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Looking for mega fits

Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#21 - 2012-06-28 05:23:16 UTC
Terrible thread with terrible fits.

Battleships need to saved from the abuse they receive in hisec What?


School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#22 - 2012-06-28 11:52:02 UTC
mavrick1 wrote:
noXza wrote:
Just out of curiosity

why the freckle aren't you just upgrading to a raven, really good lvl 4 mission ship, you probarbly already have the missile skills.

Looking at your bio i can see you're quite new(so am i) just go for one race, one thing for starters.

1: get in a drake with somewhat good support skills=2-3 months
2: Get in a raven, work on rest of support skills 4-5 months.

If you jump around too much you'll end up only being able to fly most ships at 20-30% of their proper value as in, lower dmg/tank than if you sticked to one.

Well i have been a drake pilot for most of the time, I feel i need to get out the missile boats and try some gun ships.
But i will work on the better mega's but i mgiht go the next step

There is nothing wrong with deciding you want something different. Sometimes it takes a bit to figure out what you want.

Just make sure it's the Mega that you want then train gunnery and armor tanking. Forget about missiles and shields till you get both completely trained. If you spread out your training too much you'll just be able to do everything poorly.

Xhaiden Ora
#23 - 2012-06-28 12:23:23 UTC
Roime wrote:
Terrible thread with terrible fits.

Battleships need to saved from the abuse they receive in hisec What?

I'm afraid I must agree. Hell, I'm a carebear but these make me wince.

Leave Megathron alone >.>
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#24 - 2012-06-28 13:41:59 UTC
Xhaiden Ora wrote:
Roime wrote:
Terrible thread with terrible fits.

Battleships need to saved from the abuse they receive in hisec What?

I'm afraid I must agree. Hell, I'm a carebear but these make me wince.

Leave Megathron alone >.>

My alt is training for a Megathron. He just has T2 Hybrids left to train.

Are you talking about the fits being bad because they are PVE fits or just bad in general. Can you link a good fit? I'm trying to learn as much as I can about fitting it before I fly one.
Hohmann Transfer
#25 - 2012-06-28 13:53:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Backfyre
No idea where your gunnery skills are, but the minmatar gun boats with shield tanks may be an "easier" switch.

That said, if you want to fly Gallente, go for it. I use them for missions all the time. Just a caution that as a newer Gallente pilot, soloing L4 missions can get very tricky on the tanking side. Just make sure to shoot the scramblers first.

Lots of fit options have been posted so I will go more for a little philosophy from MY book:

1. resists >> dual repper until you really learn how to manage your cap, which will be new for a drake pilot

2. 6-8 minutes of cap is usually "good enough". Gives you time to knock down the inbound DPS to a manageable level. Being cap stable with just the tank activated (no guns) is a good target for you. That way you can just tank while your drones whittle down the DPS.

3. Some missions have rats that are hard to crack with therm/kin damage of hybrids. Sometimes 6 rails plus 2x heavy missile launchers is the "right" mission loadout. Can also help with the frigs.

4. Drones - very critical. Make sure to match damage type with the mission. This is the only way you will hit cruisers and frigs inside 20k unless you pack a web.

5. Ammo - I typically carry anti-matter for close range and thorium or iridium for longer range.

For now, better to be overtanked than lose a 150M ship. Once you get the feel for these capacitor pigs, then start switching out tank for damage mods.

Good hunting!
Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#26 - 2012-06-28 13:57:27 UTC
Ships are meant to shoot, tank and move, not provide capacitor for a whole constellation.


School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#27 - 2012-06-28 14:25:26 UTC
Roime wrote:
Ships are meant to shoot, tank and move, not provide capacitor for a whole constellation.

I think part of the reason is newer pilots get into battleships long before they have the proper skills to fly them. Their DPS is so low that they can't kill the rats before their cap runs out.

If you're spending more than two hours on a mission it probably means you shouldn't be there solo.
Hohmann Transfer
#28 - 2012-06-28 14:36:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Backfyre
Roime wrote:
Ships are meant to shoot, tank and move, not provide capacitor for a whole constellation.

