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FW: rebalancing NPCs and you

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Axl Borlara
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#141 - 2012-06-25 16:23:53 UTC
Thaddeus Rees wrote:
What annoys me most about Npc's in offensive factional warfare complexes, is that to tank them in a frigate I need to swap out for a PvE fitted ship.

Which size plexes are you tanking in a PVE fit frigate?
And what is the difference between your PVP and PVE fits?

I'm struggling to see why (for example) a pvp fitted rifter couldn't kill the npc's in an amarr minor plex.
(I have no direct experience of other faction npc's).

How about requiring more pilots to be able to capture larger plexes?
Say, minimum of 1 player to cap a minor. 2 for a medium and 3 for a major.

Also, shooting npc's, while not perfect, is a better option than shooting inanimate objects.
hired gunman
Ascendance Rising
#142 - 2012-06-25 22:03:59 UTC
Shandir wrote:
CCP Ytterbium wrote:

Have you considered coding NPCs to simulate hunting players in space, perhaps having a somewhat random timer of sitting still where NPCs will pretend to be probing you down, and then launch a small gang to fight.
Also interesting would be if they could warp in to assist friendly fleets under attack, or try to gank roaming enemy gangs.

I ask because when I first heard about the sleepers, I thought that was what they did - that they came looking for you when you trespassed in their territory, and it sounded awesome.

It would be nice, generally, if the NPCs could start to take a more active role than just being floating targets - why can't they want to kick our asses sometimes?

Edit: FW Noob Disclaimer - I have not joined FW *yet* but these recent changes intrugue me and I may join soon.

i like this but when deploying they should make it equal to the player with AI to challenge the player but not impossible for the player. At the same time have some player losses to this instances.
Lady Hanguko
Cambridge Mountain Rescue
The Monarchy
#143 - 2012-06-26 12:23:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Lady Hanguko
Sleepers and so forth, are advanced form of NPC farming.... Sometimes ppl just needs ISK, and too lazy, too bored or otherwise unimaginative to get other income quickly. Live it as it is. Want to have more advanced AI ? Sure, add more dungeons, improve end game NPC areas, such as WH space... add content. Live this basic simple source of income, there u can take a ship, know that to expect, farm some isk to buy ur next PvP cane.... Leave Empire mission NPC as is.
Har Harrison
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#144 - 2012-06-26 23:43:12 UTC
Lady Hanguko wrote:
Sleepers and so forth, are advanced form of NPC farming.... Sometimes ppl just needs ISK, and too lazy, too bored or otherwise unimaginative to get other income quickly. Live it as it is. Want to have more advanced AI ? Sure, add more dungeons, improve end game NPC areas, such as WH space... add content. Live this basic simple source of income, there u can take a ship, know that to expect, farm some isk to buy ur next PvP cane.... Leave Empire mission NPC as is.

Empire mission (L4) NPCs are not the same as FW NPCs and if you don't understand that, you don't understand the massive farming that has been occuring within some militias since the release of Inferno

State War Academy
Caldari State
#145 - 2012-06-28 10:17:45 UTC
Madbuster73 wrote:
I have another Idea: you have to shoot the ihub and then it gets reinforced (always random time 24-48 hours)
Then when it comes out the Militia that reinforced it can shoot it. and if it goes down people will get LP for it. for example 1 Million LP divided by everyone one the Killmail of the Ihub. (takes about 25-50 people to shoot a ihub so thats about 20.000/40.000 LP wich is not much. But that can be iterated on. AND you will have fights on the Ihubs :)

Ofcourse this is just another idea, feel free to improve it.

Ofcourse I meant that there is no need to plex a system anymore. No more plexes at all.
Capturing Systems should not be done by spinning buttons at all.
Milton Middleson
#146 - 2012-07-03 05:35:06 UTC
I am increasingly convinced that we should just remove NPCs from plexes altogether. Instead have the plex button itself shoot at you if you are in the capture radius. The damage from these weapons will ramp up over time, but they can be disabled with the application of an amount of damage reasonable in proportion to the size of the plex.

PvPers can avoid being hobbled when fighting in hostile plexes, gangs of undersized ships can still run a plex without getting reamed, and speed tankers get exploded because they didn't disable the plex guns in time.

What we really don't need, though, is any more structure bashing. Structure bashing is worse than plexing.
Yuri Intaki
Nasranite Watch
#147 - 2012-07-05 12:52:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Yuri Intaki
Madbuster73 wrote:
Ofcourse I meant that there is no need to plex a system anymore. No more plexes at all.
Capturing Systems should not be done by spinning buttons at all.

So current corporations who have manpower to CTA for such pre-set operations would dictate every event in FW zone? And how convinient that your own corporation and their brosefs in Wolfsbrigade just happen to be such corporations.

