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what is your favorite Gallente cruiser and why?

Praxis Ginimic
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2012-07-02 17:38:40 UTC
I'm Gallente so I'm asking fans of the Gallente ships. Which cruiser do u like best? What role do u favor with it? How do u fit it? (don't give away ur secrets. be vague. i.e. speed tank, drone boat, etc.) Not just the battle hardened pilots, I want to hear from the indies too.

And Go
Arcana Imperii Ltd.
#2 - 2012-07-02 17:39:58 UTC
Brick Proteus.

edit: but then I'm a T3 addict :)

Founding member of the Belligerent Undesirables movement.

Rer Eirikr
The Scope
#3 - 2012-07-02 17:40:10 UTC
Drone Boat - Vexor
Blap Boat - Thorax

/thread Lol
Andoria Thara
Fallen Avatars
#4 - 2012-07-02 17:40:34 UTC
We're talking Gallente, so obviously it's gotta be a drone boat.

Gallente are the pet class of eve
Akirei Scytale
Okami Syndicate
#5 - 2012-07-02 17:46:14 UTC
Deimos / Thorax.

Too many fun experiences had in both. Drones are almost as boring as Missiles IMO.
Alara IonStorm
#6 - 2012-07-02 17:49:20 UTC
Thorax in this fit. With Hammerhead Drones.

About 500 DPS, 40k EHP. Brutal little boat that makes the 1600mm Rupture a relic.
Petrus Blackshell
#7 - 2012-07-02 17:55:59 UTC
Enyo! Awesome with either blasters or rails!

Accidentally The Whole Frigate - For-newbies blog (currently on pause)

Alara IonStorm
#8 - 2012-07-02 17:57:32 UTC
Petrus Blackshell wrote:
Enyo! Awesome with either blasters or rails!

Did they make it bigger recently or somethin? What?
Akirei Scytale
Okami Syndicate
#9 - 2012-07-02 17:58:55 UTC
Alara IonStorm wrote:
Thorax in this fit. With Hammerhead Drones.

About 500 DPS, 40k EHP. Brutal little boat that makes the 1600mm Rupture a relic.

That's the standard thorax. I loved it too.
Petrus Blackshell
#10 - 2012-07-02 17:59:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Petrus Blackshell
Alara IonStorm wrote:
Petrus Blackshell wrote:
Enyo! Awesome with either blasters or rails!

Did they make it bigger recently or somethin? What?

What? No, that was the Rifter and its T2 variants.

Also, another favorite Gallente ship: the Velator. Completely OP when compared with the other noobships.

Edit: Oh derp, it says cruiser. I'll let myself out now. Also, Thorax.

Accidentally The Whole Frigate - For-newbies blog (currently on pause)

Alara IonStorm
#11 - 2012-07-02 18:01:26 UTC
Petrus Blackshell wrote:
Alara IonStorm wrote:
Petrus Blackshell wrote:
Enyo! Awesome with either blasters or rails!

Did they make it bigger recently or somethin? What?

What? No, that was the Rifter and its T2 variants.

Also, another favorite Gallente ship: the Velator. Completely OP when compared with the other noobships.

I meant the thread specifies Cruisers.

I fly Incursus and Rifters and the Incursus looks tiny now even with the lance.
Andrea Roche
State War Academy
Caldari State
#12 - 2012-07-02 18:01:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Andrea Roche
thorax is probably the best. only thing is that you can rarelly take on anything bigger than a cruiser. reason is no real tank and cos you got to plate it, you wont go fast by anymeans.
vexor is really no more than a drone ship that once targeted it will go fast. so you got to deploy drones and hope you can outrun your target. you can use this very effectivelly for ratting. when i started, vexor was my ratting ship and it did the job well.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2012-07-02 18:28:12 UTC
Fed Navy Exeq
Petrus Blackshell
#14 - 2012-07-02 18:32:34 UTC
Alara IonStorm wrote:
Petrus Blackshell wrote:
Alara IonStorm wrote:
Petrus Blackshell wrote:
Enyo! Awesome with either blasters or rails!

Did they make it bigger recently or somethin? What?

What? No, that was the Rifter and its T2 variants.

Also, another favorite Gallente ship: the Velator. Completely OP when compared with the other noobships.

I meant the thread specifies Cruisers.

I fly Incursus and Rifters and the Incursus looks tiny now even with the lance.

Yeah I realized and edited my post. I derp'd. Oops

Accidentally The Whole Frigate - For-newbies blog (currently on pause)

Luba Cibre
Global Song Setup
#15 - 2012-07-02 18:36:12 UTC
Cynabal, because its half minmatar.

"Nothing essential happens in the absence of noise." 

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#16 - 2012-07-02 18:38:47 UTC
Nano rax. Its like a megathron only smaller more obsenity like.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#17 - 2012-07-02 18:44:52 UTC
Petrus Blackshell wrote:

Yeah I realized and edited my post. I derp'd. Oops

This is why we can't have nice things Petrus!
Blue Nine Industries
#18 - 2012-07-02 18:47:09 UTC
Thorax, though I haven't flown one in a very long time
Valerie Tessel
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#19 - 2012-07-02 19:22:33 UTC
Ishtar - Passive shield / sentry fit for ratting
Vexor - for cheap PvP... "holy crap! how many drones you got in that thing?!?" (recall / redeploy drones) I managed to get a Myrmidon down to 1/4 structure with a properly fit Vexor before he popped me.

Tactical destroyers... I'll take a dozen Gallente, please.

Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#20 - 2012-07-02 19:23:40 UTC
Cloaky Proteus.

Fat battleship tank, wimpy-BC dps, loooong scram, drones and covert ops cloak.


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