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Goons 4x4ing through the Sandbox - Market Manipulation on a Grand Scale

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Cygnet Lythanea
World Welfare Works Association
#1921 - 2012-06-23 01:36:37 UTC
Richard Desturned wrote:
Cygnet Lythanea wrote:
What do I mine that makes me, personally, 100 billion isk in 2 months or so? Please, keep trying. I'm dying to hear this.


You do realize that to multi-box enough accounts to do it, I might as well just buy the plex and save myself some money, right?
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1922 - 2012-06-23 01:37:16 UTC
Cygnet Lythanea wrote:
Xython wrote:
Cygnet Lythanea wrote:
How exactly does one match the staggering profits of such an exploit after CCP has specifically iced it? Enlighten me as to how I can make trillions in profit with next to no risk whatsoever.

Here you go. Ignore the crackpot pubbies on the forums ranting about how it's oh so dangerous an activity, you'll die on average once a year or so and make a few Trillion with absolutely no risk due to the same crackpot pubbies blubbering to CCP every single time someone looks at them funny.

What do I mine that makes me, personally, 100 billion isk in 2 months or so? Please, keep trying. I'm dying to hear this.

I suggest mining morons. You can get 500m per recruitment scam, easily. If you work hard at it, 100 billion isk in 2 months should be quite easy, that's only 200 marks.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1923 - 2012-06-23 01:39:06 UTC
Xython wrote:
Cygnet Lythanea wrote:
Xython wrote:
Cygnet Lythanea wrote:
How exactly does one match the staggering profits of such an exploit after CCP has specifically iced it? Enlighten me as to how I can make trillions in profit with next to no risk whatsoever.

Here you go. Ignore the crackpot pubbies on the forums ranting about how it's oh so dangerous an activity, you'll die on average once a year or so and make a few Trillion with absolutely no risk due to the same crackpot pubbies blubbering to CCP every single time someone looks at them funny.

What do I mine that makes me, personally, 100 billion isk in 2 months or so? Please, keep trying. I'm dying to hear this.

I suggest mining morons. You can get 500m per recruitment scam, easily. If you work hard at it, 100 billion isk in 2 months should be quite easy, that's only 200 marks.

Do you really think he is capable of that? He apparently can't read and has a really bad memory so I doubt even mining is going to work out for him.
Marconus Orion
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#1924 - 2012-06-23 01:39:07 UTC
Fuujin wrote:
RichestPoorest guy in eve, right here.

You got screwed man. Always tomorrow. 07
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1925 - 2012-06-23 01:40:47 UTC
Graic Gabtar wrote:
Xython wrote:
From This interview:

Spurður hvort spilararnir þurfi að takast á við einhverjar afleiðingar vegna málsins svarar Pétur: „Tæknilega séð voru þeir ekki að gera neitt sem var bannað. Þannig það er óljóst hvað verður gert."

Pétur segir spilarana hafa einfaldlega nýtt sér glufu innan leiksins, „og er í raun týpískt fyrir EVE spilara. Það eru oft ótrúlega greindir náungar að spila leikinn. Það er frekar að það sé borin virðing fyrir hugvitsseminni hér innan húss," segir Pétur að lokum.

Or, in English:

Asked whether the players have to deal with any consequences of the case said Peter, "Technically speaking, they were not doing anything that was forbidden. Thus, it is unclear what will be done. "

Peter says the players have simply taken advantage of cracks within the game, "and is actually very typical for EVE players. There are often amazing diagnosed guys playing the game. It is further submitted that it is respect for the creative songwriting here inside the house, "said Peter, in the end.

CCP official: Goon Market Manipulation NOT against the rules, and NOT an exploit.

Tinfoil hat wearing pubbies, your comments?
So any comment on when items will be returned?

Not yet. CCP is in a difficult spot. Our econ team didn't cheat, nor did they exploit. They abused a poorly designed game mechanic, which isn't actionable. At the same time, they kinda HAVE to do something, if only a token gesture.
Cygnet Lythanea
World Welfare Works Association
#1926 - 2012-06-23 01:41:20 UTC
Xython wrote:

I suggest mining morons. You can get 500m per recruitment scam, easily. If you work hard at it, 100 billion isk in 2 months should be quite easy, that's only 200 marks.

Sorry, I've found new players (particularly those dumb enough to fall for that) are getting scarcer and scarcer thanks to the amazing negative publicity a certain alliance has been generating.

You guys do realize that while your exploits have a 'wow, that's cool' factor, it's usually also followed by the thought 'Wow, am I glad I don't play that game.'
Richard Desturned
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#1927 - 2012-06-23 01:42:41 UTC
Marconus Orion wrote:
Fuujin wrote:
RichestPoorest guy in eve, right here.

