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CCP: What are you going to do about the storyline?

First post
Roisin Saoirse
#141 - 2012-05-31 12:44:59 UTC
N'maro Makari wrote:
The Dev response is appreciated, but it wont mean jack until we get action on words.

People were pretty exited when Dropbear did the live events presentation at EVE Vegas. People were exited when the Incursion live events went down. People were exited when Arekjalaan began.

All the above and every bit of story players have even been secondarily involved in have one thing in common.

After a little while we get infamous CCP Wall of Silence.

I mean, come on, during an ongoing live event, the main Dev leaves CCP and the only way we find out is when he actually tells us on external forums? Thats ******* unproffessional CCP, its nothing but ****** customer service.

Especially becuase alot of people put a great deal of time and their own personal ISK into the project and its now been effectively wasted.

Sort yourselves out CCP

Welcome to CCP.
Che Biko
Alexylva Paradox
#142 - 2012-05-31 13:09:27 UTC
Terrorfrodo wrote:
Fact is, whenever a roleplayer sticks out his nose somewhere, he is mocked. That can't feel good?

Oh well, it's usually just the usual suspects, and you get used to it really quick. It's EVE, after all.
And we keep to ourselves mostly, anyway. At least as far as the roleplaying is concerned.
Seismic Stan
Freebooted Junkworks
#143 - 2012-05-31 13:15:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Seismic Stan
Terrorfrodo wrote:
Seismic Stan wrote:
There really is no need to try to pigeon-hole and stigmatise people who embrace the fiction of an MMO. We're all part of the same MMO ecosystem. If you pretend to fly a spaceship, that's roleplaying-lite. You're not really a spaceman are you? You're just playing the role of one in an MMO. To some degree, everyone is an appreciator of the fictional content and therefore a roleplayer. Shower as much as you like, that's the dirty truth.

This is absolutely true. I wasn't stating what should be, only what is. Fact is, whenever a roleplayer sticks out his nose somewhere, he is mocked. That can't feel good?

For the record, real, in-character-speaking roleplayers make me chuckle as well, just because it seems so out of place in a game where most people don't do roleplaying other than in the "lite" sense you described.

I agree, traditional roleplaying as seen in more Tolkien-esque MMOs has a harder time in EVE. It's part of the culture I suppose - EVE appeals to people who have specifically gone out of their way to avoid some hackneyed Elf/Wizard retread, so their rejection of behaviour that reminds of them of that environment is understandable.

It's a shame that some people feel they need to attack content-seekers. In a sandbox gaming environment that is designed to accommodate a multitude of playstyles and encourage the player to find his own path, I don't understand the compulsion to disrespect folk who follow a different path. CCP doesn't do much to help the situation either. I've known CCP to decline linking player-created lore-based material on the EVE Online Facebook page, despite acknowledging its merit, because they felt it wouldn't be well-received by that community.

There certainly seems to have been a general cultural shift away from lore-driven material, so those who deride RPers seem to be getting their way. The Fanfest 2012 trailer was a welcome anomaly (and universally popular, encouragingly), but aside from that the vast majority of marketing material over the last few years has been targeting PvPers, so there's little wonder that within the current player population, content-appreciators and roleplayers are an endangered species.
Andreus Ixiris
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#144 - 2012-05-31 13:17:59 UTC
Terrorfrodo wrote:
This is absolutely true. I wasn't stating what should be, only what is. Fact is, whenever a roleplayer sticks out his nose somewhere, he is mocked. That can't feel good?

I'm pretty sure if it were anywhere close to the truth, it'd feel pretty bad.

Andreus Ixiris > A Civire without a chin is barely a Civire at all.

Pieter Tuulinen > He'd be Civirely disadvantaged, Andreus.

Andreus Ixiris > ...

Andreus Ixiris > This is why we're at war.

Lin-Young Borovskova
#145 - 2012-05-31 13:21:47 UTC
Rico Minali wrote:
I agree, Incursions in hisec go against all roleplaying, lore and storyline stuff. Its stupid.

It is not, Gallente are simply defenceless against Sancha invasion. It's a very good RP reason to invade their space.


N'maro Makari
Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#146 - 2012-05-31 15:33:18 UTC  |  Edited by: N'maro Makari
Terrorfrodo wrote:
Seismic Stan wrote:
There really is no need to try to pigeon-hole and stigmatise people who embrace the fiction of an MMO. We're all part of the same MMO ecosystem. If you pretend to fly a spaceship, that's roleplaying-lite. You're not really a spaceman are you? You're just playing the role of one in an MMO. To some degree, everyone is an appreciator of the fictional content and therefore a roleplayer. Shower as much as you like, that's the dirty truth.

This is absolutely true. I wasn't stating what should be, only what is. Fact is, whenever a roleplayer sticks out his nose somewhere, he is mocked. That can't feel good?

For the record, real, in-character-speaking roleplayers make me chuckle as well, just because it seems so out of place in a game where most people don't do roleplaying other than in the "lite" sense you described.

If people conformed to expectations this world would be boring as ****. Why the **** should I care what the forum warriors think of a playstyle which they dont actually play and doesnt affect them?

**Vherokior **

Domini Canium
#147 - 2012-05-31 18:14:56 UTC
Now that you mention it, I do notice lack of plot developments and in-game-world news in feeds. Those little pieces of fiction, like a series of reports about pop-singer's connection to a blood cult, or one about fedo-fetishist, were very good for world building. They made EVE feel more like persistent universe instead of "just a game".
Della Monk
Monastery of Drakes
#148 - 2012-05-31 19:19:50 UTC
Yeah, the big thing lacking in immersion is npc reactions to player events.
Have the Empress Jamyl berate the militia deserters and call upon the faithful to take up arms, interview an ORE representative about the boom in destruction and demand for their ships and the impact of OTEC on their operations, give us a CONCORD press release reassuring the masses that capsuleer violence is still being punished and that civilian ships have no reason to worry.
There doesn't have to be a flood of content, but content that acknowledges the players provides the perfect mix backdrop.
Hamish Grayson
#149 - 2012-06-02 11:14:47 UTC
Miilla wrote:
Eve lost it's storyline years ago.