Agree, but new pilots will get into cap management trouble fast. Hence suggestion lots of tank and easy on the cap until they learn the ship.

Looked closer at the posted fits and, yep, they suck as PvE fits. I am away from my home PC and don't see anything good on battleclinic with a cursory glance so I'll try from memory...

This is a "new to Gallente fit". As you learn the ship, swap tank for damage mods. (use meta 4 where you cannot fit T2)

Damage Control II
Large Armor Repairer II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Tracking Enhancer II
(mission specific) hardener II
(mission specific) hardener II
(mission specific) hardener II

3x capacitor recharger II
tracking computer II (swap out range and tracking scripts)


7x Prototype 350mm railguns
drone link, small remote armor rep (for drones), or heavy missile launcher

2x capacitor control circuit
1x hybrid damage or armor repair bonus (not repair rate)


5x medium attack drone of mission damage type

The hybrid damage mod may cause a powergrid issue. Don't have EFT in front of me.
Federal Navy Academy
#29 - 2012-06-28 14:40:24 UTC
if you're going to use 7 t1 large railguns and no damage mods or tracking mods, there is absolutely no reason you should be in a megathron over a dominix.

"**CCP is changing policy, and has asked that we discontinue the bonus credit program after November 7th. So until then, enjoy a super-bonus of 1B Blink Credit for each 60-day GTC you buy!"**

Never forget.

waistland prospecters
#30 - 2012-06-28 15:04:50 UTC
[quote=Roime]Terrible thread with terrible fits.

Battleships need to saved from the abuse they receive in hisec What?[/quote\]

Well i guess you can not keep the cage locked all the time, and the haters and ass hats just look for crap to talk even when someone is trying to get real help.

under the radar is where i fly i make my isk like very one

Lin-Young Borovskova
#31 - 2012-06-28 15:29:44 UTC
You should be able to use this once you get T2 guns without problem of cap.

[Mega Because Camo]

Damage Control II
Armor Kinetic Hardener II
Armor Thermic Hardener II
Energised Adaptive Nano Plating (Imperial Navy it's cheap and very nice)
Federation Navy Magnetic Field Stabiliser
Federation Navy Magnetic Field Stabiliser
Federation Navy Magnetic Field Stabiliser
Core B Type Large Armor Repairer (x-type better of course but also expensive)

Cap Recharger II
Cap Recharger II
Cap Recharger II
Experimental 100MN Afterburner I

425mm Railgun II -Federation Navy Anti Matter
425mm Railgun II -Federation Navy Anti Matter
425mm Railgun II -Federation Navy Anti Matter
425mm Railgun II -Federation Navy Anti Matter
425mm Railgun II -Federation Navy Anti Matter
425mm Railgun II -Federation Navy Anti Matter
425mm Railgun II -Federation Navy Anti Matter
Drone Link

Large Capacitor Control Circuit I
Large Capacitor Control Circuit I
Large Hybrid Burst Aerator I

Hobgoblin II x7
EC-300 x5
Hammerhead II x5

Over 100K EHP -depends on skills/implants/boosts, but a normal char can get out of this 120K EHP without a problem.
Switch hardeners for specific rat, you'll need 2 Explosive and 1 Kin hardeners if you're fighting Angels -less 1 MFS)

Keep some T2 short range ammo (+25% tracking but -75% range) -you'll get blaster dmg at twice distance, can perfectly hit above targeting distance (90km) with AM and melts everything in between 25+ -> 70km

EC's are there only for the pesky alt trying to point you while his friends are trying to gank your ship (eventually)
You'll probably need the +5% cap recharge implant if you don't have perfect skills or just change the hybrid burst aerator for another cap recharge rig, you have more dps than you need already


Lin-Young Borovskova
#32 - 2012-06-28 15:49:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Lin-Young Borovskova
This was my money maker for a long time, worked like a charm for 102K EHP 75% resists across the board, stable 45% when not using AB

Requires cap recharge implants and dmg implants.

