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EVE General Discussion

  • Topic is locked indefinitely.

Captain of Prometheus

Sunshine and Lollipops
#81 - 2012-07-02 10:24:33 UTC
Holander Switzerland wrote:
what i'm hearing here is we need to remove ratting and missions from the game
That would be a spectacularly bad idea since no game has ever managed to maintain such a closed-loop economy.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#82 - 2012-07-02 10:25:59 UTC
Holander Switzerland wrote:
To his credit, I thought you were actually that brain damaged as well Still do actually

Fear not, that says a lot more about you that it does about me Smile
Holander Switzerland
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#83 - 2012-07-02 10:27:18 UTC
Pipa Porto wrote:
Holander Switzerland wrote:
what i'm hearing here is we need to remove ratting and missions from the game

Auditory Hallucinations are a potentially serious medical issue and should be discussed with your physician at the earliest possible convenience.

I thought it was just this echo chamber I seemed to have stumbled into
Karadion Kohlar
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#84 - 2012-07-02 10:30:09 UTC
DarkAegix wrote:
Karadion Kohlar wrote:
DarkAegix wrote:

You have much to learn.
I have about 10x more likes than you, and are therefore 10x better in all aspects of everything.
Numbers don't lie.

You better lick my boots and start grovelling, I just may forgive you.

Oh, god. The fuckinglikes! They're so important! *SCHLICK* *SCHLICK* *SCHLICK* *SCHLICK* *SCHLICK* *SCHLICK*

DarkAegix's goal list
1. Get as many likes as possible!
2. ????
3. Profit

Considering you're most likely some irrelevant high-sec pubbie, I'm going to chalk this up with a grain of salt.

(By the way, you do not have 10 times more likes. so there's 737 likes there as well including on other alts. But in the end, I don'tfucking care)

I apologise for getting you so mad. Thank you for going through the effort of linking your alt to me, but there is no need to be so defensive. Clearly, this is a tender topic for you.

By the way, I don't care about likes. It seems that that you honestly believed that I thought there was a direct link between likes on these forums and being "better in all aspects of everything", as I put it. You can read the sarcasm in the italics, as well as the simple notion of imaginary internet +1s being indicative of a person's worth.

Are you having a bad day? Maybe you could tell us what's wrong, and we could help you out.

If you got me mad, you'd have to go to extra lengths to do so. Instead you come into this thread trying to shovelshit in my face when you clearly can't aim anyways. I wasn't the one that brought up the topic of likes but for some reason you had to measure likes as if there was an e-peen contest going on (There wasn't).

Now go play in traffic. Sayonara.
Markus Reese
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#85 - 2012-07-02 10:30:51 UTC
I am with the OP making an honest mistake. I went and saw prometheus opening night and when I first saw the logo/shirt I thought the same thing "Eve?" Had to second glance to actually notice the subtle differences.

To quote Lfod Shi

The ratting itself is PvE. Getting away with it is PvP.

Pipa Porto
#86 - 2012-07-02 10:31:15 UTC
Holander Switzerland wrote:
Pipa Porto wrote:
Holander Switzerland wrote:
what i'm hearing here is we need to remove ratting and missions from the game

Auditory Hallucinations are a potentially serious medical issue and should be discussed with your physician at the earliest possible convenience.

I thought it was just this echo chamber I seemed to have stumbled into

Oooh, those are fun. Almost as fun as Iso tanks (especially if you get drunk first).

EvE: Everyone vs Everyone


Sunshine and Lollipops
#87 - 2012-07-02 10:32:48 UTC
…and anyway, the original (Alien) Weylan-Yutani logo was the best of the bunch.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#88 - 2012-07-02 10:38:02 UTC
Karadion Kohlar wrote:
DarkAegix wrote:
Karadion Kohlar wrote:
DarkAegix wrote:

You have much to learn.
I have about 10x more likes than you, and are therefore 10x better in all aspects of everything.
Numbers don't lie.

