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EVE New Citizens Q&A

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Advice: So, what should be my next ship?

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Pane In The Glass Manufacturing
#161 - 2011-10-08 12:24:31 UTC
For someone new that wants to run missions, it is the Drake,

As an experiment I tried starting with a brand new Char to see what it was like and I found if i was to train specific skills, I could be fully t2 fitted in a month and able to solo L4's! The slow bit was grinding the standings to allow me to run l4's!

Definitely gives you a good foundation to build your pvp skills on
Caligula Ra
StratCom Network
#162 - 2011-10-08 12:26:22 UTC
I recommend Heavy Assault Ship as a long term goal. It'll help you in many mission running situations in both L3 & L4 P
Shei Hullud
Kosher Nostra
WarDogs League
#163 - 2011-10-08 12:33:44 UTC
It depends on your "thing", surely enough everyone will run missions even in the short term, but apart from choosing a ship to run missions with it (which is the drake for most of you, no doubt in that) you have to choose what you wanna go for, and focus in that direction, and that direction only...

I for one prefer cov ops/recons, in particularly the Pilgrim if its soloing in lows/0.0 or running plexes for omnom mods/isk, or hot dropping fleets, the pilgrim does it all, that sturdy little bastard of a ship...
Kristopher Arione
Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#164 - 2011-10-08 13:18:29 UTC
For serious PvE Isk making, you need to be in a Nightmare or a Mach. Plan accordingly.
Admiral Rufus
The Tuskers
The Tuskers Co.
#165 - 2011-10-08 13:25:58 UTC
100% the rifter, once you get t2 ac's that thing kicks ass, and I have taken down battleships with them
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#166 - 2011-10-08 13:43:13 UTC
after reading other people 'advice' i am shocked in pretty much every way possible, are u people trying to make the next generation of eggers all care bears and easy kills?

first things u need to KNOW:

I) SHINY STUFF no matter how much juicy faction stuff or t2/faction ships u buy, u will lose it ; so if u can't afford to lose it, or would rather it not turned into scrap eventually , don't get it!, i know it looks shiny but just DON'T (even if it's a mission boat, someone is going to try to take it of -EVEN IN HIGH SEC)

II) 'DON'T MINE IF YOU WANT TO LIVE' the only places worth mining in are wh space for gas and ark, or low sec grav sites - and even with that they don't pay very well, no one told me this at first so i trained up to orca- for no good reason.

HOW TO EARN BILLIONS , now when i first joined incursions had not been released and wh space was only jst up and running , so u guys have got more opportunities, but the avg pilot :
when first joining, pick a faction and get a mission- active tank battlecrusier (preferably drone boat), GRIND GRIND GRIND till u get 5.00 standings with said agent or faction, sell your bc ,and get the dominix hull(or any other tier 1 bs) , buy then u should of earned 50 mil or so for the rest of the ships fitting -same again: active tank/drones, grind grind grind.
p2- get in to low sec and ask someone how to scan properly- VERY SIMPLE low sec has the same about of nubs in it as high sec, so don't b scared , just get to know ur surroundings and join a low sec corp, then grind grind in ur mission domi ,and u will earn about 100 mil an hr, athough since recent lp changes t may b a tad less., right: eventually u should b training for ur chosen races carrier, after this u can run lvl 5 missions, and wit the skills for te carrier and all previous t2 ships , u can train all other races ships in a matter of months.

iv) PVP
u can pvp in ANYTHING, e.g u can get noob ships to kill cruisers if u have enough, and if u lose em ; meh u get another free one ^.^ , e.g t2 frigs are a good start for kills,( other day we killed a chimi (caldari carrier) with 20 odd t2 frigs :P)

ok, thanks for reading , and for gos sake , get of highsec ASAP

Stigman Zuwadza
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#167 - 2011-10-08 15:23:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Stigman Zuwadza
I only do PVE atm and only been playing about 3 weeks. Big smile I'm not in a Corp yet so do everything solo. Big smile

As a Caldari I use the following ships.

• Heron (Scanning) - Salvager / Codebreaker / Analyzer / Tractor Beam - has scanning bonuses.

• Cormorant (Salvage) - 6 x Salvagers / 2 x Tractor Beams - ample high slots / good sized cargo hold.

• Ferox (Mining) - 6 x Miners / Missle Launcher / 4 x Drones - ample high slots / able to defend against rats.

• Badger (Hauling) - good sized cargo hold.

• Drake (DPS) - 7 x Missle Launchers / Tractor Beam - ample high slots / tanks like a mofo.

For me the above covers my bases.

I think as a person that does stuff solo (atm) the speed at which you do stuff is particularly important so high slots on a ship is a must so the length of time can be reduced on tasks where possible.

Would be nice to see more ships that where capable of tanking (there might well be, I just haven't noticed) like the Drake as I'm a player that tends to stay in one spot and slowly pick off those ships around me, moving only when needed. Blink

There you go, my noobie view.Big smile

It's broken and it's been broken for a long time and it'll be broken for some time to come.