930DPS with Hobgobs II and Faction AM

1000DPS with Hammerheads II and Faction AM

[Megathron Navy Issue, Mega Camo]
Damage Control II
Corelum A-Type Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane
Corelum A-Type Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane
Federation Navy Magnetic Field Stabilizer
Federation Navy Magnetic Field Stabilizer
Federation Navy Magnetic Field Stabilizer
Federation Navy Magnetic Field Stabilizer
Corpus A-Type Large Armor Repairer

Shadow Serpentis 100MN Afterburner
Cap Recharger II
Cap Recharger II
Cap Recharger II

425mm Railgun II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge L
425mm Railgun II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge L
425mm Railgun II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge L
425mm Railgun II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge L
425mm Railgun II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge L
425mm Railgun II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge L
425mm Railgun II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge L
[empty high slot]

Large Capacitor Control Circuit I
Large Capacitor Control Circuit I
Large Capacitor Control Circuit I


waistland prospecters
#33 - 2012-06-28 18:22:50 UTC
Well I have been playing since 2008, but i have focused my skills for fitting a good drake, and the mining side with a touch of market and some planet side skills, but i have cross trained all 4 races up to battle ship and i can fly tech 2 freigs and cruisers too.
but about the cap, that is not a real issue, but the issue is i am not versed in the boom stick side of eve. so I am trying to learn and i have a ok fit i guess. Thank you all for your help, and for the trolls they did not bother me this time.

under the radar is where i fly i make my isk like very one

Lin-Young Borovskova
#34 - 2012-06-28 18:34:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Lin-Young Borovskova
mavrick1 wrote:
Well I have been playing since 2008, but i have focused my skills for fitting a good drake, and the mining side with a touch of market and some planet side skills, but i have cross trained all 4 races up to battle ship and i can fly tech 2 freigs and cruisers too.
but about the cap, that is not a real issue, but the issue is i am not versed in the boom stick side of eve. so I am trying to learn and i have a ok fit i guess. Thank you all for your help, and for the trolls they did not bother me this time.

You should be good with fitting skills but you really want AWU4 at least (5 better of course even thou you have more PG than you need with this fitting), gunnery support skills all 5 (you can skip fall off V one however) and obviously Large Hybrid Specialisation at 4 (5 is really a must have)

Yes it's an expensive fit, yes requires a lot of skills so it's not really a newb fit/ship, but yes you get the hell crap out of those mobs at light speed while slow boating to next gate. You can also use set of light and sentry with raises your total dps with sentry above 1150.


Fronkfurter McSheebleton
Horse Feathers
#35 - 2012-06-28 22:15:32 UTC
I may get burned at the stake for this, but you might have a look at the Hyperion as well. Has a bit more damage than the mega, and has a bit more GTFO ability to help you keep range. No tracking bonus, so don't let cruisers up close(or at least carry tracking scripts), but the rep bonus makes running a single rep significantly easier.

Here's a decent fit:

[Hyperion, mission entry]
Large Armor Repairer II
Armor Kinetic Hardener II
Armor Thermic Hardener II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II

100MN Afterburner II
Heavy Capacitor Booster II, Cap Booster 800
Tracking Computer II, Optimal Range Script
Tracking Computer II, Optimal Range Script
Tracking Computer II, Optimal Range Script

425mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge L
425mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge L
425mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge L
425mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge L
425mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge L
425mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge L
425mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge L
425mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge L

Large Ancillary Current Router I
Large Capacitor Control Circuit I
Large Capacitor Control Circuit I

Hobgoblin II x5
Warden I x3

Swap mag stabs for tank as needed. Might also swap a tracking comp for a sensor booster on some missions, particularly those with damps.