So tell me, are you completely ignorant or shamelessly pushing your own agenda for making low-sec exactly like null-sec? If the latter is the case, why arent you going to null-sec already?
VB Sarge
Revenue Retrievers
#148 - 2012-07-05 15:35:20 UTC
Apologies if this has been mentioned before...

From what i can see, there is a pretty big discrepancy on the different races NPC's in the plexes and missions. This leads to a pretty big imbalance as far as who has an advantage.

I think the biggest issue, with the imbalance, is missiles. It is very easy to mitigate all gun damage, and now that ewar for fw npc's has been turned off, it gives sides that don't have to mitigate missile damage a huge advantage.

In Amarr FW, it is very easy to mitigate all of the Minmatar NPC gun damage, however the missiles make it impossible to solo with the drug of choice, stealth bombers.
Minmatar, however, don't have the same problem. They can easily dodge the laser damage, and there are no missiles, thus giving them a massive advantage.

I am unsure as to how Caldari/Gallente pan out, however I would estimate that it's likely the same situation.

As a solution, I think there are two choices.

1) Unify all the missions by letting all appropriate rats shoot missiles (i.e. sacrilege for amarr, etc)

2) Unify all the missions by preventing rats from shooting missiles

I think both have downsides, 1) of course is unfriendly to those that have gotten used to "easy mode". 2) makes missions easier for the sides that have had to 2-3 man missions in the past.

I would think option 2 would be the better option, as the sides that are having to deal with missiles are also the sides that are constantly on the "losing" end of FW.
Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#149 - 2012-07-05 17:04:45 UTC
VB Sarge wrote:

From what i can see, there is a pretty big discrepancy on the different races NPC's in the plexes and missions. This leads to a pretty big imbalance as far as who has an advantage.

I think the biggest issue, with the imbalance, is missiles. It is very easy to mitigate all gun damage, and now that ewar for fw npc's has been turned off, it gives sides that don't have to mitigate missile damage a huge advantage.

Absolutely. This is something that CCP is aware of, and something I very much want to fix as soon as possible. I don't know that a full NPC rebalance is going to happen earlier than winter expansion, but this is certainly the goal to shoot for. All races should have an equal challenge when running plexes and missions.

Once again, the ewar removal was only a temporary fix, it is by no means intended to be the end-all solution to fixing plex imbalances.

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Har Harrison
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#150 - 2012-07-05 23:12:20 UTC
VB Sarge wrote:
Apologies if this has been mentioned before...

From what i can see, there is a pretty big discrepancy on the different races NPC's in the plexes and missions. This leads to a pretty big imbalance as far as who has an advantage.

I think the biggest issue, with the imbalance, is missiles. It is very easy to mitigate all gun damage, and now that ewar for fw npc's has been turned off, it gives sides that don't have to mitigate missile damage a huge advantage.

In Amarr FW, it is very easy to mitigate all of the Minmatar NPC gun damage, however the missiles make it impossible to solo with the drug of choice, stealth bombers.
Minmatar, however, don't have the same problem. They can easily dodge the laser damage, and there are no missiles, thus giving them a massive advantage.

I am unsure as to how Caldari/Gallente pan out, however I would estimate that it's likely the same situation.

As a solution, I think there are two choices.

1) Unify all the missions by letting all appropriate rats shoot missiles (i.e. sacrilege for amarr, etc)

2) Unify all the missions by preventing rats from shooting missiles

I think both have downsides, 1) of course is unfriendly to those that have gotten used to "easy mode". 2) makes missions easier for the sides that have had to 2-3 man missions in the past.

I would think option 2 would be the better option, as the sides that are having to deal with missiles are also the sides that are constantly on the "losing" end of FW.

This has been raised repeatedly and I have had a very frank discussion with Hans on it.

It is interesting to note how quickly the minmitar fell from Tier 4 once the target painters were removed from their NPCs as it increased the ability of the Amarr guys to speed tank.

All up, speed tanking is stupid and the fix a number of us have been asking for is to require NPCs to be cleared from the field before the timer can complete until a better mechanic is developed.

Veshta Yoshida
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#151 - 2012-07-06 04:10:37 UTC
Pretty sure the main reason for the Mimes losing Tier 4 so fast is that they no longer get the LP dumps from the LP-for-Kills exploit perpetrated by certain individuals with null affiliations Smile

Mr. Har, just how much of a difference has the removal of TP's made .. how "low" can one go shipwise for offensive plexes?

Can't wait to see/hear what the plan is to sort the mess that is the system upgrades/WZC mechanics to make FW more than ninja'ing as many offensive plexes as possible with no incentive to defend whatsoever .. but is sister thread so ..
Har Harrison
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#152 - 2012-07-06 06:39:51 UTC
Veshta Yoshida wrote:
Pretty sure the main reason for the Mimes losing Tier 4 so fast is that they no longer get the LP dumps from the LP-for-Kills exploit perpetrated by certain individuals with null affiliations Smile

Mr. Har, just how much of a difference has the removal of TP's made .. how "low" can one go shipwise for offensive plexes?

