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Hulkageddon made me quit

First post
Breezly Brewin
Vril Metaphysics Society
#501 - 2012-06-21 10:08:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Breezly Brewin
Karak Bol wrote:
I lived in lowsec, I mined there, I "tried" to teach miners coming from HighSec running from Hulkageddon how to mine. My lesson started with:
1. You jump into your fast Frigate to make bookmarks. (Answer: What do i need a fast frigate for? I dont have one!)
2. Then some of you get in to a frigate with a cloak to scout (Answer: I still dont have frigate, we can use cloaks yes, so we can use cloaky Haulers, but if we scout, we cant make money!)
3. Then some of you jump into Drakes or whatnot (Answer: What? Even less Money???)
4. Then one Hauls... (Answer: Ok, I jump into my Orca or can we use a Rorq in the Belt?)... No, a T1 Hauler, that can hold a can (Answer: But that means the Hauler has to run so often!)
5. The rest of you gets into Covetors and starts to mine. (Answer: ... ... ... What is this Covetor you talk of? A Hulk or what?)
6. No the T1 Hulk, as it is expandable and insurable (Answer: But the Yield! The Yield!)
7. Get into your F...ING Covetors you Morons!

Many Highsec Miners are just not able to include losses into their ISK/Hour equation. I stopped trying to teach mining to highseccers shortly after.
I am not quiet up to date, but how many Covetors can you lose before it is the same cost as one Hulk? Including insurance of course. Like ten maybe?

So basically:
Loosing a Hulk: Coming to the forums full of tears, quitting the game
Loosing a Covetor: Shrug, buy a new one, mine on.

not including insurance 5 fit covetors is about the price of 1 fit hulk. my yield difference in a hulk is about 1600 m3/cycle while the covetor is about 1400 m3/cycle. i traded in 3 hulks for 15 covetors. there is now the mining barge geddon or whatever but i don't see many people jumping through hoops to destroy their sec rating for a lousy 25m reward. a covetor is a softer target, but if i was ganking the isk the miner loses over a covetor just wouldnt be worth the effort / sec loss. i'd rather take out a hulk, a covetor the miner would just Roll
Aulx-Gao Ekanon
#502 - 2012-06-21 11:45:23 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Dosnix
Edit: off topic deleted

ISD Dosnix

_Naughty by nature, wicked by choice. _

Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#503 - 2012-06-21 17:31:48 UTC
Very seldom if ever do I post on any forum, but for this thread I find I must break my silence. I firmly support any long lasting Hulkageddon, merely for the fact that I have large stockpiles of minerals, ore, ice and ice materials, just waiting to sell for high prices. Please Goons, continue with the fine work and keep this going as long as possible. If I weren't such a carebear, I would totally join in on the hulk bashing myself. Instead, I think I will head out into nullsec belts and sacrifice a few hulks to the Gods of EVE, and and two of their children, MoA and Goons.

Have fun, and release the trolls!

PS -- I want to change my avatar to a cave troll.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#504 - 2012-06-22 18:49:18 UTC
Wait, what? It took 3 thrashers to kill you?

As a miner/industrialist, I'd normally sympathize. However it’d take 2 or three battleships to kill my hulk. Did you have any kind of tank fit?

On a different note, if you’re that tight on cash, you should have been flying covetors until your cash situation evened out. Never, and I mean NEVER fly a ship you don’t have the cash to replace.

Sorry you felt the need to quit, but this game can be hard on those who don’t pick up this stuff quickly.
Ristlin Wakefield
Amarr Empire
#505 - 2012-06-22 19:01:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Ristlin Wakefield



I have a lover, her name is EVE. I see her every night and all she asks in return is that I have a pilot's license.

Pandora Myuki
Goonswarm Federation
#506 - 2012-06-23 05:07:44 UTC
Jeremy Firewind wrote:
As I said, yes. These tears are what you after, have them. Risk/ Reward/Cost are totally out of whack here.
Being capable to destroy a ship with a 100th of the isk in the "safer" empire space is just ridicoulus.