Raw Matters
Brilliant Starfire
#168 - 2011-10-08 16:14:51 UTC
For starter PewPew definitely the Battlecruisers (of each race). If you want to guide new players, guide them to BCs.
Crimson Outpost
Them Guys
#169 - 2011-10-08 16:19:10 UTC  |  Edited by: AkatokuChaos
i personally like the maelstrom battleship, hurricane battlecruiser and the dramiel frigate. i also like the stealth bombers. now for starting players i would prefer the rifter.
Hot Droppin Cherry Poppers
#170 - 2011-10-08 16:21:58 UTC
covops bomber. not too hard to get into, and with perfect missile and torp skills, its a dedly little boat.
Dietrich VonMirat
Mirat Transtellar
#171 - 2011-10-08 16:23:03 UTC
Sniper ships and Drone ships!!
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#172 - 2011-10-08 16:30:35 UTC
Can not go wrong with a Autocannon Punisher.
Fronkfurter McSheebleton
Horse Feathers
#173 - 2011-10-08 16:33:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Fronkfurter McSheebleton
Vexor, leading into Myrm and Dominix will give just about anyone a good set of tools for experiencing different parts of the game. They are all considered "good" for both PVE and PVP, and are fairly forgiving in terms of fitting. They also have significantly more available "standard" fit types than most other ships, due to the ability to fight with no guns fitted.

thhief ghabmoef

Luth Curmal
A Blessed Bean
Pandemic Horde
#174 - 2011-10-08 16:52:28 UTC
For a new player - the initial ship for real taste of cheap fun in Player vs Player (PVP) fighting should be the Assault Frigate (AF) of your race. These small but tough ships can really ruin larger ship pilots intentions! And allow you to punish smaller and similar sized ships. The are good for low level, low security system or null security systems mission running.

Tip 1: DO NOT rush into larger classes without a good 'support skill' base for the frigate and AF classes. i.e. Navigation, Electronics, Engineering.
Tip 2: Consider training for Stealth Bomber; many larger corporations and Alliances require scouts, bomber squads. You could be shooting a Titan a lot sooner than you think!
Tip 3: DO NOT underestimate the benefits of training DRONES! Many people use then to speed up the damage delivered.

Good Luck

Luth Curmal
Corporation Commander
The Volt Corporation (.VC.)

'The Volition Cult Alliance' (VOLT) is recruiting!

Jesus Rambo
Minmatar Fleet Alliance
#175 - 2011-10-08 16:55:07 UTC
For a new player, get yourself into a battlecruiser, and get well skilled into it.

The path I took was working my way up to battlecruisers slowly, then going back and getting T2 small guns, T2 frigs, T2 medium guns, T2 cruisers, T3s, and then diversifying racially.

T3s are a really great end goal to shoot for. It won't cost you tons of training, and the ability to use that one skillset for damn near anything is invaluable.
Mjoelnir Industries
The Burning Contingent Alliance
#176 - 2011-10-08 16:58:33 UTC
In my Opinion;

If your unsure as to which way to turn, follow your race tree for ships. Being Minmatar,

Frig = Rifter >
Destroyer = Thrasher >
Cruiser = Stabber >
Battle Cruiser = Hurricane >
Battle Ship = Maelstrom

In all cases I trained for the Highest skill requirement Ship in each class. The thinking being that if I can fly that one then the ones below will be cake.

No Matter What. Do not forget, Core skills are what makes or breaks Any fit. Get those as high as possable as fast as you can and if you decide to 'cross train' races later all you'll have to do is train the Spaceship command skills for the race you want.

Fly It Like You Stole It ! Blink
Atan Auden
Brave Collective
#177 - 2011-10-08 17:08:45 UTC
Instead of adding new ships you could spend some resources to redesign the Gallente Ships,
The models are not symmetric and look terrible!
Caldari State
#178 - 2011-10-08 17:27:17 UTC
Obviously Tengu \o/
Sulivan Mondrel
Tax Evasion n' Sons
#179 - 2011-10-08 18:02:00 UTC
T2 frigate, right away, EVE Online is cold blooded and it bites you without notice, train for PvP right away
Angry Onions
League of Angered Gentlemen
#180 - 2011-10-08 18:14:51 UTC
As an ubernoob (less than a month), i suggest your race's best frigate (rifter/merlin/punisher/why the hell are you flying gallente?) and aim to t2 fit those. This will help you with missions and pvp.
After you get frigate modules t2'd, make the frigate t2, for pve go Assault Frigs cause they can speed tank level 3 missions (takes a while, but its fun). Also in PVP they could also be great in hit n run tactics, a bit expensive and better suited for missions.

Cruisers.... screw cruisers unless theyre tech2 or 3
Battlecruisers, these ships are amazing as they can do just about anything, especially the Hurricane. The drake is great too. IMO, the others are meh unless theyre tech 2
Battleships are also great ships to fly, theyre slow tho but then they can also solo lvl 4 missions and the harder sites like sanctums/havens in 0.0 . Theyre also great in gang warfare as they bring in the heavy guns and they generously give out Assbeat to whoever needs it :)

I would reccoment flying Minmatar for PVP and Caldari for PVE, or just fly a weird mix of both.