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Guide to Caldari militia (aka., you are in it, welcome aboard)

Joanna Ramirez
Intaki Militia
#1 - 2012-06-24 19:43:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Joanna Ramirez
NOTE: This is a guide mainly for new people looking to join Caldari militia.

So you have decided to enlist for the Caldari state, congratulations, here is your blue jersey. For starters, you will be tattooed with a stigma that you are unskilled noob, mission farmer who cannot find his arse if he sits on it and whose fitting skills would cause mission NPCs to blush. Worst of all, you will probably end up flying with people like Damar Rocarion (Consult your doctor if this poses a risk to your mental health) at some point.

You still want to join? Then read on, we are really not that terrible.


Back when faction war started, Caldari were designated ”noob militia” which would outnumber every other militia, which would naturally attract ”l33t pvp'ers” to farm said noobs. For a while this held true, then few corporations who knew their stuff came along and put some starch to peoples collars.

In a spirit of selfless cooperation and sacrifice of countless manhours of work, Caldari militiated did something which so far no-one has repeated. Occupied and held every enemy system for over 10 months.

The troops were rocking, ships were rolling. Low-sec doomsdays happened, first ever t3 cruisers got annihilated by vengeful state and to see ”Boys in blue” in local meant you better evacuate the premises. Pilots like Unfamed II became legends.

Then we hit the shitters despite few noteworthy events and eventually lost most occupied enemy systems. Draketrain and Wolfsbrigade got it all back together somewhat, egos clashed, went down and eventually Caldari militia fell to a gutter faster than a 5$ hooker gobbles down a sausage.

The inevitable doom that was Inferno patch suddenly woke people to action that cooperation was needed. Lines were held and low-sec bases secured. After Inferno expansion, added influx of plexers who were eager to profit from high-quality Caldari LP store put pressure on Gallente systems. Even some proper pvp corps were painting blue tags to their ships. Suddenly things did not seem so grim after all...


New guy in militia chat: Hello, I just joined militia.
Bittervet #1: SPAI!
Bittervet #2: Lol noob, whose alt you are?
Bittervet #3: Stone the infidel!

This is most likely the first thing you will witness in any militia chat. This is to be expected as spying is rampant in Eve and faction war is no different except that there is no control who can join it. So basicly it will be hard to cut it out in NPC militia corp as new player and best advice is to search for a player corporation to join (see below).

If for some reason you want to stay in NPC militia, then your best bet is to go out solo, get some kills/losses and promotions and in general, try to get spotted by one of the abovementioned bittervets. It can be hard so new player should not try to soldier on unless he already has extensive knowledge of the game. Some people like Squatdog have achieved it though so it's not impossible.

It goes without saying that hardly anyone uses eve-voice tool available and all inter-militia voice comms use teamspeak, so install it to your computer right away. Public channel is open to all but corp channels require permissions to enter.

Once you have gotten past the initial shock and unwelcoming nature of the game, you will need a base of operations. But before doing that, make sure you SET YOUR OVERVIEW NOT TO SHOW FRIENDLY MILITIA (avoids friendly fire, very important) and go to evemail and set your CSPA charge to 0, because nobody likes to pay money to get people join their fleet.
Joanna Ramirez
Intaki Militia
#2 - 2012-06-24 19:44:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Joanna Ramirez

Does not matter if you are new or experienced guy, you will most likely have your own ”home area”, whether it's your ”pvp area” while you make ISK elsewhere or a full-time home.

Most of the established corps operating in militia right now, such as Caldari State Capturing have their neutral jump freighter alts to supply low-sec bases which means members can go to Jita, buy a bulk of stuff and then have it delivered to their door with a contract and without risking war targets intercepting it in high-sec.

If you are still starting in militia and want to base ships near low-sec, then best area tends to be high-security space around Onnamon solar system as you have three low-sec entrances nearby. Unfortunately two of these in Kinakka and Akidagi often have camps in them.

