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ObamaCare Passes SCOTUS

Nachteule Kohen
#121 - 2012-07-03 05:03:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Nachteule Kohen
i might get flamed for this, or be a bit off topic... but i have a thing to say when it comes to democracy... why do a lot of people praise it?

first i want to say that i haven't taken a IQ test because i have a mental disability, however i consider myself above avg, i'm only saying this because i don't vote for the main parties (canada has more than two) simply because they are the same with different colors (liberal/conservative) is the same crap as democrat/republican.

what i want to mention regarding IQ just to argue why democracy isn't freedom so americans can realize why their government is corrupted is by doing a simple math equation.

90% of people have low IQ's, not worthy of mentioning, a lot of them are uneducated regarding politics.
90% of those people who are uneducated or unaware of politics can vote

the other 10% who follows politics and are educated are put in the same mix as the other 90% yet the 10% still argue on the internet that a dumb president with his dumb administration has taken office.

why do people say democracies work? it doesn't seem logical to me whatsoever... of course your government (including canada and many other countries) is going to be stupid... it's voted by stupid people.

canada has many other parties... but no one votes for them, in america's case you have no choice... it's either dummy 1 or dummy 2... and your country is split by demographics into red or blue states... it's all bullshit.

for canada, i would like NDP to win at least once to hopefully see some change, or a minority party like CPC, and for america... i used to follow bill maher, jon stewart, stephen colbert to entertain myself but after a few years, just hearing american news makes me cringe... it's so ******* stupid... you guys are ranked 17th in education or worse around the globe, yet wonder why the government is stupid when its also democratic with the majority of the populous being stupid.

isn't this either rigged for the wealthy to manipulate the masses or just plain redundant? nothing's going to change. ever.

when androids come alive, or cyborgs, i'm going to vote for them... let AI take over, screw voting for humans, i give up

(don't take this post too seriously)

edit: here's a scenario

9 people vote for a sky father to save the country
1 scientist decides to figure out immortality

consensus = the scientist is the devil, so christians own the western world
Tie Fighters Inc
#122 - 2012-07-03 05:31:05 UTC  |  Edited by: rodyas
Democracies don't really exist. Lots of people have to deal with assholes and dicks a lot, so they think of a nice place. That place is called a democracy. But like I said, they don't exist just a nice idea.

Like low gas prices is a nice idea, but it doesn't exist, like democracy. Its actually funny for me to hear people say they like democracies, since Bush supported them. (We all know what that means)

Eh you get use to the two party system really. Just need to realize we are too poor to figure out immortality(if it does exist) and that the sky father doesnt like our small and worthless gifts.

Once you look at immortality and how hard it is to achieve, a two party system makes sense, or once you see how annoying relying on a sky father is, a two party system makes sense.

Its not that I don't like the other (usually smaller) parties, just once you realize they don't lead too far you kind of drop them.

Of course that is how you criticized the two party systyem, but you have to think of small useful steps ( or that those really are the only steps you can make or do)

Like a two party state will never say lets have immortality, or force everyone to worship the sky father, but they find stuff you can work to save the country or live longer.

Signature removed for inappropriate language - CCP Eterne

Agaetis Byrjun Endalaust
#123 - 2012-07-03 11:09:31 UTC
I completely disagree on the notion of healthcare being a right. I believe that the only rights we have are those which exist until they are taken away. You have the right to free speech: you can say what you want until someone forces you to stop. When something requires the effort of another person, it can't be a right as it would compel that other person to provide it. You don't have a right to food because someone has to produce the food, and forcing them to do so violates their rights. You don't have a right to healthcare because the only way to secure that as a right is to compel doctors and nurses to provide it.

dafuq? what's that? no right to healthcare because I'm forcing someone _else_ to pay for it? no right to food because I'm forcing someone else to produce it??? shell we eat each other or die starving to be more "natural" dude? the law of the jungle applied to urban environment? oh nous, it's the concept of freedom of a US citizen above average QI Lol

Also the rest of the chat about democracies being voted by idiots is interesting, I'm sure you would have fit very well in Germany among the 1930-1945 years, wasn't the plan to make a better race after all?
I only know I don't have all the necessary QI to know if someone is an idiot or if he will be a good citizen, even because even a total dumbass is able to see and easily understand that the rich and the "very smart ones" are destroying the world nowadays. Who did create the 2008 crash? The poor not able to pay their debts? Or those few who invented the subprime foolishness forcing the US government to approve it and to grant NO CONTROL on those kind of financial products and spent someone else's money in super-colossal bets? Guys, if you weren't in a democracy of idiots now you would be a chinese province!! Can you believe it? It's just like that!