Use the AB to get range on everything and pick it off as it approaches. The cap rigs help you recover during the dull spots, to save a few cap boosters.

thhief ghabmoef

No Vacancies
No Vacancies.
#36 - 2012-06-28 23:29:37 UTC
Page 2. Still seeing Mega fits with more cap mods than magstabs. Sad

I like the Hyperion fit above.
Hohmann Transfer
#37 - 2012-06-29 01:26:22 UTC
Kasutra wrote:
Page 2. Still seeing Mega fits with more cap mods than magstabs. Sad

I like the Hyperion fit above.

That is how somebody NEW to Gallente ships should fit out of the box. Swapping out your tank for damage mods is the advanced tutorial.
Xhaiden Ora
#38 - 2012-06-29 07:30:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Xhaiden Ora
IIshira wrote:
My alt is training for a Megathron. He just has T2 Hybrids left to train.

Are you talking about the fits being bad because they are PVE fits or just bad in general. Can you link a good fit? I'm trying to learn as much as I can about fitting it before I fly one.

Just bad fits. If you've got less than 2 damage mods or more than 3 mission specific hardeners you're probably Doing It Wrong(tm). A basic Megathron fit that's cap stable ( with the AB off ), newb friendly, has enough tank and decent enough dps with at least Gallente BS 3 would be something like: ( I don't have EFT at work, so just off the top of my head here )


Large Armor Repairer II
Mission Specific Hardener II
Mission Specific Hardener II
Mission Specific Hardener II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Capacitor Power Relay II

100MN Afterburner II
Tracking Computer II ( Or Optical Tracking Computer. Switch between range and tracking scripts as needed )
Cap Recharger II
Cap Recharger II

425mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Caldari Antimatter Charge L
425mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Caldari Antimatter Charge L
425mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Caldari Antimatter Charge L
425mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Caldari Antimatter Charge L
425mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Caldari Antimatter Charge L
425mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Caldari Antimatter Charge L
425mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Caldari Antimatter Charge L
Drone Link Augmenter I

Large Capacitor Control Circuit I
Large Capacitor Control Circuit I
Large Capacitor Control Circuit I

With good support skills ( Which you should have before you even touch a BS ) that should run any L4 in a decent amount of time without any major problems. You can fit this directly onto a Navy Mega too and add a 3rd Field Stab.
Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#39 - 2012-06-29 08:31:04 UTC
Ok, maybe shed some light why I think the fits are bad.

Kasutra got it right:

Kasutra wrote:

A general idea:

Low slots: Large Armor Repper, as many Magstabs as you can and as few mission-specific armor hardeners as you can get away with.
Mid slots: Heavy cap booster, afterburner, tracking computers.
High slots: Prototype 425mm railguns, you won't have the skills for T2 for a long, long while.
Rigs: Probably Auxiliary Nano Pumps, you won't have the grid for gunnery rigs (and they'll be stacking penalized anyway). overclocking unit if you need one.
Drones: I like 4 heavies + 5 lights on 125 bandwidth ships.

Be aware that the Mega isn't generally considered a very good missioning ship.

But the other fits use 5-8 (eight!) slots for capacitor. If you instead used 7 slots to improve your tank and damage application, you'd only need the one slot for capacitor (booster). Capacitor by itself does not help with anything, aiming for a cap stable fit results in a low damage ship with poor tank, and then you actually need the cap stability because you need to run the repper 23/7 in order to stay alive.

Pump up the damage and application to reduce incoming dps faster, pump up the resists and rep rate so you only need to cycle the repper when needed.

Of course, fly how you like, but minimizing capacitor-related module use is a more universal concept and learning to manage your cap properly is a valuable skill outside PVE.


Lin-Young Borovskova
#40 - 2012-06-29 08:34:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Lin-Young Borovskova
Backfyre wrote:
Kasutra wrote:
Page 2. Still seeing Mega fits with more cap mods than magstabs. Sad

I like the Hyperion fit above.

That is how somebody NEW to Gallente ships should fit out of the box. Swapping out your tank for damage mods is the advanced tutorial.

Yep about 1K DPs with rails and Hobgobs is indeed a very bad fit, I should feel ashamed Lol


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