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[PROPOSAL] Remove michael boltonIII from commentating on the AT

Sakura Nihil
Faded Light
#41 - 2012-07-03 02:18:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Sakura Nihil
Just posting to say that Gorion Wassenar should have totally been picked instead.

Entertaining color commentary combined with in-depth knowledge of the game and a willingness to make bold and informed predictions? Yes please.

I don't mean to begrudge MB3 or any other commentators, but you're getting an opportunity a lot of us would kill for - don't halfass it or try to be cute. Be professional, be knowledgable, and -occaisionally- lighten the mood, IMO.
Drexciyan Sea Unit
#42 - 2012-07-03 03:01:56 UTC
ry ry wrote:

I know you're reading this.

Collectively fearless(dot) have found themselves in a pickle. We've spent our entire AT fund already and can't afford spaceships for the second weekend. For 10 billion isk i can guarantee Fearless(dot)'s unflinching support of your quirky commentary, including the editing of posts in this thread which may previously have contained negative sentiment, to appropriately reflect the amount of goodwill such a gift would inspire.

A meagre sum to help secure your holiday to Iceland.

Think about it meight. isk to 'ry ry'

please send my 50% to "amantus"
ry ry
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#43 - 2012-07-03 08:00:09 UTC  |  Edited by: ry ry
Find your own gay magician to extort, scab.

Mbolton 3rd --- Whilst i enjoyed the hubris of your response ("if you think you can do better, why don't you **** off and do your own commentary, nerds?") you have not outlined which areas of your commentary you felt were lacking and were working on.

If you could briefly list what you felt were your major failings then we can point out any you've missed.

Hatsumi Kobayashi
Caldari State
#44 - 2012-07-03 08:32:29 UTC
michael boltonIII wrote:

never not (no) MB3s

No sig.

Anna Katarr
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#45 - 2012-07-03 09:44:00 UTC
i like mb3, i dont care if he doesnt know ****, i like his humor... same goes for zastrow...

i enjoy that they both mix things up...

as much as i appreciate raivi and his knowledge, a constant 'straight face fact casting' would get boring within 2 matches...

ry ry
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#46 - 2012-07-03 09:56:32 UTC
Anna Katarr wrote:
i like mb3, i dont care if he doesnt know ****, i like his humor... same goes for zastrow...

i enjoy that they both mix things up...

as much as i appreciate raivi and his knowledge, a constant 'straight face fact casting' would get boring within 2 matches...

Shut it, Bolton.
Anna Katarr
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#47 - 2012-07-03 10:05:35 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Tyrozan
hi, i am now mb3's alt!


This post has been edited for violations of Rule 7 - Trolling is prohibited, Rule 20 - Post constructively, etc.

ISD Tyrozan
Community Communications Liaisons
Interstellar Services Department
Genos Occidere
#48 - 2012-07-03 10:29:46 UTC
Anna Katarr wrote:
also i want delve... and... puppys... puppys are lovely!

what a delightful thought you dear sweet fragile little thing

i just locked an open door.. strange, yet symbolically compelling.

ry ry
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#49 - 2012-07-03 10:30:30 UTC  |  Edited by: ry ry
Anna Katarr wrote:
hi, i am now mb3's alt!

send me a grand total of 50billion isk and i will resign from my current position as atx caster, true story! also i want delve... and... puppys... puppys are lovely!

Reported. Impersonating a member of the commentary team.

Chin up m8, I've also reported michel boltonIII for the same thing.
Anna Katarr
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#50 - 2012-07-03 10:40:26 UTC
ry ry wrote:
Anna Katarr wrote:
hi, i am now mb3's alt!

send me a grand total of 50billion isk and i will resign from my current position as atx caster, true story! also i want delve... and... puppys... puppys are lovely!

Reported. Impersonating a member of the commentary team.

Chin up m8, I've also reported michel boltonIII for the same thing.

butbutbut.... i was just trying to satisfy you :( so... no puppys for me then hu?
Genos Occidere
#51 - 2012-07-03 13:01:55 UTC
let me tell you about satisfying ry ry

it ain't got much to do with puppies m8

i just locked an open door.. strange, yet symbolically compelling.

Kinis Deren
Mosquito Squadron
#52 - 2012-07-03 13:10:26 UTC
ry ry wrote:
Anna Katarr wrote:
hi, i am now mb3's alt!

send me a grand total of 50billion isk and i will resign from my current position as atx caster, true story! also i want delve... and... puppys... puppys are lovely!