So, democracy it's not the golden truth, and no one is thinking it should, it's only the best way to live together in a reasonable "good enough" way. Find a better ones or change planet plz

__________________________ just because you're paranoid it doesn't mean they're not after you

Tarryn Nightstorm
Hellstar Towing and Recovery
#124 - 2012-07-04 02:34:01 UTC
Surfin's PlunderBunny wrote:
Alara IonStorm wrote:

It isn't there fault.

The rest of the world has special filters that remove parts of posts made by Americans that they agree with. It slows down the hate America bandwagon but with this they can stream line their hatred efficiently. Most foreign computers come with it pre-installed and you have to remove it yourself if you want to read the whole internet.

By bolding the parts they like it allows them to see it.

Who do you get your pot from? I have to get in touch with them Big smile

BC Purple Indica, man. (Just the next province over from me, less than 200km drive.)

Best whack on the planet! (Just another thing us Canucks know to appreciate :))

Star Wars: the Old Republic may not be EVE. But I'll take the sound of dual blaster-pistols over "NURVV CLAOKING NAOW!!!11oneone!!" any day of the week.

Blastcaps Madullier
Handsome Millionaire Playboys
#125 - 2012-07-04 09:53:15 UTC
Master Gotama wrote:
personally as an employed, tax paying citizen, i don't like paying for freeloaders to get their healthcare at my expense.

Funnily enough the aristocracy during the middle ages thought similar till the black death showed up, disease respects neither station, race, creed, colour or religion.
which translates to universal health care is a social responsibility and if you dont accept it, sooner or later it will come back to bite you in the ass.
Sidus Isaacs
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#126 - 2012-07-04 10:55:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Sidus Isaacs
Blastcaps Madullier wrote:
Master Gotama wrote:
personally as an employed, tax paying citizen, i don't like paying for freeloaders to get their healthcare at my expense.

Funnily enough the aristocracy during the middle ages thought similar till the black death showed up, disease respects neither station, race, creed, colour or religion.
which translates to universal health care is a social responsibility and if you dont accept it, sooner or later it will come back to bite you in the ass.

Not to mention the barbarity in such a statement. Not recognizing the system around him has failed, and not everyone can work and get an insurance because there are not enough jobs.

Most people don't want to be unemployed, but they simply can't get jobs. So then they should just get sick and die?

Such a sentiment is only based on ignorance of course, a very typical attitude in America (and large parts of the west, and growing in the east). It would be funny, if it was not so tragic, how the "middle class / lower class" have been duped into fighting the fight in favor of the "upper class" while it is quite obvious it is not in their own favor.

A rational person would fight for more automation and more mechanization, more free for all social programs and less work hours for everyone. The technology is there. But instead they buy into this ridiculous culture of consumerism (if you can even call it culture. IMO it demeans the word culture), and "you shall live by the sweat of your brow" mentality.
Blastcaps Madullier
Handsome Millionaire Playboys
#127 - 2012-07-04 12:34:27 UTC
also add in the fact in the states you do get medical bankruptcy's where people end up bankrupt due to medical expenses etc.

having national healthcare besides private healthcare also forces health care insurers/ providers to provide it at a REASONABLE price or watch people take the public option provided.
The NHS is not perfect by any means and has its flaws but it also means even the poorest of people, some of the most vulnerable within society can also get the medical help they need, rather than suffer and die.
mama guru
#128 - 2012-07-05 10:02:07 UTC
Micheal Dietrich wrote:
I also appreciate how you have decided to lump a large sum of people into one group and describe how we all think as one hive mind.

Feel free to elect a president that stops talking about the middle class and worry about the working class majority for a change.

That wont happen for the same reason the republicans are still getting enough votes to run for president. Nobody gives a **** about politics in the US. It's like watching a family where the 3 kids have to grow up with a hyper religous violent drunk of a father who beats up mom and the kids. We can't and wont do **** because half of the US population lives in a fantasy world where it's always 1945 and the US is still #1.

Obama is a spineless looser in the eyes of most informed Europeans. He staked his whole administration on the public option for healthcare but only managed to pass some watered down version of Richard Nixons reform. I dont think Obama will loose this year because Mitt Romney is quite frankly insane, but that still wont make Obams presidency any less of a **** up.

EVE online is the fishermans friend of MMO's. If it's too hard you are too weak.

