Bros
#18 - 2012-07-12 08:07:10 UTC
Tchulen wrote:
DrysonBennington wrote:

.... some mindless drivel ...

[gets popcorn and makes self comfortable}

Please, continue. Your idiocy is truly entertaining.

Honestly, I can't remember seeing someone this bad since ... Lucjan I think.
Tomcio FromFarAway
Singularity's Edge
#19 - 2012-07-12 09:42:22 UTC
Tchulen wrote:
DrysonBennington wrote:

.... some mindless drivel ...

[gets popcorn and makes self comfortable}

Please, continue. Your idiocy is truly entertaining.

Personally, I like that one better : We must protect our children
I do hope that he is just a really good troll.
Trumpets and Bookmarks
#20 - 2012-07-12 09:50:10 UTC
Tomcio FromFarAway wrote:
Tchulen wrote:
DrysonBennington wrote:

.... some mindless drivel ...

[gets popcorn and makes self comfortable}

Please, continue. Your idiocy is truly entertaining.

Personally, I like that one better : We must protect our children
I do hope that he is just a really good troll.

He has to be a troll, surely. My reason for having this opinion is twofold. One, the quality of English in this OP and the one you linked are rather different and two, he appears to be even more stupid than Lucjan which I didn't think was possible.
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