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Why do you alt post?

First post
#21 - 2012-07-04 20:41:00 UTC
I filled all of my character slots, and tend to post on which ever is logged in the forums. This character still has a real use and tends to get killed in low/null sec Sad
Genos Occidere
#22 - 2012-07-04 20:41:36 UTC
my main suffers from severe social anxiety

i just locked an open door.. strange, yet symbolically compelling.

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#23 - 2012-07-04 20:48:45 UTC
Lesser beings are not worthy to glare upon my holiness, I use this avatar to speak to the unholy.
James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#24 - 2012-07-04 20:50:14 UTC
Petrus Blackshell wrote:

Not to turn this into a discussion of Goonswarm's "death squads", but does this actually happen? I haven't heard of a real instance of it happening, only people worried about it (and blurfing using an alt about how it's terrible).

I doubt this happens, really. Goonswarm and other 0.0 alliances frankly don't care what you think of them, and they aren't going to get mad if you call them evil blobbers, devil spawn, or whatever creative (or not) insult you can come up with. We've heard it all before.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

#25 - 2012-07-04 20:51:12 UTC
Solhild wrote:
I filled all of my character slots, and tend to post on which ever is logged in the forums. This character still has a real use and tends to get killed in low/null sec Sad

... Forgot to mention; in true alpha-clone style, mostly flies a reaper - the most terribad ship model in game Oops
#26 - 2012-07-04 21:10:04 UTC
I always main post.

Inappropriate signature, CCP Phantom.

Devoid Privateering
#27 - 2012-07-04 21:12:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Kuehnelt
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
I doubt this happens, really. Goonswarm and other 0.0 alliances frankly don't care what you think of them, and they aren't going to get mad if you call them evil blobbers, devil spawn, or whatever creative (or not) insult you can come up with. We've heard it all before.

Goons? Most other 0.0 alliances? Sure. Although the OP should be painfully aware of a wardec that Jade Constantine received. And I wouldn't doubt any level of utterly humorless vindictiveness from TEST. But if you're a small industrial corp with a POS and some newbies, it doesn't take a "Death Squad" program for someone to suddenly make the game exciting for you; 'one annoyed guy' might be enough.

But my main reply to Petrus is just: sure, :effort: is competitive with alt-posting. Effort at being fair in your criticism, effort at framing your "lasers suck!" post as coming from the perspective of someone who's lost five Punishers to Rifters and is unhappy with his chances. Which just establishes a fifth reason to alt-post: it's easier. And also, again: it's safer - because even if you put the effort in, you can fail. You can fail to emphasize that your experience is with Punishers and Omens because you don't know that other laser boats are famously good; you can attempt mild criticism and be seen as someone who's just publicly shitting on his own alliance.

I'd prefer good posting to two-facedness and pretentiousness, but two-faced and pretentious people really exist. I'm sure they make good use of alts.
The Protato
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#28 - 2012-07-04 21:26:46 UTC
Main is banned, forum alt is banned. I Alt-alt post, mosuckra.
Guardians of the Gate
RAZOR Alliance
#29 - 2012-07-04 21:27:01 UTC
Im proud of the fact I dont alt post, that people know me, Ive even had people follow me around for various reasons in game over the years. Im on good terms with many alts from many different areas of the game, some mains and other in game personas as well. I enjoy that portion of the game tbh that you CAN get some idiot try to grief you. It makes Eve exciting and challenging especially the way I play it by not pulling punches and being myself irregardless of the circumstances nevermind the ease you can just hide due to the internet.

And here Id have to agree with Malcanis.... if its worth posting, post it with a main. Accept the flak, flames and consequences.Twisted Cuz if youve spent any time in Eve and you cannot deal with all that by now....... oh boy!!Roll

Have you heard anything I've said?

You said it's all circling the drain, the whole universe. Right?

That's right.

Had to end sometime.

Thomas Kreshant
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#30 - 2012-07-04 21:35:13 UTC
Don't really have a main I don't identify with any character I've made or bought and tend to swap trade them all over the place.
Lin-Young Borovskova
#31 - 2012-07-04 21:48:33 UTC
I like the way some are frustrated by the fact it's an alt posting, rage and tears collection: OP success Lol


Corina Jarr
en Welle Shipping Inc.
#32 - 2012-07-04 21:50:54 UTC
The only time I posted with my alt (it is on the same account, I only have one) was when I first made him and couldn't figure out how to switch posting character
Petrus Blackshell
#33 - 2012-07-04 21:54:42 UTC
Lin-Young Borovskova wrote:
I like the way some are frustrated by the fact it's an alt posting, rage and tears collection: OP success Lol

I like it how you need the self-validation of posting this multiple times.

Accidentally The Whole Frigate - For-newbies blog (currently on pause)

Muhammad Hassan
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#34 - 2012-07-04 21:56:38 UTC
Because some nimrod banned me for a month after he got patootiepained/rumpravaged.
Muhammad Hassan
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#35 - 2012-07-04 21:56:57 UTC
fuckin infidels
Lin-Young Borovskova
#36 - 2012-07-04 22:03:30 UTC
Petrus Blackshell wrote:
Lin-Young Borovskova wrote:
I like the way some are frustrated by the fact it's an alt posting, rage and tears collection: OP success Lol

I like it how you need the self-validation of posting this multiple times.

And I love how that gets all your attention, don't feel frustrated for internet stuff Dude.
Op success


Bobo Cindekela
#37 - 2012-07-04 22:25:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Bobo Cindekela
alt posting is for being inflammatory without blow back to your main+mains corp. Some people can hold a grudge way to long, or get bent for just a few misconstrued words, it is 2012 afterall

you can also use them to ask sensitive questions without target painting your main

You are about to engage in an arguement with a forum alt,  this is your final warning.

Acot Voth
State War Academy
Caldari State
#38 - 2012-07-04 22:35:13 UTC
Main here. I think people alt for a few reasons. Fear, trolling, reputation preservation.
Tore Vest
#39 - 2012-07-04 22:49:26 UTC
Alt here....
I use my main to mine veldspar in highsec Bear

No troll.

Tarryn Nightstorm
Hellstar Towing and Recovery
#40 - 2012-07-04 22:51:56 UTC
I always main-post unless that character is sleeping off a forums-ban. Both toons are a different side of my "e-personality," Tarryn is generally calmer, more overtly rational, and less prone to emotive arguments/verbally chainsawing people in their meat-holes (hence the aforesaid bansBlink) , whereas The Other, she don't give a ****!

But then, handsome Tarryn here isn't really an "alt" in the traditional sense (I play him now much more than my "co-main," and have for a while), so that aspect's also become a bit more nebulous.

Oh, and good sock-puppetry, it's an art-form!

Star Wars: the Old Republic may not be EVE. But I'll take the sound of dual blaster-pistols over "NURVV CLAOKING NAOW!!!11oneone!!" any day of the week.