You got screwed man. Always tomorrow. 07

actually he's still solidly in the 1%

keep dreamin'

npc alts have no opinions worth consideration

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1928 - 2012-06-23 01:44:14 UTC
Cygnet Lythanea wrote:
Xython wrote:

I suggest mining morons. You can get 500m per recruitment scam, easily. If you work hard at it, 100 billion isk in 2 months should be quite easy, that's only 200 marks.

Sorry, I've found new players (particularly those dumb enough to fall for that) are getting scarcer and scarcer thanks to the amazing negative publicity a certain alliance has been generating.

You guys do realize that while your exploits have a 'wow, that's cool' factor, it's usually also followed by the thought 'Wow, am I glad I don't play that game.'

Thanks for showing us where the mean old goons touched you on the dollie. Thanks explains a lot.
Cygnet Lythanea
World Welfare Works Association
#1929 - 2012-06-23 01:45:11 UTC
Paint wrote:

Do you really think he is capable of that? He apparently can't read and has a really bad memory so I doubt even mining is going to work out for him.

Paint, while I grant my memory isn't what it used to be (I occasionally confuse Mittans and Sir Molle anymore) I might point out that for a very long time, I made money every time your allies came to me begging for more ships (cap and otherwise) because some goon plan that didn't involve a con, cheat or exploit blew up in their faces.
Richard Desturned
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#1930 - 2012-06-23 01:45:53 UTC
Cygnet Lythanea wrote:
Sorry, I've found new players (particularly those dumb enough to fall for that) are getting scarcer and scarcer thanks to the amazing negative publicity a certain alliance has been generating.

You guys do realize that while your exploits have a 'wow, that's cool' factor, it's usually also followed by the thought 'Wow, am I glad I don't play that game.'

do i really need to shoot down the 'only new players fall for scams' myth again

npc alts have no opinions worth consideration

Epic Ganking Time
#1931 - 2012-06-23 01:47:03 UTC
Xython wrote:
Cygnet Lythanea wrote:
How exactly does one match the staggering profits of such an exploit after CCP has specifically iced it? Enlighten me as to how I can make trillions in profit with next to no risk whatsoever.

You'll note that CCP is not calling this an exploit, and in interviews so far they are very carefully not calling it an exploit.

You sound worried.

Heh. Twisted

Signatures should be used responsibly...

Cygnet Lythanea
World Welfare Works Association
#1932 - 2012-06-23 01:47:23 UTC
Richard Desturned wrote:

do i really need to shoot down the 'only new players fall for scams' myth again

Ideally you're correct, but in all honesty, after a while, we assume that anything anyone says is a scam of some sort.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1933 - 2012-06-23 01:47:46 UTC
Cygnet Lythanea wrote:
Xython wrote:

I suggest mining morons. You can get 500m per recruitment scam, easily. If you work hard at it, 100 billion isk in 2 months should be quite easy, that's only 200 marks.

Sorry, I've found new players (particularly those dumb enough to fall for that) are getting scarcer and scarcer thanks to the amazing negative publicity a certain alliance has been generating.

You guys do realize that while your exploits have a 'wow, that's cool' factor, it's usually also followed by the thought 'Wow, am I glad I don't play that game.'

Ah, the mythical "clueless carebear". I thought it was a joke made up to scare Newbees.

No, people are always going to be dumb. And since Goons are winning the culture war, more and more want to join us every day. We're just better at this game than almost everyone else, and we easily have more fun than most. And dear god, does that **** some people off. :)

And as for our exploits -- the fact that people can get away with scamming, with infiltration, with market manipulation is literally EVE's only truly unique feature. It's literally the only reason most people play the game, in a meta concept. It sure as heck isn't due to the.... "unique"... UI or PVE mechanics.

Hey fellow Gallente pilots: What books do you read while ratting? I'm going through the latest few Discworld novels, myself.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1934 - 2012-06-23 01:49:18 UTC
Cygnet Lythanea wrote:
Paint wrote:

Do you really think he is capable of that? He apparently can't read and has a really bad memory so I doubt even mining is going to work out for him.

Paint, while I grant my memory isn't what it used to be (I occasionally confuse Mittans and Sir Molle anymore) I might point out that for a very long time, I made money every time your allies came to me begging for more ships (cap and otherwise) because some goon plan that didn't involve a con, cheat or exploit blew up in their faces.

Ha ha oh really? Do tell. Are you in fact also Istvaan Shogaatsu?