Situation is not helped by enemy high-sec camp in Litiura which is there more often than not. However, if you can stash your assets there with neutral hauler or by dropping militia for a little while, this is not an issue. High-sec Black Rise also has decent markets though some of the prices compared to Jita put the term ”arm & leg” to shame.

Nourvukainen used to be popular with militia but less so these days because Tama is also often camped (You see the pattern yet?). Less beaten path is Oshaima where you can sneak in to low-sec via Hysera.

If this sounds daunting, do not worry. Caldari do high-sec camping and raids in equal measure, perhaps even bit more than our counterparts in other militias.


Government pays top dollar and in this case, you can even be less qualified than a corrupt official in Uzbekistan to earn it. The best income you can do in militia is to fly a decently fitted frigate and speed tank gallente plexes, if for some reason the cost of ammunition is bankrupting you Roll

You can easily get enough lp for several faction ships with relatively little effort. Even with prices being what they are, you can still turn a tidy profit with them. By keeping eye warzone control tiers and market prices, you should avoid the worst pitfalls of price dumping.

Of course you can just mission regularly or mine while in militia, but there is always a risk some dirty rotten scroundel comes to kill you while doing it. Faction NPCs give some protection in high-sec but you can still be killed in hit-and-run attacks. Also, never ever autopilot while in militia! (unless you have some 0 clone spy alt to move)


Even if there are no fleets to be had, one can always contribute to the war effort. I recommend reading the excellent plexing guide by Damar Rocarion. As a lone pilot you can defend own systems and attack hostile systems to contribute to warzone control and thus help whole militia in their money making so even if there does not happen to be big operation going on, you can always do something.

Of course, these lulls in action can be used to perhaps run some missions or perhaps visit a local market hub to sell your loot and fit couple of more boats. Since nobody likes the guy who joins fleet and says "Can you wait for a while since I need to go to Jita and fit a ship?*"

*Which would inevitably delay the leaving of fleet by at least 20-30 minutes and thus nobody will wait you.
Joanna Ramirez
Intaki Militia
#3 - 2012-06-24 19:44:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Joanna Ramirez

Before moving anywhere, you should check the awesome Dotlan maps and get familiar with general geography of our war theatre.

Since you cannot dock just anywhere you want, basing in low-sec is not necessarily so easy. At the very least one should join an existing low-sec corporation or bring a new corporation to plant the flag so to speak. Below I will outline some areas (relevant as of 24.6.2012)

Eha - Innia: There two systems are located in north-west Black Rise. Caldari State Capturing and ]Black Rise Guerillas are located around this area. They are not too deep in low-sec though Kinakka and Akidagi routes are somewhat camped. Both offer access to Vlilirrier and Nennamaila quite easily and thus into enemy held space.

Ladistier – Old Man Star: These two systems and Vifrevaert (aka the grand plex whoring system) once formed the impregnable PERVStier of Caldari militia before it was abandoned when Space Perverts and Forum Warriors united dissolved and it's later incarnation Draketrain left Caldari militia.

Nowadays Caldari militias Bloody Ronin Syndicate and their russian pirate allies (who will kill you) live in this area and keep FDU bottled up nicely in their high-sec Villore. Nasranite Watch from Caldari State Capturing has also moved to area, housing some of the old timers of militia such as Damar Rocarion and Bad Messenger.

Okkamon: Okkamon guards entry to north-east Black Rise and is home of Templis Dragonaors alliance.

Sujarento and nearby: This area is home of Snuff box alliance who sometimes helps Caldari militia but in general they kill everyone. This area is somewhat deserted by Caldari corporations and as such is farmed a lot by gallente alt plexers and could use some presence to discourage this.

Odds and ends: Of course there are plenty of systems adjancent to low-sec FW or in low-sec which are not part of the faction war and offer places to base without worrying whether or not you are able to dock.