And I know that this will get trolled to hell and back. Hiding behind some Internet Avatar and flinging big words is easy, heh? Well this was my last reply here, fly safe.

$5000 boat with 100lbs of cheap exlposives takes out a 10billion dollar oil tanker
#507 - 2012-06-23 06:30:52 UTC
Jeremy Firewind wrote:
As I said, yes. These tears are what you after, have them. Risk/ Reward/Cost are totally out of whack here.
Being capable to destroy a ship with a 100th of the isk in the "safer" empire space is just ridicoulus.

And I know that this will get trolled to hell and back. Hiding behind some Internet Avatar and flinging big words is easy, heh? Well this was my last reply here, fly safe.

well if you feel that bad look at the list of players and look what they lost and your 300 mil will seem like chump change ok i have heard stories of people losing billions durning burn jita ok and you are bitching about 300 mil really now

you just need to give up on life because it is not fair and you need to be smart about it and try to have fun any way you look at it you will die or lose money in eve so really now just stop your tears and grow the **** up
Reech Yvormes
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#508 - 2012-06-24 03:11:07 UTC
i am jumping ship now, after a month of play. got ganked and podded in 0.5 and lost my implants, all my fault it seems. Mining in an asteroid belt obviously offended some guy who decided to pod me too. lost all of my implants that i was using to get training done, +4s. really have no incentive or drive to even boot eve up again.

Anyway, the few tears that i am sharing here hopefully will feed some of you and its not such a waste of time if someone gets something out of it. but i am jumping ship now after 1 month because this sort of "pvp" and griefing gameplay just isnt for me.

maybe some real pvp does go on out there. but when i dont even have one skill at level 5 and i am being ganked by people in tech 3 cruisers who have been playing a year.

i have to ask myself wether i was just too late finding eve and that this game really hasnt got much to offer people after a year of playing the game.

cya guys, nice chatting with you and thanks to all those who helped in rookie / help channels.
Surfin's PlunderBunny
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#509 - 2012-06-24 03:18:17 UTC
Pandora Myuki wrote:
Jeremy Firewind wrote:
As I said, yes. These tears are what you after, have them. Risk/ Reward/Cost are totally out of whack here.
Being capable to destroy a ship with a 100th of the isk in the "safer" empire space is just ridicoulus.

And I know that this will get trolled to hell and back. Hiding behind some Internet Avatar and flinging big words is easy, heh? Well this was my last reply here, fly safe.

$5000 boat with 100lbs of cheap exlposives takes out a 10billion dollar oil tanker

You don't need to spend that much on a boat Big smile

"Little ginger moron" ~David Hasselhoff 

Want to see what Surf is training or how little isk Surf has?

Jude Lloyd
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#510 - 2012-06-24 03:51:32 UTC


This is wonderful. \o/


I'm back!

waistland prospecters
#511 - 2012-06-26 17:08:53 UTC
Jeremy Firewind wrote:

I find it totally untolarable, that 3 1 mill Isk ships can easily gank my tanked 300mill hull. Sorry, but this makes me really sad. It put me out of business for good, that was my last money. Your cool event just cost CCP a subscriber.

Yes tears are delightful, yadda, yadda, no stuff is to be had, because it all exploded.

Ok this guy is crying over losing one hulk and then giving up the game. man i know i have laid down some tears here and also opened my mouth and caught hell over it more then once, but yet i am still here and the event that goon is doing hell if you did your home work and researched you would know what is going on in the game, it is stated here in the forums all the time. and really that puts me at another point, if you can not afford to insure the ship then do not fly it i mean really now if you buy a ship and you can not even afford to put the basic insurance on it then you should not be flying it at all and if you are then you should lose it for being stupid.

more over if i could could the cost of isk i have lost in ships do to being ganked and running missions and other stuff i do it would be in the billions or i think closer to the trillions i mean in one shot i lost a billion worth of tech 3 ships and mods during burn jita, and i am not crying about it.

so if you want safe or a game that you can not die in then to and hang out with all the other pussies on world of warcraft and hide under your mothers skirt.
because eve is for the big boys and girls of gaming.

more over you need to be smart about how you do things in this game. like i aid it before if you can not afford to fly it then do not fly it and if you can not insure it after you fully fit it then you should not be flying it either. rule of thumb is if you have at least enough to insure it then you can fly it

for all the ones that have been on the game a while might agree with me on that.

but if you cry in the forums then just let it out there are people here with tear buckets for you to cry in

under the radar is where i fly i make my isk like very one

#512 - 2012-06-27 09:32:31 UTC
Mike Adoulin
Happys Happy Hamster Hunting Club
#513 - 2012-06-27 11:49:22 UTC
The obvious solution is for highsec miners to start mining in Domi's.