Come on, admit it, you planned all this back during the 2007 Bob BBQ right?
Richard Desturned
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#1935 - 2012-06-23 01:49:59 UTC
Cygnet Lythanea wrote:
Ideally you're correct, but in all honesty, after a while, we assume that anything anyone says is a scam of some sort.

considering that many of our recruitment scams end with pubbie carriers getting doomsdayed while attempting to dock in VFK, or with faction battleships being handed over for "transport" or many other sorts of hilarity, well, I wouldn't consider the victims new players by any stretch

npc alts have no opinions worth consideration

Goonswarm Federation
#1936 - 2012-06-23 01:50:09 UTC
Cygnet Lythanea wrote:
Xython wrote:
Cygnet Lythanea wrote:
How exactly does one match the staggering profits of such an exploit after CCP has specifically iced it? Enlighten me as to how I can make trillions in profit with next to no risk whatsoever.

Here you go. Ignore the crackpot pubbies on the forums ranting about how it's oh so dangerous an activity, you'll die on average once a year or so and make a few Trillion with absolutely no risk due to the same crackpot pubbies blubbering to CCP every single time someone looks at them funny.

What do I mine that makes me, personally, 100 billion isk in 2 months or so? Please, keep trying. I'm dying to hear this.

ISboxer, Another legal mutliboxing method. It's all the rage in mining now.

Leader of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal.

Creator of Burn Jita

Vile Rat: You're the greatest sociopath that has ever played eve.

Epic Ganking Time
#1937 - 2012-06-23 01:50:48 UTC
Enaris Kerle wrote:
Gogela wrote:
Preceptor Stigmartyr wrote:
Enaris Kerle wrote:

it's true, everyone who ever manipulated the market in EVE or made money from the PI changes or Pax Amarria got banned, and their entire corp too


Who got banned for PI changes?

Who got banned for Pax Amarria?

I haven't heard any of that... what even happened? How would that happen? Got a link? Anyone?

Nobody got banned. Which is entirely the point I was trying to make re: that guy who wanted to have all goons banned for what is effectively playing the market on a grand scale.

Ah. I misunderstood. Yah... I mean I agree. If it's within the normal mechanics of the game it should be fine. This wasn't a coding error. It wasn't even an error. CCP just failed to anticipate. Right?

Signatures should be used responsibly...

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1938 - 2012-06-23 01:52:51 UTC
Gogela wrote:
Enaris Kerle wrote:
Gogela wrote:
Preceptor Stigmartyr wrote:
Enaris Kerle wrote:

it's true, everyone who ever manipulated the market in EVE or made money from the PI changes or Pax Amarria got banned, and their entire corp too


Who got banned for PI changes?

Who got banned for Pax Amarria?

I haven't heard any of that... what even happened? How would that happen? Got a link? Anyone?

Nobody got banned. Which is entirely the point I was trying to make re: that guy who wanted to have all goons banned for what is effectively playing the market on a grand scale.

Ah. I misunderstood. Yah... I mean I agree. If it's within the normal mechanics of the game it should be fine. This wasn't a coding error. It wasn't even an error. CCP just failed to anticipate. Right?

Pretty much. CCP didn't think hard enough about the design change they made, and Goons, being Goons, pushed it to it's limit.

I still think it's better that 5 people who are working with CCP to help explain and investigate the emergent gameplay of the change is better than 500 people exploiting it slowly over the course of a year, but that's just me. :)
Sizeof Void
Ninja Suicide Squadron
#1939 - 2012-06-23 01:53:58 UTC
Aryth wrote:
I will be attending a wedding tomorrow, so gone pretty much the entire day and most of Sunday.

Good. Enjoy yourself in RL this weekend and get this out of your head.

In the end, for us players, it is just a game, after all. Certainly not worth running up your blood pressure and stressing your hair grey.

After all, none of us are so foolish as to invest our emotions in a silly game, like those ninnies playing WoW, right?
Goonswarm Federation
#1940 - 2012-06-23 01:55:15 UTC
Gogela wrote:
Enaris Kerle wrote:
Gogela wrote:
Preceptor Stigmartyr wrote:
Enaris Kerle wrote:

it's true, everyone who ever manipulated the market in EVE or made money from the PI changes or Pax Amarria got banned, and their entire corp too


Who got banned for PI changes?

Who got banned for Pax Amarria?

I haven't heard any of that... what even happened? How would that happen? Got a link? Anyone?

Nobody got banned. Which is entirely the point I was trying to make re: that guy who wanted to have all goons banned for what is effectively playing the market on a grand scale.

Ah. I misunderstood. Yah... I mean I agree. If it's within the normal mechanics of the game it should be fine. This wasn't a coding error. It wasn't even an error. CCP just failed to anticipate. Right?

It's not so much they failed to anticipate, it's more they didn't heed warnings many players gave them pre-change. Like I said earlier in the thread, I don't think they truly understood the problem until an extensive writeup was done. I spent quite some time explaining all the facets to them. It wasn't a single path. You could do this several ways. The fix is non-trivial. If you link a pricing system to something the players directly can influence, they will influence it.

Leader of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal.

Creator of Burn Jita

Vile Rat: You're the greatest sociopath that has ever played eve.