You better lick my boots and start grovelling, I just may forgive you.

Oh, god. The fuckinglikes! They're so important! *SCHLICK* *SCHLICK* *SCHLICK* *SCHLICK* *SCHLICK* *SCHLICK*

DarkAegix's goal list
1. Get as many likes as possible!
2. ????
3. Profit

Considering you're most likely some irrelevant high-sec pubbie, I'm going to chalk this up with a grain of salt.

(By the way, you do not have 10 times more likes. so there's 737 likes there as well including on other alts. But in the end, I don'tfucking care)

I apologise for getting you so mad. Thank you for going through the effort of linking your alt to me, but there is no need to be so defensive. Clearly, this is a tender topic for you.

By the way, I don't care about likes. It seems that that you honestly believed that I thought there was a direct link between likes on these forums and being "better in all aspects of everything", as I put it. You can read the sarcasm in the italics, as well as the simple notion of imaginary internet +1s being indicative of a person's worth.

Are you having a bad day? Maybe you could tell us what's wrong, and we could help you out.

If you got me mad, you'd have to go to extra lengths to do so. Instead you come into this thread trying to shovelshit in my face when you clearly can't aim anyways. I wasn't the one that brought up the topic of likes but for some reason you had to measure likes as if there was an e-peen contest going on (There wasn't).

Now go play in traffic. Sayonara.

My mistake, I honestly that you that were mad given all the swearing and death wishes directed at me
Maybe you're just a terrible person?

I actually feel sorry for you, so here's a tip: I am trolling you. You are getting mad and defensive at these stupid posts I am making.

Now, stop feeding me, and go play outside.
Karadion Kohlar
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#89 - 2012-07-02 10:42:38 UTC
DarkAegix wrote:
Karadion Kohlar wrote:
DarkAegix wrote:
Karadion Kohlar wrote:
DarkAegix wrote:

You have much to learn.
I have about 10x more likes than you, and are therefore 10x better in all aspects of everything.
Numbers don't lie.

You better lick my boots and start grovelling, I just may forgive you.

Oh, god. The fuckinglikes! They're so important! *SCHLICK* *SCHLICK* *SCHLICK* *SCHLICK* *SCHLICK* *SCHLICK*

DarkAegix's goal list
1. Get as many likes as possible!
2. ????
3. Profit

Considering you're most likely some irrelevant high-sec pubbie, I'm going to chalk this up with a grain of salt.

(By the way, you do not have 10 times more likes. so there's 737 likes there as well including on other alts. But in the end, I don'tfucking care)

I apologise for getting you so mad. Thank you for going through the effort of linking your alt to me, but there is no need to be so defensive. Clearly, this is a tender topic for you.

By the way, I don't care about likes. It seems that that you honestly believed that I thought there was a direct link between likes on these forums and being "better in all aspects of everything", as I put it. You can read the sarcasm in the italics, as well as the simple notion of imaginary internet +1s being indicative of a person's worth.

Are you having a bad day? Maybe you could tell us what's wrong, and we could help you out.

If you got me mad, you'd have to go to extra lengths to do so. Instead you come into this thread trying to shovelshit in my face when you clearly can't aim anyways. I wasn't the one that brought up the topic of likes but for some reason you had to measure likes as if there was an e-peen contest going on (There wasn't).

Now go play in traffic. Sayonara.

My mistake, I honestly that you that were mad given all the swearing and death wishes directed at me
Maybe you're just a terrible person?

I actually feel sorry for you, so here's a tip: I am trolling you. You are getting mad and defensive at these stupid posts I am making.

Now, stop feeding me, and go play outside.

You were trolling? I don't even think you know what trolling means.
Private Pineapple
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#90 - 2012-07-02 11:26:25 UTC
Danfen Fenix wrote:
ITT: A goon who failed at being funny and is now throwing a hissy fit for being called out for it

In truth, at a glance the logos do look similar. An easy mistake to make Smile

Just Karadion Kohlar being Karadion Kohlar