Arcana Imperii Ltd.
#129 - 2012-07-05 14:43:07 UTC
Agaetis Byrjun Endalaust wrote:
I completely disagree on the notion of healthcare being a right. I believe that the only rights we have are those which exist until they are taken away. You have the right to free speech: you can say what you want until someone forces you to stop. When something requires the effort of another person, it can't be a right as it would compel that other person to provide it. You don't have a right to food because someone has to produce the food, and forcing them to do so violates their rights. You don't have a right to healthcare because the only way to secure that as a right is to compel doctors and nurses to provide it.

dafuq? what's that? no right to healthcare because I'm forcing someone _else_ to pay for it? no right to food because I'm forcing someone else to produce it??? shell we eat each other or die starving to be more "natural" dude? the law of the jungle applied to urban environment? oh nous, it's the concept of freedom of a US citizen above average QI Lol

Quite the strawman argument. I said you don't have a right to food because that would require compelling someone to produce it for you, and you present the false dichotomy of that or cannibalism.

Let's shrink this down and say our whole society is a village of 50 people. You're the only baker. We all decide we have a right to bread. One day you wake up and don't want to make bread. Too bad, we say. WE HAVE RIGHTS. Make us our bread or you are violating our rights. In order for us to have a right to bread, your right to freedom of choice has to be given up. Breadmaking becomes compulsory in a world where bread is a right.

Now, notice that there is nothing in any of that stopping anyone else from making, possessing, or consuming bread. The same can be applied to healthcare, internet access, and many other things. You can't assert as right that which mandates the action of others.

Founding member of the Belligerent Undesirables movement.

Micheal Dietrich
Kings Gambit Black
#130 - 2012-07-05 15:15:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Micheal Dietrich
mama guru wrote:
Micheal Dietrich wrote:
I also appreciate how you have decided to lump a large sum of people into one group and describe how we all think as one hive mind.

Feel free to elect a president that stops talking about the middle class and worry about the working class majority for a change.

That wont happen for the same reason the republicans are still getting enough votes to run for president. Nobody gives a **** about politics in the US. It's like watching a family where the 3 kids have to grow up with a hyper religous violent drunk of a father who beats up mom and the kids. We can't and wont do **** because half of the US population lives in a fantasy world where it's always 1945 and the US is still #1.

Obama is a spineless looser in the eyes of most informed Europeans. He staked his whole administration on the public option for healthcare but only managed to pass some watered down version of Richard Nixons reform. I dont think Obama will loose this year because Mitt Romney is quite frankly insane, but that still wont make Obams presidency any less of a **** up.

Another person who has quoted me and gone off to say something completely different. What in the hell does the president possibly have to do with my annoyance in somebody just saying 'you Americans' and just assuming that we all have the same thoughts and opinions? Seriously folks, don't quote me unless you are planning on responding to me.

But as long as we're at it, I may point out that your statements seem to contradict the polls.
Also it's lose. Loose is what you become after you spend a day in the prison shower room.

Sidius Isaacs wrote:
Not to mention the barbarity in such a statement. Not recognizing the system around him has failed, and not everyone can work and get an insurance because there are not enough jobs.

Most people don't want to be unemployed, but they simply can't get jobs. So then they should just get sick and die?

Such a sentiment is only based on ignorance of course, a very typical attitude in America (and large parts of the west, and growing in the east). It would be funny, if it was not so tragic, how the "middle class / lower class" have been duped into fighting the fight in favor of the "upper class" while it is quite obvious it is not in their own favor.

Not to mention underemployed. There are people out there who make less than $5000 a year. How they do it is beyond me but it happens and in many cases its the best they can muster given the nature of the area that they live in. For cases like this there are Government assisted programs that get you food stamps or healthcare for your family, hence why I told Betty Boop up there that he is still paying for these people through taxes regardless of this new law.

Out of Pod is getting In the Pod - Join in game channel **IG OOPE **

Arcana Imperii Ltd.
#131 - 2012-07-05 16:02:48 UTC
Micheal Dietrich wrote:
Not to mention underemployed. There are people out there who make less than $5000 a year. How they do it is beyond me but it happens and in many cases its the best they can muster given the nature of the area that they live in. For cases like this there are Government assisted programs that get you food stamps or healthcare for your family, hence why I told Betty Boop up there that he is still paying for these people through taxes regardless of this new law.

If you can't support a family on $50,000 a year you're terrible with money or you live somewhere that people grossly overvalue real estate. My family's budget is made so that we can survive on $40,000 a year without hurting our credit standings. That would mean no vacations and cutting back on some services, but we can do it. Anything about $40k is a luxury and I intend to continue living that way.

