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EVE Alliance Tournament Discussion

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Cz Ire
#21 - 2012-07-01 15:22:37 UTC
Riffler wrote:
Tiberius Patterson wrote:
Just so you commentators know, it's not a "kit-soon." It's a "kit-soon-eh." A little tidbit, a kitsune is a Japanese fox spirit. It's also the Japanese word for fox.

Yeah, because pronunciation is famously static. It won't change at all in the next few thousand years.

actually, its pretty well recorded/documented that it HASNT changed in a thousand years.... Japanese is structured around syllables. Its not as prone to change like latin based languages. Face it, english is a mongrel language.

/nerd-point score!

Einherji - its a SILENT j!
#22 - 2012-07-01 15:35:33 UTC
..can we also start to bash all non-scandinavians who can't pronounce the names from our mythology? Or spell it, for that matter. And then we can put some swedes, danes, norwegians and hell we'll even invite the finns and icelandic scrubs to discuss which of our native versions that is most accurate.

To begin with, we need to remove all the silly icelandic i's that are being added in funky places.
Sleipner, Loke, Mjölner, Oden (if he was in the game), oh and ofc we need to teach people to pronounce the ö so we don't have to hear the despicable Rangarok.. it needs it's proper ök-end tbfh.

..or we could just accept this is an international game, where people pronounce stuff the way that it's normal for them to read it. I know, that's radical tho, ain't it? Shocked

AFK-cloaking in a system near you.

Hehaw Jimbojohnson
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#23 - 2012-07-01 15:37:25 UTC
Tiberius Patterson wrote:
Possum's Awesome wrote:
Gila - HEE-la

Scimitar - SIM-it-ar

Abbadon - Abba-don

I love when people pronounce Abbadon "ab-add-on." It makes me realize most people on the intertubes can't read.

You should probably learn to spell Abaddon before you "love" to tell people they're pronouncing it wrong.
#24 - 2012-07-01 15:39:03 UTC
Cz Ire wrote:
Einherji - its a SILENT j!

Actually, Einhärjar should pronounce the j alright.

AFK-cloaking in a system near you.

Vanakov Mek'lanavar
The Disgraceful Knave
#25 - 2012-07-02 11:15:47 UTC
Clearly my name is Vanakov, not Vanknakov
Keilateau Shakor
Shakor Freight and Mining Service
#26 - 2012-07-02 11:44:26 UTC
actualy its dolan
Gary Goat
#27 - 2012-07-02 12:02:23 UTC
Vanakov Mek'lanavar wrote:
Clearly my name is Vanakov, not Vanknakov

Quiet Vankanov McLanvanar! P

I've always had trouble with Exequror, it just never seems to come out quite right. Gallente is also commonly mispronounced . Its Gal-en-tay, not Gal-ent or Gal-en-tee
Jude Lloyd
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#28 - 2012-07-02 19:16:50 UTC
I think I'm going to keep calling it "Gila" (making use of that "G" in the beginning), because "HEE-la" just sounds dumb.

Also, a little tidbit for ya - I go by "Hudey" Lloyd, not Jude Lloyd.

I'm back!

Jude Lloyd
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#29 - 2012-07-02 19:17:52 UTC
Gary Goat wrote:
Vanakov Mek'lanavar wrote:
Clearly my name is Vanakov, not Vanknakov

Quiet Vankanov McLanvanar! P

I've always had trouble with Exequror, it just never seems to come out quite right. Gallente is also commonly mispronounced . Its Gal-en-tay, not Gal-ent or Gal-en-tee

Also, your name is pronounced "Hary" Goat, not Gary Goat.

I'm back!

michael boltonIII
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#30 - 2012-07-02 19:40:44 UTC
I was actually shocked to find that I have been spelling and pronouncing the word "ancillary" as "ancilliary" my whole life. Things will never be the same.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#31 - 2012-07-02 22:39:27 UTC
I like how Raivi just completely made up an acronym and kept calling Ancillary Shield Boosters "ACBs"

that won't confuse anyone
Mymh Heretache
#32 - 2012-07-04 11:24:18 UTC
Gary Goat wrote:
Vanakov Mek'lanavar wrote:
Clearly my name is Vanakov, not Vanknakov

Quiet Vankanov McLanvanar! P

Yah, he can come back whining when he's named Mymh, and every damn american keeps calling you "Mimph" or "Meeemph". It always puzzled me when people have letter that isn't pronounced (like Gila, wth, there is a G there, of course we will pronounce it?). Gets even more mad when they start adding letters that isn't even there, hah! Where's the P (or F, for that matter) in my name?

Vanakov isn't even hard, at least I'll cut people some slack, having a name like this.. but in your case.. they must surely just pull your leg for the sake of it, hehe.
Trade Slave
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#33 - 2012-07-04 13:15:37 UTC
Corine Noas wrote:
Possum's Awesome wrote:

Scimitar - SIM-it-ar

Actually it's "SHKIMMY"

James Arget
Future Corps
Sleeper Social Club
#34 - 2012-07-05 05:59:01 UTC
Tiberius Patterson wrote:
Possum's Awesome wrote:
Gila - HEE-la

Scimitar - SIM-it-ar

Abbadon - Abba-don

I love when people pronounce Abbadon "ab-add-on." It makes me realize most people on the intertubes can't read.

The reading is fine. It's the not speaking ancient Hebrew that makes it a bit awkward to pronounce.

CSM 8 Representative

Lazarus Telraven
Goonswarm Federation
#35 - 2012-07-05 12:02:29 UTC
hahaha ill apologise now but saying gila last weekend i tried soo hard to call it a HEE-la but that G just comes out instead! I am from Savannah, Ga so that is my excuse its a regional thing!
Lucas Quaan
#36 - 2012-07-05 13:08:46 UTC
Tiberius Patterson wrote:
I love when people pronounce Abbadon "ab-add-on." It makes me realize most people on the intertubes can't read.

That's because the word is actually Abaddon and nothing else.
L Salander
All Web Investigations
#37 - 2012-07-05 15:59:55 UTC
Warpshade wrote: A-Bad-Don

I also like the US vs British pronunciation of Jaguar "Jag-wahr" vs "Jag-yoo-er

I hate "jagwarrghhh"


stop it
Lucius Rex
Rex Enterprises
#38 - 2012-07-05 17:20:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Lucius Rex
heh, this is fun.

Abaddon - "a bad one" is pretty close.

Jaguar... that's a south american kitty (well a big one). how do the south americans pronounce that? "haguar"?

And just in every DnD campaign we ever played scimitar got mangled to hell and back.
try "schmentar" (german reading rules) on for size.
do we have any arabic speakers around? and is this their name for the sword or is it a european misstag (deliberate)?
Linda Shadowborn
Dark Steel Industries
#39 - 2012-07-06 02:16:41 UTC
Lucius Rex wrote:
heh, this is fun.

Abaddon - "a bad one" is pretty close.

Jaguar... that's a south american kitty (well a big one). how do the south americans pronounce that? "haguar"?

And just in every DnD campaign we ever played scimitar got mangled to hell and back.
try "schmentar" (german reading rules) on for size.
do we have any arabic speakers around? and is this their name for the sword or is it a european misstag (deliberate)? claims it is probably just a bastardisation of the arabic term
michael boltonIII
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#40 - 2012-07-06 04:43:43 UTC
Oh God, wait till everyone realizes that I pronounce words like Huge and Human with a silent "H"
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