For example, in Placid region there is an entire ”high-sec island” in the middle of it which borders enemy agent systems like Eugales or non-fw low-sec such as Pelille, located conviniently close to enemy high-sec. In Essence region there is high-sec Actee or low-sec Yvangier to base, not to mention Aeschee.

Rule of thumb is that you can even base in enemy high-sec if the system is 0.5 since the faction navy is more or less irrelevant there for ships like drake.


Low-sec has lots of them and even the best of pilots eventually run into one with instalocking t3 boats which have 30km scram range and 100km web range. Their locations tend to be fairly predictable though, guarding bottleneck systems close to entry systems.

Most frequently camped gates are: Tama/Sujarento, Tama/Nourvukaiken (high-sec), Akidagi/Ichoriya (high-sec), Pynekastoh/Hikkoken, Kehjari/Martoh, Heydieles/Old Man star, Kinakka/Onnamon (high-sec) and Alparena/Reschard


In general, range is king in Caldari militia. You will want to train caracals, arty thrashers, beam coercers and heavy missile drakes among others. You will be outnumbered and very often enemy is running warfare links in their t3 alts so picking off enemy at range not going too close so they land a scram on you is recommended. While brawler boats are good in many situations, if you dont know exatly what you face, then better go with range fits.

Going over particular ship fits here (as each corp has their preferred setup) would be impractical but few rules of thumb apply. To be useful in fleets, you should first acquire ability to fly ships like Nagas, Drakes, Oracles and Taloses. Once your wallet and skill points enable it, learn skills for armor battleships (Amarr is a good default here).

Depending what your favourite race is, you can train for special ships as they are always needed and welcome to fleets. This means logistics, lachesis, rapiers, arazus, curses and lets face it, it's a rare fleet that says that says no to a falcon or rook.

Asking for ship fitting advice is recommended and is actually one of the few things militia chat is useful. Blatant trolls are fairly easily ignored.


We are the remains of old and glorious army, now battered and still seeking their place in the world but after long decline, perhaps we are finally getting stronger again. Other militias have it easier and do not have the stigma of "lazy missioners" but Caldari have always sticked to their principles, never given up and every now and then give the others a bloody nose or at least a run for their money.

Tho' much is taken, much abides; and tho'
We are not now that strength which in old days
Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are;
One equal temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.

For the State!
Joanna Ramirez
Intaki Militia
#4 - 2012-06-24 19:47:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Joanna Ramirez

Here is a list of some of the better known Caldari corporations. Descriptions have been asked from people in them and undersigned takes no responsibility of factor and self-bragging included in descriptions. This list will be updated as needed and if any corporations/alliances want themselves included. No refunds given for false advertising Lol

Caldari State Capturing (Alliance): As name indicates, it focuses lots of it's efforts on system capturing and fighting in FW plexes. Currently consists of 5 member corporations and bulk of the activities are mainly around Eha/Oicx area. Nasranite Watch is mainly focused for EU timezone while other corps are more active in US timezone.

Progressive State/Section 9 (Alliance): Progressive State are a dedicated Caldari Militia corporation. We have been actively engaged in the war with the Federal Defence Union for a number of years and have strong relationships with our fellow militia pilots. We work closely with various militia organisations to secure and occupy solar systems of strategic value and keep a strong State presence throughout Black Rise and Placid.

Providence Directorate (Corp): The Caldari State recognizes Providence Directorate as an elite gendarmerie founded on the principles of supporting state directives as required by the militia command. PRO initiates its operations by engaging the Gallente directly in ship to ship combat and works to eliminate the enemy through plex operations and denial of enemy infrastructure assets. A member of Inquisition Alliance within the Caldari State, PRO looks to destroy or deny their enemies on every possible front within Balckrise and beyond.