Founding member of the Belligerent Undesirables movement.

Micheal Dietrich
Kings Gambit Black
#132 - 2012-07-05 16:08:11 UTC
FloppieTheBanjoClown wrote:
Micheal Dietrich wrote:
Not to mention underemployed. There are people out there who make less than $5000 a year. How they do it is beyond me but it happens and in many cases its the best they can muster given the nature of the area that they live in. For cases like this there are Government assisted programs that get you food stamps or healthcare for your family, hence why I told Betty Boop up there that he is still paying for these people through taxes regardless of this new law.

If you can't support a family on $50,000 a year you're terrible with money or you live somewhere that people grossly overvalue real estate. My family's budget is made so that we can survive on $40,000 a year without hurting our credit standings. That would mean no vacations and cutting back on some services, but we can do it. Anything about $40k is a luxury and I intend to continue living that way.

I said $5000, not $50,000. Yes, there are people who live on $5000 a year with families as big as yours.

Out of Pod is getting In the Pod - Join in game channel **IG OOPE **

Arcana Imperii Ltd.
#133 - 2012-07-05 16:39:54 UTC
Micheal Dietrich wrote:
FloppieTheBanjoClown wrote:
Micheal Dietrich wrote:
Not to mention underemployed. There are people out there who make less than $5000 a year. How they do it is beyond me but it happens and in many cases its the best they can muster given the nature of the area that they live in. For cases like this there are Government assisted programs that get you food stamps or healthcare for your family, hence why I told Betty Boop up there that he is still paying for these people through taxes regardless of this new law.

If you can't support a family on $50,000 a year you're terrible with money or you live somewhere that people grossly overvalue real estate. My family's budget is made so that we can survive on $40,000 a year without hurting our credit standings. That would mean no vacations and cutting back on some services, but we can do it. Anything about $40k is a luxury and I intend to continue living that way.

I said $5000, not $50,000. Yes, there are people who live on $5000 a year with families as big as yours.

I can't bloody read. Also, I've been having to listen to people bleat about how hard it is to live on six-figure incomes. Makes me want to slap them. It's a pity I have to work with the snobs.

If you worked two full days a week at minimum wage, you'd make more than $5,000 a year. I find it hard to believe that a non-disabled person can't find *something*.

Founding member of the Belligerent Undesirables movement.

Sidus Isaacs
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#134 - 2012-07-05 17:15:24 UTC
FloppieTheBanjoClown wrote:

If you worked two full days a week at minimum wage, you'd make more than $5,000 a year. I find it hard to believe that a non-disabled person can't find *something*.


It is not that strange, due to recent advance in technology, and cheap production in the third world due to slave labor, one simply don't need all that much human labor anymore.

We will need even less humans to do the actual work in coming years. And thus the system shows one of its obvious faults.

Minimum wage in Norway is $14k, but average wage here is around $58k I think. Of course, the NOK is a lot stronger than the dollar. But it is nigh impossible in Norway to support a family on minimum wage, and average wage is very very tight as well, at least if only one person is working.
Micheal Dietrich
Kings Gambit Black
#135 - 2012-07-05 17:16:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Micheal Dietrich
FloppieTheBanjoClown wrote:
Micheal Dietrich wrote:
FloppieTheBanjoClown wrote:
Micheal Dietrich wrote:
Not to mention underemployed. There are people out there who make less than $5000 a year. How they do it is beyond me but it happens and in many cases its the best they can muster given the nature of the area that they live in. For cases like this there are Government assisted programs that get you food stamps or healthcare for your family, hence why I told Betty Boop up there that he is still paying for these people through taxes regardless of this new law.

If you can't support a family on $50,000 a year you're terrible with money or you live somewhere that people grossly overvalue real estate. My family's budget is made so that we can survive on $40,000 a year without hurting our credit standings. That would mean no vacations and cutting back on some services, but we can do it. Anything about $40k is a luxury and I intend to continue living that way.

I said $5000, not $50,000. Yes, there are people who live on $5000 a year with families as big as yours.

I can't bloody read. Also, I've been having to listen to people bleat about how hard it is to live on six-figure incomes. Makes me want to slap them. It's a pity I have to work with the snobs.

If you worked two full days a week at minimum wage, you'd make more than $5,000 a year. I find it hard to believe that a non-disabled person can't find *something*.

I can't give an answer as to how they manage to be that low or even try to understand how they deal with life but it looks like according to this quickly googled chart almost 4% of our population is in that boat.