Also, how the hell can you own a Hulk and NOT have at least one Covetor gathering rust in your hanger bay?


Everything in EVE is a trap.

And if it isn't, it's your job to make it a trap...:)

You want to know what immorality in EVE Online looks like? Look no further than Ripard "Jester" Teg.

Chribba is the Chuck Norris of EVE.

Moonlit Raid
#514 - 2012-06-27 11:59:48 UTC
Why hasn't a Dev/GM posted in this thread?

If brute force isn't working, you're just not using enough.

Please Note: Any advice given comes with the caveat that nothing will be suitable for every situation.

Ristlin Wakefield
Amarr Empire
#515 - 2012-06-27 14:35:29 UTC
Reech Yvormes wrote:
i am jumping ship now, after a month of play. got ganked and podded in 0.5 and lost my implants, all my fault it seems. Mining in an asteroid belt obviously offended some guy who decided to pod me too. lost all of my implants that i was using to get training done, +4s. really have no incentive or drive to even boot eve up again.

Anyway, the few tears that i am sharing here hopefully will feed some of you and its not such a waste of time if someone gets something out of it. but i am jumping ship now after 1 month because this sort of "pvp" and griefing gameplay just isnt for me.

maybe some real pvp does go on out there. but when i dont even have one skill at level 5 and i am being ganked by people in tech 3 cruisers who have been playing a year.

i have to ask myself wether i was just too late finding eve and that this game really hasnt got much to offer people after a year of playing the game.

cya guys, nice chatting with you and thanks to all those who helped in rookie / help channels.

You shouldn't quit over this loss (a Retriever?). The implants do hurt, but there are ways to avoid losing expensive ones like that.

If you need some pointers, open up a chat channel with me or send me a mail. I'd prefer new players not quit because new players mean a better EVE community down the road. It hurts to lose ships and to get podded, but it is part of the game, and it is a very good thing for the economy. Learning how to deal with losses and to avoid dying will simply allow you to move ahead faster.



I have a lover, her name is EVE. I see her every night and all she asks in return is that I have a pilot's license.

Din'stalor Alaric
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#516 - 2012-06-27 16:06:14 UTC
TL:DR - I got ganked.

Morale of the story - Stop mining, start playing Eve Online

Solo 4 Life.1v1 always honored, flying without booster alt since Oct 2010. No ransoms honored even if offered :)

Zyella Stormborn
Green Seekers
#517 - 2012-06-28 18:08:51 UTC
Pandora Myuki wrote:
Jeremy Firewind wrote:
As I said, yes. These tears are what you after, have them. Risk/ Reward/Cost are totally out of whack here.
Being capable to destroy a ship with a 100th of the isk in the "safer" empire space is just ridicoulus.

And I know that this will get trolled to hell and back. Hiding behind some Internet Avatar and flinging big words is easy, heh? Well this was my last reply here, fly safe.

$5000 boat with 100lbs of cheap exlposives takes out a 10billion dollar oil tanker

Heh, poor example. That 5k boat is piloted by someone who then dies, being unable to repeat the process. In eve there is no penalty except for that $5k as things stand. A balance issue I would like to see addressed ;P (while i agree with pple complaining about the risk/reward factor being so low for pirates in low sec, I'm not defending the OP who I think is just crying).

There is a special Hell for people like that, Right next to child molestors, and people that talk in the theater. ~Firefly

Deckard BladeRun
#518 - 2012-06-28 20:35:59 UTC
Hi complete newb player here. I know my input means didly but us noobs are broke and need space euros.