Can't wait to see/hear what the plan is to sort the mess that is the system upgrades/WZC mechanics to make FW more than ninja'ing as many offensive plexes as possible with no incentive to defend whatsoever .. but is sister thread so ..

Not sure as we have just moved to Caldari Militia and I have yet to try their plexes, but this also means I haven't had a chance to try Amarr ones

Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#153 - 2012-07-06 16:46:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Hans Jagerblitzen
Har Harrison wrote:

All up, speed tanking is stupid and the fix a number of us have been asking for is to require NPCs to be cleared from the field before the timer can complete until a better mechanic is developed.

Yup, though its important to remember that mandating PvE for plex seizure is just that, a band-aid solution that many have asked for if they have to wait for the rebalance.

It's looking like even that fix itself is unlikely before winter, so i suggest the conversation zero in back on Ytterbium's original post, rather than us fixating too much on forced-PVE solutions that ultimately head away from the direction of making Sovereignty more PvP-based.

Assuming we get fewer, smarter, easy-to-kill-in-our-PvP-ship rats that still can effectively hamper the non-combat alt-farming activity, there's no reason to layer the forced-PvE solution on top of that, if the new rat system works well.

What I want everyone asking themselves is this - if I could flush the inside of the plex out and replace it with anything in the world, what do I want inside? NPC's ? No NPC's ? Incursion-style rats that you HAVE to kill, turning FW sov into a race to complete mini-incursions? Or simply a dash of incurion AI into some new custom NPC's that don't FORCE PvE, but still cut out the alt-farming?

I just hate to see us limit ourselves by focusing too much on the must-kill-all-rats issue, when that was only one quick fix and there's other more elegant solutions that push FW sovereignty towards PvP, not PvE.

The "Holy Grail" solution would a sov system that doesnt require PvE (or button orbiting) at all - and is heavily PvP centric. But to achieve that there needs to be more brainstorming (don't just rely on CCP to come up with that for you), or more contemplation and consensus with regards existing ideas.

TL,DR: Instead of waiting for the better idea to be developed, WE should be developing the better idea *right now* instead of settling for yet another band-aid. Winter is a golden window to get some major work done on plexes, lets not let it go to waste!

If we can't come up with something better to pitch to CCP, we'll be left with an upgraded PvE-based Sov system, plain and simple. If thats what everyone wants, great, they've said they can beef up the PvE aspect. But if thats NOT what you all envision for the feature, we gotta pull together and nail down the alternative now, or forever hold our peace.

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Cromwell Savage
The Screaming Seagulls
#154 - 2012-07-06 17:46:43 UTC
I think another "band aid" until a full npc rebalance can be made to put all racial plexes on an even to get rid of the station docking denial mechanic completely.

To continue to allow a seriously flawed PVE mechanic to have such a massive impact on lo-sec PvP staging is what is most wrong with this latest "update".

I was never in favor of denying docking rights (services...sure) and the abysmal imbalance in plex "diffculty" just reinforces it.....after all, I'm not in FW to pretend to be in 0.0.....

Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#155 - 2012-07-06 18:24:31 UTC
Cromwell Savage wrote:
I think another "band aid" until a full npc rebalance can be made to put all racial plexes on an even to get rid of the station docking denial mechanic completely.

To continue to allow a seriously flawed PVE mechanic to have such a massive impact on lo-sec PvP staging is what is most wrong with this latest "update".

I was never in favor of denying docking rights (services...sure) and the abysmal imbalance in plex "diffculty" just reinforces it.....after all, I'm not in FW to pretend to be in 0.0.....

One of the ideas I brought up with CCP at the CSM summit was moving "dockblocking" to a system upgrade feature, rather than an automatic effect. This would enable underdog attackers to get ships into a contested system to assist with reships during a siege. It would also give people a tangible reason to invest in upgrades, rather than for the novelty of half-price clones.

Lucky for the anti-dockblocking crowd, CCP was really receptive to the idea, I think its a very achievable fix as long as the community is still interested in it by the time CCP begins work on the Winter Expansion.

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Cedo Nulli
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#156 - 2012-07-06 19:43:01 UTC
Mohammed Jihad here ... no worry guys ... im just gonna get a new pickup with a machinegun from the local US-Army warehouse, they dont seem to mind. I have 20 of them parked in their yard.

Dockblocking should stay the way it is. It makes sense and stops the moronic situations where the enemies are hiding in your own barracks and you cant root them out either.

It should affect highsec space too, make tradecenter systems like jita into freeports where concorde is the law. Everything else .. no docking.