Reported. Impersonating a member of the commentary team.

Chin up m8, I've also reported michel boltonIII for the same thing.

ROFL, at the last part +1 Big smile

Yup, I support the OP's proposal.
Dradius Calvantia
Lip Shords
#53 - 2012-07-03 16:32:34 UTC
Being a few seconds behind what is happening, and misspeaking sometimes would be one thing. How ever MBIII, it is painfully obvious that you have no clue how the game works at this scale. Your lack of experience and insight is what makes the terrible personality and mistakes that much more obvious.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#54 - 2012-07-03 17:43:22 UTC
Supporting Obama.
LowKey Ops
Shadow Cartel
#55 - 2012-07-03 19:38:18 UTC
I didn't know who this guy was until I started watching the tournament this year. I love EVE online and think the tournament is one of the coolest events in any game I've ever played but I have to say this. MichealboltonIII is making the whole thing unwatchable for me.

As a reporter or commentator one of the first rules is to not insert yourself into the story you are covrering. The story is not about you. Know one cares about who you are or what you think about unrelated topics. You have the opportunity of a lifetime to commentate in this event and make it enjoyable for everyone. You are completely throwing it away and making a total ass out of yourself.

Here are some very very basic things you could have done to prepare that you obviously overlooked because you are more concerned about your stupid image than being good at the job you were given:

Research the teams. See what setups they had in previous tourneys. Are the same players back?

Know how to identify modules, weapons, drones, tanks visually on ships before they take damage. We know something is armor tanked when it shields get one shot. Try giving more insight that the viewer doesn't already have.

Stop cheering for people. Stop making a big deal when a ship pops. You act like a little fanboy who is watching his first kill in eve. Act like you've seen it before.

Pay attention to the stream. You spend too much time talking about yourself and unrelated crap and let details slip through the cracks that are obvious to the viewer. If I know more about what's going on in the fight than the commentator there is something wrong.

You seem very concerned with what people think of you and your stupid image. If you want people to respect you try doing your homework and come to the next round of matches with some insight. Your performance thus far has been pathetic and I feel bad for everyone at CCP and all the alliances making this happen when you come in and make a mockery of the whole event.


Horde Vanguard.
Pandemic Horde
#56 - 2012-07-03 21:30:21 UTC
bolton is terrible. he gives me the ear cancer
Eternal Error
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#57 - 2012-07-04 04:05:09 UTC
Supported. I agree with everything chuxup said.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#58 - 2012-07-05 07:33:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Degren
Not a single monocle in this thread. All opinions irrelevant.

MB3, king of my heart.

**** that, unrequited love. DOWN WITH MB3. Him and his silky smooth commentary can **** right off.

Hello, hello again.

Orar Ironfist
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#59 - 2012-07-05 23:21:42 UTC
Chuxup wrote:
I didn't know who this guy was until I started watching the tournament this year. I love EVE online and think the tournament is one of the coolest events in any game I've ever played but I have to say this. MichealboltonIII is making the whole thing unwatchable for me.

As a reporter or commentator one of the first rules is to not insert yourself into the story you are covrering. The story is not about you. Know one cares about who you are or what you think about unrelated topics. You have the opportunity of a lifetime to commentate in this event and make it enjoyable for everyone. You are completely throwing it away and making a total ass out of yourself.

Here are some very very basic things you could have done to prepare that you obviously overlooked because you are more concerned about your stupid image than being good at the job you were given:

Research the teams. See what setups they had in previous tourneys. Are the same players back?

Know how to identify modules, weapons, drones, tanks visually on ships before they take damage. We know something is armor tanked when it shields get one shot. Try giving more insight that the viewer doesn't already have.

Stop cheering for people. Stop making a big deal when a ship pops. You act like a little fanboy who is watching his first kill in eve. Act like you've seen it before.

Pay attention to the stream. You spend too much time talking about yourself and unrelated crap and let details slip through the cracks that are obvious to the viewer. If I know more about what's going on in the fight than the commentator there is something wrong.

You seem very concerned with what people think of you and your stupid image.
If you want people to respect you try doing your homework and come to the next round of matches with some insight. Your performance thus far has been pathetic and I feel bad for everyone at CCP and all the alliances making this happen when you come in and make a mockery of the whole event.


This. 1000 times this. Especially the bolded parts.
Davion Falcon
Those Once Loyal
#60 - 2012-07-07 20:41:07 UTC
MB3 has been forgiven by me...for now.

Ruthlessness is the kindness of the wise. Never forgotten, never forgiven.