It is more of a mash up nowadays.

Things went south when they started letting TonyG touch things in 2006, so south that there is a good chance it's not salvageable, but I'd like to see them at least try.
Makkal Hanaya
Revenent Defence Corperation
#150 - 2012-06-21 09:43:23 UTC
It's an unfortunate state of affairs.

Render unto Khanid the things which are Khanid's; and unto God the things that are God's.

Kalea Hashur
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#151 - 2012-06-22 00:00:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Kalea Hashur
I would LOVE to see events where massive collaboration between capsuleers was necessary to solve a problem. Incursions are that in a way, but the scale should be larger. An event where minerals or other items are needed for the construction of something? Awesome!

Example: A plague has struck an important system and is threatening to spread like a pandemic. Corporation X (insert relevant NPC corp here) has come up with a vaccine but does not have the resources to produce it on a large scale. A massive call to action goes out and BPCs seed on the market, but only in systems that NPC corp exists. Maybe it requires PI from a new schematic inserted JUST for this event. Capsuleers flock to this system and a flurry of production activity starts. Vaccines can be dropped off at certain systems for dispersal. After a global goal is achieved, pilots get rewards. Perhaps LP / Standings, something appropriate for that corp, etc. If the goal isn't met, something else (bad?) happens. This might sound like a ripoff of other MMO mechanics, but I think it'd be cool and fun and could definitely be tied into storyline pieces.

It could be a mass call for minerals, ships, massive numbers of NPC courier contracts, all sorts of things. Incursions SHOULD be long lasting and affect systems for days or weeks, and spread / shrink dynamically. Pirates camping gates or stations? Holy crap! That'd be cool.
Wyke Mossari
Staner Industries
#152 - 2012-09-18 19:05:08 UTC
Rodj Blake wrote:
If people don't seem to get involved with the storyline, it's because there's no storyline for them to get involved with.

Non-RPers got involved with the Emperor trials back in 2003. More than that, people who normally couldn't care less about "RP fluff" cared about the identity of the next Emperor.

Non-RPers cared about collecting the remains of the dead Jovian dude as well, and they also cared about the outcome of the Federation presidential election (although that particular event was botched more than Botchy McBotcherson's Botcher of the Year contest).

Non-RPers cared about the return of Sansha Kuvakei too. Unfortunately it's becoming increasingly apparent that the people who don't care about these things are CCP.

Agreed, Players have repeatedly shown an interest in Events that evolve the story line there is no need to be a hard core role player.
Katran Luftschreck
Royal Ammatar Engineering Corps
#153 - 2012-09-18 20:27:38 UTC
FW and RP have nothing to do with each other, and that makes me sad.

I remember back when I was a kid I was playing StarFleetBattles3 online (yeah I'm that old) and was out patrolling our border in my D'deridex (big frikkin' battleship) when I spotted some newbie in a Federation frigate doing something in our space. So I jumped into his mission, cloaked, warped up to him, decloaked and immediately snared him in a tractor beam. He fired off a few pointless shots into my shields (which did nothing) and I casually typed into local: "You are in violation of Romulan space. I suggest you leave. You will not be warned again." Then I released the tractor beam and recloaked as I watched his ship fly back into Federation space at breakneck speed.

Later I was engaged in a battle with someone flying a Borg Cube, a ship class that Romlan ships were particularly adept at taking out, but he didn't know that. After slowly wearing him down with numerous hit & cloak runs he started complaining "Stop cloaking and fight like a man!" (Not exactly in-character for a Borg, if you ask me). After I uncloaked right next to him for my finishing plasma alpha strike on his battered ship I replied "I'd rather fight like a Romulan." Like any true Power Gamer he then Alt+F4ed to avoid actually losing his ship.

Years later, in my Original SWG days, I got sick of listening to some Jedi jackhole brag about his leet PvP skills (all stats based, of course) in front of the local spaceport. So I challenged him to a duel ... in space, where stats didn't matter so much, especially against a Royal Guard TIE Interceptor with all custom fittings. He lasted less than 15 seconds. Again, being a "merciful jerk" I dropped right onto his butt and proceeded to systematically blow off his weapons and then his engines... and then I just flew away, leaving him stranded in space like a flipped-over turtle.

But that was gaming of yore, when MMOs were still called MMORPGs and before the domination of Power Gaming. These days the WoW mentality has pervaded every game out there, and power gaming is built right into the design of every MMO. There is no room left of for RP in such a world.

FW in EvE has nothing to do with RP, patriotic ideals, controlling territory or even PvP. FW is an ISK fountain. Was it meant to be like that? No, but that's because the players didn't want RP, patriotic ideals, territory control or even PvP. Players wanted an ISK fountain and so they looked at the FW mechanics, analyzed them, distilled it down to the ISK making part and threw the rest out the window.

And the saddest part is that they will continue to do so. They did it with Incursions before FW. They did it with nullsec sovereignty before that. Anything CCP ever tries to do to add content and lore to the game will be taken by the playerbase and rammed through their stupid ISK filter machine and everything it was ever supposed to be will be stripped away until all that will be left is an another pointless ISK fountain.

We have only ourselves to blame.