Plus 10 NV
#157 - 2012-07-06 19:47:39 UTC

Good job keeping focus. As you know I would prefer no npcs at all as per my signature.

But if we must have npcs then post number 73 in this thread is what I would like to see:

I guess I still get the feeling that posting here is like throwing a bottle with a message in it in the sea. No one from csm or ccp ever seems to indicate which of the hundreds of ideas they are looking at more seriously or why they are tending to reject others.

So these threads end up as lots of random posts that few players follow up on because it would take forever.

It would be nice for some input on the ideas I posted, and on ?sigma pi's? idea of having the counter to start to count back to zero if you leave a plex after and enemy lands on grid. (or on grid of the accel gate)

I can say that just making it so that you can't speed tank plexes will not make faction war a pvp game. I think ccp needs to look at how to do that directly (like timer count downs following warp offs and notification systesms) and start working toward changes in that direction. If they aren't looking in that direction please redirect their gaze.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Lili Lu
#158 - 2012-07-06 20:00:44 UTC
Hans Jagerblitzen wrote:
Cromwell Savage wrote:
I think another "band aid" until a full npc rebalance can be made to put all racial plexes on an even to get rid of the station docking denial mechanic completely.

To continue to allow a seriously flawed PVE mechanic to have such a massive impact on lo-sec PvP staging is what is most wrong with this latest "update".

I was never in favor of denying docking rights (services...sure) and the abysmal imbalance in plex "diffculty" just reinforces it.....after all, I'm not in FW to pretend to be in 0.0.....

One of the ideas I brought up with CCP at the CSM summit was moving "dockblocking" to a system upgrade feature, rather than an automatic effect. This would enable underdog attackers to get ships into a contested system to assist with reships during a siege. It would also give people a tangible reason to invest in upgrades, rather than for the novelty of half-price clones.

Lucky for the anti-dockblocking crowd, CCP was really receptive to the idea, I think its a very achievable fix as long as the community is still interested in it by the time CCP begins work on the Winter Expansion.

Emphasizing the sad part. Going to be a long hot summer for the two present underdogs Straight
Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#159 - 2012-07-06 20:22:43 UTC
Cearain wrote:

Good job keeping focus. As you know I would prefer no npcs at all as per my signature.

But if we must have npcs then post number 73 in this thread is what I would like to see:

I guess I still get the feeling that posting here is like throwing a bottle with a message in it in the sea. No one from csm or ccp ever seems to indicate which of the hundreds of ideas they are looking at more seriously or why they are tending to reject others.

So these threads end up as lots of random posts that few players follow up on because it would take forever.

It would be nice for some input on the ideas I posted, and on ?sigma pi's? idea of having the counter to start to count back to zero if you leave a plex after and enemy lands on grid. (or on grid of the accel gate)

I can say that just making it so that you can't speed tank plexes will not make faction war a pvp game. I think ccp needs to look at how to do that directly (like timer count downs following warp offs and notification systesms) and start working toward changes in that direction. If they aren't looking in that direction please redirect their gaze.

The reason you haven't heard much is because of the schedule and timeline, like I've been trying to explain. Those of us on the CSM are knee-deep wrapping up the summit minutes, CCP just finished their June release and is beginning their summer vacation. Work won't begin in earnest again for several more weeks, and teams are being reshuffled a bit to get some fresh faces onto the project. That's why I've tried to keep people talking, and not just saying "what's the point??" because the longer you do that, the longer we use up valuable discussion time that could be used to reach some consensus as to what to tell CCP once they're actually ready to begin the next phase of the project.

I personally like your proposal for better notifications for enemies entering plexes, and I also like SigmaPi's idea of the plex resetting when you leave, to encourage people to stick it out and fight over it instead of fleeing constantly. But in the end, me liking an idea isn't enough, I don't just take any old idea that I like to CCP - it needs to be something solidly supported by the community first. If there's no community discussion of an issue, I'm not going to just "boosh" it to CCP over everyone's heads, its just not how I've chosen to operate.

In general - I don't think there's much purpose sitting around worrying about whether CCP likes an idea or not. They were pretty receptive to ideas at the summit - as usual the challenge is more in obtaining as close to community consensus as is ever possible, that's really the bottleneck in the process right now. CCP's not really stonewalled any popular community requests yet, unless you count not changing things at the last minute before they had a chance to see any of the inferno changes in action.

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Room for Improvement
Good Sax
#160 - 2012-07-06 20:31:30 UTC
Station lockout has at least taken all the ******** station games out of FW, and that's a vast improvement on six months ago.

Requiring all NPCs to be killed would fix the worst of the issues with FW plexes. I'm not sure a big redo is really necessary or desirable. Look at what happened to nullsec sov when they redid it, went from bad to ******* godawful.