I know one guy that I'm going to school with who was telling me back in May that all he's managed was about 5 grand this year. He does labor in home construction but as we all know the housing market crashed which has all but stopped new homes going up in my state. This means that he is now looking for work along with all of the other displaced construction workers (4 more classmates also work in the same field but have been on larger scale projects). We could tell him to get work at a gas station or fast food joint but you must also keep in mind that each year we get a new wave of people entering the workforce while the job selection may not actually change that much in the area. Yes part of it is putting yourself out there, but another part is counting on what really is out there and what you are qualified for.

Out of Pod is getting In the Pod - Join in game channel **IG OOPE **

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#136 - 2012-07-05 19:20:41 UTC  |  Edited by: baltec1
FloppieTheBanjoClown wrote:

I can't bloody read. Also, I've been having to listen to people bleat about how hard it is to live on six-figure incomes. Makes me want to slap them. It's a pity I have to work with the snobs.

If you worked two full days a week at minimum wage, you'd make more than $5,000 a year. I find it hard to believe that a non-disabled person can't find *something*.

There are a good few million in the USA in that kind of position. Perhaps tens of millions.

Yet many of them are very fat which is something I have never understood.
Sidus Isaacs
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#137 - 2012-07-05 19:25:17 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
FloppieTheBanjoClown wrote:

I can't bloody read. Also, I've been having to listen to people bleat about how hard it is to live on six-figure incomes. Makes me want to slap them. It's a pity I have to work with the snobs.

If you worked two full days a week at minimum wage, you'd make more than $5,000 a year. I find it hard to believe that a non-disabled person can't find *something*.

There are a good few million in the USA in that kind of position. Perhaps tens of millions.

Yet many of them are very fat which is something I have never understood.

The cheapest food, combined with low amount of work, does that to you. Healthy food usually costs a lot more. Being fat has nothing to do with income in this day and age, unless you are so poor that you live like African kids starving.
mama guru
#138 - 2012-07-05 20:22:39 UTC
Sidus Isaacs wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
FloppieTheBanjoClown wrote:

I can't bloody read. Also, I've been having to listen to people bleat about how hard it is to live on six-figure incomes. Makes me want to slap them. It's a pity I have to work with the snobs.

If you worked two full days a week at minimum wage, you'd make more than $5,000 a year. I find it hard to believe that a non-disabled person can't find *something*.

There are a good few million in the USA in that kind of position. Perhaps tens of millions.

Yet many of them are very fat which is something I have never understood.

The cheapest food, combined with low amount of work, does that to you. Healthy food usually costs a lot more. Being fat has nothing to do with income in this day and age, unless you are so poor that you live like African kids starving.

I know quite a few americans who eat pretty healthy on student level budgets. It's harder to make healthy food and more importantly to make it taste well. People are fat for whatever reason, but when they are poor it's because they simply don't know how to make healthy food.

EVE online is the fishermans friend of MMO's. If it's too hard you are too weak.

Agaetis Byrjun Endalaust
#139 - 2012-07-05 21:08:53 UTC
Quite the strawman argument. I said you don't have a right to food because that would require compelling someone to produce it for you, and you present the false dichotomy of that or cannibalism.

Let's shrink this down and say our whole society is a village of 50 people. You're the only baker. We all decide we have a right to bread. One day you wake up and don't want to make bread. Too bad, we say. WE HAVE RIGHTS. Make us our bread or you are violating our rights. In order for us to have a right to bread, your right to freedom of choice has to be given up. Breadmaking becomes compulsory in a world where bread is a right.

ok I get your point better now :)

still you are slightly incorrect. You should change your example in this way

"since in our country we can only grow wheat, and since we can only eat the bread you make out of that wheat, THEN we all decided we have a right to bread."

That would make completely sense, and I should feel your rights as a duty, since if I don't make bread you all die. That is what happens when you deny healthcare to people, poor or rich, they both die! In a system or nation where you must pay to receive your treatments, I'd say we can call it borderline eugenics.

Said that lemme tell you I don't think Obama is the messiah and that he probably failed even with this ObamaCare thing, but the direction is the right one at least.

__________________________ just because you're paranoid it doesn't mean they're not after you

Jada Maroo
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#140 - 2012-07-05 22:13:23 UTC
Sidus Isaacs wrote:

A rational person would fight for more automation and more mechanization, more free for all social programs and less work hours for everyone. The technology is there. But instead they buy into this ridiculous culture of consumerism (if you can even call it culture. IMO it demeans the word culture), and "you shall live by the sweat of your brow" mentality.

Spoken like a bitter European desperately clinging to a first generation iPad because you can't afford the new one. Sad