The Bloody Ronin Syndicaten (Alliance): The Bloody Ronin Syndicate was build by IBS to create lttle bit dickless pvp alliance in the caldari militia. Currently in coalition with Russian alliances in Molotov Cocktail Pact and is actually costing gals so many we laughing over vodka stakans. By their own theirs, their only assets are their kills and they live outside main Caldari political stream as their CEO says he is a bitter old fart Lol

SQUIDS. (Corp): Our corp started out by taking the one of the most abundant but least used resources that is available in FW, that being new players. We recruited as many new players as we could get our hands on and put them in Thrashers, then took them into combat. We have managed to build up a decent number of active members with this approach and have become one of the largest non alliance corps in Caldari Militia, while still being a very young corp still finding it's way.

As a corp we have grown past our Thrashers, but still keep them close at hand, while moving on to field an ever growing army of Drakes & Hurricanes. We fly a lot of corp gangs to keep the small gang spirit alive and also help fill out larger Militia fleets. We focus on PVP both in and out of FW, hunting anywhere from low sec to null sec and anywhere in between.

Black Rise Guerilla Forces (Corp): German corp. We want to do "our part" for Caldari Militia and were proud to be part of it. Name is program, were often fly small stuff with fast Hit and Run Tactics. Also Plexing is daily business to "expand and protect" CalMil Area.

United Space Marine Corp (Corp): We are a core group of old More-Cowbell players who helped take all Gallente space back in the days of Caldari FW Dominance. When MCB left for 0.0 we stayed in FW and formed our own corp.Dormant for many months we have experienced a recent resurgence of activity and are looking for new members who place an emphasis on small gang and maneuver warfare.

We also expect our veteran members (and new ones eventually) to be able to field top of the Line BS when militia wide operations call for it, but our focus is on smaller ops and covop fleets .Emphasis is on delivering Max DPS from fast locking fast moving ships. Currently recruiting players looking to apply real life maneuver warfare principles to FW.

22nd Black Rise Defensive Unit (Corp):
Joanna Ramirez
Intaki Militia
#5 - 2012-06-24 20:06:17 UTC
Reserved for possible part 5.
The Dissident
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#6 - 2012-06-24 21:37:23 UTC
From a player that just got into the fleet war scene this was great. Thanks for putting it together.
The Church of Awesome
#7 - 2012-06-25 00:00:36 UTC
Another excellent FW guide.
You have always been very helpful to new FW members. +1

#8 - 2012-06-25 04:08:40 UTC
Nice post and lot of good info for new members/corps to Caldari Militia.
Caldari State
#9 - 2012-06-25 04:23:42 UTC
+1 bajillion for a really awesome guide!

*edit* bookmarking and handing out to new guys

Haaaaaalp my head's on fire

Vordak Kallager
#10 - 2012-06-25 04:53:58 UTC
keep up good poasting

Sa souvraya niende misain ye.

Lock out
Shadows Of The Federation
#11 - 2012-06-25 05:17:06 UTC
Good job.
Black Rise Guerilla Forces
#12 - 2012-06-25 07:20:06 UTC
+1 Thx for this good post!
Shadows Of The Federation
#13 - 2012-06-25 12:10:47 UTC
Nice post mate.
#14 - 2012-06-25 13:40:27 UTC
Nice read and vital info for everyone knocking at the door of Caldari Militia. +1
#15 - 2012-06-25 14:25:19 UTC
This is v-good, 1 tip from me

Dont afk in space

Dont A.P.

Ok thats two

:) Evil
State War Academy
Caldari State
#16 - 2012-06-25 14:37:42 UTC
well done ! Big smile
Major Killz
inglorious bastards.
#17 - 2012-06-25 15:19:16 UTC
QQ "For the state!" 07

[u]Ich bin ein Pirat ![/u]

X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#18 - 2012-06-25 15:37:49 UTC
We are using this valuable intel to plan a counter attack. Nice job.
Caldari State
#19 - 2012-07-01 01:47:18 UTC

Haaaaaalp my head's on fire

Super Chair
Project Cerberus
Templis CALSF
#20 - 2012-07-01 05:49:25 UTC
GavinGoodrich wrote:

Not sure if this is the alcohol talking, but your portrait looks creepy as hell right now. Shocked
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