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a new race introduction

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2012-06-30 15:41:34 UTC
Multiverse after multiverse a race whas exploring the secrets of life.
The secrets they gaind on there travels where never made avail to
any universe.

However due to the powers of concord police force the race is no longer
able to go back to there home universe.

Concord discoverd there worm hole and where able to close it.
The race is still trying to figure out how they did it.

As there not able to return, they have decided to spread there DNA secretly
in new eden. But as there Queen is discoverd the concord police force sended
spy after spy to her hide out.

After a year of traveling around the universe the Queen made a first agrement
with the concord police force.
As result of that, some of the life secret where handed over.
However the details are not released to the new edens population.

Now however a old spy from the concord police whas found half dead by a not
known Sebiestor, the new edens found out about this new race in underground channels.

There is still no official statement made by concord. But as the race fears
concord would not tell the truth the Queen whas desperate looking for the Sebiestor.
She did manage to find him and did captured him in her web.
The Queen could transfer his DNA in to her body as result of that her mind did
undergo a sensational experiance she did never hade before.

Her life hade sudenly a new goal. As of the beginning of her life she did only
live to gather information of life. Her companion on her travels whas only there
to send the information she had back to her universe and to give her seeds to clone.
The Queens new goal is to spread her DNA to new eden.

Her conpanion whas not as furtile as she tought on the start of her travels and is
now therfore transform as a data bank that is somewhere hidden in new eden.

The Queen rather hase a great need in DNA as it is her food.
As there is not enouf avail she used the DNA from the Sebiestor to make her body perfect to
evryone in the new eden universe.

The Queen sended out today a call in to the new edens universe. She is waiting for responce
out of the new edens universe. The call is sended on a low band frequency.
Hoping concord did not heard her call.

However the Queen released a open statement to the new edens population.

The statement:

" You may not know me but i know you all. Some may have seen me before wondering about me ,
but now its time for you to know the truth."

" I came from a universe other then yours, in search of the secret of life, i did travel from
universe to universe, till i came here we where allways able to return to our home universe"

" Now however concord whas so jelouse they closed our wormhole, now me and a few others of
my race are doomd to stay here in this universe"

"I know secrets of life you could not ever imagine, i did reveal some to concord in order to be left aloane,
however concord stays on my back trying to get more out of me"

"That whas not the agrement we hade as it would make them superior to any other in any multiverse"

"Be sure new edens, do not fear our race, we will gives our secrets to you and not to this ruler of your universe"

"We will give your life new meanings, meanings that will expand your life a life full of joy in any way"

" Spread the word, spread or seeds, orgasms will fill your mind as never before"

"We will never kill any peace minded persone"

" We come in peace"


As concord whas all suprised by this not knowing how to react they did not make any statement so far.
A insider heard they have a top secret meeting in the comming days with all the heads of any race.
However as they give the new edens population " bread and Games ", by tournaments and other means, hoping
this will die out.

The interstellar corespondance did heard this as well, and made a deal with the Queen to bring her story
and to follow the outcome.

Will concord be aloane, will the new race be able to get the presure on concord high to bring the secrets to
new eden, will the new race be able to spread the seeds?

A message whas intercepted that concord fears it so much, the new edens are so intrested in the secrets of life
that they even want to restrict acces to parts of space where the Queens is.
But there could be made out that no race wanted this and would do all to prevent it.

---- to be continued ---
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#2 - 2012-07-01 14:24:15 UTC
Concord continued:

"Capsuleers this new race is still for us a dark hole in space, we do not realy know there intensions".

"The Queen of the hive, YES HIVE !, becouse we think they are a collective as she did mention to us:"

"our Race is a collection of all intelligent life "

" As far we know the name of her Race is: AMELIANS".

" These AMELIANS came to new Eden about two years ago, well it could be longer but they where discoverd two years ago ".

" As Concord, protecting the universe, we could not have that the AMELIANS wormhole did stay open, What else would be
able to come trough it"

" And yes we did gather some information that we can't tell you right now about there know how of life".

" We want to be sure it's correctly, but thats the hard part of it now as the AMELIANS are now spreading trough
new Eden in a new form"

" At first these AMELIANS where just neutrones that sometimes did show up as a glow in space".
" We could capture a serie of them and by luck it whas there main stream that seemd to be there Queen".

" We stay on the lookout for any further intel about the AMELIANS".

The message whas even not ended as all hell broke loose in new Edens communication networks.
From all over the universe people where talking about life. " Are these AMELIANS able to live forever?".
" Are there clones, or do they realy live forever?", " Where they came from?".....

Fears as hope did spread the hours after this Concord message.Even from out the far ends of new Eden there where
hopes to hear. Hopes of a longer life , hopes to find it out.

"Who is this Queen?" a question that could be heard many times, but no one seems to know it.

A small exploring fleet however did find the remains of a Sebiestor, curently there scientists are trying to find
out if they have the right one.
The corps of the Sebiestor hase a smiling face but it seems some of the implants and parts of the brains are missing.

Concord sended a patrol out to investigate where this corps is, but new Edens are so inventive, the hidding place
of the corps is not yet found.

A few smart people however where able to make contact with someone who seem to know more about the AMELIANS.
As far as known this contact whas a first encounter ever by the population.
The underground channels reporting that they where luaghing about how Concord whas on there ass and did not even
get it that they made contact with a AMELIAN.
However there where no details sended out what did actual happen or what they did talk about.

As the new Eden univers is way to big and Concord scared to go outside empire space it could take a long time
before they realy find out more.
As there is still allso news when and where the gathering of the races with Concord will take place scouts and spy's
of all races seem to do overtime.
It's not clear why these scouts and spy's doing so much overtime, who did give the orders?
Are they planning to make this gathering fail?

So many question so few answers,....

---- to be continued ---
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2012-07-02 20:05:10 UTC
The discovery:

A report leaked out of the highly secured Concord channels:

There whas nothing at the begining, the big bang created evrything we know. Is it?
The Amelians could not believe it, there research hade only one goal, to find this out.

The demension Amelians live in gave them a advantage that no other universe or demension could even think of.
Amelians could be at more then two places at the same time. They where not bound on laws of nature like in New Eden.

However there where different laws of nature that they could not get around.
One is: if they died in one place they die in the other as wel.

Able to be at more then two places basicly whas found out by the fact light can be as well at two places and ......
( not readable ) ..... , we need to know more about this.

The first major discovery that whas made by the Amelians however whas to leave there physical form.
After centuries of research Amelians where no longer a physical form but rather a collection of n..... that where
organised in strings.
The problem however they could not be there forever as well but after ....... .( not readable ) .....

The problem ........ a ........ by the means ........ , connection lost.

---- to be continued ---