Why not hire us noobs waiting on our training skills to evolve beyond destroyers to come protect your big hulk hogans? For a modest fee I am sure you could hire a noob as a bodyguard to watch your hulkster. I am sure a noob would guard you for a reasonable rate. Rookie help chat is spammed all the time with people begging for money. We might not be that much of a help but maybe buy you enough time to make it back to safety and save your ship and its items and cargo.

Or maybe join a corporation and have your guild members help you?

I don't think crying and quitting ever solved anything. This is supposed to be one of the most challenging MMO's in existence so maybe this isn't a game for you if you quit because it is aggressive. One thing is for sure there are no space pandas that I have seen so far. Hell people tried to trick me into getting killed the very first time I undocked from the space station doing my first tutorial just trying to learn to pilot my ship. Telling me to get the free items in the yellow crates. It was like a baby seal trying to dodge club hunters. I wasn't in Kansas anymore. Isn't that one of the main selling points of this game though? Relentless and brutal?
Blobber NL
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#519 - 2012-06-28 22:05:17 UTC
Reech Yvormes wrote:
i am jumping ship now, after a month of play. got ganked and podded in 0.5 and lost my implants, all my fault it seems. Mining in an asteroid belt obviously offended some guy who decided to pod me too. lost all of my implants that i was using to get training done, +4s. really have no incentive or drive to even boot eve up again.

Anyway, the few tears that i am sharing here hopefully will feed some of you and its not such a waste of time if someone gets something out of it. but i am jumping ship now after 1 month because this sort of "pvp" and griefing gameplay just isnt for me.

maybe some real pvp does go on out there. but when i dont even have one skill at level 5 and i am being ganked by people in tech 3 cruisers who have been playing a year.

i have to ask myself wether i was just too late finding eve and that this game really hasnt got much to offer people after a year of playing the game.

cya guys, nice chatting with you and thanks to all those who helped in rookie / help channels.

1 year playing isnt really much.

Anyway, Good bye and good luck in WOW :)
Eddie Monaghan
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#520 - 2012-06-29 06:04:04 UTC
Jacob Staffuer wrote:
it's YOUR fault you lost your Hulk

Gonna have to disagree with you there mate.

If you get robbed, it's not your fault. It's the robbers'. Cuz they did it.

Just like when a woman gets raped it's not her fault. It's the rapist's. Cuz he did it.

Even if you leave your door unlocked. Even if you passed out drunk at a party. It is still the criminal's fault. Cuz they did it.

This is why victims are never punished for the crimes they are victim to. Imagine the outcry if people went to prison for not locking their doors because they were judged to be "accomplices". I mean, after all, if they'd locked their door the thief would have never been able to commit that crime, right? It's not the thief's fault - he's just doing what thieves do, drawn by an "irresistible urge" to enter unguarded houses and pilfer them.

Now, I know some idiot is going to mention "tank your Hulk". People are ganking Orca's. Orca's have a wee little bit more EHP than a tanked Hulk. If Orca's aren't safe, then neither are tanked Hulk's.

Now, could he have done things to prevent the gank? Absolutely. Does that mean he's "at fault" for the gank? Absolutely not.

Wrong. It would be yours. You have the responsibility to be aware of your surroundings at all times. It's on YOU to possibly see danger and adjust accordingly. It is not the fault of the person that decided his career choice was to take from others to meet his needs/wants. When that individual goes to prison or is killed, or dies of an overdose, THAT is his fault. It is your choice to live in la la land as if everything is fine. It is also not the fault of your local Police or Government that you were robbed. There is no way possible to put eyes on 300+ million people 24/7, and not to mention it's against good moral Judgement to do so. Take some responsibility for yourself and your choices.

Eve is not real life. I am not a criminal in real life, I am a veteran of the U.S. Military and have done Police work since. I will never run out of work to do, because people will always take from others. But it truly amazes me how much I see crimes committed that could have been nullified by an aware victim.

- Lo they do call to me. They bid me take my place among them, in the halls of Valhalla. Where the brave may live forever.